MFP team purple..



  • ashleymashley02
    Well gals... right now looks like I wont be losing anything this week... will know for sure tmw am.. but I just dont know what is going on and what to do.. I am going to try to make sure my net calories are 1200 minimum everyday and we will see what next week holds in store.. IDK! Sorry girls!
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    You don't have to apologize, Ashley . . we all just do our best and the results are not always immediate . . but keep the faith! :smile:
    Things will get better!
  • ashleymashley02
    well i gained .8 this week... I am going to wait and do my offical weigh in on sunday and see if that helps.. keeping my fingers crossed I will drop that .8 off so atleast I stay the same.. sorry team :(
  • ashleymashley02
    Update...I just got off the phone with my Dr and I'm back on track he said for my weight eating 1300 cals a day and exercising no more than 2 hrs hardcore a day would be fine for me...which is what I was I trust my des opinion and that is what I'm going to do..we will see tmw am I will do exercise video and then weigh in for the week...hope its a good weigh in! I'd be happy with not gaining and staying the same! Thanks for letting me vent lol!
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Good for you, Ashley! :smile: I'm so glad to hear you talked to your doctor and they gave you a "plan" to follow. Whether you gain or stay the same (or lose!) you are still a winner in my book!

  • ashleymashley02
    Aww thanks maribeth!! Well I got up and worked out this morning and weighed in now up .6 from last week should I wait till tmw and try again or just send in up .6??
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    I would say wait until tomorrow . . since tomorrow at 5 pm is the deadline :smile: I'm waiting until tomorrow myself since I am down less than a pound myself.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Has everyone turned in their weights today? : ) Just a friendly reminder! I know Ashley and I both have.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    YAY for purple!!! We rock!!! We were the first team this week to turn in ALL of our weights. :smile: I'm so proud of all of us!!
  • ashleymashley02
    Go us!! Let's hope we aren't up for elimination!!
  • rachdlew
    rachdlew Posts: 108
    YAYA we are pretty awesome!!!
  • ashleymashley02
    I wish they'd post the episode already!!!! AHH!
  • rachdlew
    rachdlew Posts: 108
    Wow guys I kinda feel like I have to defend my weight loss. I dont think anyone believes me man, I know 8 pounds is a crazy loss but I have been busitn my booty to stick to this crazy diet. I have never in my life had the amount of protein and veggies that I eat daily. I dont want my team to think that I would lie. When it comes down to it if you lie about your weight loss your just lying to yourself in the end.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Wow guys I kinda feel like I have to defend my weight loss. I dont think anyone believes me man, I know 8 pounds is a crazy loss but I have been busitn my booty to stick to this crazy diet. I have never in my life had the amount of protein and veggies that I eat daily. I dont want my team to think that I would lie. When it comes down to it if you lie about your weight loss your just lying to yourself in the end.

    You shouldn't have to defend yourself at all, Rachel. Your team believes in you and anyone that thinks you are lying is not worth your time or energy. :smile: Keep up the GREAT work!!
  • rachdlew
    rachdlew Posts: 108
    Thanks so much I feel better knowing you guys believe me :)
  • ashleymashley02
    I believe you!
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    :smile: Hey girls . . maybe now would be a good time for me to start collecting your "favorite" numbers so we can pick cases after the weigh ins are all in tomorrow. You can either private message me or post it here. I'll keep checking back. :smile:
  • rachdlew
    rachdlew Posts: 108
    hummmmm 14,17.18 and 26
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Thanks, Rachel! :smile:
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Okay, guys . . I've been thinking about this whole "case" thing and I've come to the conclusion that depending on what we end up with after the cases are picked, it would probably be best just to try to make everyone as even as possible. In other words, I hope we can just make it so everyone has about the same amt of loss. Does that make sense? We don't want to eliminate anyone if we can help it. :smile:

    Does this sound like a good plan? Let's hope, hope, hope for immunity cases!! :smile: