Ladies please very random question!!



  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I'd suggest that she go 'hang' out in the guys locker room.
  • This whole thread made me laugh out loud! Thanks.

    And I am so glad I made a gym in my basement!!!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Oh HONEY do I understand. I am not a prude but that irritates the hell outta me. It happened last week. lady comes out from shower her locker by mine...I am changing to get my workout on....she is not even trying to get dressed just standing naked. I can feel her looking at me so I turn finish and roll outta dodge!!!!!!! UUUUGH!!!!!!!!! WTH?? Go somewhere where someone cares. Yes, we all women but I don't want to have you parade around in front of me! I HATE IT!!!!!!!!! Sorry just me...
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I wish I was that comfortable in my own skin. Although I probably wouldn't be hanging around THAT long in the buff if no one else was. More power to her, I say!

    Unless she's got vag hanging out or is doing something sexual, your discomfort is your issue, not hers. The human body is a beautiful and miraculous thing.

    I have to admit, I completely agree with this. I just don't see the big deal. Do your thing, move on, whatever. I wish more people were that comfortable.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    It's only the older middle-aged, and old ladies that are naked in my gym. They just strip right down then put on their clothes. I'm not comfortable being naked in front of strangers, so if there are people around, I take my swimsuit (or clothes, if I'm changing out of my suit) into the handicapped stall and change in there :blushing:
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    That's hillarious! It's usually someone that is less than physically fit too....*snort laughs* I'd would be uncomfortable too, though. Seriously!

  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    What is the real issue here? I think it's just hilarious that she does it. I would go every thursday and giggle to myself and make up stories about her naked escapades around the locker room.
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    I've seen it a few times and really don't get it. I agree with the person who said a locker room is for changing/showering. Even in the sauna or steam room, most people at my old gym would keep their swimsuit on or wrap a towel around themselves. I wouldn't let it keep me from doing what I want to do when I want to do it, but if it makes you uncomfortable that's understandable. I understand she is probably comfortable hanging out in the locker room nude, but I think out of consideration for others, flaunting your wobbly bits on a continuing basis is a bit rude.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    What is the real issue here? I think it's just hilarious that she does it. I would go every thursday and giggle to myself and make up stories about her naked escapades around the locker room.

    I would make friends with her and play cards or something. Omg, that would be so awesome.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    What is the real issue here? I think it's just hilarious that she does it. I would go every thursday and giggle to myself and make up stories about her naked escapades around the locker room.

    I would make friends with her and play cards or something. Omg, that would be so awesome.

    Love it! Or maybe knitting...
    VVEXVVEX Posts: 132 Member
    I live in an area with lots of European and Asian immigrants, which I think contributes to the fact that there's lots of nudity in the locker room at my gym, especially among the older women. It's no big deal, and I'm glad I got over my initial discomfort. There is a separate family changing room.

    What IS disappointing is reading the posts that say it's especially bad if the woman isn't in shape. That's just ugly.
  • Did you buy some? hahah I definatley would.
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,079 Member
    I think if they want to walk around naked doing whatever they need to do it at home or with other nudists. I'm not a prude (so you aren't either) I just don't need to see that.
    lol ^^^agreed :P
  • I hate it too! Im quite a private person and its just invading space in a really weird way! Makes me feel uncomfortable...
  • natika33
    natika33 Posts: 154 Member
    When I was in high school I was very easily embarrassed and changed into my swimsuit for swim team in a bathroom stall instead of out in the open like everyone else. Now I live in a country where people regularly go to public baths together and sit for hours in their birthday suits while they dry off, do their hair, maybe even paint their nails. I've seen every age of woman naked now (and a few men because there are actually a few baths that are non-segregated by sex).

    I've come to realise that it's just what I'd been taught to think growing up. Other people are taught differently or come to different conclusions themselves. Just because someone is walking around naked in a somewhat public place doesn't make them weird or an exhibitionist (as someone else suggested).

    That being said, if you are uncomfortable, you're uncomfortable, so if you want to avoid going to the gym when she's there, that's your privilege. (^_^) <- smiley face
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I've never seen a naked guy in the men's gym locker room painting his toenails... :laugh:

    However, if I ever did, while I might think it odd, it wouldn't bother me.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Like someone said earlier, it's just skin. Boobs, muff, and butt. You've got one too. Just do your thing and leave.

    If she's not playing with herself, then what's the problem? Personally, I would find it quite empowering to see a woman who doesn't have a perfect body being so comfortable with herself, not feeling ashamed of her body. Maybe she has lost a good deal of weight and is more confident and happier with how she looks?

    "Think of the children!" It would be healthy for young girls (and boys too) to see a range of women's bodies, as opposed to only seeing what the media says how women should look. Kids nowadays are bombarded with sexual imagery either through TV, billboards, magazines, or the internet. Using that naked lady in the locker room as a tool to initiate a conversation about healthy body image would be a good thing. Freaking out and covering your kids eyes like the human body is disgusting doesn't send the right message. Discussing how bodies are different, discussing how to love yourself and your body, and discussing appropriate nakedness (not okay to be naked on the street, more okay in the locker room, most okay at home) would be good conversations with children around this situation.
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    i dont think its unusual in a gym. there is always someone naked in there... it bothers me more when there are boys in the womans change room watching me change... there is a family change room at my gym, use it!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i don't mind ppl being naked, except that when they are skinny and gorgeous and haven't got any flaws, that's just unfair.

    but wandering around for 15 minutes, that's just un-necessary. sure, get undress, have a shower, get dressed, whatever, but you don't have to prolong it... maybe they just like ppl staring at them.