Near or post menopausal group



  • KaraMiaCafe
    KaraMiaCafe Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there everyone! I've been with MFP about a week now, and I think I finally found the group for me! I'm looking forward to making friends and sharing goals and celebrations of success.

    I'm so glad there's a place here that I feel like I can relate to everyone! :)
  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    Hi there everyone! I've been with MFP about a week now, and I think I finally found the group for me! I'm looking forward to making friends and sharing goals and celebrations of success.

    I'm so glad there's a place here that I feel like I can relate to everyone! :)

    Me too! It helps to relate to others and share our frustrations.
  • MsMouseMouse
    MsMouseMouse Posts: 92 Member
    Bumping for later. I am interested. I am 61 and have not had a period in forever it seems.
  • MsMouseMouse
    MsMouseMouse Posts: 92 Member
    So, when I let my 15 yo son know that I'm having a hot flash (we homeschool so I'm with him most of the day) his comment to me is, "It's a calorie burn, Mom!" (He's studying chemistry right now so he related it to the definition of a calorie.) So, I'm wondering if there's a way to put hot flashes under our calories burned! :-P I'm sort of just kidding but it put a humorous spin on my frustration of sweating up a storm.

    I wish it was a calorie burn, I would be so thin no one could see me.
    This is my saying during a hot flash.

    "This is not fat, it can't be.
    FAT would melt at this temperature.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    So, when I let my 15 yo son know that I'm having a hot flash (we homeschool so I'm with him most of the day) his comment to me is, "It's a calorie burn, Mom!" (He's studying chemistry right now so he related it to the definition of a calorie.) So, I'm wondering if there's a way to put hot flashes under our calories burned! :-P I'm sort of just kidding but it put a humorous spin on my frustration of sweating up a storm.

    I wish it was a calorie burn, I would be so thin no one could see me.
    This is my saying during a hot flash.

    "This is not fat, it can't be.
    FAT would melt at this temperature.

    I love the idea of hot flashes counting as a calorie burn. Maybe you could keep track during the day and log it in as calesthetics or aerobics. Given your son's definition that a calorie is a unit of heat energy (4.184 joules, if want to be specific), then you are using energy. It probably raises your BMR some. Tell your son, I am proud of him for recognizing a practical application for his studies.
  • KaraMiaCafe
    KaraMiaCafe Posts: 5 Member
    :blushing: LOVE IT!! Your son can think out of the box... BRILLIANT!
    So, when I let my 15 yo son know that I'm having a hot flash (we homeschool so I'm with him most of the day) his comment to me is, "It's a calorie burn, Mom!" (He's studying chemistry right now so he related it to the definition of a calorie.) So, I'm wondering if there's a way to put hot flashes under our calories burned! :-P I'm sort of just kidding but it put a humorous spin on my frustration of sweating up a storm.

    I wish it was a calorie burn, I would be so thin no one could see me.
    This is my saying during a hot flash.

    "This is not fat, it can't be.
    FAT would melt at this temperature.
  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    :blushing: LOVE IT!! Your son can think out of the box... BRILLIANT!

    Course being a 15 yo boy, he's embarassed that I told his take on my hot flashes!!!! :-) Oh well, that's what a mom's for, right? Especially one with unbalanced hormones!!!!! :-D
  • KaraMiaCafe
    KaraMiaCafe Posts: 5 Member
    Just when I really start feeling good... working out every day... keeping calories under control... the mental-pause isn't causing miserable hot-flashes every 6.5 minutes... I get a cold. GRRRRR!!!! :(
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Happy Wednesday!!! How is everybody's week going?
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Happy Wednesday!!! How is everybody's week going?

    Its now thursday here.... and sooo hot.... and its not just me!!! The temperature has started to climb (30°C yesterday) but the worst part is the humidity.... it really knocks me out, saps all my energy.

    But at least I can keep the overhead fan on all night so instead of having the hot/cold thing all night its just warm/warm.... I think someone talked about this in a previous post..... I find it slightly easier to deal with the hot flushes in warm weather as the differential isn't as great.... also not so overdressed .... in winter I have to take off scarves, jackets etc when having a hot flush but in summer I'm already in lighter clothes.

    Hope everyone is coping with life, thinking of you all :drinker:

  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    Seems like my hot flashes are decreasing...maybe because I've restarted my progesterone cream regimen. Now I'm doing 3 weeks on and one week off. This week marks 10 weeks w/o my period - the longest I've gone. Usually it's either been 4 weeks or up to 9 weeks for the last couple of years.
  • empc
    empc Posts: 88 Member
    I too had a hysterectomy a few years back. I would love to be in on this group. Definitely can use some advise abd support.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I think I'm perimenopausal. I'm 50 years old and sometime last year I started with the night sweats; woke up drenched, yuck. Then I found my periods were actually getting heavier and longer, yuck again and I went from being able to pinpoint the day I would have my period to not having a clue. Now, I'm back to being fairly regular and haven't had a night sweat in a while so I'm not sure if I'm perimenopausal or not. I suppose the only way to know for sure is blood tests.

    I feel like I can relate to many of you though so I would love to be apart of this group. Please feel free to add me as a friend.


  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Just letting everyone know that thanks to the new Groups section offered recently by MFP- we now have an official Group that you can find by clicking on the Comminity tab- then choosing Groups and finding us with our name Near or Post Menopausal group.

    A big thanks to BlackwoodsMom for alerting me to new group facility :)

    I went through this thread today and arranged invitations to be sent out to all 126 participants or this thread ( yay- a whole 126 and increasing daily)so hopefully they will all come through and you can find us quickly. If I managed any typos during this process some valued participants may have been missed out. If this applies to you blame it on me and just come and join us as it is an open group and we want everyone to continue to contribute and want no one left out.

    It will be so good with having an official group as it will mean that we don't have to go through the problems of migrating to a new thread every time we reach 20 pages and it will also allow us to place our posts under headings - so hopefully it will be easier to read through and more responses will find their way back to the person who posted the message.

    Please pass the message on that we have moved - and if we can just check back here to collect anyone who has missed out on this news.

    See you all in our new space

  • I'm 51and just this year the HOT flashes!!!! Now mood swings so bad. Has anyone had to deal with these? And has anyone tried going to a Dr. for these problems. Makes me fill bad with these mood swings.
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    KD- it might be a good idea to copy this post and post it in the new group of the same name as I think most people will be checking there from now on as we have a space there for the continuation of this group. If you follow the instructions provided in the previous post, you should have no problem finding us.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    thank you!
  • I suppose I found my group:) Thanks Deb. I try to look at the upside of the ending of my primal "breeding" stage years. For instance, I can go 2 days without washing my hair and it doesn't look like a grease slick. Shaving my legs and plucking my eyebrows are not required nearly as often as when I was younger. Same with body odor -- even with the sweat that hotflashes bring -- my underarm & general body odor is nearly undetectable -- that was certainly not the case 8 or 9 years ago. And frankly, I prefer my wrinkles to the blemishes that covered my t-zone for 10 days out of a month well into my thirties. Last, I like the certainty of self that comes with age: This notion that irritability in my cycle is somehow a flaw in my character/behavior? OH NO. My family knows better; my irritability 1-2 days out of the month is directly related to a temporary dip in my otherwise, exceedingly-high tolerance level for their bad manners/habits which they display frequently throughout the entire month.
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Imkram you are 99% of your way to finding your group- however as I posted a few posts back, we have actually moved to the new groups section of MFP. Please click on the link below and copy your post from this thread into a new topic and you will find you get way more responses.

    See you there soon - it is a public group so just come along and post your message
