Operation: Sexy Claus Week #2 9.26.11 (Closed Group)



  • tburnett80
    tburnett80 Posts: 77 Member
    Good Morning all! Sorry I am a little late with posting the question of the day :) I see some losses and some gains going on this past week. The best thing is you know where you can improve. Just like I always say to myself, "I know what I need to do, it is just the matter of executing it"

    With that being said the Question of the Day: How is your "home" support system? Are you getting the support you need from family, friends, and/or significant others? Why or why not?

    Good afternoon Ladies. Man I haven't posted in here in min. I have signed up for so many challenges I forget about others..Sorry...

    Anywho, my support system is pretty good at home. My mom feels I should loss anymore weight, but still supports my decisions. My significant other is very supportive of my journey to the point that I have inspired him to change is eatting habits.

    One area I would like to get better on it working out at least an 1hr a day.
  • tburnett80
    tburnett80 Posts: 77 Member
    Sounds like everyone is getting some great support from their family and friends!

    So today's topic is: What celebrity body do you admire? This is just a fun question not to be taken to seriously lol We all know celebrities have trainers and everything else on their side...but just for us to have fun with.

    I admire Jill Scott and Jennifer Hudson There dedication and drive is amazing.
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    I think I would have to go with Tatyana Ali. She's 5'4" as well, and looks very strong.
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Greetings Everybody!

    Checkin in with yesterday's question...How is my support system? Well, I'd have to say, it's pretty good, my husband and my daughter are very supportive when it comes to my working out. We have a poodle puppy who is very insistent on being right under my feet at all times, and attempting to lick my face when I'm down on the ground trying to do any type of floor exercises, so when they see I"m about to exercise they're good about getting little "Coltrane" out of the way. They also, don't complain when I attempt to cook healthy meals, and even my pre- madonna child will either partake of the healthy food or find something else to eat in the house, which is fine with me.

    Today's question: What celebrity body do I admire? Halle Barry.

    Also needed to report that I'm actually proud of myself, for getting an extra workout in today (20 minute Zumba express) Yay! Still need to get in the shred workout this afternoon. But will get it in.

    Also, I'm starting another Jillian Michaels Round - Ripped in 30, starting on Monday, Oct. 3rd, going for the month, if anyone wants to join in, we'd love to have you!

    Here's the thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/351707--ripped-in-october?page=2
  • Sounds like everyone is getting some great support from their family and friends!

    So today's topic is: What celebrity body do you admire? This is just a fun question not to be taken to seriously lol We all know celebrities have trainers and everything else on their side...but just for us to have fun with.

    I love Jessica Alba! She is hot in every way :blushing:

    Beyonce is beautiful, I think she has a great body!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Greetings Everybody!

    Checkin in with yesterday's question...How is my support system? Well, I'd have to say, it's pretty good, my husband and my daughter are very supportive when it comes to my working out. We have a poodle puppy who is very insistent on being right under my feet at all times, and attempting to lick my face when I'm down on the ground trying to do any type of floor exercises, so when they see I"m about to exercise they're good about getting little "Coltrane" out of the way. They also, don't complain when I attempt to cook healthy meals, and even my pre- madonna child will either partake of the healthy food or find something else to eat in the house, which is fine with me.

    Today's question: What celebrity body do I admire? Halle Barry.

    Also needed to report that I'm actually proud of myself, for getting an extra workout in today (20 minute Zumba express) Yay! Still need to get in the shred workout this afternoon. But will get it in.

    Also, I'm starting another Jillian Michaels Round - Ripped in 30, starting on Monday, Oct. 3rd, going for the month, if anyone wants to join in, we'd love to have you!

    Here's the thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/351707--ripped-in-october?page=2

    Good for you getting that extra workout in!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    LW: 179.8
    CW: 181.4

    "Where did you maybe slip up last week, that you need to improve for this week?"

    I did a couple good workouts, but this week (and every week) start off slow again. Mon and Tues are bad workout days with my schedule, so I would like to get into the habit of working out every day besides Mon and Tues. My Friday and weekend are looking VERY free, so I want to take advantage of that!

    Wed - Belly dance (like, NOW!)
    Thu - Shred and bike
    Fri - Shred and belly dance (BD)
    Sat - Shred and bike
    Sun - Shred and BD

    "How is your "home" support system? Are you getting the support you need from family, friends, and/or significant others? Why or why not?"

    Not applicable. I have no home support - just one housemate. I like my MFP support, and other than that, I really have been doing fine on my own. Being AWAY from home has been the best thing for me! I'm so glad to hear about all the supportive people most of you have in your lives! That's wonderful!

    1RareJewel... I get that sabotaged feeling at home too, but it's not obvious, so I have to watch out for it (and sometimes I let it happen). I think kids are one thing, but your b/f might need you to lay down some rules. Best wishes!

    "What celebrity body do you admire? This is just a fun question not to be taken to seriously lol We all know celebrities have trainers and everything else on their side...but just for us to have fun with."

    Kim Kardashian. CURVES! She's the first celeb I ever saw and identified with her body.
    Krys... Gotta love Beyonce's too! Gorgeous!
    tburnett80... Jennifer Hudson, totally!
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Laila Ali! I think she's the right height, weight, and cut......Oh, I'm 5'9
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    Hi ladies... I'm going to try this again... I tried earlier today posting an answer to yesterdays question and it froze up and then said the server was down and I lost my post... BOO!

    Ok so my support system...is all in all great! My hubby is very supportive.... he doesn't always tell me he's noticing that I'm losing weight...but he also knows not to tempt me and when he does have something that he knows is bad for me he'll apologize lol....and he was all about me getting the HRM i wanted for my birthday... my other family and friends... are just ok...they see nothing wrong w/ a cheat day here and there....and that tends to be difficult sometimes b/c although they are right, they would think everyday is a cheat day.... my hubby doesn't eat healthy and pouts if I don't cook at least 1-2 carbs w/ every meal.... and he dont' cook at all..... like hardly anything....so it's up to me to decide what we all eat/ don't eat.... :)

    Now on to todays question.... JLO.... I was looking at something w/ her pic on there yesterday... I think she is beautiful! I have no behind at all...not even a smidge of one...so maybe I'm just jealous and want one lol.... but I would LOVE to have her body.... I also thought that the girl from American Idol from this season Lauren had a cute figure...she wasn't toothpick tiny.... kinda like miranda lambert... I agree w/ you ladies about her... I would LOVE to be petite and small and a size 0 soaking wet.... but unfortunately that will never happen.... and if it did I probably would look aneroxic given my bone structure.... so I'll take curvy instead of lumpy which is where I currently am lol :)
  • jamerican23
    jamerican23 Posts: 177 Member
    So today's topic is: What celebrity body do you admire? This is just a fun question not to be taken to seriously lol We all know celebrities have trainers and everything else on their side...but just for us to have fun with.

    Wow Angella Basset love to have her arms and Tina Turner Legs ........but for now i will work hard to get my body to look like mine lol
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Celebrity body I admire~ Jennifer Aniston . She looks slim, toned and healthy! I also would like to have bigger boobs, which she doesn't have either...oh well!:laugh:
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    QUESTION OF THE DAY: "So today's topic is: What celebrity body do you admire? This is just a fun question not to be taken to seriously lol We all know celebrities have trainers and everything else on their side...but just for us to have fun with."

    I would say Kim K for her unapologetic curves....

    Gweneth Paltrow's legs (not a huge fan of her, but for being a little older, having had 2 kids - her legs can really rock a mini)

    Also, those dancers on DWTS - I don't know their names, but they have such good posture, and are very toned.
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Sounds like everyone is getting some great support from their family and friends!

    So today's topic is: What celebrity body do you admire? This is just a fun question not to be taken to seriously lol We all know celebrities have trainers and everything else on their side...but just for us to have fun with.

    I love Jessica Alba! She is hot in every way :blushing:

    Beyonce is beautiful, I think she has a great body!

    Hells ya... she's even awesome when preggo! Friggin b*tch.... ;) still love her!
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Gotta got with Christina in the Back to Basics time (think the video for aint no other man) tiny curvy and HOT

    Also gonna give a shout out to my Canadian girl Bif Naked - man is she ever ripped! PLus she diodn't let breast cancer get in her way, she just kicked it in the *kitten* and still looks amazing!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    I have never really thought about it but I would say Brooke Shields or Nicole Kidman as they are tall women. And dress beautifully.
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    QUESTION OF THE DAY: "So today's topic is: What celebrity body do you admire? This is just a fun question not to be taken to seriously lol We all know celebrities have trainers and everything else on their side...but just for us to have fun with."

    I would have to go with Chilli from TLC or Miss Jackson if ya NASTAY!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Laila Ali! I think she's the right height, weight, and cut......Oh, I'm 5'9

    This is one of mine too. We are the same height 5'10 and she weighs what my goal weight is 175 and we have the same frame. I have a picture of her on my vision board :)
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Sounds like everyone is getting some great support from their family and friends!

    So today's topic is: What celebrity body do you admire? This is just a fun question not to be taken to seriously lol We all know celebrities have trainers and everything else on their side...but just for us to have fun with.

    I love Katerine Zeta Jone....nice and curvy
    I also like Rihanna's body...her shape is more similar to mine, only thing is I have big boobs lol
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Those are some great celebrity influences!

    Hope everyone is keeping up this week!

    Being that it is Wednesday...let's talk about the week! How are we feeling? Are we struggling anywhere? Are we just killing it and doing awesome? Let me know....let US know. Use today as a sort of Q and A session! It is the best way to gain support. We are all in this boat together and the only way we are going to get to the other side is by rowing in unison!
  • stace0308
    stace0308 Posts: 23 Member
    Those are some great celebrity influences!

    Hope everyone is keeping up this week!

    Being that it is Wednesday...let's talk about the week! How are we feeling? Are we struggling anywhere? Are we just killing it and doing awesome? Let me know....let US know. Use today as a sort of Q and A session! It is the best way to gain support. We are all in this boat together and the only way we are going to get to the other side is by rowing in unison!