Any gamers in here? ;)



  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I played Everquest I back when it was first released for several years. Once WoW was released I made the swap and played straight through to 2008. It was beyond rediculous, the amount of time spent on those games. I remember staying awake for 72 hours camping Nagafen spawn for a damned cleric epic item. Crazy times, while I was single. Attempting to play those games now would not be a good idea. The last guild I remember being a part of, required 40+ hours per week. No way would I play those now, too addicting.

    Although while I played, nutrition was completely out the window. I'd hit the 7-11, grab a couple of things to throw in the microwave, a couple of large monster xxl's and I'd be set for the day. Lol.
  • yukimiyazawa
    yukimiyazawa Posts: 83 Member
    i've played world of warcraft multiple times in the past. i still have my level 85 druid, but my account is currently in use by my brother, haha. :3 these days i just play my xbox 360.
  • PriorGodwyn
    :) No MMOs here, but I do love myself a good RPG. As a little kid I grew up on Legend of Zelda, and still love it. I've played Oblivion and a bit of Fallout, both by Bethesda. Anyone else get Skyrim? It's so freaking awesome. :)