Operation: Sexy Claus Week #2 9.26.11 (Closed Group)



  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Last Week 189.2
    This Week 188.6

    Where I went wrong?
    -Not enough consistent exercise
    -Gave my kids a BBQ, Junk food birthday party
    -Could have been more selective about my meal choices during the week.

    I'm tackling this week though.......
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    UGH I NEED TO DRINK WAYYYYYY MORE WATER. Some days I do awesome and others not sooo well.... From here on out I think I will number my water bottles for the day and make sure to drink all the ones I put numbers on... Make it a game for myself I guess...
  • JayandBrensMommy
    JayandBrensMommy Posts: 116 Member

    Up .2 pounds for the week. I am thinking some of it is water retention tho because of what I had to eat yesterday. It was a depressing day so I wasnt really worried about what I ate yesterday. I didnt do to terrible but I wasnt great either.

    Where I went wrong? I think where I went wrong was that throughout the week I wasn't eating the things that I should be eating. It has been like the past couple of weeks have not been the best. I am hoping to do alot better this week. So far so good.

    This week for my workout schedule I am contining the 30 DS. I just finished Level 1 day 7. I didnt get to exercise yesterday. So on thursday I am planning on doing 2 of the workouts on the 30 DS so that I can still finish it within the 30 days, the only reason being that the day after that I should finish we are going out of town for the weekend, so I am really trying to stick to it so that I dont have to take it with me and do it up there.
  • jamerican23
    jamerican23 Posts: 177 Member
    so very sorry ladies that i haven't being active for most of last week have not been doing much of anything my body just wont let me i have been pushing myself so hard for the past couple of month and going thru a lot with moving and stuff i have been in bed since wednesday so i went for a walk earlier today but when i got back i just pass out on the couch ...I am not makin excuses ....hopefully i will be able to do some more tomorrow .
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Well, last week = 184, This week, as of a few moments ago, the lyin @#* scale said 186.8 -it obviously has lost its mind. ....or, it could have been that I've most likely been over 1200 calories every freakin day last week. (haven't logged at all) OR, it could've been water weight....BUT I have actually been very diligent with my 30 day shred workouts consistently every day all last week, sweatin like a pack mule, AND drinking at least 80 oz per day. *curse, curse, deep sigh*

    Anyhow, that would be what went wrong in a nutshell, now on to my workout plan for this week. I did take the advice of you ladies here (thank you) and decided to incorporate more cardio- so today, I started the C25K program in addition to my 30 day shred!

    Here's the regimen for this week:

    Monday- C25K, Week 1, Day 1 & 30 Day Shred (Day 26)
    Tuesday- 30 Day Shred (Day 27)
    Wednesday- 30 Day Shred (Day 28)
    Thursday- C25K- Week 1, Day 2 & 30 Day Shred (Day 29)
    Friday- 30 Day Shred (Day 30!)
    Saturday- C25K- Week 1, Day 3

    So we'll see what the blasted scale says next week....
  • Question of the Day: Where did you maybe slip up last week, that you need to improve for this week?

    Hey ladies...good evening, and I'm hoping your week is off to a great start. Well, mine could be better. The scale said I've gained 2.2lbs since my last weigh in (214.2 --> 216.4) :angry: . This is quite annoying, and a bit frustrating. While I didn't get to hit all of my workout days as planned, I did manage to workout 4 days last week (packing and moving got in my way). I reviewed my food diary for the past week, and while I managed to stay under my cals most days, the only culprit seems to be the insane amount of carbs/sugar I consumed, compared to the small amount of protein and good fats. In June I lost about 10lbs (the most for me in one month), and the one thing I could have attributed it to, besides my workouts, is my clean lower carb eating. I drastically increased my protein and fat intake, and I had great results. Sooo, my plan is to make some serious changes in my food choices, and continue with my 30DS countdown. I'll also continue to throw in extra cardio on my days off from work. I really hope I'll be able to stick to this cause I have a weird week coming up, and I have a lot of crap on my mind. Well, here's my workout plan for the week:

    Mon: 30DS - Day 8 (completed)
    Tues: 30DS - D9
    Wed: 30DS - D10 & Zumba Rush
    Thurs: 30DS - D11, Level 2 begins
    Fri: rest
    Sat: 30DS - D12 & Turbo Jam Fat Blaster
    Sun: 30DS - D13 & Bike ride (weather permitting)

    Keeping my fingers crossed and staying optimistic that this week will be a lot better for all of us. Let's keep our eyes on the prize, and stay focused on bringing sexy back! Happy losing to you all!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Last week I was 122
    This week 119.4
    I will continue working out 60 minutes daily.
    I need to eat less snack foods and more fruits and veggies.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning all! Sorry I am a little late with posting the question of the day :) I see some losses and some gains going on this past week. The best thing is you know where you can improve. Just like I always say to myself, "I know what I need to do, it is just the matter of executing it"

    With that being said the Question of the Day: How is your "home" support system? Are you getting the support you need from family, friends, and/or significant others? Why or why not?
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Question of the day: How is my home support system....
    I am not getting the support I need from home. My children and boyfriend are sabotaging me. I have to cook 2 different dinner meals almost daily. My kids always want ice cream before bed. My boyfriend is constantly telling me to take a day off from working out and watch movies instead...He also brings pizza and subway cookies constantly.....Did I mention that when I am working out, I have to stop constantly to yell at my rugrats.....UGHHHHHH!!!!
  • Good Morning all! Sorry I am a little late with posting the question of the day :) I see some losses and some gains going on this past week. The best thing is you know where you can improve. Just like I always say to myself, "I know what I need to do, it is just the matter of executing it"

    With that being said the Question of the Day: How is your "home" support system? Are you getting the support you need from family, friends, and/or significant others? Why or why not?

    my "home" support system is pretty great. my family is all very active and work out on a regular basis, so i'm fortunate to have a lot of gym equipment at my house to use whenever i want. my mom is definitely my biggest supporter in this weight loss journey. she's struggled with her weight all of her adult life and can definitely relate to what i am going through. she also helps me make good food choices and helps to keep me in check on a day to day basis.

    my friends are also very supportive. a few of my friends are trying to lose weight too, so we built a support system to help each other. one of my friends and i are even doing a halloween challenge to help us reach our goals. one of my best friends who is getting married has been extra supportive since i'm standing up in her wedding. we've been motivating eachother to be the "hottest wedding party" for her wedding next year. :)

    overall, i have to say i'm pretty fortunate that i have a great support system. most importantly, i'm SO HAPPY i found this website! i really honestly wouldn't have had the success i've had so far without all of you!

  • With that being said the Question of the Day: How is your "home" support system? Are you getting the support you need from family, friends, and/or significant others? Why or why not?

    Morning everyone! My friends and family are very supportive about my working out, but they dont care much about what/how im eating or drinking. My boyfriend (we live together) is probably my biggest obstacle! Hes gotten a lot better about it, but he doesnt care to watch what he eats or exercise, so sometimes thats challenging for me. Hes not exactly thrilled about his weight/fitness either, and he recently said that he wants to start P90X next week, so Im holding my breath hoping he will, since Ive previouslyt tried to get him to work out with me and he has NO desire to do so. Also, hes not very aware of whats good and bad for you.. example - he thinks chinese food isnt bad for you..???? Anyways, at first I found this extremely discouraging and frustrating, but now that Im almost a year in I know that it just makes me more accountable for my own journey.

    Have a good Tuesday everyone!
  • Question of the Day: How is your "home" support system? Are you getting the support you need from family, friends, and/or significant others? Why or why not?
    - My fiance is totally behind me 100%. If we are going out to eat he will ask to make sure if its an ok place where I can get something lower calorie. However, I seem to be my worse enemy when it comes to eatting out something that I really need to change. He doesnt mind me eatting a protein shake sometimes for dinner and he actually lost weight due to my cooking a lot healthier. He is amazing. He even asks how my workouts are going.
    -My office is another story there are almost ALWAYS snacks or dessert left out on the kitchen table to eat. Most of the time I am tempted to not take anything but if I'm having any sort of a bad day I cave.
    - I need to learn how to NOT EMOTIONAL eat ....... some food for thought .... I need to support myself better

    ~ yayyyyyyy I did my zumba dvd yesterday andddd I missed it so much I felt so good!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    For the question of the day. I do think that I have a great support system. It's ME that gets int he way of doing it. " Oh, I'm too tired to work out, I desreve to have some cocktailas/beer, I can have a cheeseburger and fries....".

    So, I have the ability to make this work. I just need to do it!!!!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So I weighed in yesterday after work and I am down. 0.6lbs may not be a lot but it is going down and I couldn't be more happier. :happy:

    LW: 158.4
    CW: 157.8

    My support system at home is great. My husband is also doing P90X and is on the last phase of his 90 days and was actually my inspiration to start it again. I am my biggest obstacle, I sometimes feel like I DESERVE something totally unhealthy because I have been working so hard. But I am working this hard and all the work is wasted when I splurge on something greasy and laden with fat. So I have to start rewarding myself with things that will help with my weight loss journey, not hinder it.
  • GemUK84
    GemUK84 Posts: 73 Member
  • ontheskinnyroad
    ontheskinnyroad Posts: 205 Member
    Question of the Day: How is your "home" support system? Are you getting the support you need from family, friends, and/or significant others? Why or why not?

    Home support system is so so sometimes could be better but I am spoiled and expect things to go my way.. I need to support myself better and be consistent and not expect others to be all the way in with me when I am not all the way in my self.
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Question of the Day: How is your "home" support system? Are you getting the support you need from family, friends, and/or significant others? Why or why not?

    I have the BEST Support system at home (Love my kids and Hubby to pieces). For one my support team eat what I cook, if they are in the mood for something bad they indulge in it w/o getting me involved. ( They eat it, clean it up and spray the room down with Fabreeze) So, I don't smell the goodness... Um I mean the badness! Also, my 12yrs daughter watches my 4yr old when I go for my walk/runs after work, my 4yr old works out with me when I just can't do any more! If I need a new DVD or gadget, I never get feed back about not needing it! They understand why I'm doing this and Support me 110%!
  • jamerican23
    jamerican23 Posts: 177 Member
    Question of the Day: How is your "home" support system? Are you getting the support you need from family, friends, and/or significant others? Why or why not?

    My home support system is great and sometimes not so great .......it just my daughter and I she just moved back home from been in Seattle for 2yrs (22yrs) she does not have a weight problem and sometime she does things and not realize it's a problem for me i am like a junk food addict and she buys cake sweets and things like that when we talk about it she says mom it there you don't have to eat it it like telling an acholic drinks are ther don't drink it but at the same time i am the one responsible for putting the bad food in my mouth and i do sabbortage my self i think i did great all week why not treat my self ....i don't most of the time but some days i have really stressful day and come home and pig out especially on the weekends ...i do excellent monday to friday but everything goes to hell on the weekend ....but on a positive note she motivate me with the workout in the mornings she get up and go to the park with me even on days when i don't want to move she tell me get my *kitten* up and lets go ....we just move 25 days ago to a smaller apartment from downsizeing from our home of 17yrs so we both taking it a little hard so needless to say the workout and every thing else plus i am sick is kinda taking a toll .....my friends and coworker are very big supporter to me we do daily walk on our lunch break and i dont have a problem saying no to sweet treat Monday to friday no matter how tempting but weekends are another story ... but i promise my self enough is enough and i am ready to take off and kick some butt ........thank you Ladies for you help
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    With that being said the Question of the Day: How is your "home" support system? Are you getting the support you need from family, friends, and/or significant others? Why or why not?

    Truth is I've been trying to lose weight for a number of years...so most of my friends and significant other have kinda given up...I'm sure they mean well but I guess they are tired of hearing all my plans and stories, then to see no progress. Its kinda sad sometimes because the emotional struggle is the hardest part and its the well wishes from your close friends that help in down times...but I have one friend that looks out for me and my teenage son aka my coach. He is an athlete at school and no matter how miserable I am or how long I havent worked out he is always there to encourgae me and keep me going.