Any gamers in here? ;)



  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Count me in WoW - Broken, I mean Burning Legion. HORDE FTW! Insidius Guild.
    Though, if it were not for PvP, I would have quit...the game is too easy now.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I play wow and I would say it CONTRIBUTED to my weight gain but i can still raid and lose weight, I just have to plan a little more. We used to get home, hop online, raid until 10pm and then eat a huge bag of taco bell becuase that was the only thing open.

    Now I make sure we have dinner available in advance and that's a big difference. The new SW game looks nice but I'm already so invested in WoW....

    Also someone else mentioned exercising as much as they raid -- I do that. I exercise more than I raid now. I raid 6 hours a week and I exercise an hour every day. It didn't cut into my raid time, it cut into my screwing-around-doing-not-much time.

    Also dead island should be fine in a few more weeks/months. Most of the bad press was because they screwed up the release really bad - accidentally released a dev version on steam and then the other versions were SUPER buggy on release. It just wasn't ready to go to market. Once they get it patched up it should be good for most people.

    I used to play RPGs like CRAZY but for some reason I just can't get into them anymore. Maybe its because the new FF's have all been..not soooooo great? Didn't even try the last one. How was it?
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    Ok I got you all beat! I play cs:s... I am actually in a clan and am one ofthe higher ranking officers. I met my husband in this clan and we have been married for 5 years now. (although he plays many other games) at our wedding (members drove hundreds of miles to attend) we actually had a Terrorist and Counter Terrorist and a flash bang from the Steam store on our ring bearers pillow as our own personal joke.

    All our children (from my previous marriage) play too!

    The family that games together stays together!
  • Jojo2k11
    I play wow and I would say it CONTRIBUTED to my weight gain but i can still raid and lose weight, I just have to plan a little more. We used to get home, hop online, raid until 10pm and then eat a huge bag of taco bell becuase that was the only thing open.

    Now I make sure we have dinner available in advance and that's a big difference. The new SW game looks nice but I'm already so invested in WoW....

    Also someone else mentioned exercising as much as they raid -- I do that. I exercise more than I raid now. I raid 6 hours a week and I exercise an hour every day. It didn't cut into my raid time, it cut into my screwing-around-doing-not-much time.

    Also dead island should be fine in a few more weeks/months. Most of the bad press was because they screwed up the release really bad - accidentally released a dev version on steam and then the other versions were SUPER buggy on release. It just wasn't ready to go to market. Once they get it patched up it should be good for most people.

    I used to play RPGs like CRAZY but for some reason I just can't get into them anymore. Maybe its because the new FF's have all been..not soooooo great? Didn't even try the last one. How was it?

    OMG...the late night taco bell runs were epic. We'd all be on vent talking about the cheesy goodness of taco bell and mountain dew baja blast until about 20mins later we'd all leave and come back for PVP after raid...mouths filled with taco bell LOL.
  • catniph
    My Husband and I used to play WoW but it did start getting a bit too much (mainly because my hubs is an incredibly addictive person and I felt like if I wanted to ask him anything I had to bloomin type in the game rather than being able to speak when he was sat right next to me lol!!)

    We both like the Resi games (didn't really get into the last one as much) and looking forward to Dead Island.

    I LOVE adventure/RPGs too - I don't know if anyone ever played the Discworld games or Monkey Island/Broken sword, but a lot of my teenage (&adult!) years were spent cursing the stupid solutions to some of those puzzles lol.
    I recently played Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper, and although it was quite lengthy I really enjoyed it!

    My sister and I play a lot of the adventure style hidden object games, mainly scary ones if we can! Just played F.A.C.E.S which wasn't bad... They have to have a plot and other puzzles to complete though; I can't stand just randomly clicking to find objects!

    I also like 'softer' type Wii games and Playstation; Mario, Zelda etc... I can remember playing the Sonic the Hedgehog games when I was younger and having to sit up for hours trying to complete them because you couldn't save your progress!!

    Just waiting for virtual reality when I actually have to run to get the bloomin characters to move... then I'd be super skinny!
    I know there's some stuff like that already, but we're not quite there yet!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I used to heavily play FFXI. I quit 3 years ago cuz health wise it was killing me. No excercise, sitting on my butt eating and playing. I still play games but no where near as much as I used to. From 9-14 hrs. a day to now 2 hrs. 3-4x a week.
  • Hernandezedw
    Why do I not see any Starcraft 2? Well, that's my game of choice for now.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    I play WoW, but I hate Brewfest so I won't be logging on for a couple weeks. Also a big fan of Lego Batman on the XBox 360 (revisiting an old game).

    Have been known to enjoy the old fashioned board games and pen and paper RPGs. Currently playing Dark Heresy.
  • crobinson53
    Starcraft II FTW
  • CrimsonHellkite
    i like MMO's the thought of pwning nubs in pvp is fun to me! but really i have played mmo's for like 11 years...redmoon, Ultima, Everquest, Lineage I and II, helbreath, starcraft I and II, FFXI(i love all final fantasy and FF7 is my fav lol) Rift, AoC, Aion, and finaly im addicted to WoW i have been playing wow since it was in beta and still play, i dont play nearly asmuch now as used to but i still play maybe 4-5 hours a week, but i would agree is contributed to my laziness and gaining weight, but i dont blame it in any way i did it to myself....i didnt have a job and smoke alot of weed(which i dont do that anymore) and would sit there for days on end just clickin away! BUT MY GUILD NEEDS ME! IM THE TANK! AND IM OFF SPEC HEALER! druid ftw
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I love FF too. X and XII were my favorites. I fell in love with the music and characters. I mean...Fran was totally hot.
    Luna from X? When I thought she might die I literally cried. However X2 was a travesty. Dance battles? Really!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member

    That's how I felt in LotRO. Then I quit. I got the other main tank to quit (we were secretly having a bit of a "thing"). The kin promptly died :embarassed:
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    I am a final fantasy addict... only MMO I've ever played... and by god I will never play another one lol

    I also enjoy Elder Scolls, OMFG Skyrim can't wait... even pre-ordered the special edition... going to put that big *kitten* dragon statue on my desk here at work and make people jealous!!!!

    Lover of the Fallout series too...just got the new DLC for New Vegas, but I've been replaying Oblivion recently so haven't played it.

    Just bought a new PS3 a couple weeks ago... and got Dead Island but haven't played it yet lol... hmmm maybe I should go to the gym now? lol
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Count me in WoW - Broken, I mean Burning Legion. HORDE FTW! Insidius Guild.
    Though, if it were not for PvP, I would have quit...the game is too easy now.

    Have you played since Cata?? They\ve changed a lot
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I Play WOW & Final Fantasy. Not at the same time of course. or I'd be 500lbs.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Hm.... I didn't respond to this thread..

  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    Hm.... I didn't respond to this thread..


  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Just bought a new PS3 a couple weeks ago... and got Dead Island but haven't played it yet lol

    Is it still in the wrapper? You may be better off renting it first to see if you like it, I have not heard the greatest things about it.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I'm definitely a Final Fantasy addict. I love the Tales series too if anybody's even heard of it. Arc the Lad as well, but it was short-lived and the last game they made of it was utter crap.... such a disappointment. They should've kept it the way it was. I like all the Star Ocean games too (love space stuff). I got into the Breath of Fire games, played them all. Wild Arms was another OK one, but I only ever really liked the first 2. There's probably something else I'm forgetting... but if it's an RPG I'll give it a shot.