Operation: Sexy Claus Challenge Week #1 9.19.11 (Closed Grou



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good morning, ladies!! So excited to be starting this challenge:happy: This is right on time, and I am so ready to kick some butt! Um, aren't we supposed to post our weight and measurements in the spreadsheet?

    My schedule for the week is:

    Monday: Zumba Exhilarate
    Tuesday: Turbo Jam
    Wednesday: Turbo Sculpt
    Thursday: Zumba Exhilarate
    Friday: Turbo Jam
    Saturday: Zumba Sentao
    Sunday: Rest?

    Weight and measurements yes :)
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    Hello! I weigh in once every 2 week so my last weight in was on Thursday 9/15. My measurements have minimally changed from when I first started, but the scale did go down! I lost almost 6 lbs so I am at 184.6 lbs.

    For the week my exercise is:
    I am starting my trainer's own 5k plan..

    Monday -Friday 60 min 5k plan week 1
    Tuesday/Thursday - Training sessions
    Wednesday - Sand Volleyball league
    Sat - looooong bike ride (mapping my route currently)
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Good Morning!!! Starting at 216 - that's actually according to the Weight Watcher Scale from last Friday - higher than what my home scale read but I was fully dressed and didn't take of my sneakers or phone. I don't want to get on the scale during the week between my weigh-in's at "fat class" or use a different scale. Since I've been struggling the past few months decided to get back to basics and re-join WW. I had a lot of success in the past with the program and hopefully will help me get back on track. So far so good!

    Haven't done measurements, will try to get those tomorrow.

    Exercise for the week:

    Today: Leslie Sansone 5 mile Fat Burner DVD (completed this am!!)
    Tuesday: Crossramp 45 min; treadmill 35 min; upper body strength training
    Wednesday: Treadmill 60 min; rowing 20 min; glider 20 min; ab workout
    Thursday: Elliptical 45 min; treadmill 35 min; either body pump class or lower body strength training
    Friday: Treadmill 60 min; Crossramp 35 min; yoga class or butt & balance routine
    Saturday: Elliptical 60 min; treadmill 35 min
    Sunday Day of rest

    And everyday I walk the furry children (2 daschunds & 1 pug) for an hour. Its not a quick walk or anything but its still moving.

    Everyone have a great week!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    hey everyone! my scales still broken :( but thats ok, im trying to be less dependent on it anyways, i will get a new one in a week or so. my measurements as of today are

    waist: 32 3/4 grrrr, up 1 1/4 in from my smallest
    arms; 12 3/4, also up 3/4 of an inch
    legs: 24 1/4

    my workout schedule for the week

    Monday: Burn Circuit 3
    Tuesday: P90X Legs & Back
    Wednesday: Burn Circuit 1
    Thursday: P90X Core Synergestics
    Friday: Burn Circuit 2
    Saturday: Rest day
    Sunday: Burn Circuit 3

    Saturday and Sunday may change, I will also be walking the dog whenever its not raining.

    ALSO - I moved into a new apartment and the floor shakes when I even consider jumping around to do Turbofire, does anyone have any good ideas for low impact cardio that wont piss off my neighbors? I know I should really go outside and run, but im just not a runner.

    I'm with Krys on this one but, you can always try purchasing a pad that is normally used under treadmills and Elliptical machines, this helps on the impact. Hope this helps, good luck!
  • So happy Monday to all. I am so ready to start this challenge. My starting weight is 230.4 errr.
    My exercise plan for the week is....

    Monday- Supreme 90 Day (Cardio Challenge) and (Chest and Back)
    Tuesday- 30 Day Shred Level 1 and 1 mile walk
    Wednesday- 30 Day Shred Level 1
    Thursday- Supreme 90 Day ( Cardio Challenge and Legs)
    Friday-Supreme 90 Day (Tabata Inferno and Shoulders and Arms)
    Saturday and Sunday is up in the air. Whatever I feel like doing.
  • healthydoseofglitter
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Hello! I weigh in once every 2 week so my last weight in was on Thursday 9/15. My measurements have minimally changed from when I first started, but the scale did go down! I lost almost 6 lbs so I am at 184.6 lbs.

    For the week my exercise is:
    I am starting my trainer's own 5k plan..

    Monday -Friday 60 min 5k plan week 1
    Tuesday/Thursday - Training sessions
    Wednesday - Sand Volleyball league
    Sat - looooong bike ride (mapping my route currently)

    I ABSOLUTELY love your workout plan!!!
  • miss_amy
    hey all! had a not-so-good weekend eating wise (friends were in from out of town), so i am so excited to get this started!

    my workout plan for this week:
    today: body weight strength training, spin bike 15 mins, elliptical 20 mins
    tuesday: weight training (arms & abs), spin bike 15, elliptical 15
    wednesday: body weight strength training, spin bike 15, elliptical 15
    thursday: weight training, elliptical 30
    friday: spin bike, elliptical

    hoping to get at least 1 workout in between saturday and sunday too!

    good luck everyone!
  • Omoge25
    Omoge25 Posts: 34 Member
    Is this still open? Could I please join?
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So my starting weight is 158.4. I am really hoping to at least get to under 150 by the end of the challenge (cross my fingers).

    My workout plan:
    Monday - P90X Plyometrics
    Tuesday - P90X Stretch X
    Wednesday - P90X Plyometrics
    Thursday - P90X Stretch X
    Friday - P90X Plyometrics
    Saturday & Sunday - Rest day

    This is actually my rest week in P90X, but I missed all the Plyometrics during the first 3 weeks. So I figured I would get them all done now. I am going to be one sore lady by the end of this week, but oh well. Let's get'er done.
  • Omoge25
    Omoge25 Posts: 34 Member
    Krys_T, I'd really like to join this and I hope it isnt too late.
  • GeminiMel02
    GeminiMel02 Posts: 36 Member
    Week 1, Day 1 is here and by the end of this challenge, I will be at least 15lbs lighter. :) I didn't have my measuring tape with me when I entered my weight but, i'll be sure to get my measurements entered.

    My schedule for this week -

    Monday - Friday - 1 hour of coaching middle school basketball
    M, W, F, - 90 minutes dynamic hiit strength training and core
    Sat - 90 minutes strength training, 20 minutes sprint intervals
    Sun - 2 hour bike ride

    Good Luck Everyone!
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    Hi everyone! Happy Monday!

    I was looking at my schedule and my first day coming straight home after work will be thursday so this should make for an interesting week!

    Monday: Zumba 45 min
    Tuesday: HipHop Ab's DVD
    Wednesday Zumba
    Thursday: May try P90x or either hip hop abs?
    Friday: 100 situps, 50 push ups, squats, etc (45 min)
    Saturday: Will be at a 2 yr olds birthday outside, so I will get exercise playing w/ them etc.
    Sunday: rest
  • ontheskinnyroad
    ontheskinnyroad Posts: 205 Member
    I'm so ready!!!! Here is my plan this week!!!

    Mon- C25K Wk3 Day 2/ 30 DS
    Tue- 30 DS LVL 1
    Wed- C25K Wk 3 Day 3/ 30 DS LVL 1
    Thu- C25k Wk4 Day 1/ 30 DS LVL 1
    Fri- 30 DS LVL 1
    Sat- 30 DS LVL 1 (maybe)
    Sun- Rest !!!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Im liking everyone's schedules....looking good! Let's stick with them :) We can do it with each other's help!
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Hey All You Lovely Ladies!

    Ugh - CW: 158.5 ...

    So my plan for this week
    EAT BETTER! OMG and to cut down on the drinking. I think those are the 2 spots I put the weight bakc on over the summer.

    In terms of working out... errr this might be where I need my butt kicked ladies

    Long term plans for this challenge:
    - stepper 3x a week
    - 30ds (get it done by the end of the challenge)
    - start c25k

    Monday - Stepper, 30ds?,
    Tuesday - (dinner with a friend... WILL be good) Stepper? 30ds
    Wednesday - Stepper
    Thursday - Working a double... if I don't over eat it will be a good day... Peddler
    Friday - (dinner with a friend... EEEPS!) 30ds, stepper
    Saturday - Hiking?
    Sunday - Hiking?

    Looking at my plan for the week, I think I know what I need to do - commit and make sure I know what is going on with my life... The fact I don't know what I am up to this weekend is really impacting my ability to plan.
  • healthydoseofglitter
    I will weigh and put my measurements in tmr. I pulled my arm/shoulder muscle getting into my fiance's truck. Bummer it hurts pretty bad so I am going to have to put 30 Day Shred on hold a few days while I heal the arm. Literally hurts to type at work which is just WONDERFUL since I type all day lol.

    Since I hit this temporary bump in the road I think I will dust off my Leslie Sansone DVD and do some walking:

    Monday- (not sure if I will get to tonight since I may go to the doctor to see if I can get a muscle relaxer) I would like to do 2 miles
    Tuesday- 5 mile DVD
    Wed- 2 Mile DVD
    Thursday (BABY NEPHEW WILL BE BORN TODAY)- Quick 1 Mile DVD so I can go meet him after work :)
    Friday- 2 Mile DVD
    Saturday- 5 Mile DVD
    Sunday- Apple/pumpkin picking with the family (plenty of walking through the fields)

    Hopefully next week I can get back on track with Shredding!
  • denysehturner
    denysehturner Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Krystle,

    I'm new to the group!

    I tried to access the spreadsheet but was unable to. Am I eligible to participate?
  • ReggaeNurse
    I'm really thrilled to be a part of this challenge, and to get to know you ladies better over the next few months. I know we can all hit are targets as long as we stay focused on our goals. Okay, so I thought I was starting at 216, but thankfully as of yesterday (had to work today and couldn't get on scale), I was 214.2. Yay me!

    Since I work 13 hour days, 3 days a week, I'll only be doing my 30 Day Shred on those days. On my off days, I'll throw in another activity to keep things interesting. So here's my schedule for the week:

    Mon: 30DS (Day 5 Level 1)
    Tues: 30DS (D6L1)
    Wed: 30DS (D7L1); Turbo Jam Fat Blaster
    Thurs: 30DS (D8L1)
    Fri: 30DS (D9L1); Zumba
    Sat: 30DS (D10L1); Turbo Jam Fat Blaster
    Sun: 30DS (D11L2); Zumba

    Special shout-out to Krystle for putting this challenge together...and I am loving that google spreadsheet! So cute, and creative, and I love that it documents everything automatically...big time saver (and very smart) on your end, I'm sure.

    It's on ladies, let's get this thing done!!! :bigsmile:
  • Tiquella
    Can I still join?