Why cut out dairy?



  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    This thread is really making me want a big glass of 2% milk. *logs off and goes to fridge*
  • i'm thinking just because of the calorie count? one slice of cheese is about 100 calories and a glass of milk is 100-150 calories, so it can add up quickly. i only had milk if i was dipping cookies with it, or with hot chocolate, so it was an easy thing for me to cut out as it wasn't worth the calories for me. cheese, however, is never leaving my diet :P
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    This entire post just screams osteoporosis. If you don't drink dairy you need to find a calcium source else where. Although calcium isn't the only factor in healthy bones it does have it's part

    There is plenty of calcium is plenty of other sources. Actually almond milk has more calcium than cows milk.

    ONLY when the calcium is ADDED. Normal unsupplemented almond milk has less than 5% of your daily calcium requirements. Might as well pop a pill. I hate seeing this thrown around.
  • No reason to unless you're lactose intolerant. Me, milk is my primary source of calcium and I LOVE cheese. As for calorie content; I fit it in with my daily intake. The argument that adult humans are never meant to consume milk, I'm not gonna waste my time with that one.
  • _Doreen_
    _Doreen_ Posts: 127 Member
    Diary is not necessary in the diet. Calcium is. Most of the non caucasian population has a difficult time digesting dairy. :)

    Joo mean modern bastardized, err pastuerized dairy? Karg wonder truth if real milk?

    Karg perty shure dat mongol brothers drink fresh yak milk, and dat Chinese brothers and India brothers drink fresh goats milk, for ages and ages and still does, an do guud on dat milk.

    Da color of da skin do not make milk bad, da factoryz make da milk bad. mmm fresh real milk guud, make Karg da strong!

    Too Funny! but I agree with Karg! :laugh:
  • DeathToFatness
    DeathToFatness Posts: 4 Member
    There are some studies that show a correlation between the protein casein and cancer.

    Karg wantz see studie, Karg no can find hooman study on dis, Karg love cassein

    Check out a book called "The China Study". If you don't want to read the book, watch the movie "Forks Over Knives."
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    There are some studies that show a correlation between the protein casein and cancer.

    Karg wantz see studie, Karg no can find hooman study on dis, Karg love cassein

    Haha yes! I'm pretty sure I'll get cancer from Splenda before I get cancer from cassein
    I think I'll get skin cancer from the sun or lung cancer from smoklng before I get it from good ol' milk. Doesn't everything cause cancer these days? Hell, there is cancer causing agents in your tap water. Let's just give up living shall we?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    For me, it was affecting my skin BADLY... pores big enough to play 'connect the dots', acne so bad I needed strong antibiotics, and it was making feel sick...

    I cut back 90% on anything dairy - I do allow myself some part-skim mozzarella but thats one serving only....

    My skin has cleared up to the point of never needing medications anymore, I FEEL better... and definitely can feel a difference in health if I have something that has dairy in it...
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Diary is not necessary in the diet. Calcium is. Most of the non caucasian population has a difficult time digesting dairy. :)

    Joo mean modern bastardized, err pastuerized dairy? Karg wonder truth if real milk?

    Karg perty shure dat mongol brothers drink fresh yak milk, and dat Chinese brothers and India brothers drink fresh goats milk, for ages and ages and still does, an do guud on dat milk.

    Da color of da skin do not make milk bad, da factoryz make da milk bad. mmm fresh real milk guud, make Karg da strong!

    Lactose is made up of two monosaccharide molecules, the bond that binds them together is NOT digestible by the majority of human enzymes. Infants are born with lactase but once the child is weaned from breastmilk the body losses the ability to produce lactase. The ethnicities that do have the lactase enzyme tend to be from herding and farming decent. The ancestors had an abundant supply of dairy. Genetics decided that lactase neither hindered or improved life so it stuck around and passed down to those lucky few of us.

    % of Lactose intolerance wordlwide:

    80-100% of Asians
    80-100% Native Americans
    70-95% Black Africans
    60-80% African Americans
    20-30% northern Indians
    60-60% Southern Indians
    60-80% Ashkenazi Jews
    50-80% Hispanics
    6-22% US Caucasian
    2-7% Northern Europeans
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    Mainly its the lactose-a sugar. Sugars, in ALL forms, raise your insulin level. Insulin in the bloodstream prevents you from burning fat or as much fat as you normally would, and tells your body to store the nutrients in your bloodstream as fat. Cut it out of your diet for 2 weeks and see what happens.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    The argument about milk is only for baby cows and was never intended for humans is always an argument I take with a major grain of salt. How does anyone really know what humans are naturally 'intended' to eat? Why is eating a chicken egg any less bizarre than drinking a cup of cow's milk? An egg is the discarded, inert reproductive vehicle for poultry. Why is pulling vegetables out of the ground or fruit off a tree any more intuitive than putting an arrow into the side of a deer and eating its meat. The foods humans choose to consume are dictated by personal preference, cultural norms and personal biochemistry (allergies, intolerances, what have you).

    Best post I've read in a long time! :D
    But drinking cows' breast milk is promoted by the dairy industry so we are led to believe we need it.

    And you giving us a link to "research", from the vegansociety website is any different? Of COURSE that site will say that! Why doesn't it say anything about the benefits of drinking cow's milk?
    Quit trying to be "cute". It just makes you look stupid. I can see by your ticker that you've lost a lot of weight. Why not share your acquired wisdom in a way that will inform, rather than annoy?

    How about informs and entertains? I love Karg's posts! Reminds me of ALAMO! <3 Karg!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Mainly its the lactose-a sugar. Sugars, in ALL forms, raise your insulin level. Insulin in the bloodstream prevents you from burning fat or as much fat as you normally would, and tells your body to store the nutrients in your bloodstream as fat. Cut it out of your diet for 2 weeks and see what happens.
    There have actually been studies that show that calcium from reduced-fat dairy is the best for your bones/teeth and much better and more easily absorbed than calcium supplements.

    Also the fat from reduced fat dairy also helps mobilise other fats before they become absorbed by the body.


    But it's a personal thing... I come from a dairy culture and have always enjoyed dairy products. It works for me :happy:
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    I think it's a total preference thing, either that or a desperation to try anything that will help you lose weight. I do think that if you are eating lots of dairy you should be careful and chose the healthy dairy choices but its whatever works best for you and your body. Milk makes me feel a little queasy so I don't drink it and a few years ago I was tested and had high cholesterol and it was suggested to me to lower my dairy intake. I have cheese every once in a while because I LOVE cheese and I definitely cheat with sweets that have milk and I use butter every once in a while too but I don't eat tons of dairy because thats what works for me. I also don't eat a lot of grains (and no white bread or potatos or anything like that) but thats me.. my body and everyone elses bodies are totally different. Its all up to you as far as im concerned.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I usually do no more than 1 serving of dairy per day. I get really crampy otherwise.
  • lisasays
    lisasays Posts: 142 Member
    Read the China Study. Areas of the world where milk is either not eaten at all or rarely, people dont get osteoporosis and have far less heart disease. The China Study is one of the biggest nutritional studies ever done and is back by many world renowned physicians.

    The Physicians Commitee for Responsible Medicine promote a vegan diet:
  • lisasays
    lisasays Posts: 142 Member
    and...if your library has it, the documentary Forks Over Knives is eye-opening to say the least!
  • lisasays
    lisasays Posts: 142 Member
    Look here for more specific reasons on why to avoid dairy:
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    So you're a vegan, and you are anti-milk. Shocking.

    That website promotes veganism. And is anti-milk. Shocking.

    Why does this remind me of religion?
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    hormones are fed to cows, we drink cows milk. Its one of the big things people have against it.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    hormones are fed to cows, we drink cows milk. Its one of the big things people have against it.

    Then people in the US (where the most crap is given to cows out of most developed countries) should be more politically active to stop it. Or drink organic.