My encounter of the Not-So-Smart people



  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    How about the guy who robbed a local bank here, and wrote the hold up note on the back of one of his mother's checks.

    Doesn't surprise me. Awhile ago there was a story about a man who was robbing a bank and the teller said ok, we just need your drivers license and he actually gave it to her, took the money, forget his DL. 30 minutes he was arrested.

    I know it's mean, but I laugh at the stupidity of others.
    Anyone watch Worlds Dumbest Criminals? There was a guy on there who went into a store to "apply for a job". He filled out his application, turned it in, and then robbed the place. But guess what. He filled out all his actual current info!!! Real name, address... everything!!! Talk about a brain fart, huh?
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    oh dear i thought i encounterd stupid people at work but mine are all bang your head in despair stupid rather than fall of your chair giggling stupid
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    That made my night reading that WOW. still laughing