

  • Lori_menorahlover
    Hugs Reesa!!!!! Glad to read your post!!!!!! Yep, JR is hilarious and I love his sense of humor.

    Here is a reminder for ALL of us today:

  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Everyone make sure they are keeping track of their calories!! Don't be afraid to try something new!

  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    LOL, this goes perfect with a pet peave of mine. I hate people telling me, you are what you eat!!

  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I have recently upped the amount of weight lifting I have been doing and I am noticing a lot of change. I'm not losing pounds as fast but my arms and legs (FINALLY FREAKING CALVES) are starting to get definition going to them. My weight loss goal is to get back into shape. I don't care if I weight 300 pounds, as long as I have low body fat and I'm healthy. If anyone is curious on free weight questions or are scared I can help out with that some as that is one of the things I did when I was younger. When I first started it was all about the weight loss and now it's about being healthy.

    I don't know if everyone is working out or some just dieting, but if you are just dieting let me tell you something I've learned. When you work out everything else seems to fall in place. Motivation, eating, and etc seem to come into line. I don't always eat the healthiest, I work on that but since working out my hunger and just health and feelings have increased drastically. My depression problems gone, health issues gone, sense of humor is back and greater then its been in a long time. So drink plenty of fluids (pure water preferred), watch your calories, don't deny yourself types of foods just portion them, and if you can work out. When I say work out I mean really push it. Our bodies can do more then what our brains think they can do.

    Lets all try to push ourselves, reach down inside and lets let our personalities shine, and work towards what we want. I pay more attention to everyone's profiles and diets then I let on! I am proud of you guys, there is some amazing work going on.

    Now that I actually posted a legitimate post back to my immature pictures!

    Now for first weight loss tip, this is wrong form:
  • aninamika
    I have recently upped the amount of weight lifting I have been doing and I am noticing a lot of change. I'm not losing pounds as fast but my arms and legs (FINALLY FREAKING CALVES) are starting to get definition going to them. My weight loss goal is to get back into shape. I don't care if I weight 300 pounds, as long as I have low body fat and I'm healthy. If anyone is curious on free weight questions or are scared I can help out with that some as that is one of the things I did when I was younger. When I first started it was all about the weight loss and now it's about being healthy.

    I don't know if everyone is working out or some just dieting, but if you are just dieting let me tell you something I've learned. When you work out everything else seems to fall in place. Motivation, eating, and etc seem to come into line. I don't always eat the healthiest, I work on that but since working out my hunger and just health and feelings have increased drastically. My depression problems gone, health issues gone, sense of humor is back and greater then its been in a long time. So drink plenty of fluids (pure water preferred), watch your calories, don't deny yourself types of foods just portion them, and if you can work out. When I say work out I mean really push it. Our bodies can do more then what our brains think they can do.

    Lets all try to push ourselves, reach down inside and lets let our personalities shine, and work towards what we want. I pay more attention to everyone's profiles and diets then I let on! I am proud of you guys, there is some amazing work going on.

    Now that I actually posted a legitimate post back to my immature pictures!

    Now for first weight loss tip, this is wrong form:

    JR I am FREAKINGLY HAPPY we met on here and have become friends in this journey to get to our roots ie: STRONG, FIT, HEALTHY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND SEXY!
    Thank you for the POSITIVE words - that is FRIGGIN' AWESOME your probs/issues are disappearing and that you are aware that it is all due to the hard work you are putting in to get back in shape.

    YOU ROCK JR aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I am sooooooooooooooooo PROUD to be a part of team who is SUPPORTIVE, BUTT KICKIN' if one steps out of line as well as DEDICATED to reaching our final destination - being able to ENJOY a healthier life!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :love: :love: :love: :love: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • aninamika
    HERE WE GO TEAM! Today's challenges done - this was how my workout day went!

    WARM UP: running on the spot 30 secs, push jacks 30 secs, steel jacks 30 secs, split squats 30 secs, mtn climbers 30 secs, renegade rows 30 secs = repeat for 20 secs each exercise
    WOD: Partner workout - while one is working the other is "active resting".
    A) 20 Kettle Bell (KB) swing (12kgs)
    KB rack hold (6kgs)
    5 rounds completed
    B) 25 TRX low rows
    Barbell Hang Hold
    4 rounds completed
    C) 25 Dumbbell thrusters (12kgs)
    Resistance band overhead holds
    3 rounds completed
    D) 25 Dumbbell push ups
    Floor push up hold
    3 rounds completed
    E) 25 Ab mat sit ups
    Handstand hold
    3 rounds completed
    F) 10 perfect push ups
    Most muscular ( stand and clench your arms together in a hulk hogan type pose)
    Then went for a 6 mile run @ 11:33 pace per mile
    Came home and completed the challenge exercises

    3 sets of 15 swimmer presses (4KGS)
    3 sets of 15 wood chops (2KGS)
    3 sets of 21’s (4KGS)
    3 sets of 15 lawnmowers (2KGS)


    With all the walking I'll be doing today I'll easily clock up 3 miles poss more.

    HAPPY HUMP DAY PEEPS! See you in the eve when I log in my final stats! Yesterday water was over and cals under. Also made my first ever Lentil Loaf and it was a SMASH HIT also cooked TOFU for the first time and it was equally SUCCESSFUL!

  • janetj518
    Hi Tribe-

    Sorry about not posting yesterday. I am SOOOO ready for my life to settle down a bit. Me being sick, daughter with concussion, daughter with awful cold, hubby with flu and yesterday...grandma in a car accident. She is fine but her first ticket and accident ever. Felt so bad for her.

    Anyhow, glad to be back. Happy Birthday KJ.

    Yesterday I exercised and did my stupid jumping jacks and the other challenge stuff. Today was much better with the challenge stuff. Thinking that my lungs still have some healing to do.

    Hope everyone is having a great week!

  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    Happy belated birthday KJ!

    Yesterday - challenges done + BodyFlow class, over water, under cals. Thanks JR for helping me to focus! :)

    Anina - you absolutely, positively ROCK!

    Love and hugs to all.
  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Tribe-

    Sorry about not posting yesterday. I am SOOOO ready for my life to settle down a bit. Me being sick, daughter with concussion, daughter with awful cold, hubby with flu and yesterday...grandma in a car accident. She is fine but her first ticket and accident ever. Felt so bad for her.

    Anyhow, glad to be back. Happy Birthday KJ.

    Yesterday I exercised and did my stupid jumping jacks and the other challenge stuff. Today was much better with the challenge stuff. Thinking that my lungs still have some healing to do.

    Hope everyone is having a great week!


    Janet - Praying for you and your family. Glad your gran is ok.
  • sherrisloan
    sherrisloan Posts: 188 Member
    4 min tabata
    5 miles treadmill
    3 sets 15 swimmer's presses
    3 sets of 21's
    3 sets db chest fly
    3 sets 15 lawnmowers
    3 sets tricep kickbacks
    3 sets 15 woodchops
    30 push ups
    100 crunches
    Extra durning Dancing with the Stars
    4 sets outter thigh lifts-20 lbs
    4 sets inner thigh lifts-20lbs
    2 sets of 25 squats-20lbs
    Over on water and under on calories
  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    4 min tabata
    5 miles treadmill
    3 sets 15 swimmer's presses
    3 sets of 21's
    3 sets db chest fly
    3 sets 15 lawnmowers
    3 sets tricep kickbacks
    3 sets 15 woodchops
    30 push ups
    100 crunches
    Extra durning Dancing with the Stars
    4 sets outter thigh lifts-20 lbs
    4 sets inner thigh lifts-20lbs
    2 sets of 25 squats-20lbs
    Over on water and under on calories

    Amazing Sherri!!
  • Brandirina
    Brandirina Posts: 67 Member
    Janet - Wow, when it rains, it pours, right? Keep your head up! Hope everyone feels better soon and glad that you're grandma is okay.

    Anina - You rock!

    Reesa - I know it's hard to stay motivated. I'm in a bit of a rutt myself right now. Glad JR was able to get you going! Exercise can only lead to positive things!

    Sherri - Wowsa, what a workout!

    Sorry all for not posting yesterday. It'll have to be my day off for this week (already!). I've been going through a little bit of an emotional rollercoaster right now and bouts of depression and lack of motivation are the main side effect. My dad is terminally ill (cancer all over) and I'm starting to have a hard time with it, having just lost my Mom in 2007. I don't have a relationship with my dad, so the current situation has me entirely confused and emotional. So, of course, all I want to do is lay around and eat. At least I kept my calories in check yesterday, but I barely moved a muscle. It'd be great if I could just get angry about the whole thing and take out my aggression in the gym.

    I'm back in the game this morning. I've already gone 3.5 miles on the elliptical (9 minute miles!), completed the challenge exercises for Day 2 and did 50 crunches so far.

    Everyone is doing so well! It's so great to see!
  • Lori_menorahlover
    TY for all of the posts!!! I completed everything yesterday then did an extra 60 minutes more during the 2 hour premiere of Biggest Loser last night!

    PS PLEASE forgive me but today I am finally able to update my fantasy league team and I'm really zoned out right now focusing on it. I PROMISE I will return to normal later today!!!!
  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    TY for all of the posts!!! I completed everything yesterday then did an extra 60 minutes more during the 2 hour premiere of Biggest Loser last night!

    PS PLEASE forgive me but today I am finally able to update my fantasy league team and I'm really zoned out right now focusing on it. I PROMISE I will return to normal later today!!!!

    Its all good Lori.. we know you are a football fanatic! LOL And, great job.. I should've been working out too while watching BL.. instead, I opted for Oatmeal Raisin cookies... I still stayed under though!!! LOL
  • Lori_menorahlover
    TY for all of the posts!!! I completed everything yesterday then did an extra 60 minutes more during the 2 hour premiere of Biggest Loser last night!

    PS PLEASE forgive me but today I am finally able to update my fantasy league team and I'm really zoned out right now focusing on it. I PROMISE I will return to normal later today!!!!

    Its all good Lori.. we know you are a football fanatic! LOL And, great job.. I should've been working out too while watching BL.. instead, I opted for Oatmeal Raisin cookies... I still stayed under though!!! LOL

    Oh I LOVE oatmeal cookies sooo much. Looking for more motivational posters today:

  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    LOVE that poster Lori!
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 198 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Sorry I've been totally MIA as Ive been sick as a dog!! I was even sick on my birthday:sad: :sad:
    So i haven't been doing the challenges BUT i'm going to try and catch up on the ones Ive missed as fast as I can ie before the end of this week. I have been keeping under my cals (even though not tracking them on MFP just in my head) and drinking heaps of water though. So I'm going to do some reading and see what everyones been up to over the last few days.
    HOpe everyone has a great Thursday!!!!
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Hi everyone,
    Sorry I've been totally MIA as Ive been sick as a dog!! I was even sick on my birthday:sad: :sad:
    So i haven't been doing the challenges BUT i'm going to try and catch up on the ones Ive missed as fast as I can ie before the end of this week. I have been keeping under my cals (even though not tracking them on MFP just in my head) and drinking heaps of water though. So I'm going to do some reading and see what everyones been up to over the last few days.
    HOpe everyone has a great Thursday!!!!

    Sorry to hear that you have been sick KJ!!! Thx for checking in with us! Pray you are feeling better!!!
  • janetj518
    Hi Tribe,

    Had to take today as my rest day. Lungs are still not up to par and spent all morning in the ER with grandma. She is fine but had a real bad dizzy spell and nearly passed out. I will be glad when this month is OVER!!!

    On a positive note, today, hubby and I found out that our cash offer on our very first home was approved. YAY YAY YAY YAY!!! Get to move into my own home AND I have NO PAYMENTS!!!! WOO HOO!!!!

    Hope everyone had a great day!!!

  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I destroyed it today. I needed this, hadn't have a big gym like this for a couple weeks.

    1.25 hours of lifting weighs - RAWR
    1.5 hours of cardio - 1200 calories burnt according to mister HRM.
    300 crunches
    all the challenges
    22 servings of water. 176 ounces.
    Did 7.5 miles today.
    Diet was good, and now I'm going to bed.