Not trying to start a argument but...... somethings really b



  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    Nice to be reminded to be here to support one another.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    You think correcting grammar or spelling is "bullying"?


    This is the internet. Thick skin often required.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Is it possible that others are having difficult understanding your posts, and do not intend to be rude? I haven't followed your other posts, so can't know for certain, but perhaps they are meant to be suggestions rather than criticism. I know it was a tad difficult to make out your exact concepts when reading this because there's no grammar or capitalization. While it can seem silly to bother for an informal conversation, it can also make it much easier to understand for readers. So maybe they would like to answer your question, but can't make out what it is, so instead give you suggestions to improve in that area.

    Just a thought, make of it what you will!!


    double ^this
  • crazedmomof5
    I really can not believe some people, I mean really we are not in school! We are here to support and help one another in our fitness and weight loss journeys. IF someone does not like the way you or I for that matter post then by all means they DO NOT read it . Some people have nothing better to do and I really think some people can not feel any better about themselves unless they are bringing someone else down!

    This site is for support and encouragement to meet your goals not to give me a English grammar lesson!!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    And we're back to arguing versus hating. No one is hating on the OP. Her posts are hard to read. This does mean that my life is terrible, it doesn't mean I feel superior, it doesn't mean I think that the OP is a horrible person. It means her posts, in my opinion, are hard to read. That's it.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    a English

    Was this intentional? :blushing:

  • crittytn
    I wouldn't call someone out on it, but when I see a block of writing all together like that, my poor, bad eyes just can't read it. So I click the back button and go on to another post. The OP just loses out on possible good stories or advice or support by not making things somewhat readable for the rest of the community. So it's fine to keep on doing it that way; it doesn't really harm anyone else but the person posting in that manner.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    I've never said anything to anyone about their spelling/grammer, however, I have decided not to continue reading posts before due to my inability to follow the post. I don't insult anyone about it, but I also sometimes hit the back button instead of responding.
  • woo1324
    woo1324 Posts: 168 Member
    To everyone else who is so caught up about people using grammar
    Do you think that people who have limited English shouldn’t post, how about people who didn’t get the education they deserved what about people with learning disorders should they be banned or what about people who just simply didn’t do so well at school

    I mean come on there are people here who come from so many different backgrounds and I believe they should be supported equally but hey if bullying people makes you feel big and tough then that’s your damage not mine
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    To everyone else who is so caught up about people using grammar
    Do you think that people who have limited English shouldn’t post, how about people who didn’t get the education they deserved what about people with learning disorders should they be banned or what about people who just simply didn’t do so well at school

    I mean come on there are people here who come from so many different backgrounds and I believe they should be supported equally but hey if bullying people makes you feel big and tough then that’s your damage not mine

    No one is talking about that. We are talking specifically about your writing style, and no one is bullying you. You brought up the topic and people responded in an honest and gentle way.

    I think that the gist of most of the responses is either "keep writing the way you do because it doesn't bother us" or "I find your posts difficult to read". Please calm down.
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    If you really want to be heard and understood, make an effort to write something that is easy to read and understand. Spelling and punctuation do count in the real world. If you want to be understood verbally, you speak clearly and in a tone that is understandable to the listener. It's even more important to do it in written form as the reader cannot read your body language.
    There is never a reason to be cruel, but apologizing and enabling the behaviors does nothing to solve the issue. I realize that there are many people from places where English is not their first language, and that English, with all of its' nuances can be very difficult to master. In my view, it's not those people who are having as many problems as those who do not make the effort to be legible.
    I don't worry too much about these things usually, but I grow weary of the labeling and general rock throwing at people who do point out these things. Too much of that around here as it is.

    So well put, my friend...
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Is it possible that others are having difficult understanding your posts, and do not intend to be rude? I haven't followed your other posts, so can't know for certain, but perhaps they are meant to be suggestions rather than criticism. I know it was a tad difficult to make out your exact concepts when reading this because there's no grammar or capitalization. While it can seem silly to bother for an informal conversation, it can also make it much easier to understand for readers. So maybe they would like to answer your question, but can't make out what it is, so instead give you suggestions to improve in that area.

    Just a thought, make of it what you will!!
    What she said.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    If you really want to be heard and understood, make an effort to write something that is easy to read and understand. Spelling and punctuation do count in the real world. If you want to be understood verbally, you speak clearly and in a tone that is understandable to the listener. It's even more important to do it in written form as the reader cannot read your body language.
    There is never a reason to be cruel, but apologizing and enabling the behaviors does nothing to solve the issue. I realize that there are many people from places where English is not their first language, and that English, with all of its' nuances can be very difficult to master. In my view, it's not those people who are having as many problems as those who do not make the effort to be legible.
    I don't worry too much about these things usually, but I grow weary of the labeling and general rock throwing at people who do point out these things. Too much of that around here as it is.
    ...and, what he said!
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    I agree with you.... In my job and with school I have to check and double check to make sure my grammar, spelling, and punctuation are perfect.... so in a forum or something less formal, I don't double check what I write. If I see that I spelled something wrong, I sometimes go back and correct it, but not always. Oh, and for the record... I totally comprehended your first post :smile:
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    To everyone else who is so caught up about people using grammar
    Do you think that people who have limited English shouldn’t post, how about people who didn’t get the education they deserved what about people with learning disorders should they be banned or what about people who just simply didn’t do so well at school

    I mean come on there are people here who come from so many different backgrounds and I believe they should be supported equally but hey if bullying people makes you feel big and tough then that’s your damage not mine

    I was only saying I found it difficult to read your posts. I didn't find it difficult to read this post (quoted above) because of the paragraph break. It would be even easier if you added sentence breaks, because I am finding it difficult to figure out where one sentence ends and another begins. That is all I have been saying.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I am educated i understand full stops, spelling and general grammar

    So, according to what you originally posted, you don't fall into the categories you listed in your last post.

    So...this being the case...why do you post so badly? If you understand full stops, you must therefore understand their importance, yet still you choose not to use them?
  • crittytn
    I personally see a big difference between someone who chooses not to use punctuation or capitalization to prove a point and someone who is unaware of proper usage. You can definitely tell the difference when reading. If i see someone trying hard to communicate, even if they're unable to do it exquisitely well, I'll take the time and try to parse through it. However, when you say, "I know how to make my posts readable, but I am choosing not to do it," you get what you ask for. You brought it up and you got the opinions you asked for. I don't see anyone bullying other than to say, "We would really love to hear you out, to know about you and your weight loss journey, but you're making it very difficult for us to do so."

    And to let you know, I was unable to read any of your other posts, I just figured out what was going on from reading the other replies. But this time, I actually was able to read what you wrote, consider it and respond to you. I see it more of how much consideration you are deciding to show to people that you writing to and wanting to respond to you. It's obvious that you posted this just to vent about an injustice you feel being done to you and are not open at all to hearing and considering other viewpoints, even when people are trying to say they'd like to be supportive of you if they could read what you're saying. Really, being as close-minded as you're being about the whole discussion and branding everyone who has the audacity to disagree with you as a bully actually makes you the bully.
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    Although I would never correct someone regarding his or her grammar or spelling, I often have difficulty deciphering what the writer intended to say. Therefore, at times, I simply refrain from responding to his or her post. Truthfully, it usually takes more keystrokes to spell a word incorrectly than it does to spell it correctly. I would suggest that if it annoys you this much, try scanning over your post before you hit submit. Just a suggestion; I don't care either way. :smile:
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I really can not believe some people, I mean really we are not in school! We are here to support and help one another in our fitness and weight loss journeys. IF someone does not like the way you or I for that matter post then by all means they DO NOT read it . Some people have nothing better to do and I really think some people can not feel any better about themselves unless they are bringing someone else down!

    This site is for support and encouragement to meet your goals not to give me a English grammar lesson!!

    So...proper grammar is only important in school... Huh. And here I thought education had a purpose for the real world. I guess communication is not all that important after all.
  • cownancy
    Love your profile photo! Unfortunately, my pet peeve is people who don't at least TRY to spell and punctuate. It is SO difficult for me to understand a post enough to help when it is written like the post you just entered. I do NOT want to be rude, at all. I feel like a person should care enough about the reader to make it as clear as possible and as easy to understand as possible if you want someone to take the time to try to help you.

    If it's something small or an obvious typo, etc., that is understandable. However, a run on paragraph with NO punctuation and poor spelling is really annoying to me. I am NOT trying to argue, just explain how I feel.

    Now, I may WANT to type a rude reply to someone, but I don't usually do so. If someone ticks me off, though, I may get a little catty (ok, a LOT catty) and say something. LOL.

    I saw your other post and that there were some snipes at you, but, honestly, it WAS hard to read, as is this one.

    Good luck on your journey!
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