Hottie by the Holidays Week 1

Hey Guys!

I feel like every group is closed lately so I went ahead and started a new one. To join in this super awesome week by week challenge in which there are 14 weeks. (I was thinking about ending Christmas day but we can end it on New Years and then everyone will be able to go out and celebrate how fabulous they are).

So what you need to do to join is give your:
Name or nickname
Current Weight
Goal Weight (It doesn't have to be for the holidays necessarily)

We will do weekly weight-ins every Monday. I will make a chart of the weekly progress. I also plan on updating daily so that I can share my daily successes and/or challenges and I hope everyone else will do the same!

Thanks for joining me on the challenge and good luck everyone!


  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    Heck yes!!

    Name or nickname: Brit
    Current Weight : 242lb
    Goal Weight (It doesn't have to be for the holidays necessarily): UG is 140. By the new year (and my birthday-the 5th!) 210 (which is pushing it, I know!)

    I will definitely do my best to update daily. I do so with my blog so I don't know why I couldn't do that on here too :)
  • heather_morales
    count me in...

    name: heather morales
    current weight: 183
    goal weight: 160 by the holidays, 120 final goal
  • liz4187
    Hey Brit and Heather! I realized that I never put up my information :)

    Name: Liz
    Current Weight: 170
    Goal Weight: 149 by the holidays (hehe I have to get in the 9 so I can say I will be in the 140s) and 130 overall

    I have to say I got a rough start today... I ate pizza. It was just as delicious as it was evil, ah well fresh start tomorrow.
  • bluegold12
    I'm so in. I totally need something like this :smile: Thanks for starting it!

    now 159lb
    By dec 31st: 140lbs
    Goal weight: 105lbs

    My highest was 181lbs. That was Dec 2009. Progress has been slow.... because I wasn't seriously committed. I've been tracking almost everyday now, my commitment to weight loss is significantly higher and I would definitely love to be a part such a support system.
  • grassark
    grassark Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to join!

    Name or nickname: Michele
    Current Weight: 162
    Goal Weight (It doesn't have to be for the holidays necessarily): 130 is my ultimate goal. Hopefully ~145 by Christmas!
  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member
    I'd love to join. I'm Ally
    Goal weight by the holidays 145 and overall 135 would be awesome!
  • ladyvlasquez5169
    ladyvlasquez5169 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi my name is Margie and I think this is a great idea !
    Cw - 285
    UG- 169
    Holiday goal- 255 (30lbs)
  • HeyGrlHey
    Name or nickname: M
    Current Weight: 151lbs
    Goal Weight: 140-ish by Christmas!

    Count me in!:drinker:

  • liz4187
    Welcome Everyone! This is the current chart I will be updating every week, if you join after or aren't on this week I promise you will be on next weeks with all your information. Weigh-ins are on Mondays mornings but as this only started yesterday I doubt things have changed significantly so first weigh-in is next Monday.


    Sorry I missed you M I will make sure you are added onto next week when we do the weigh-in :happy:
  • liz4187
    How was your day everyone? I did work out and manage to eat good meals but I had 2 pitfalls today which I very rarely ever have happen I got two different delicious treats bought specifically for me as a surprise. I was at work on a trip when a coworker came over and surprised me with an apple turnover. I had a moment of panic wondering if there was a way to politely refuse and when I couldn't think of anything and we say and ate them. Still the day was not lost until I was coming home from work, the boy picked me up as my car was broken down on the highway. I had to be picked up from where it had broken down and be driven to work which meant that I had to drive back over tonight and get the tow truck to come pick it up. Anyways the boy comes and in wonderful boy fashion he picked up ice cream for me and said "I know you've been having a tough day so I wanted to pick you up something for you to help cheer you up. Especially as we will both be waiting for awhile" What was a girl to do? I completely melted and so did my constitution. I ate that delicious ice cream. Anyone have any good strategies for politely turning down delicious treats offered by someone with good intentions?
  • fruittart7
    Name or Nickname: Sammi
    lets just say i want to lose 10 pounds. (im insecure about actual numbers . haha)
  • share3
    share3 Posts: 10 Member
    i'm in , i'm new to the site, i found they're allot of information, nice,,,,
    current 157.5
    Christmas i would like to be 140
  • share3
    share3 Posts: 10 Member
    oups my name is sharen
  • share3
    share3 Posts: 10 Member
    great job
  • share3
    share3 Posts: 10 Member
  • liz4187
    Welcome Sammi and Sharen :happy:
  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member
    Today was okay. I have to start adding in more veggies and less bad fast food. But I'll start tomorrow and do the best I can :) Good luck everyone!
  • liz4187

    Updated list! Anyone have any goal this week they are shooting for?

    My goal is to exercise everyday on Power 90 and to start being aware of what I am putting in to my body.
  • share3
    share3 Posts: 10 Member
    yes since i'm new to the program, my goal is to make sure to write everything i put in my mouth...add it on to my day....i have to be HONEST ...with myself
  • heather_morales
    hi everyone. hope you all are doing good. i have been doing good so far. hoping to really stick with my goals. i have come to the realization that i have to make a choice. i can have something not so healthy or be lazy and not exercise but that will not get me to my goal. so i have to do what i got to do. because i want this more than anything. good luck to everyone.