Why cut out dairy?

I hear people all the time say they cut out dairy as a healthy life style change. I don't get it. Why would dairy be a hinderance to weight loss?

I eat at least 1 C 0% Greek yogurt a day, sometimes 2 C. Is this too much?


  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    People have agendas regarding dairy.

    Just do your thing, and eat fewer calories than you burn.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    cut out dairy if you are lactose intolerant, otherwise it's personal preference
  • tiana150
    tiana150 Posts: 6 Member
    There are some studies that show a correlation between the protein casein and cancer.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    It's an individual thing. I cut out drinking milk about 20 years ago when I used to run and it would give me cramps and diarrhea. Recently I cut out the rest of dairy products (aside from the lactose in milk, the protein casein in cheese and yogurt sometimes can be an issue) as part of a change in overall food choices. For me, it's been a very positive resullt eliminating it to see if it would make a difference. Everyone's body is different--when you read about what other people do it may not be for you.
  • chatal36
    chatal36 Posts: 167 Member
    I cut out alot of dairy because alot of the choices did not go along with clean eating.. you dont have to cut it out just make sure you reading the lables on the dairy you do eat...and if you exploring this option check out almond milk i really like it
  • Oh yes! I love almond milk! I use Silk unsweetened almond milk and vegan cheese. The only dairy I eat is Greek yogurt.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I'm just not a fan of dairy, I prefer soymilk but I'll use a tablespoon or two of cream in my coffee or have a couple of slices of cheese once a week or so. The argument a lot of people have is that milk comes from cows and is high in fat because it is meant to fatten the calf up quickly within the first year of it's life-since milk is made by cows for cows (let's just assume by dairy we're talking about cow's milk as the basis of the argument)-therefore it is fattening and unnecessary. I personally saw a bit more weightloss when I cut down, but like I said I just prefer soy. As mentioned above, people have agendas, if you feel good consuming it then keep it up, and also, a lot of people can't differentiate between say the healthy greek yogurt you eat and a bowl of full fat ice cream.
  • There are some studies that show a correlation between the protein casein and cancer.

    Karg wantz see studie, Karg no can find hooman study on dis, Karg love cassein
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    There are some studies that show a correlation between the protein casein and cancer.

    Karg wantz see studie, Karg no can find hooman study on dis, Karg love cassein

    LOVE!!! :laugh:
  • There are some studies that show a correlation between the protein casein and cancer.

    Karg wantz see studie, Karg no can find hooman study on dis, Karg love cassein

    Haha yes! I'm pretty sure I'll get cancer from Splenda before I get cancer from cassein
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Diary is not necessary in the diet. Calcium is. Most of the non caucasian population has a difficult time digesting dairy. :)
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    lactose for me but i'm not 100% dairy free. I use little cheese and I do like my Greek Gods honey or pomegranate yogurt. :) The live bacteria in yogurt help me digest the proteins and doesn't give me quite as much problems as milk would(had given up drinking milk years ago) and cheese and ice cream. I'll stick with my Silk almond milk or soy milk though quite a bit of that is taste. I have never liked the taste of cow's milk.

    Some people chose to give up dairy because of the fat content. There are places to get calcium besides just cow products. Some of them even do so with more nutrient base and less calories. :)
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I am a grad student, so I abused my pubmed privileges when I first started losing weight to see what scientific research has found as the best type of diet. Research has shown high dairy high protein is actually the most effective in losing weight. Also, if you aren't careful whole dieting (read up on anorexia for example) your body will leach calcium from your bones.
  • I am a grad student, so I abused my pubmed privileges when I first started losing weight to see what scientific research has found as the best type of diet. Research has shown high dairy high protein is actually the most effective in losing weight. Also, if you aren't careful whole dieting (read up on anorexia for example) your body will leach calcium from your bones.

    LOL PubMed is useful for so many purposes :)
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    There is NO way I would EVER cut out dairy. I love it. I used to drink 4-5 gallons of milk per week when I was preggers (part of the reason I'm here, gained a lot of weight.) I have cut back significantly but still drink at least 1 glass per day. Once I lose my final pound and officially go in to maintenance, I will add more milk again.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I cut out dairy because I am extremely, highly sensitive to the (bio-identical) hormones in dairy products.

    My husband cut out dairy because it slows down his digestion dramatically.

    Why not just cut out dairy for 2 weeks, then add it back in, and see if it makes any difference for yourself? There is truly nothing good in dairy that you cannot get elsewhere, so it will not hurt you to use different sources of protein/calcium for a short time to see.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Me, I just don't particularly like it so it's not worth the calories.
  • Diary is not necessary in the diet. Calcium is. Most of the non caucasian population has a difficult time digesting dairy. :)

    Joo mean modern bastardized, err pastuerized dairy? Karg wonder truth if real milk?

    Karg perty shure dat mongol brothers drink fresh yak milk, and dat Chinese brothers and India brothers drink fresh goats milk, for ages and ages and still does, an do guud on dat milk.

    Da color of da skin do not make milk bad, da factoryz make da milk bad. mmm fresh real milk guud, make Karg da strong!
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I cut most the dairy several years ago because of my allergies. I am allerigic to the natural world, and giving up cheese/milk totally cleaned my head out. It is amazing the difference. I still like it and do a little but notice the difference if I do say, cottage cheese and pizza on the same day!

    Maybe try eliminating it for a couple weeks. Or, cut it down to one serving/day, and see how it goes. G'luck!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    I refuse to give up cheese. Everything in my ethnic background (Italian, Irish, German) is scandalized at the thought.

    BUT . . . I've cut back on milk a lot since beginning my "weight loss journey" and it has helped. I only have a serving of milk one or two times a week now. You should do what works for you.