MFP team purple..

Maybe this will help us stay in contact.. :o)


  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Perfect!! Thanks!! :smile:
  • kayleighmarie04
    Dont get it.. ?!?
  • azamber3
    azamber3 Posts: 5 Member
    This works for me.
  • ashleymashley02
    Kayleigh this is for the My fitness pal biggest loser competition team purple! :)
  • ashleymashley02
    Just missing rachel!? hmmm
  • ashleymashley02
    Well girls we have our work cut out for us...let's post here first before we submit.. wow...
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    :smile: I am ready for this challenge! I think I can improve on my time! :smile: I'm sure as heck gonna try!!
  • ashleymashley02
    Great Mari Beth..I am going to try to improve my time but mostly going to strive for the same thing as that was my best time ever lol!
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Sounds great, Ashley! :smile: You reallly rocked that time in the first mile. I am definitely going to try to improve my time though!!
  • ashleymashley02
    We all can def try to do better.. I want to be the best team this time around! Come on Girls.. lets do this!
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    :smile: Hey team . . my time tonight in the mile was 14:27. I am still striving to do better, but improving each time. How about everyone else's times so far?

    GO PURPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • azamber3
    azamber3 Posts: 5 Member
    My time was 13.27 I did something to my right knee a few weeks ago doing the 30 day shred and it wants to give out on me.
  • ashleymashley02
    OH no.. lucky we just made it girls.. what do we want to do to keep ourselves motivated since there is no challange this week?
  • ashleymashley02
    Was thinking maybe burn 1000 calories a day... should be a good week if we do that.. doesn't matter how you do it.. walk, run, class, weights, gardening, cleaning, however you can squeeze it in!
  • rachdlew
    Hello all my purple ladies. I was thinking that we could do a Jillian Micheals workout together not only for a week but for the 6 weeks. I am currently doing the 6 week 6 pack and I am getting FANTASTIC results I am 242 as of today what do you think.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Rachel and Ashley . . I like both of your ideas. I don't have the Jillian Michaels dvd's though . . but I don't think they are expensive. Or the 1000 calorie thing is cool too. Then we can each pick our own exercise . . just as long as it is 1000 calories total throughout the day. Also, just to let you guys know . . I think I pulled my hamstring running/jogging last night so I was unable to go full strength tonight at the gym/pool . . but I'm hoping it will be better tomorrow and going forward.


    Oh and one more thing! I thought of a fun slogan for our team . . since it's just us 4 . . what if we called ourselves the Little Team That Could? (Like Little Engine That Could! LOL) Or we could call ourselves Purple Power!! It just randomly popped into my head
    while I was driving to the gym . . hee hee. :smile:
  • ashleymashley02
    Rachel...I don't have the dvds either but looks like you're getting great results...what is the dvds and where do you get them?? I like the little team that could...that's cute!
  • rachdlew
    ummmm the dvds I got from a friend and I could try to get them to you guys if you want them. A friend of mine shoowed me a website you can get them from and get all of them. I also wanted to let you gguys know that my weight loss might slow down by the end of October I am seeing a trainer and will be doing target weight training so I will be building more muscle and less cardio. I work out 5 days a week and take 2 days off so I will do my best to burn the 1000 calories Monday through Friday but I have to take Saturday and Sunday off per trainer orders.
  • rachdlew
    I love the ideas for the team slogan I keep thinking of the song Purple People Eaters but we arent eaters we are Losers. :laugh:
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    :smile: Hey, Rachel . . it's all good! I think you are doing fantastic and everyone loses at their own pace. I wish I had the $$ to work with a trainer, but at least I work out at a gym that's also a physical therapy/rehab facility . . so I get lots of good advice from the PT's, etc. Don't stress or worry about your weight loss slowing down . . mine has slowed done considerably as I get closer to my "target" weight.

    Are we in agreement with the 1000 calorie thing then? I think we can all do it . . although Amber hasn't chimed in here yet. But she is in Arizona . . so I guess they're 3 hours behind Eastern Time?? I think it's an awesome goal to shoot for and we are going to ROCK this Biggest Loser season!!

    WOO HOO . . high fives all around for the LITTLE TEAM THAT COULD!! :happy:

    Thanks and talk to y'all again soon!
