being single stinks



  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    so riddle me this...
    i have the body, i am willing to dress slutty and i'm in a relationship.
    why the hell am i still not getting any?

    Hell yes! Me too! WTF.

    And to the person who originally posted this: The skinny girl does NOT always get approached. I NEVER get approached by anyone worth a damn. The other day I was asked out by a man who always tells woman bashing seriously?? Its the confidence thing, if you seem like you're down on yourself you ain't gonna get no one but the bottom feeders. Girl, 10 lbs ain't nothing, you rock it and you flaunt it ( lots different from dressing slutty) and you'll see.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member

    i dont' just randomly talk to someone one night then visit them......that'd just be scandalous!

    My place. Tomorrow night? :wink:
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    for me, ive never tried it but its the whole thought of not knowing someone and just being online pals and then meeting them...i know scams dont happen ALL the time but still kinda eery

    Meet them somewhere public, its not that hard.

    I usually chat with them for a week or two, get a phone number, or facebook, at which point its pretty safe.

    i dont' just randomly talk to someone one night then visit them......that'd just be scandalous!

    Totally. . . talk to them a while get to know them and then meet at like Starbucks. . see if things click or they don't.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member


    now that's not very nice.

    i think she meant or not that skinny people are slutty but skinny or slutty people
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I don't think weight really matters all that much. I had guys interested in me when I was 100 lbs overweight. Though that could all just be luck, timing, and having similar interests. I met most of the guys I dated online (through online games), though I did get hit on by random guys in person too.

    I wouldn't know about how people are in bars though, I've never been to one. I've considered trying the online dating sites at some point, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to bother and will just be the crazy cat lady instead (or maybe get a dog). :bigsmile:
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    Generally, guys with their shirts off in profile pics are the ones you wanna stay away from.

  • bhagavatilad1
    a lot of guys want the easy score and aren't looking for something long term. If that is the objective, the slutty skinny girls are that mans cup of tea. Now notice I did say "a lot of guys" and not all of them. Great job on the weight loss. Give it time, I'm sure you'll find someone who is looking for more than a good time with a random stranger :P

    1_up this is the nicest thing you've said to anyone
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member


    now that's not very nice.

    i think she meant or not that skinny people are slutty but skinny or slutty people
    They need not be said in the same sentence.
  • argharna
    I dont fully belive its size that has to do with it but the way you feel about yourself. If you are happy with yourself then it will show in your face thats when guys will want to talk to you.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I dont fully belive its size that has to do with it but the way you feel about yourself. If you are happy with yourself then it will show in your face thats when guys will want to talk to you.

    Totally agree..I'm a taxi driver and guys talk to me all the time..When I'm working I am in my element as I love my job and it shows..

    My profile pic is my taxi uniform............
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    NO!! Us guys are ALL just raging horny monsters targeting all the slutty skinny girls in the world!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

    Speak for yourself,

    A woman's appeance to me is insignificant compared to her personality. I've only ever had negative experiences dating skinny girls because so many of them are ******* stuck up *******.

    I beg to differ. I'm a skinny woman and I am so not stuck up, on the contrary, I am the biggest dork in the world. Completely socially awkward cuz I'm always up on the Xbox/PC. But then again....I dunno about the rest of my bony brethren lol.
  • matt_wysor
    I feel like too many people now aday's don't understand, and are afraid to admit that looks DO factor into when you're going to date someone or not, I mean, it's not EVERYTHING but ANYONE who says that looks don't play a role is a liar, and I will gladly tell them that on a public forum or in person. Fact of the matter is, It's about how you're percieved, if someone looks out of shape, and like they don't take care of themselves.....WELLL.....sorry but I'm not looking for a babysitting position, and I'm probably not going to date that person, on the other hand, if I see someone who obviously takes care of themselves, works out/ etc etc etc. and cares about how they're perceived (along with other personality factors of course) then yea I'm going to want to approach that person. The fact of the matter is, looks play a part when a man (or woman) searches for that special somebody....It's how we were built....but don't get being PRETTY mixed up with being ATTRACTIVE there is a huge difference in the two.
  • loopylis
    loopylis Posts: 116 Member
    Honey thats not true. I was skinny when I met my man, then we had our first daughter 9 years ago and I got BIG, and I have been big ever since. Since then we have had 2 more children, and the sucker married me :D He tells me all the time that I am beautiful, even when I am having a bad day and crying cos of how fat I am. He loves me for WHO I am, not what I look like. You WILL find a man who loves you for YOU xx
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    it was just one guy. maybe guys see you dressing a bit frumpy, and think that means: DON'T LOOK AT ME, I DONT WANT ATTENTION!!! ALSO, I HATE SEX!

    Dressing slutty will NOT get the good attention that comes with dressing SEXY...but dressing frumpy pretty much screams the above...Not only does it probably appear you are happy single, but what guy wants a girl who doesnt like sex? XD

    You can be any size and be sexy!!! Try this and see how it works:

    Do a facemask everynight for a week. Exfoliate and use a 3-step skincare set (I recommend Shiseido), every day and night. Do your hair (just adding a feminine pin or flower can do wonders). If you are not comfortable in your body enough YET (you will be...only 10 pounds remember :D), try a skirt with black tights or leggings. Wear a cute (not slutty) shirt, that maybe shows some subtle cleavage. Wear a cute necklace. Get your nails done (hands and feet). Wear some cute shoes (maybe heels...even a couple inches makes a difference). Put some girly perfume on (Juicy Couture and Burberry are my favorites). Maybe try some earrings or a bracelet. Whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide or white strips. Carry Altoids. Smile at men (don't walk with your head down). Carry yourself with good posture. If you want a man who will treat you like a princess, fake high maintenence...if you can afford to or already have some high end designer accessories such as bags...where those (and I mean Gucci, LV, Hermes, Burberry...brands men recognize easily by design ex monogram/birkin/check pattern)

    Do the above 50 pounds heavier, and you will get men chasing you. Because you look confident, and like you are care about how you look. And it looks like you won't settle for just become hard to get.

    Good luck! ^^