Not trying to start a argument but...... somethings really b



  • girlypop
    ya, i don't mind as long as it sounds like proper english. So conversational english is fine with me. What really bugs me tho is the way ppl can be so negative. It's not limited to spelling, grammar and english but comes in so many ways. I come here for support and most of the time I get support, but even seeing a rude or negative comment directed at someone else, is a downer for me.

    I know it sounds silly, but why can't we all get along? Anyway I try not to let it bother me, and I suggest everyone stay positive. Good luck all!!
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    Hi all i don’t want to sound mean or to start a negative post but this has been bothering me I’ve noticed that not allot but some people on here seem to be more concerned with peoples spelling and grammar than they do with the question the person is asking and being supportive I have had mine pointed out quite rudely a couple of times and i just don’t get it I am educated i understand full stops, spelling and general grammar but on forums I tend to treat them more like a conversation rather than an essay
    I like to type i guess like I’m talking to someone allot of the time there is emotion backing what I’m saying and asking and i don’t really stop to think about a apostrophe and full stop I’m sure that for some people it’s a real pet peeve and hey we all have those but when I read something that annoys me I move on I don’t waste my time and there’s having a silly whinge about it
    Anyway just had to get that off my chest and I hope if your one of those people that expects perfection when reading a post that you remember my name and skip over any that I make
    To everyone else thanks for reading and I hope you understand the OP... you may think of the forum as casual, but when those of us trying to read these posts come across those like yours, it makes it INCREDIBLY difficult to read. I could read about five words of what you wrote. Perhaps you could try thinking of these rest of us and use those periods and flu stops and paragraphs and commas and the like.
  • SlwNStdy
    I thought we were here to support each other in weight loss not educate each other on grammer and such plus some people, llike myself, do things from their phones and the stupid auto correct corrects things incorrectly.......... just my opinion.... I welcome friend requests
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Maybe they are teachers and its just an automatic thing to correct you, I did have someone do that to me and she was a teacher :)
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    people use this site to improve their physical health, what's wrong with improving your grammar or spelling at the same time? i mean if i was constantly making some kind of grammatical mistake that i was unaware of, i'd appreciate being told. nicely of course :)

    Nothing wrong with it at all if that’s something i choose to do but it’s not I’m here for weight loss and support only i can get life criticism else were and when people start to pick out your faults it doesn’t exactly make for a welcoming atmosphere it makes you more self-conscious and less likely to feel confident enough to post it certainly does for me anyway , I think it’s especially sad because most people are here for some kind of fault they have in life and self-esteem issues yet are quite happy to put down others bully syndrome I guess , the other problem is most people aren’t exactly being nice about it they don’t attempt to answer the question or ask what means and i might be Australian but I’m pretty sure most people can understand what I’m saying lol well most of them time sorry if that sounded like a direct attack on your post it wasn’t just trying to help people better understand

    Out of this is got you are (or are not) here for weight loss and support and you are from Australia. I CANNOT READ THE REST OF WHAT YOU WROTE EVEN A LITTLE BIT. Please. For the love of Pete. Help us help you. Use better grammar so we can read your posts.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Some of us value our education and proper writing and speaking. One tends to use proper grammar in civilized society...
  • freshstart4me
    a lot of people are so unhappy in their own lives that treating other like crap and trying to bring them down makes them happy...pretty pathetic, but true
  • charlottebronte
    I'm not trying to start an argument either: one reason some people comment on the grammar or sentence structure of others is that the forums are all about communication, and clear communication is aided by--and often dependent upon--proper sentence structure, correct spelling, and reasonably-accurate grammar.
  • woo1324
    woo1324 Posts: 168 Member
    Thanks so much for the many supportive posts it’s nice to know not everyone on here is like the very few i have encountered I’m quite a shy timid person i guess and being "picked on" can make me feel anxious about posting but as long as there’s nice helpful people i guess I’ll just try and ignore the more arrogant ones thanks again
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Is it possible that others are having difficult understanding your posts, and do not intend to be rude? I haven't followed your other posts, so can't know for certain, but perhaps they are meant to be suggestions rather than criticism. I know it was a tad difficult to make out your exact concepts when reading this because there's no grammar or capitalization. While it can seem silly to bother for an informal conversation, it can also make it much easier to understand for readers. So maybe they would like to answer your question, but can't make out what it is, so instead give you suggestions to improve in that area.

    Just a thought, make of it what you will!!


    Here, here. I had to read your message about six times to actually figure out what you were saying. When you speak, you pause between statements. In writing, you can't discern tone of voice, pauses, inflections... all things that make spoken thoughts understandable. When you don't use punctuation, it is impossible to tell where one sentence ends and another begins; whether you are asking something or stating it. That's profoundly annoying to a reader.

    Constructive criticism is often read as snark, when it is not intended that way. Help us help you by making your statements legible.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    1) the first language of the poster may or may not be English,
    2) there ARE different spellings (and even some grammar and syntax rules) that vary from one English-speaking country to another
    3) there might be people on here who struggled when learning these rules (some of them may even have a diagnosed learning disability)
    4) when people are flustered and looking for help they might not be thinking about their spelling, grammar, or syntax
    5) this is a forum and not formal writing therefore the rules of grammar are not a priority.

    1) I've moderated on various forums where English isn't their first language. Broken grammar isn't a bugbear for me. Hell, they're better at English than I would be in their language! It's the shortcuts that bug me.
    2) Again, not the issue.
    3) This is true. But, for the vast majority, it isn't the reason. Some people are overweight from medical conditions, but the vast majority aren't. Therefore it's natural to assume it isn't a learning problem.
    4) Again, there is some truth in this, and if were for example IRC, typing in real time, then yes, perfectly understandable. But this is a forum. You have no time limit to make your post. Hell, it's even got the spellchecker built in. Take your time. The clearer your post, the greater the chance of getting more input and better help.
    5) You're still conversing with people. Isn't it worth taking a few extra minutes to make a decent post?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Here are my thoughts...
    1) Sometimes, people go through life using the wrong kind of "you're/your" or "their/there/they're." Correcting a person on a grammar or spelling error can help them in the future.
    2) Also, it is easier for people to understand proper posts!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Geesh. . . I understand trying to be honest with the OP, but seriously ease off. . if you can't be nice. . just keep it to yourself.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    Thanks so much for the many supportive posts it’s nice to know not everyone on here is like the very few i have encountered I’m quite a shy timid person i guess and being "picked on" can make me feel anxious about posting but as long as there’s nice helpful people i guess I’ll just try and ignore the more arrogant ones thanks again

    I don't think it's "arrogant" to ask you to write in a manner that is more easily understood. I'm not even complaining about spelling or anything. It's just

    you have written a big block of text it's not very understandable and it isn't easy to understand are saying and this makes participate in any sort of conversation with you incredibly difficult and also it can give others a headache i think the point of communicating on a forum is at least to attempt to try to communicate in a manner that ...others can understand or else nobody can figure it out and about the spelling i cannot even tell what you are saying except you have "picked on" in quotes which makes it stand out and in a previous post you capitalized the word Australia but i am here to tell you it is just incredibly difficult to get to know you without any sort of... break or paragraph breaks or anything of that manner and how do i know we cold't be really good friends i mean maybe i want to get to know you but this is preventing me from doing so...
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I correct spelling on here. Usually with the intent to help. If I see someone constantly type "loose" instead of "lose", I correct them so they know for future reference.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't think anyone in this thread isn't being nice. I think that people have different opinions.

    OP, I too, struggle to read your posts. You don't have to change the way you type, but you have to understand that if your posts consist of one large block of text with no sentence structure, fewer people will bother to respond to you - not because they are unkind, but because they find it a bit frustrating to try to work out what you are saying.

    You will find lots of support here and, as evidenced by the responses in this thread, many people who will take the time to read what you are saying. Best of luck.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Thanks so much for the many supportive posts it’s nice to know not everyone on here is like the very few i have encountered I’m quite a shy timid person i guess and being "picked on" can make me feel anxious about posting but as long as there’s nice helpful people i guess I’ll just try and ignore the more arrogant ones thanks again

    No one is "picking on you." Try using punctuation and then perhaps you will not feel that way.
  • daves160
    So, How is your weight loss coming along? Are you able to stay within your calories? What do you do for your diet and exercise programs?

    Yes, most people on this site have poor spelling an grammar. Yes it can be difficult to read or a bit frustrating for some. NO! It has nothing to do with weight loss.

    Sorry, just trying to get it back to the point of this site... WEIGHT CONTROL PEOPLE!!!!
  • boilermakerblaw
    I saw this posted the other day on a different website and it is somewhat relevant to the situation here: "If you can't win an argument, correct their grammar instead."

    Other than making me chuckle, what I take from this is that people feeling the need to nitpick at little grammatical mistakes are making themselves feel high and mighty and more intelligent than you. Unless a post is clearly unreadable I find it absolutely unacceptable to be a jerk about a grammar or spelling mistake here and there. If the person cannot understand what you're posting maybe they should just move on or ask a question to clarify. Ignore the bullies, there are people on here that generally care about their weight loss goals and not picking on people to make themselves feel better.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    If you really want to be heard and understood, make an effort to write something that is easy to read and understand. Spelling and punctuation do count in the real world. If you want to be understood verbally, you speak clearly and in a tone that is understandable to the listener. It's even more important to do it in written form as the reader cannot read your body language.
    There is never a reason to be cruel, but apologizing and enabling the behaviors does nothing to solve the issue. I realize that there are many people from places where English is not their first language, and that English, with all of its' nuances can be very difficult to master. In my view, it's not those people who are having as many problems as those who do not make the effort to be legible.
    I don't worry too much about these things usually, but I grow weary of the labeling and general rock throwing at people who do point out these things. Too much of that around here as it is.
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