Respect for MFP girls who know what it is to give it all you



  • 99Tinkerbell
    Thanks will take it . It's a struggle but I do it and feel better after I do, so I know it's the Right thing to be doing.
  • dannylives
    Well thank you, sir!! :flowerforyou: And I think I speak for a lot of us ladies here, when I say, we appreciate the same about guys. :smile:

  • rsqsquad05
    when someone starts off by saying "no offense" that means your about to say something craaaaaazy offensive.
    LOL are so right my friend.
  • Nocturnes
    It's hard work...and I'll take the compliment thank you
  • dannylives
    I accept those props and return them whole-heartedly to those fine gentlemen who sweat it out with pride.

    I will try and do that consistently this coming year! Wait, I WILL do that!
  • KazziaLlewellynn
    KazziaLlewellynn Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks! Those of us just like me starting the uphill fight, again, need that! Back to ya hon!
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I was 240 pounds in HS, so, I didn't exercise at all, LOL. I usually skipped gym. I gladly accept the props. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to lose weight. You really have to have desire to lose weight in order to be successful. That's why so many of us on this site have been so successful, and we all should give ourselves and each other a congrats. We all work so hard, and I wanna give out props to all of you as well. Keep on smilin guys!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    thanks for this! i used to be really jealous of the girls i knew growing up who could eat whatever they want and be small, etc. now i look at those same girls and think - sure you can wear whatever clothes you want, but i bet your heart works like crap and you don't know what it means to push yourself to feel that burn ;)

    Agreed completely with you! Just because you are thin does not mean you are "healthy!"
    Thank you for posting this dannylives!!
  • dannylives
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    Thank you! I was always the chubby friend, and jealous of all my gfs who weren't. but now, when we go dancing, who do you think is still rockin' into the wee hours, while they are sitting, to tired to dance? I have more stamina and strength than any of them, even though I still outweigh them (for now).

    You're right, it's not all about how you look, that's just a perk!
  • Andiarena
    So nice of you, and right back at ya!!! I know exactly what you mean though, because I used to think, "i just want to look good,' but now its not just about looking good, because I would never want to be skinny-fat! Also, glad you posted this, cause I was really thinking, do i really want to do 30 Day Shred today? Well, guess what.... i'm turning into that person that pushes herself to reach goals and goes hard so of course I'm going to do my workout today!! :-)
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    Thanks. I do love good workout and played sports in HS. Nothing feels better no matter what your size. I knew a girl in back then who was beautiful and slim but couldn't run for 3 minutes or lift 5 lbs. It is attractive when someone works for what they want or even works to take care of themselves. Thanks for the props!
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    Wow, what a great post! Thank you Danny!!

    I do have to mention something that I have found VERY interesting. When I am in the gym, covered in sweat, can't speak, every muscle burning after an hour of intense other words, when I look (and smell) my very, VERY worst...I get more positive attention from the my male counterparts than any other time of the day, and I am a big girl! I thought it was odd at first, and maybe in my head, but it's proven to be a fact over the last few months.

    I'm so curious about this! Why do you suppose this happens?
  • dannylives
    Wow, what a great post! Thank you Danny!!

    I do have to mention something that I have found VERY interesting. When I am in the gym, covered in sweat, can't speak, every muscle burning after an hour of intense other words, when I look (and smell) my very, VERY worst...I get more positive attention from the my male counterparts than any other time of the day, and I am a big girl! I thought it was odd at first, and maybe in my head, but it's proven to be a fact over the last few months.

    I'm so curious about this! Why do you suppose this happens?

    'Cause we recognize and respect that FIGHT in you! Any guy who loves working out for the right reasons would respect and recognize you for that. Some guys workout solely to puff up their ego or to get third party compliments. Those who workout because they enjoy the FIGHT it takes to get through a hard workout will recognize you immediately. Granted, I do enjoy third party compliments but someone once said, "What's gonna happen if they don't give you the reaction you were hoping for?" Then I asked myself, "Why the hell am I working out for chicks? I remember being 14 and working out because I loved it, what happened?" Ever since I heard that dude say that,....I realized I have to workout for MYSELF first, like I did way back when I was a teen. And so, since then....I don't think about girls when I'm exercising but only the goal I'm trying to reach during that one workout. I suppose the guys giving you positive attention at your gym think along the lines that I do......there will always be those who don't, but remember, it's not about impressing third parties. It's about stepping away from the gym knowing you did your best. I think the guys at your gym probably admire your workout intensity. :)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Bumping because I :heart: this post.
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    'Cause we recognize and respect that FIGHT in you! Any guy who loves working out for the right reasons would respect and recognize you for that. Some guys workout solely to puff up their ego or to get third party compliments. Those who workout because they enjoy the FIGHT it takes to get through a hard workout will recognize you immediately. Granted, I do enjoy third party compliments but someone once said, "What's gonna happen if they don't give you the reaction you were hoping for?" Then I asked myself, "Why the hell am I working out for chicks? I remember being 14 and working out because I loved it, what happened?" Ever since I heard that dude say that,....I realized I have to workout for MYSELF first, like I did way back when I was a teen. And so, since then....I don't think about girls when I'm exercising but only the goal I'm trying to reach during that one workout. I suppose the guys giving you positive attention at your gym think along the lines that I do......there will always be those who don't, but remember, it's not about impressing third parties. It's about stepping away from the gym knowing you did your best. I think the guys at your gym probably admire your workout intensity. :)

    Ahhhhhhhhhh, thank you for this!!! That's why I was so confused...because when I am in the gym, I am in there for ME and no one else, and the way I look reflects that for sure. LOL! Thanks for your response and your original totally made my week!! :)