30 Day Shred Starting Today Who wants In?



  • I know the feeling! My little girl is has a mommy is working out radar. The minute I turn that dvd on she is up...lol

    Sorry about the mixed up posting.... I'll figure this out yet!
  • gailduncan
    gailduncan Posts: 35 Member
    It'll be day 4 for me today. Feeling less sore than yesterday which is good.

    How's everyone else feeling?
  • Completed day four today and feeling great! The first two were tough, but now I'm feeling more energetic. How about everyone else?
  • Stayathomezooke,

    Well he's slept great for the past two days of working out. Hopefully that will continue! We're on to teething now, though. He's eight months old and no teeth yet, so I'm sure he'll get a bunch quickly. How old is your little girl?

    I'm glad I joined this thread; I need to stay motivated to get rid of this spare tire. No excuses!

    Are you still breastfeeding? My little guy still nurses except for one bottle a day. I noticed on my food diary that it bumps up my calories for nursing and for exercising, so I'm not having a problem with being hungry at all! Hopefully the weight will come off, though.

    Yay! lets hope he says great for you until you finish the shred! :) I have 2 kids my son is 3.5 and my daughter is 1. Yasmine my daughter took forever to get her teeth...lol my in laws would always call and ask if she has any teeth yet...hahaha Im not breastfeeding anymore she self weaned at 9 months :( Don't worry the weight will still come off. I had a week of intentionally eating at 1700 calories when my diary is set to 1200. I had visitors over and it was a crazy week. I still tracked what I ate but knew I wouldnt be able to stay at 1200 so I decided to go to 1700. Well guess what!!! I lost 2.2 lbs!! so I did the same thing the next week to see if it was just a fluke and I lost another 2.4 lbs...4.8 lbs in 2 weeks!! :) I was still working out just eating more.
  • Today is D5 L1 for me and I am ready to kick Jillian's butt! lol So I wanted to share some things that are working for me.

    1. If I put the t.v on mute and play my favourite songs I get through the work out much easier! :)
    2. We are all busy some with kids some with work but no matter what it is YOU and your goals are just as important! So make them a priority!
    3. If I want to see results during this 30 days I have to earn them. So I push myself to the limit during those 25 mins with Jillian.

    Now I want all of you to share something, anything that has helped you get through your work outs! Lets all stay motivated!! We can and will do this and all see amazing results!
  • gailduncan
    gailduncan Posts: 35 Member
    I'm beginning to know everything Jillian says off by heart now. Deffo less sore now though still finding some of the moves difficult - even the modified push ups!
  • Today is D5 L1 for me and I am ready to kick Jillian's butt! lol So I wanted to share some things that are working for me.

    1. If I put the t.v on mute and play my favourite songs I get through the work out much easier! :)
    2. We are all busy some with kids some with work but no matter what it is YOU and your goals are just as important! So make them a priority!
    3. If I want to see results during this 30 days I have to earn them. So I push myself to the limit during those 25 mins with Jillian.

    Now I want all of you to share something, anything that has helped you get through your work outs! Lets all stay motivated!! We can and will do this and all see amazing results!

    Started 30 DS today...something that helped me get through it? Well, that would be my inhaler! lol I thought I was in pretty good shape. I kick bootie at Zumba classes and I'm constantly pushing the limits in there. But, woooa....this is serious burn. Not complaining though...it is definately worth it! I want to tone up all my loseness! It will be worth getting up an extra hour earlier right?

    Starting weight 140.8

    I finally hit 95 lb loss as of yesterday :)
  • Today is D5 L1 for me and I am ready to kick Jillian's butt! lol So I wanted to share some things that are working for me.

    1. If I put the t.v on mute and play my favourite songs I get through the work out much easier! :)
    2. We are all busy some with kids some with work but no matter what it is YOU and your goals are just as important! So make them a priority!
    3. If I want to see results during this 30 days I have to earn them. So I push myself to the limit during those 25 mins with Jillian.

    Now I want all of you to share something, anything that has helped you get through your work outs! Lets all stay motivated!! We can and will do this and all see amazing results!

    Started 30 DS today...something that helped me get through it? Well, that would be my inhaler! lol I thought I was in pretty good shape. I kick bootie at Zumba classes and I'm constantly pushing the limits in there. But, woooa....this is serious burn. Not complaining though...it is definately worth it! I want to tone up all my loseness! It will be worth getting up an extra hour earlier right?

    Starting weight 140.8

    I finally hit 95 lb loss as of yesterday :)

    WOW 95lbs lost that is amazing!!! Good for you sticking it through with the shred!
  • thanks....I'm not doing the 30 min extra cardio EVERY day. Some days it just isn't a fesible plan. But, I did do 2 extra hours of cardio yesterday and will do an additional 45 today.

    I burned so many calories yesterday, I had 699 left...and COULDN't eat anymore!

    But, just completed day 4 today and my calves are screaming....I'm looking forward to not feeling the burn so much. lol

    Hubby hurt himself this morning... :( Hope he feels better soon!
  • Today wil be my last day of level one. I wonder what Jillian will bring in level two? I'm starting to see some results; how is everyone else doing? Even if my tape measure doesn't say my waist is a whole bunch smaller, I do feel like it's tighter. Here's to keeping it going!
  • Today wil be my last day of level one. I wonder what Jillian will bring in level two? I'm starting to see some results; how is everyone else doing? Even if my tape measure doesn't say my waist is a whole bunch smaller, I do feel like it's tighter. Here's to keeping it going!

    So how's level 2?

    Completed day 5 this morning....I'm finally able to not scream with every lunge. I've been walking and doing Zumba too...so the muscles are really sore. But, I'm fearing level 2...but 5 more days on 1 :)
  • Level two kicks your butt! I had to follow Anita, but it will get better over the next 10 days.
  • gailduncan
    gailduncan Posts: 35 Member
    I'm finding it difficult to know if I'm doing everything correctly. I still can't do even a modified push up!

    Moving on the level 2 this weekend which is good as getting a bit bored with level 1.
  • stayathomezookeepa
    stayathomezookeepa Posts: 110 Member
    YAY!!! Im glad to see you ladies still pushing! Level 2 is a beast but I know we can all get through it!
  • Day 6 complete. Really easy actually, still a good butt kicker but not as intense and painful. I was able to push deeper into the moves.

    I had a 1 lb gain so far...won't officially log till Monday on weigh in day. But, I've been trying to drink extra water so I'm sure that is what is going on since I'm staying within my calories and eating healthy.

    Wishing you all luck and success :)
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    Day 14 completed in a row today (but I have actually completed 30 days of the shred this morning with a few days off). Just another 14 days in a row to complete this challenge. Still can't do the pikes or proper sit ups without modifications:mad:

  • Ok Ladies...I did day 7 today. Easy peasy (ok not really, but it wasn't bad) I took a picture this morning to compare against a week ago. OMG!!! I can honestly see a difference. It isn't a huge difference, but it is noticable...and it's only be 7 days! Showed the pics to my mom...and she can see it too.

    I can't wait to see the 30 day result! I'm in for the long haul! I haven't seen inches lost or the scale move yet...but I I know it will!
  • gailduncan
    gailduncan Posts: 35 Member
    That's great that you can see it working for you already. I've had a few days off due to having a cold so need to catch up on a few level ones and then onto level 2, gonna take my measurements in a few days to see if much has changed in 2 weeks.
  • Day 8 complete! I finally saw the scale move .4 lbs today! This is a big thing for me because I haven't seen the 130's since my Senior year in high school. This loss puts me at OVER 95 lbs total loss!

    Today I'm giving a motivational talk to a local diet group. Wish me luck so that I can inspire and motivate others.

    I hope you all are sticking with the challenge. It's been difficult getting up every morning at 5am...but I'm doing it and you can too! It's totally worth it!
  • Correction...that's suppose to read day 9 completed! Get it straight girl...lol