MFP team purple..



  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Oh yes . . I was thinking Purple People Eaters too . . but that seemed kinda weird, considering. LOL

    Sorry guys . . sometimes I think I have too much time on my hands!! hee hee

  • rachdlew
    I am really lucky to be able to use a trainer. I am a militarry wife and the program is offered for free through the post all you have to do is want to be healthy and they will help you in every way they can. Plus it keeps young wives out of trouble when their husbands are deployed. This trainer also trains for competition power lifting and fitness competions. I am really exxcited about it and I am even thinking about seeing how good my results are forst then I might do a competitors training program. No power lifting but fitness modles they have a killer routine.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    A free trainer? That is so cool. I am lucky too though because I have the support of my Wellness Dept here at work (where they also have personal trainers, but at a price) and I work out at a physical therapy facility that is also a fitness club - with a pool. So I am literally surrounded with fitness experts at my disposal. :smile:
  • rachdlew
    That is fanatastic I am looking forward to getting my butt handed to me today I start my program. I went to talk to the trainer yesterday and shhe looked and me and said that if I can stick with her for the first 2 weeks ill be ok but I will hurt she said I promise you WILL hurt. So I am a little nervous but excited.
  • ashleymashley02
    Hey girls! Wow a lot of talking I missed today.. I was too busy burning over 1000 cals this morning! Yes I think it all works we will do burn 1000 cals a day this week.. and Rachel no worries I usually burn the 1000 cals till fri and take it easier on weekends.

    Let's ROCK this!!! The Little Team That Could! More like the team the could get little haha! :) I know dorky!
  • ashleymashley02
    So Rachel how'd it go?
  • rachdlew
    I am a sore woman but it was totally worth it I love this trainer she is awesome and has no problem working the dog doo out of me.
    I cant wait till I go back friday, and until i go back it will be Jillian Micheals. oh and I am down 2 more pounds guys 240 now. :happy:
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    :smile: WOW . . way to go, Rachel! You are taking on a lot and I am proud of you! And you too, Ashley! Sorry guys . . but I didn't burn my 1000 calories tonight because my hamstring is still a bit sore. But I got almost halfway with 400, plus after I finish eating here, I am going to try a new exercise program thingie I bought at Target. It's a resistance cord and it comes with a workout dvd and I think I might like it!! Looks fun and it was on clearance for only $10.48 so I just couldn't resist!

    Anyways, GO TEAM PURPLE!! We rock!! The Little Team That Could!! woot woot!! :smile:
  • rachdlew
    I hope you like your new workout let us know how it goes it wont be long I will nees a new workout DVD myself
  • rachdlew
    I hope you like your new workout let us know how it goes it wont be long I will nees a new workout DVD myself
  • rachdlew
    Oh and you burn what you can lady we dont want you hurt you are a great asset to our team. Dont feel bad about burning 400 calories that is awesome just work on getting better so you can do some serious damage to the competition lol.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Well, I actually managed another 217 calories last night doing the resistance cord workout. But I just wasn't feeling the instructor on the DVD at all . . she was not very good and didn't really explain the moves or how to hold the cord.

    Anywho, I am going to try Jillian's dvd because I've heard so much GOOD about them - plus I bought 2 of the dvd's last night so I am kinda committed to trying them now. LOL

    I also checked with my local library and they have a couple of exercise dvd's (not Jillian ones though - bummer!) but I might go check and see what their selection is. It would be a good way to try out the dvd/workout for no cost. :smile:

    I hope you all have a great day and GO TEAM PURPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy:
  • ashleymashley02
    Maribeth.. which dvds of hers did you end up getting?
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    The six pack one (primarily for abs which is a huge problem area for me!) and the Jillian Michaels for Beginners which targets a ton of different areas (legs, abs, arms, etc.) I also checked out a couple of dvd's from the library this afternoon - one is Pilates for Dummies . . LOL!! :laugh: And another is Pilates for Beginners. It was the only 2 dvd's they had for fitness that weren't checked out so I figured it couldn't hurt to try Pilates too and hey, it was free! My library even lets me check out both dvd's for 3 weeks! How cool is that? I figured I'd get it for a week or 2 tops.
  • rachdlew
    THats fantastic. If you got the Jilliam Micheals 6 pack in 6 weeks that program is CRAZY. I have been doing it for about a week and I still have a hard time with itt I hate burpies lol. Let us know how these work for you though I might want to try pialates.
  • ashleymashley02
    I borrowed Jillian Michaels fat burner and metabolism booster one its crazy.. did either of you try that one?
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    I didn't see that one at the store, Ashley. I think I'm actually going to try the Pilates ones before I break open the Jillian Michaels dvd's. I'll let you guys know how it goes. I was going to try it tonight, but gosh darn . . it's late and I'd best be thinking about bed. :smile:
  • azamber3
    azamber3 Posts: 5 Member
    Sorry, I have not logged on to this post for a while. I get home so late eat dinner and go walking with my daughter. I have that 26.2 mile marathon I'm doing for season 1.

    I have been using the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD it makes you sore for the first couple days and level 2 is soooo hard, so I need to keep to level 1 for awhile.

    I'm on a weight loss team at work and our team name is Mission Slim Possible:)
  • ashleymashley02
    Haha cute heather and wtg 26.2 miles is going to be tough but you can do it!
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    That's awesome! And I love your work team's nickname . . Mission Slim Possible! Very cool! :smile:

    Don't worry about not checking . . sometimes I forget too and all of us are busy women! It's all good!