

  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Good morning Ladies!!! Hope that EVERYONE had a fabulous week one! I was going strong until yesterday....and i kinda got sidelined. But I'm back on track today! Got up at 5am to do Turbo Jam and Kettleworx and feeling good. Question: Is anyone else's appetite increasing now that you are working out more? If so, how are you fighting off the hunger? HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY. GO TEAM EPSILON!!!!

    Toofattoofit I'm with Jem, eat when you are hungry. I consumed 1700 calories 1 day this week (highest I've ever eaten and tracked lol) But I also burnt 1500 calories. So, yes definitely eat when you feel hungry b/c your body needs it. Have a protein shake, fruit, extra salad, doesn't have to be anything extreme just something that's good for you. Great job this week!!
  • dutchess48
    You can post your weigh-in on here if you like but make sure I get a message so I don't have to search for them. Thanks
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    This week was Great for me! I am down 2.4lbs, I drank 576oz of water, worked out 490mins burning 5246 calories.
    My Weekly challenge: I did the following (One-Legged Curl (3 Sets of 20Reps- 10lbs). Opposite Arm and Leg Raise-(3 sets of 20 reps, alternating sides, Duck Squat- (3 Sets of 15 reps with 15lbs)
    And my Personal challenge was to work out to JM's Killer Buns and Thighs everyday this week. I am looking to kick it up a notch next week!!! You all are doing such a great job keep it up!!!

    Team Gamma in the HOUSE!!!!
  • PurpleCoookie
    Yay! After almost a month of no loss, I finally dropped 3 pounds.
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    After being stuck in a rut for 3 weeks in the 240's I lost 4.6 pounds this week I'm 238.0 It is so amazing to see that number on the scale, I haven't been in the 230's in 2 years Very excited, I'm offically on my way to Onederland woohoo very motivating to see that 199 number again. :)

    This SUPER FANTASTIC!!!!!! Great job on the loss, keep it up!! :drinker:

    Thanks Leeslim, I will :)
  • divainprogress2012
    After being stuck in a rut for 3 weeks in the 240's I lost 4.6 pounds this week I'm 238.0 It is so amazing to see that number on the scale, I haven't been in the 230's in 2 years Very excited, I'm offically on my way to Onederland woohoo very motivating to see that 199 number again. :)
    That is so awesome girl!! U should go on a SHOPPING SPREE!!! Treat ya self and buy u some jazzy outfits and go out on the town!!! :) Congrats again girlY!!!
  • divainprogress2012
    My personal goal was to drink 64oz of water each day and I did it!!! YAY ME!!! Actually I didnt drink NOTHING but water. I feel sooooooo good about that. Now I am just afraid about the weekend cause I get a lil crazy with the weekend. So with that being said my personal goal for week2 is to not let the weekend get me in TROUBLE!!! No eating fastfoods, drink plenty of water and COOK!!!! Hope you all have a great weekend!!! :)
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    Forgot to mention I got in 635 ozs of water this week Equal to about a gallon a day,

    326 minutes in exercise this week from Monday to Friday, I workout on Saturday and Sunday also so That will probably be over 400 mins

    3599 calories burned up from Monday to Friday

    This is what I like to see!!! Great job Hun!!!

    Thank you :)
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    After being stuck in a rut for 3 weeks in the 240's I lost 4.6 pounds this week I'm 238.0 It is so amazing to see that number on the scale, I haven't been in the 230's in 2 years Very excited, I'm offically on my way to Onederland woohoo very motivating to see that 199 number again. :)
    That is so awesome girl!! U should go on a SHOPPING SPREE!!! Treat ya self and buy u some jazzy outfits and go out on the town!!! :) Congrats again girlY!!!

    Thanks girl, I have some clothes here that will fit me now LOL, I did some shopping last month lol. But I am going to hit up nike factory for some more workout clothes :) Another shopping spree when I lose another 20 pounds :) hubbys treating
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    This week was Great for me! I am down 2.4lbs, I drank 576oz of water, worked out 490mins burning 5246 calories.
    My Weekly challenge: I did the following (One-Legged Curl (3 Sets of 20Reps- 10lbs). Opposite Arm and Leg Raise-(3 sets of 20 reps, alternating sides, Duck Squat- (3 Sets of 15 reps with 15lbs)
    And my Personal challenge was to work out to JM's Killer Buns and Thighs everyday this week. I am looking to kick it up a notch next week!!! You all are doing such a great job keep it up!!!

    Team Gamma in the HOUSE!!!!

    Woah Nice work leeslim
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    pretty ok week could have gone much better lol had a bit too much going on
    (lost 2lbs drank 500oz of water, worked out for 360 minutes burning a total of 4336 calories
    (one legged curl 4 sets 20 reps each with 8lb weights, squats 4 sets 25 reps, alternating lunges 4 sets 10 reps each with 8lb weight, personal challenge was to run a total of 12 miles this week i only did about 10)
  • Stephiede
    Stephiede Posts: 130 Member
    Yay! After almost a month of no loss, I finally dropped 3 pounds.

    That's AWESOME!!!
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Good morning Ladies!!! Hope that EVERYONE had a fabulous week one! I was going strong until yesterday....and i kinda got sidelined. But I'm back on track today! Got up at 5am to do Turbo Jam and Kettleworx and feeling good. Question: Is anyone else's appetite increasing now that you are working out more? If so, how are you fighting off the hunger? HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY. GO TEAM EPSILON!!!!

    I am dealing with this same thing I use to only workout for like 30 min So this is doubling the amount of time I workout I pack my luch looking into the vending machine when I am done eating
  • KEN1013
    KEN1013 Posts: 182 Member
    ok the hip heist was not looking like the model,,,,and i rock my self over a couple times but i still did it!!!!!
  • KEN1013
    KEN1013 Posts: 182 Member
    i love this,,,,,,,!!!!!!!
  • tricks30
    Weigh in 165.6 worked out total of 246 mins. Total calories burned 2225. Didn't make my water goals. Lost 0.6 lbs. Team Beta
  • Chika_2015
    Chika_2015 Posts: 359 Member
    Weight: 162 (+3) Right now i am fluctuating between 159-162, I need to break this plateau. But my spirit is not broken. :)
    Water: Monday - Friday 336oz
    Weekly challenge: I prety much already do at least one of the exercises from each tab, no challenges because i've been doing them for a while.
    Personal challenge: Completed my challenge of drinking at least 8oz of water a day.
    Weekly Total minutes - 442min
    Calories burned - 3789cal

    Have a great Weekend everyone.
  • dutchess48
    Ok ladies so as you can see week 2 of the challenge is posted! We did a great job this week and I've very proud. The picture to the left shows this weeks weekly winners, we will do this every week to spot light out shinning stars and team. The top five members are from all the teams.

    We did have a lot of members who did not weigh-in so I will remind you that if you miss two weeks in a row I will have to replace you with another member. This gives a fair chance to those who really want to participate and gives your team a chance to win. Please follow the format shown in the welcome post to weigh-in. This insures that it's easier for me to make the charts in a timely fashion. If you did not weigh-in this week please do so on friday as regular.

    I will be very busy this upcoming week so if you message me any questions or concerns forgive me if it takes a while for a response.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Okay ladies its week 2. Lets really try to work hard and reach our goals. You push me and i'll push you. We got this team. :flowerforyou:
  • DynamicDiva
    DynamicDiva Posts: 138 Member
    Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Team Gamma!

    Already starting on part of the weekly challenge for week 2. Ladies please enjoy.

    Chicken Marsala
    This is a simple low fat chicken recipe but it is also elegant.

    Servings: 4

    • 1 15 ounce can herb seasoned tomato sauce
    • 8 oz fresh mushrooms sliced
    • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
    • 1/4 teaspoon salt
    • 1/8 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
    • 2 pounds skinless chicken breasts
    • 2 tablespoons Marsala Wine

    Place chicken in a 13 x 9 x 2 baking dish. Mix sauce mushrooms, sugar, salt and pepper. Stir in Marsala and pour over chicken. Cover tightly with foil and bake at 350 F. for thirty minutes. Serve warm.

    Per Serving: 303 Calories
    3g Fat (9.9% calories from fat)
    55g Protein
    11g Carbohydrate
    2g Dietary Fiber
    132mg Cholesterol
    927mg Sodium.
    Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 7 1/2 Lean Meat; 2 Vegetable; 0 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates.