

  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Hey friends - I really have to get to bed. I have to leave at 5:30 am YUCK!!!!!!!! I hope to be home early to check in. I had a stressful day in the car and then home prepping for working with Nestle tomorrow. I had a weird spell and I came super close to passing out while driving on the freeway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freaked me out - I was talking to a friend on the cell (with an ear piece of course) when it happened. I was able to stay calm and exit the freeway....parking, drink water, walk around the car and re group. Not sure what it was...blood pressure was good when I finally got home..had a head ache but felt OK later this afternoon. I did skip my workout tonight. Ate on track today.....wanted some wine tonight, but just said NO

    I have running class tomorrow night. We are moving up to run 3 mins walk 1...yikes I bearly made it through 2 min run...not sure how I will make 3. I feel like quiting...but I won't! I am hoping I am at the point where most want to quit but once you break through it's cake....ha ha , that's what I am telling myself.

    Have a great night - and a terrific tomorrow :smile:


    whoa that is scary! I am so glad you're ok! Just keep pushing through your workouts and you will be stronger than ever : )
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    I am not sure how many calories though i just checked every where couldnt find the exact count. MFP has quite a few on its list but they are all 100 plus therefore i used that and it turned out to be 600 plus thats why i was disappointed but not sureif that was the right plug in my diary. :'(

    Don't feel bad, you had an AWESOME work out today and everyone deserves a little treat every once in a while .
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    I'm happy to say I've been getting my 8 hours of sleep, and last night I took the dog for a 40 minute walk/run, got up at 6:30 this am and did my Yoga Dvd too!! No exercise tonight as one kid is sleeping over at my mom's house and the other one will be having some special attention time from us - we r getting pizza and having a movie night.

    Great job keeping up with your workouts! My daughter and I try to do "Family Movie Night" once a week week with a yummy dinner like pizza and popcorn and a movie. Fun stuff!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Hey Julie,

    I'm a friend of Postive Power (Judy) and I would love to get in on this challange. Is it posible?


    Taylor , welcome to the challenge! We look forward to getting to know you.
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Hey everyone please welcome Taylor (Taylorparkhurst) she is a friend of Judy's (PositivePower),

    Also, since we are getting to know each other this week there was a suggestion that we all put our Real names in our signatures. I think that's a GREAT idea so let's do it!

    I hope everyone had a great day today. I find that I am craving less and less junk these days. YAY
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Hey guys make sure to check out this blog, it's Fit Life Coaching Questions, great way to learn about each other and find out even MORE things that we have in common.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey Fit Friends ~ Thanks for all the concern with my spell :sick: Feeling good today but tired now! Made it through the work day then got to running class and YES I DID IT!!!!! Run 3 mins walk 1 min 5 times. With run/walking and warm up cool down walks we did over 4 miles. Got home and had to do some prep for work tomorrow, then I almost forgot it was my night to put my Dad to bed!!! Luck for my AWESOME sister reminded me since things have been crazy lately. Team work is important in work, family and weight loss!

    Loredana you are right I should slow down alittle and it is hard when you have so much to get done. I can't let up on exercise since I am on the wave and have that feeling that if I slow down I will stop. I did take last night off:smile:

    Thanks so much for welcoming Taylor!!!! She is a GREAT friend of mine and we work together aswell. We are working a food show next week and will be sure to report how well we do with our eating, we might have to have some wine the night before:drinker: But count it!

    Gotta get some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ - Have a Good night
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi everyone!!

    i am now home from the hospital with even more tablets to take!! :( but i'm glaad everyone else is doing so well!

    welcome to taylor - this is a great group - really supportive.

    i am also finding i am eating less junk food and not really missing it although i did have a naughty chocolate bar and jelly beans while i was poorly.

    missed being able to read what everyone was up to and sharing ideas around - so is there any news from anyone? good or bad? or any one found any inspirational tips that would be good for us?

    Claire. xxx
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I find that I am craving less and less junk these days. YAY

    Great news! I'll admit, I go through waves with this myself.

  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hey Fit Friends ~ Thanks for all the concern with my spell :sick: Feeling good today but tired now! Made it through the work day then got to running class and YES I DID IT!!!!! Run 3 mins walk 1 min 5 times. With run/walking and warm up cool down walks we did over 4 miles. Got home and had to do some prep for work tomorrow, then I almost forgot it was my night to put my Dad to bed!!! Luck for my AWESOME sister reminded me since things have been crazy lately. Team work is important in work, family and weight loss!

    Congrats on the run! Such a huge accomplishment. I just started running over the summer so I can totally relate.

  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    So I've been doing pretty poorly on the getting to bed thing.... but I've had such an amazing week!! That has to count for something, right??
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello everyone - another friend of mine here on MFP just posted - it's a beautiful day out until some idiot screws it up :laugh: I thought that was hillarious and so true!

    First. yesterday I felt so good - did the right choices, stayed under 1500 calories (which is the maximum I am allowing myself to eat when I work out) and burned about 900 calories by swimming for 1.5 hours. I don't know what it is about swimming but I get really hungry and sleepy after a good session. My back is sore, the good sore, I feel like I totally have a swimmer's back, even though the mirror doesn't show any changes :) A girl can only dream ;)
    This morning I did some strengh training in a Body Pump class - man, those squats and lounges are killer!!! But I welcome the workout of my lower body. Now I am sore all over ....

    On another note:

    Taylor - welcome to the group and to change! It's fun to see so many of us in the same boat. I learned that the more involved you are the more focus to put into this, the more successful you are. I was a luker, almost never making comments, staying in the shadow but then I decided that if I want change I need to start with the person in the mirror (thanks Michael Jackson for giving us the line!). Now I feel like there is no way I won't do this .... I am not giving myself a choice ... So, stick around, we are happy to have you with us :)

    Julie - awesome run! Can't wait to hear when you are going to do your first 5k. It's a total high and knowing you will be hooked :)

    Judy - thanks for maintaining this forum and watching out for us. You mentioned you have a Movie Night once a week with your daughter and you get pizza ... have you ever tried Archer Farm PIzza from Target? - the Mediteraneean Veggie or Sicillian Veggie ... UNBELIEVABLE!!! You can't even believe you are eating frozen pizza - with goat cheese and arugula on ... totally yummy!! I add my fresh tomatoes or even shredded broccoli - whatever veggie I have in the house .... And only 4.99 per pizza!!! Try it - it is not loaded with cheese so you can still watch the calories while eating pizza ...

    Claire - so happy to hear you are out of the hospital! Take care of yourself ... cutting on the junk food will help you recover even faster. We are here for you ...

    I know I missed tons of you but gotta go back to work ... keep logging, keep counting and keep smiling. We got this!


  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Oh, something else I forgot to mention - one of my favorite snacks, which I haven't tried lately just becuase I am trying to get more fresh fruits or vegetable but at one time I was hooked - the Larabar. It's all natural, gluten free and it's basically a mixture of nuts and dried fruits. Nothing else. For those of you who didn't try that and have a sweet tooth, I totally recommend it - it's a guiltless desert!

    xoxo again

  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Hello everyone - another friend of mine here on MFP just posted - it's a beautiful day out until some idiot screws it up :laugh: I thought that was hillarious and so true!

    First. yesterday I felt so good - did the right choices, stayed under 1500 calories (which is the maximum I am allowing myself to eat when I work out) and burned about 900 calories by swimming for 1.5 hours. I don't know what it is about swimming but I get really hungry and sleepy after a good session. My back is sore, the good sore, I feel like I totally have a swimmer's back, even though the mirror doesn't show any changes :) A girl can only dream ;)
    This morning I did some strengh training in a Body Pump class - man, those squats and lounges are killer!!! But I welcome the workout of my lower body. Now I am sore all over ....

    On another note:

    Taylor - welcome to the group and to change! It's fun to see so many of us in the same boat. I learned that the more involved you are the more focus to put into this, the more successful you are. I was a luker, almost never making comments, staying in the shadow but then I decided that if I want change I need to start with the person in the mirror (thanks Michael Jackson for giving us the line!). Now I feel like there is no way I won't do this .... I am not giving myself a choice ... So, stick around, we are happy to have you with us :)

    Julie - awesome run! Can't wait to hear when you are going to do your first 5k. It's a total high and knowing you will be hooked :)

    Judy - thanks for maintaining this forum and watching out for us. You mentioned you have a Movie Night once a week with your daughter and you get pizza ... have you ever tried Archer Farm PIzza from Target? - the Mediteraneean Veggie or Sicillian Veggie ... UNBELIEVABLE!!! You can't even believe you are eating frozen pizza - with goat cheese and arugula on ... totally yummy!! I add my fresh tomatoes or even shredded broccoli - whatever veggie I have in the house .... And only 4.99 per pizza!!! Try it - it is not loaded with cheese so you can still watch the calories while eating pizza ...

    Claire - so happy to hear you are out of the hospital! Take care of yourself ... cutting on the junk food will help you recover even faster. We are here for you ...

    I know I missed tons of you but gotta go back to work ... keep logging, keep counting and keep smiling. We got this!



    I haven't tried that pizza before but it sounds DELICIOUS! I will definitely have to check that out ASAP. thanks for the suggestion
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    So I've been doing pretty poorly on the getting to bed thing.... but I've had such an amazing week!! That has to count for something, right??

    I have been having a hard time with that too but we don't have to stop trying after this week. I hope we can continue trying to get more sleep every night. Of course it counts! Great job!
  • xBeautifulBreakdown

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    hi everyone!!

    i am now home from the hospital with even more tablets to take!! :( but i'm glaad everyone else is doing so well!

    welcome to taylor - this is a great group - really supportive.

    i am also finding i am eating less junk food and not really missing it although i did have a naughty chocolate bar and jelly beans while i was poorly.

    missed being able to read what everyone was up to and sharing ideas around - so is there any news from anyone? good or bad? or any one found any inspirational tips that would be good for us?

    Claire. xxx

    Clarie - Oh my Gosh!!!! Was it your asthma??? Glad you are doing better. keep up the good work not missing junk food!!!!!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Name: Charmaine
    Location: NC
    Starting weight 174.6
    Current 173.8
    GW by Jan. 1st 135