Hottie by the Holidays Week 1



  • Katherine808
    Katherine808 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone! I just wanted to check in for the day. I made it to my 5:30 AM workout at my gym this morning (third time this week... yay me), and have been eating healthy all day, it looks like I'll be coming in at or slightly under my calorie goal, so this is all good news! The bad news is I weighed myself at the gym since my scale at home is on the fritz and I'm 2 lbs heavier than I thought I was.

    Liz I was hoping that you might be able to update my starting weight on the chart so it's accurate? If it's too hard to change then no biggie but I thought I would check! So that would be:

    Current weight: 172 for me

    Hope you're all having a fabulous (and healthy) day!
  • cheetosandburritos
    Big Congrats to G.P.K. for getting into a smaller jean size! That's always so satisfying, isn't it?

    I've been dragging all day, and tonight I had NO desire to workout. AND today was a longer workout day than the previous 2 days this week (figures, right?). But I powered through it and managed to do the whole thing. I enjoyed not a single minute. I think I'll reward myself with a glass of wine. Maybe I'll skip the snack tonight and have two glasses...

    Cheetos out!
  • hbaby08

    If you still have room...I want to join. This will actually be my first group. At work they started this program and its about 20 people. I've tried to lose weight on my own but I always cut corners you could say. With this program, we get weekly weigh ins and seminars. So I'm hoping by using this program and starting this group it will be the kick in the butt I need. I was 136 about a month ago when the huricane came through VA. Our power was out over a week. Well being short on cash and no electricity helped me get to my current weight. (not healty i know). So i know its possible to lose it. Wish me luck and good luck to all of you. :flowerforyou:

    Nickname: Dee
    Current Weight: 225
    Goal Weight: 195
    Ultimate: 150
  • bluegold12
    Dee, are you in Nova? I live in MD. Welcome to our little (expanding) group :)
  • NicolioRussell
    Big Congrats to G.P.K. for getting into a smaller jean size! That's always so satisfying, isn't it?

    I've been dragging all day, and tonight I had NO desire to workout. AND today was a longer workout day than the previous 2 days this week (figures, right?). But I powered through it and managed to do the whole thing. I enjoyed not a single minute. I think I'll reward myself with a glass of wine. Maybe I'll skip the snack tonight and have two glasses...

    Cheetos out!


    My fiance and I decided to hit up the Endless Shrimp fest at Red Lobster. Went WAY over my calorie goal for the day, however, MFP said that "if every day were like today...." I would still lose weight. Ahh. Wedding stress keeps me from wanting to eat healthy.

    Here's to tomorrow. :-P
  • liz4187
    Hey guys sorry I didn't update yesterday! I had a pretty good day yesterday which was really nice as Wednesday, Thursdays are actually pretty much my weekend. I went on a hike with the boy, and stayed on track with my calorie goals for the majority of the day. I had a light dinner and skipped the usual snack #3 which gave me a few extra calories to spend when we went on date night that night. When we went out I stuck to chips and salsa although I did have wine which is ultimately what threw me off of my calorie goal for the day. I am telling myself that at the current time I will allow one small splurge a week on my weekend. So last night was the splurge but I did exercise and reserved extra calories for the occasion so all in all I don't feel too guilty about it. Looking forward to today where I am perfectly on track with my diet goals and have lots of exercise to look forward too.

    The list is updated to include all of our wonderful new participants and any updated information I received. What is your goal for the next weigh-in?
  • hbaby08
    to blue- im in Richmond VA

    BTW- endless shrimp rocks !!!
    I've been good and haven't gone yet. :bigsmile:
    Hopefully i can hold out til next time around after i see where i'm at.
  • Katherine808
    Katherine808 Posts: 16 Member
    Congrats Liz on staying on track for your weekend! That's always the hardest for me. Today I went to a yoga sculpt class at 6:30, they always kill me! Although, the 6:30 class was a welcome relief from the 5:30 ones I have been attending the rest of the week. Yesterday I was good and stayed on track for my food goal! Today I expect I will be on track at the end of the day, the yoga netted me 400 some extra calories for the day so that's always nice :) I have healthy snacks packed and a healthy lunch so I should be alright. I find it's a lot easier to stay on track with planning and lots of cooking, which is time consuming but hopefully it will pay off!

    For the next weigh in I think I'd like to shoot for 171, I know a pound isn't much but since it won't be a full week since my last check-in I think it's still optimistic.

    Hope everyone is having a great Thursday!
  • Romans624
    I'm thinking I should focus on measurements and clothes sizes and how I feel more than the number on the scale. I mean it matters, but its like watching a snail crawl. How does this work? We just check in Mondays right?
  • NicolioRussell
    I would love to break into the 280's by sometime next week. I want to lose at least 4 pounds; More would be nice by wedding day on October 15th (2 weeks), but I don't want to push myself too much. It's stressful enough.
  • burtleberry
    May I join? I really need to get motivated again :)

    I love running. It's my favorite sport. But last year, I gained a LOT of weight over the summer (think 15 pounds >.>) and ended up getting slow and *very* prone to injuries. I've had 2 stress fractures over the past 6 months alone!

    I'm taking off this year from cross country in order to get better. But by next year, I want to join the team again and run my heart out :) In order to do that, I need to lose some weight/ get fit so I don't get hurt again! I can't cut too many calories at once, since I'm still young and need to get a little taller :)

    SW: 133 lb
    GW (by end of challenge): 121 lbs
    GW (by May): 110 lbs
  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    I weighed today because I am home for the weekend and didn't want to lug my scale back with me, and I lost 2 pounds since last friday!! I was so excited :) I really feel like this is working for me so far, although I'm only going into my third week!
  • hbaby08
    I'd like to be a 222-223 by the end of next week.
  • liz4187
    Wonderful ladies! The list has been updated :D

    I have had a wonderful day today. I completely killed my exercise today. Power 90 in the morning and then a 6 mile hike in the afternoon. Stuck to my diet the whole day and calories are right where they should be :D

    My goal for this week is -2 lbs, 168 here I come.
  • fearless_xx
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Caitlin.
    My current weight is 136.
    My goal weight is to be 120, but my long term, ultimate goal is to be 105!

    I will try my best to update my blog daily. I've never posted in it but I will start!
  • burtleberry
    So I guesstimated a little on my weight, and I found out it's currently 134.5... Meh...

    Calories were good today! Slow and steady is my goal. Tonight, I think I'll run a bit (just .75 mi) and do some pilates :D
  • Becky909
    perhaps tell the other person lets try a frozen yougurt spot... Becky909
  • liz4187
    liz4187 Posts: 35
    I had another very good day yesterday. I went on a 3.5 mile hike and stayed within my calorie budget. Hoping to do another longer hike this morning.
  • bluegold12
    I'm having a sweet week. My weight dropped more to 155.4. I honestly didn't think I could lose any more weight this week. My calorie budget and I are getting along pretty well. Yesterday, at work, I was presented with an opportunity to FEAST on a wide variety of the most delicious high-calorie food I could see... and it was around dinner time. Somehow I resisted, ate a tiny bit of that just to taste and had something healthy for my meal.

    Other non-diet related, non-fitness related unexpected amazing stuff has been happening lately. It's been a fantastic week.

    Now I have to master the fine art of eating out in restaurants and still eating low-cal food.
  • ladyvlasquez5169
    ladyvlasquez5169 Posts: 14 Member
    Glad to hear everyone is had a good week! My week started strong but then my back started bothering me and Tom is in town. Hope not see a gain on Monday's weigh in. Enjoy the rest of the weekend I'm off to work!!!!