Why cut out dairy?



  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    I unintentionally cut out almost all dairy for the past 2 weeks, and my digestion problems have all but disappeared, so for sure I'll be avoiding dairy from now on. If there are no known allergies, I don't see any reason to cut out dairy... but that's just my opinion. Hit your protein target first, get 3-5 servings of veggies, 1-2 of fruit, and the rest can be carbs and healthy fats.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I drink lactose free milk to solve the digestion issue but otherwise I'm great with regular cheese, yogurt, kefir, etc. I've been eating MORE dairy during my weight loss.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Human beings were never meant to consume dairy to begin with as stated by my Dermatologist who wrote several studies...

    Dairy has a medical connection to people with acne of all varieties. Dairy also has a medical connection issue with women who have PCOS, Metabolic X Syndrome, and then of course the lactose intollerant.

    I was part of a test-case study by my dermatologist because I am a PCOS and Metabolic X Syndrome patient (OH GOODY best of both wretched worlds!)... I was asked to eliminate all dairy from my diet for six months and to log a diary of my food-intake as well as any information on how my body was reacting, how I was feeling, etc.

    After he reviewed my journal, he then advised me to re-introduce dairy at the recommended two-servings per day.

    BIG TIME ISSUES! Had reactions, inability to digest dairy so I was nauseous, physically ill AND for the first time in many years, I developed some really bad acne.... my body basically was in FIGHT-mode...

    A couple days ago, through the help of a GREAT Endocrinologist, we determined that my body reacted with an overload of histamine, my sebaeceous glands became inflamed (the acne issue is here) because my body could not digest lactose.... Picture a severe first degree, borderline second degree sunburn-like rash and acne.... yup - that was me.

    If I have dairy, its the lower fat, skim-milk options but with a digestive. So far, so good AND my skin is still just as soft and acne free.... but I wont go more than two servings though...
  • chrisandrews75
    chrisandrews75 Posts: 17 Member
    I cut it out based on the results of an intollerance test. The painful joints and temperment disapeared and I no longer have to wear socks in bed. ;)

    If you don't have a medical reason, then I lost 15 pounds in a month without eating any less. :)

    However if you don't have to, then I wouldn't.
  • KavemanKarg
    Human beings were never meant to consume dairy to begin with as stated by my Dermatologist who wrote several studies...

    Karg purty sure dairy was da first ting Karg mom fed to Karg. Karg tink dis be true for all da animal kingdom.

    Karg again state dat joo drank bastardized factory dairy. Did da doktor try real and natural dairy or only wut comes processed in da bag?

    Karg tink dat to say "hoomans were never meant" to do sumthing implies a level of knowledge no hooman has.

    Karg also tink dat dere are plenty of athletes and healthy cultures dat thrive on dairy of different types. Karg is interested in hearing a skin doktor explain dis to Karg as dis refutes the statement above.

    Karg also knows dat studies cannot show more den correlation, and dat correlation does not prove cause and effect, and dat without dat, you cannot make scientific conclusions, and Karg is not a doktor, just a kaveman!
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Karg, human mothers feed human milk to human babies. All other mammals feed their own milk to their young.

    You really will not find a cow feeding elephant milk to its young.

    Quit trying to be "cute". It just makes you look stupid. I can see by your ticker that you've lost a lot of weight. Why not share your acquired wisdom in a way that will inform, rather than annoy?
  • KavemanKarg
    Karg, human mothers feed human milk to human babies. All other mammals feed their own milk to their young.

    You really will not find a cow feeding elephant milk to its young.

    Quit trying to be "cute". It just makes you look stupid. I can see by your ticker that you've lost a lot of weight. Why not share your acquired wisdom in a way that will inform, rather than annoy?

    Karg tinks joo need more of dat mother's milk in yer diet. Joo very stressed.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Me, I just don't particularly like it so it's not worth the calories.

    Best answer!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    The argument about milk is only for baby cows and was never intended for humans is always an argument I take with a major grain of salt. How does anyone really know what humans are naturally 'intended' to eat? Why is eating a chicken egg any less bizarre than drinking a cup of cow's milk? An egg is the discarded, inert reproductive vehicle for poultry. Why is pulling vegetables out of the ground or fruit off a tree any more intuitive than putting an arrow into the side of a deer and eating its meat. The foods humans choose to consume are dictated by personal preference, cultural norms and personal biochemistry (allergies, intolerances, what have you).

    I don't do well with soy (allergic), eggs give me the creeps, but I LOVE dairy - whether it comes from a cow, a sheep (mmm... percorino romano) or a goat (chevre).

    If you like dairy and are able to digest it and don't have any intolerances/allergies - then I don't see any reason to cut it out.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Karg, human mothers feed human milk to human babies. All other mammals feed their own milk to their young.

    You really will not find a cow feeding elephant milk to its young.

    Quit trying to be "cute". It just makes you look stupid. I can see by your ticker that you've lost a lot of weight. Why not share your acquired wisdom in a way that will inform, rather than annoy?

    This is the oldest and stupidest argument against human consumption of dairy.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'm cutting it out again because it's not good for me. It gives me stomach and allergy issues which are subtle enough to ignore most of the time, but I've grown tired of ignoring them and I'd rather be healthy.

    Milk is made for baby cows, not people. We don't drink breastmilk beyond early childhood, because breastmilk is made for baby people, right? So I guess I don't see why people think it's "necessary" or even healthy for us to drink a substance which is made to suit the nutritional needs of baby cows. I mean, I like dairy just as much as the next person, but it's because it tastes good, not because I think it's necessary for good nutrition. There are plenty of other, better sources for the nutrients in dairy. But cheese is sooooooo tasty. :tongue:
  • janegeno
    janegeno Posts: 37 Member
    There are some studies that show a correlation between the protein casein and cancer.

    Karg wantz see studie, Karg no can find hooman study on dis, Karg love cassein

    Haha yes! I'm pretty sure I'll get cancer from Splenda before I get cancer from cassein

    Naw, you'll get cancer from Nutrasweet (aspartame). Splenda is sucralose which means you just get diarrhea.

    Me, I love my dairy. Full fat, please. This morning I ate a half cup of ricotta for breakfast and I was so satisfied I nearly forgot to eat something for lunch. (I made it myself. Yes, I am bragging.)
  • KavemanKarg
    Me, I love my dairy. Full fat, please. This morning I ate a half cup of ricotta for breakfast and I was so satisfied I nearly forgot to eat something for lunch. (I made it myself. Yes, I am bragging.)

    mmmm Karg want invite fer break da fast.

    Karg make own yogurt in Cuba one timez from real raw milk, so gud...
  • vegangirl88
    vegangirl88 Posts: 104 Member
    Mainly (for weight loss reasons) because it is purely designed to turn a baby cow into a great big heifer...

    Also (ethically) because of the reasons stated here: http://www.vegansociety.com/resources/animals/dairy-production.aspx

    And it's the oldest argument against dairy because it's true. We are the only animals that drink other animals' milk, and the only ones who drink milk after infancy. Even adult cows don't drink cow's milk!! Would you drink another woman's breast milk for its nutrients? After all, it is chock full of them!! Perhaps if it was made into a cheese? Probably not, hey? But drinking cows' breast milk is promoted by the dairy industry so we are led to believe we need it. We really don't. I promise.
  • KavemanKarg
    Mainly (for weight loss reasons) because it is purely designed to turn a baby cow into a great big heifer...

    Also (ethically) because of the reasons stated here: http://www.vegansociety.com/resources/animals/dairy-production.aspx

    And it's the oldest argument against dairy because it's true. We are the only animals that drink other animals' milk, and the only ones who drink milk after infancy. Even adult cows don't drink cow's milk!! Would you drink another woman's breast milk for its nutrients? After all, it is chock full of them!! Perhaps if it was made into a cheese? Probably not, hey? But drinking cows' breast milk is promoted by the dairy industry so we are led to believe we need it. We really don't. I promise.

    Karg agree. Dairy no be needed. But dis do not make dairy bad fer da body. 1 is not argument fer de other. Man do not need carrot, but carrot still be good fer us.

    Jus like someone else being allergic to dairy or gettin' zits don't make it bad fer Karg, but only for dem.

    An, since Karg main point keepz getting overlooked. Peeplez are not drinking real milk. Dey are drinking factory made stuffz. Karg has had real milk. Real milk taste nuthin like dis stuffz and Karg will be it far better for a man to drink den dat factory stuff.

    Karg not seen one opinion based on actual real fresh non-factory non-messed-with milk from healthy animals.

    Karg wonderz if anyone actually doubts that fresh milk from a truly healthy goat or cow is bad for da body? Outside da political agendas anywayz
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Mainly (for weight loss reasons) because it is purely designed to turn a baby cow into a great big heifer...

    Also (ethically) because of the reasons stated here: http://www.vegansociety.com/resources/animals/dairy-production.aspx

    And it's the oldest argument against dairy because it's true. We are the only animals that drink other animals' milk, and the only ones who drink milk after infancy. Even adult cows don't drink cow's milk!! Would you drink another woman's breast milk for its nutrients? After all, it is chock full of them!! Perhaps if it was made into a cheese? Probably not, hey? But drinking cows' breast milk is promoted by the dairy industry so we are led to believe we need it. We really don't. I promise.

    Nobody said we NEED it. That doesn't mean we shouldn't consume it. I don't NEED a peach. But I like it and there ya go. Gonna go have some peach now. With some yogurt.
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    This entire post just screams osteoporosis. If you don't drink dairy you need to find a calcium source else where. Although calcium isn't the only factor in healthy bones it does have it's part

    I personally have no issue with milk in the past if the mother died they would feed the baby from a goat. I'm not allergic to
    It although we did thinky children were. And I am no longer intolerant to it so there is no real reason why I can't enjoy it.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,220 Member
    I love cheese. I would never be able to go without cheese. I have found that I am eating a lot *less* dairy since starting the diet. The only reason I am eating less is that many times I'd rather use the calories some where else since even lower-fat cheeses are still pretty calorie dense. I love my non-fat Greek yogurt and non-fat sour cream. I would go nuts without dairy. Simple as that for me.
  • freckledfrog
    This entire post just screams osteoporosis. If you don't drink dairy you need to find a calcium source else where. Although calcium isn't the only factor in healthy bones it does have it's part

    There is plenty of calcium is plenty of other sources. Actually almond milk has more calcium than cows milk.

    I don't drink cows milk for my own personal issues. First of all I have a problem with the hormones and antibiotics that they give the cows. Also, they are milked about 300 days a year. Most of the time the cows are pregnant which means more hormones in the milk. Milk from a pregnant cow has 33 times as much estrogen than a cow that is not pregnant. Increased estrogen has been linked to breast cancer as well as prostate cancer.

    Alot of milk is also genetically modified unless it is labeled No RbGH. RbGh is genetically engineered bovine growth hormone which is injected into the cows to produce more milk which can also lead to an increase risk of cancer.

    As I stated before cows are milked around 300 days a year which means their udders are irritated and infected. It kind of grosses me out to think that about drinking the pus and blood of a cow.

    So those are just my own personal issues with cows milk and dairy in general.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    And it's the oldest argument against dairy because it's true. We are the only animals that drink other animals' milk, and the only ones who drink milk after infancy. Even adult cows don't drink cow's milk!!

    I know we don't NEED milk, but are you sure we're the only animals that don't drink other animals milk? And if animals aren't drinking other animals milk, do you know the reason why?

    I am a nature photographer, and I spend a lot of time observing animals in the field. [sorry... this next part is graphic] Earlier this spring, I watched a coyote take down a whitetail deer that was within hours of giving birth. The coyote ate the deer, and the first part he consumed was the milk bag, which had already formed in anticipation of the fawn's birth. Years ago, I had a bear hang with all my camping food pulled out of a tree by a black bear. He ate everything in my bag (except for a pack of gum), including a large ziploc bag of powdered milk I used in my oatmeal for extra protein.

    Looking at domestic animals... my dogs will happily drink milk, cats drink milk, pigs will eat most *anything* - heck... even my horse LOVED vanilla ice cream. It's not in their normal diet. It might not be the best thing for them. But they would eagerly consume it and enjoy it. I would argue that many omnivorous animals would not refuse milk if offered.

    Maybe wild animals don't drink milk primarily out of lack of consistent access. In nature, animals lactate for just a short period of time. Lactating requires excess energy which requires more time to be spent eating and foraging for food, so it probably decreases their chances of survival. It makes sense in nature for animals to limit their nursing time to as short a period as possible.

    I just think the 'we're the only animal that drink milk' argument is full of flaws. It's a personal decision.