Anyone given up soda?



  • narenn
    I did not give it up, but just stopped it completely for the sake of aiding my diet. It helps that I do LOVE water and can down at least a gallon throughout the day pretty easily now...
  • lmethven
    I gave up soda and now buy sparkling water and drink normal water too. I also bought sugar free diluting juice which if I fancy something with a bit of flavour, I just pop some of that in. Even when I go to pubs, I know ask for Sparkling water if I am driving/not drinking.
  • PrettyPea
    OK, I will admit to being a HUGE COKEaholic! I looooovvveeee nothing more than a frosty coke with my meal. BUT, soda is the worse thing we frequently drink. I know how bad it is for my body just by the way i feel right after I drink a can. I feel sluggish & super bloated, so bloated my pants get tighter. I try not to drink it at all but there are times when i give in and i have one, once I have that one soda, I can't say no to the next one and the next one. The craving is so irresistible once i have that one taste.

    There is only one way to quit soda: COLD TURKEY!

    don't keep it in the house, steer clear of any vending machines. Soon enough you will forget about the cravings! You won't even think about soda, and you gotta learn to love love love water, there is nothing better for the body than water.
    Well hopefully this helps.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    I gave up soda 25 years ago. Water is the best drink in the house.
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    I have almost given it up as it slows down the weight loss process. I drink max of 600 ml of Diet Coke/Pepsi in a week.
  • themurph8910
    I have given it up...4 days sober here. I was hard the first couple of days had a major headache and was grumpy (could have also been becuase I was painting my house but I vote for the lack of pop) Hope fully I can keep it up...At least I can drink my vodka with OJ or Cranberry Juice lol.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I took an odd approach to quitting. I started by not keeping it in the house. I would stop every day on my way to work and buy one 20 oz bottle of pepsi. It was my reward for working out that day. No exercise, no pepsi. Then I started mixing 75% pepsi with 25% diet, then 50/50 then 25/75 until I was all diet pepsi (no coke yuck!) Then one day I decided I really didn't like the taste of diet at all and bought a SOBE lifewater on my way into work. I lost 4 lbs the first week of no pop!

    Last week I was sick and sent my son to store to buy diet ginger ale to calm my stomach. There are 11 left in the 12 pack!

    I went from a 24 pack plus a week habit to 7 sobes a week! My family and friends are SHOCKED! I am too! It's been 9 weeks and I honestly don't miss it at all!
  • baum5651
    I was drinking 1-2 cans of coke a day and decided to make a major cut back about a month ago. I drink alot of water and if I get tired of the taste I add a few drops of lemon juice to it. I also drink caffine free green tea with honey. If I have a soda its maybe 1-2 cans a week at the most.
  • JMaeMyers
    JMaeMyers Posts: 16 Member
    If you've ever seen my pictures soda was my best friend lol. We always have it in the house but ever since my father went on WW 2 years ago we strictly drink diet rite which i've learn to love and water. Now we usually didn't keep bottled water just soda and when I started my journey 50 days ago I decided I want those water bottles in the fridge so when i'm on the go I'm not reaching for flavored carbonated water with syrup i'm drinking all natural and putting healthy into my diet. Needless to say, When i went out for dinner I always had a coke now 95% of the time I get water because if I got soda I'd be drinking empty calories. Now and then isn't a bad thing but if you can cut it out completely you'll feel much better. :)
  • omardragon
    I used to drink a lot of soda daily, but i stopped and it was hard !!. you will feel so much better when you stop it . don't try to stop it all at once maybe a 16 oz a day then cut back to once a week then once every two weeks. i have mine once every two weeks.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I stopped drinking Coke Zero when I was losing weight. I can't find a medical reason as to why one should but I took that step anyway.

    A few weeks ago I thought about why I'd done that and the only thing I could think of was that it represented penance for becoming obese.

    So there's the emotional component which, as we know, can be a huge motivator. Other than that, I've never found a reason to stop drinking soda or to not use artificial sweeteners.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Haven't drank soda in 2yrs.

    On New Years I do endulge in a few Orange Crushes though, to celebrate. The better I've been that year, the more I can have. Last year I had 2 cans.
  • sarrah_n
    sarrah_n Posts: 192 Member
    I used to be a can-a-day soda drinker. Not to mention if i went out for happy hour- mixers are my down fall. . I don't care for diet sodas, I tried. Once I held strong to counting calories, I realized I needed to prioritize. I could choose 1 can of soda or a more fulfilling healthier option that wouldn’t leave me hungry later. Honestly, it took a few weeks to adapt, but it was well worth it. And I've saved money too!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I have almost given it up as it slows down the weight loss process.

    What makes you say that?

    I drink around 500 ml with my evening meal, either diet or normal, 4 days a week. No point in giving it up. :) Just account for the calories, like anything else, and it's golden!
  • Lift_Run_Eat
    Lift_Run_Eat Posts: 986 Member
    I gave up soda a year ago yesterday. It was very hard at first. I made it into a challenge for myself to see how long I could last without it. I still have cravings, like when I eat mexican, but it is a lot easier now than when I first started.

    Start with small goals.... first taper off so you do not get caffiene headaches.... (i went cold turkey, not fun).
    Then start with 1 week, then 2 weeks, then 1 month, then 6 weeks, etc.... Once you hit the first goal, move to the next.

    I had to mentally think of it as a game and not as me giving up soda. Only then was I able to truely give it up.

    When I started this, I worked at a place where I had to pay 75 cents per can and I would have 3-4 per day. Now I work at a place that provides free soda to employees, and I have not had 1 yet.
  • hannydee
    Pretty much given it up. Don't miss it at all.
  • Jennifah83
    Jennifah83 Posts: 4 Member
    I gave up soda completely! Of course I still enjoy my vodka+soda cocktails, but I don't think that counts =)

    I feel great. Every time I crave soda, I drink water. It gets easier.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I had to give it up entirely after a serious kidney infection. My doctor told me that my kidneys weren't able to process the additives and crap in diet soda (Diet Mt. Dew was my poison of choice). I went from drinking a 2-liter a day to none at all. The first few days were lousy because I got caffeine headaches and was cranky, but now I don't miss it at all. I tried a sip of a diet Mt. Dew a few days ago and had to spit it tasted foreign to me.
  • vodkalady
    vodkalady Posts: 26 Member
    pepsi was mine.... been of it for a very long time ..... it is very very hard BUT WELL weirth it in the end ..... my nutritions helped by letting me know that if I drank 2 of the mid size bottles every day that I would put on 50 + lbs in one year ....... I went from drinking a case of 24 in 2-3 days to 1-4 a month if that now...... good luck ,, I know you can do it ......
  • LaMaMiK77
    i have been drinking more water...i take a couple of sips and throw the rest out..i cant drink the whole can anymore...even the crystal light ice tea packets...i made a water bottle with it the other day and tried drinking it and i couldn't so i threw it out and got a plain bottle of water...i feel like its too sweet :happy: