30 Day Shred Starting Today Who wants In?



  • I ache today after day 2 and also have a MEGA headache as trying to give up diet drinks at the same time.
    Sticking with it though. I have a work training thing after school today so will be home late after a 14 hr day but will make time to do my 20 mins :)
  • Day2 L1 I'm not sore but I will be after my hour walk tonight :) Its that time of the month so I am doing 1 hour cardio this week or I will sit at home and eat everything in the house! LOL Hope everyone has a great day and most of all does their shred! :)
  • elysius
    elysius Posts: 1 Member
    Ohhh! Me me me! Can I join?

    I started 30DS yesterday and I did my second session of Level One today. My thighs are so sore from those lunges I'm having trouble bending over. I want to slap her in the face every time I have to do a star jump.

  • gailduncan
    gailduncan Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in, though I'll be starting today - so just a day behind.

    SW 151lbs
  • EmmaR31
    EmmaR31 Posts: 184
    Still sick so no 30DS for me, hope I can at least start by Friday!
  • Yay for all the new ppl joining! Remember we are doing the 30DS and an addition 30 mins of any cadio everyday for 30 Days. We can do this ladies!!! Just keep shredding :)
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    Day 3 of 30 today - did level 3 again. Also walked 4.6 miles this morning.

  • stacie915
    stacie915 Posts: 48 Member
    Haven't been able to start the 30DS due to my CD player acting up!!!! BUT, I'm doing my workouts...hopefully this weekend I will be able to get this fixed and get started.
  • Im a day before but Im in. Will do day 1 this afternoon when I get home. Already got the DVD and 3lb weights to start!!!

    Starting weight: 182

    I am going to take before pictures and measurements tonight also!
  • I didn't see the additional 30 min cardio but Im still in. I will just use the elipical at my job for 30 mins each day on my lunch break!
  • I'm in, too! I started yesterday but didn't do the extra cardio. I will today, though. Hopefully my little guy will have his full nap this morning so I don't have tp pause the dvd and go get him. :)
  • I know the feeling! My little girl is has a mommy is working out radar. The minute I turn that dvd on she is up...lol

    I'm in, too! I started yesterday but didn't do the extra cardio. I will today, though. Hopefully my little guy will have his full nap this morning so I don't have tp pause the dvd and go get him. :)
  • I didn't see the additional 30 min cardio but Im still in. I will just use the elipical at my job for 30 mins each day on my lunch break!

    Good for you!!! getting that 30 mins in at work will really get your energy up! :)
  • gailduncan
    gailduncan Posts: 35 Member
    I did day 2 yesterday plus 2 x 20 mins cycles. Feel much more sore today than yesterday. Can feel it across my chest which I'm hoping means I've been doing the (modified) push ups properly.
  • UphillBattleAxe
    UphillBattleAxe Posts: 57 Member
    Just about to get going with D4 L1, missed the extra cardio yesterday..ooops!

    Used 1.5kg/3.3lb weights on D1, a huge mistake....couldn't keep the form. Switched to 1Kg/2.2lb weights from D2 for all but the chest flies where I used the heavier weights.....and am now going to up the weights on the lunge & bicep curl and see how I do.

    Most hated part of L1 - jumping jacks, closely followed by modified push ups (am so rubbish at those).
  • Day 5 for me today. Will do it tonight after work. It does get easier, first couple of days my legs hurt like hell but today not so bad so something is improving.
    I quite like the burn it gives me, makes me feel like my muscles are working hard. I am curious to see what Level 2 brings next week.
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    Day 5 for me today. Will do it tonight after work. It does get easier, first couple of days my legs hurt like hell but today not so bad so something is improving.
    I quite like the burn it gives me, makes me feel like my muscles are working hard. I am curious to see what Level 2 brings next week.

    I'm on level 3 - I find there is something to hate in all three levels! Nice to have a change in routine though. I've done day 4 at level 3 today. Only walked 0.5 miles so far today but will walk 1.5 miles with the dog tonight.

  • I'm on Day 4 Level 1 now and loving the burn!!! Getting such a buzz from all the exercising I'm doing :)

    I've found that I haven't been able to do my workouts during the day due to a number of reasons, kids being around mainly lol

    I was just wondering does it really matter what time of the day you exercise? Would it be better for me to take some time out during the day to workout, or is it ok to exercise late at night, just before going to bed, like I do?
  • I honestly think that as long as you do it it doesn't matter when.
    I used to always want to exercise in the mornings and when I couldn't I'd think Ah well missed it for today, try again tomorrow!
    Now I know better and whenever I have time I'll do it.
    At the moment mine is in the evening as I work all day but will be in the mornings at the weekend.

    Heading home to do Day 5 after I watched my class play football then will be heading to Aqua Aerobics later tonight!
  • Stayathomezooke,

    Well he's slept great for the past two days of working out. Hopefully that will continue! We're on to teething now, though. He's eight months old and no teeth yet, so I'm sure he'll get a bunch quickly. How old is your little girl?

    I'm glad I joined this thread; I need to stay motivated to get rid of this spare tire. No excuses!

    Are you still breastfeeding? My little guy still nurses except for one bottle a day. I noticed on my food diary that it bumps up my calories for nursing and for exercising, so I'm not having a problem with being hungry at all! Hopefully the weight will come off, though.