Seriously?? Obesity and Child abuse questionable....



  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    Is the goal for society to keep families together, or is the goal to tear them apart during hard times. // Just something to consider.

    The goal is to keep kids away from people who put their health and well-being in danger.

    Hear hear! If it comes down to losing my child (death) or losing my job...I'll take losing my job. I'm sure she's not well off, but people find ways to survive every day. Making a lunch and a lot healthier and a lot cheaper than getting fast food for lunch every day.
  • Cakepiebeer
    Hmm.. lets see...

    Removing a 400lb child from his family to help him

    or letting a 400lb child die and permantly removing him...


    There is nothing anyone can say to justify a parent letting their child become like that. Because once the kid starts huffing and puffing and strugglin to get out of bed in the morning there's a problem. I'm sure the kid even needed help wiping his own @ss being that obease.

    And another thing..

    There's a pretty signifigant differnce from being overwieght and being extremely obease. Some people just dont deserve the right to have kids. Especially the ones who ignore their childs health
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    What does the OP have to say about this? Why do so many people post such heated topics and not comment on them for theirself?

    ...keep reading booh!

    Lol, I did, but you didn't respond until after I posted that. :flowerforyou:

    I responded before I read your post, hun. Now that I have learned how the system works and that the mom did not comply, my feelings for the mother has changed, but I can't say that I in total agreeance with removing the kid. And maybe thats just the mommy in me.... My opinion may not be in your favor. Regardless, this is a sad situation on both ends. Could you imagine your kid being take from you?? Could you imagine as a kid being taken away from your mom? sad....

    Why am I your booh and hun? I was just curious as to your opinion on this topic was all. I don't judge anyone for their thoughts or opinions on this matter at all. I do feel it is sad, and as a mother, I would do any and every single thing in my power not to allow that to happen to my children. I would think if I caused that to happen to them, I probably deserved to have them removed, even if just temporarily, until I could learn a valuable lesson. But, as I said, that is MY opinion and I am not forcing my opinion on anyone else.
  • bassettpig
    bassettpig Posts: 79 Member
    Gotta tell ya, this is not as unusual as you seem to think it is. Better get started building those fat camps for all the kids we're going to be taking away from their "abusive" parents. What's the plan once the kids get to be 18, are released and gain weight back? B/c of course none of us ADULTS are overweight.....

    I work as a medical transcriptionist, and I hardly ever hear a patient's weight dictated that starts with a "1." It is virtually ALWAYS over 200 and not terribly unusual to be over 300. Typed on a person today who weighed 308 lbs and was described by the doctor as "husky." The problem goes way deeper than this "daytime TV" thread seems to imagine, for the most part.

    I would also like to mention that I have a slightly different view of what constitutes "child abuse", having seen some firsthand. A fat kid is not set up for a good life, physically or emotionally, and yes, it will endanger his life down the road, but I think only here in the US would we consider this actual "abuse."
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    What does the OP have to say about this? Why do so many people post such heated topics and not comment on them for theirself?

    ...keep reading booh!

    Lol, I did, but you didn't respond until after I posted that. :flowerforyou:

    I responded before I read your post, hun. Now that I have learned how the system works and that the mom did not comply, my feelings for the mother has changed, but I can't say that I in total agreeance with removing the kid. And maybe thats just the mommy in me.... My opinion may not be in your favor. Regardless, this is a sad situation on both ends. Could you imagine your kid being take from you?? Could you imagine as a kid being taken away from your mom? sad....

    See this is sad. But not all parents care. I am a foster kid. My parents gladly gave me up for drugs. I am an A-B student in college now.

    Some people would be completely heart broken to have their kids taken away. I have seen many and I mean MANY that do not care at all.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member

    FYI: According to the story she was seeing the doctor/peds on a regular bases. And received very little help, but lots of criticism.

    Criticism as in "stop feeding him all this food"? I don't know what was and wasn't said...but I think that statement is pretty open ended because what "help" are they suppose to give?

    Exactly. Many parents hear "You should be doing a better job of monitoring what your kid eats and making sure he gets plenty of exercise," and they say they're being "criticized." To them, the doctor isn't helping unless he blames it all on a medical condition and prescribes some kind of pill.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    THis was brought up when the article originally came out. I think it got either locked or deleted because the topic got heated.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    THis was brought up when the article originally came out. I think it got either locked or deleted because the topic got heated.

    I can't imagine why :wink:
  • Iwillshyne
    What does the OP have to say about this? Why do so many people post such heated topics and not comment on them for theirself?

    ...keep reading booh!

    Lol, I did, but you didn't respond until after I posted that. :flowerforyou:

    I responded before I read your post, hun. Now that I have learned how the system works and that the mom did not comply, my feelings for the mother has changed, but I can't say that I in total agreeance with removing the kid. And maybe thats just the mommy in me.... My opinion may not be in your favor. Regardless, this is a sad situation on both ends. Could you imagine your kid being take from you?? Could you imagine as a kid being taken away from your mom? sad....

    Why am I your booh and hun? I was just curious as to your opinion on this topic was all. I don't judge anyone for their thoughts or opinions on this matter at all. I do feel it is sad, and as a mother, I would do any and every single thing in my power not to allow that to happen to my children. I would think if I caused that to happen to them, I probably deserved to have them removed, even if just temporarily, until I could learn a valuable lesson. But, as I said, that is MY opinion and I am not forcing my opinion on anyone else.

    Oh I'm sorry. Hope I didn't offend you with the booh and hun. It's just my "thing" bad. In the end the mom should have taken the help/advise of CPS... it's was worth it and she would avoid the whirl wind that followed. However, I can't say that what she did was child abuse. ANY abuse/neglect in my opinion is intentional. Can anyone say that this mom intentionally over feed her son?? IDK....
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    So I try not to respond to threads like this because they get really mean really quickly.

    I didn't read a lot of the comments, only got to about page 2 because like I said, it just got really insulting.

    My opinion however, is, if you aren't intelligent enough to know what's even relatively healthy for a child, you shouldn't have the right to raise one. My husband and I have been trying for years to have kids, and in my mind, if you have a child and neglect it to THAT extreme, let someone else who will actually take care of them take over.

    But I don't think people who disagree with me are "dumb" or "stupid" by any means. We just have different opinions.
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    So I try not to respond to threads like this because they get really mean really quickly.

    I didn't read a lot of the comments, only got to about page 2 because like I said, it just got really insulting.

    My opinion however, is, if you aren't intelligent enough to know what's even relatively healthy for a child, you shouldn't have the right to raise one. My husband and I have been trying for years to have kids, and in my mind, if you have a child and neglect it to THAT extreme, let someone else who will actually take care of them take over.

    But I don't think people who disagree with me are "dumb" or "stupid" by any means. We just have different opinions.

    Should someone with a learning disability have kids?
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    In my opinion, 400 pounds is very extreme for a 13-year-old, and in some cases yes it could indeed be child neglect-- the parent is neglecting the child's health.

    I am assuming/hoping that the authorities followed appropriate protocol in making this decision, in which case the mother would have been well aware of what would happen if she didn't try to make some better decisions about her child's nutrition.

    Hopefully they will be re-united someday and able to move forward making better choices than the ones that led to this point!
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    So I try not to respond to threads like this because they get really mean really quickly.

    I didn't read a lot of the comments, only got to about page 2 because like I said, it just got really insulting.

    My opinion however, is, if you aren't intelligent enough to know what's even relatively healthy for a child, you shouldn't have the right to raise one. My husband and I have been trying for years to have kids, and in my mind, if you have a child and neglect it to THAT extreme, let someone else who will actually take care of them take over.

    But I don't think people who disagree with me are "dumb" or "stupid" by any means. We just have different opinions.

    Should someone with a learning disability have kids?

    Of course, if they can adequately care for the child. If they are not capable of caring for the child, then the child should be placed into a better environment, just like any other case of abuse or neglect.

    I don't think this is what the other poster meant, however.

    As a side note-- The label "learning disability" does not, in any way, make me think that someone would be an incompetent parent-- and I am confused as to why you think it would, actually. Learning disabilities are separate from intelligence-- someone who is extremely intelligent can have a learning disability. Are you confising "learning disabled" with "profoundly mentally disabled," perhaps?
  • rockylucas
    rockylucas Posts: 343 Member
    Folks, please keep this in mind and consider this.... I havent seen anyone else yet bring this up...

    For every ONE of these children who is removed from the home, COUNTLESS others are able to remain in the home due to the efforts of social services to educate the parents and provide the necessary resources so that the child(ren) can lose weight and improve their overall health.

    We ALL agree that children should not be removed from their parents home unless absolutely necessary. Therefore social services, and society in general, does what it can to provide tools to these parents to assist them in making healthy choices to ensure that does not happen.

    However, we also ALL agree that if the parent cannot or will not care for their child's needs, despite this assistance and resources, then the health and wellbeing of the child must come first, and the child must be placed someplace where they can be healthy and safe.

    There, I solved the argument :)
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    So I try not to respond to threads like this because they get really mean really quickly.

    I didn't read a lot of the comments, only got to about page 2 because like I said, it just got really insulting.

    My opinion however, is, if you aren't intelligent enough to know what's even relatively healthy for a child, you shouldn't have the right to raise one. My husband and I have been trying for years to have kids, and in my mind, if you have a child and neglect it to THAT extreme, let someone else who will actually take care of them take over.

    But I don't think people who disagree with me are "dumb" or "stupid" by any means. We just have different opinions.

    Should someone with a learning disability have kids?

    Of course, if they can adequately care for the child. If they are not capable of caring for the child, then the child should be placed into a better environment, just like any other case of abuse or neglect.

    I don't think this is what the other poster meant, however.

    As a side note-- The label "learning disability" does not, in any way, make me think that someone would be an incompetent parent-- and I am confused as to why you think it would, actually.

    Because, I have higher education and it took me 35+ years to figure out healthy eating. Indicating that someone has a lower intelligence if they do not understand proper nutrition and reaks of elitism to me. I am out of this conversation.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Was this the child?

  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    What does the OP have to say about this? Why do so many people post such heated topics and not comment on them for theirself?

    ...keep reading booh!

    Lol, I did, but you didn't respond until after I posted that. :flowerforyou:

    I responded before I read your post, hun. Now that I have learned how the system works and that the mom did not comply, my feelings for the mother has changed, but I can't say that I in total agreeance with removing the kid. And maybe thats just the mommy in me.... My opinion may not be in your favor. Regardless, this is a sad situation on both ends. Could you imagine your kid being take from you?? Could you imagine as a kid being taken away from your mom? sad....

    Why am I your booh and hun? I was just curious as to your opinion on this topic was all. I don't judge anyone for their thoughts or opinions on this matter at all. I do feel it is sad, and as a mother, I would do any and every single thing in my power not to allow that to happen to my children. I would think if I caused that to happen to them, I probably deserved to have them removed, even if just temporarily, until I could learn a valuable lesson. But, as I said, that is MY opinion and I am not forcing my opinion on anyone else.

    Oh I'm sorry. Hope I didn't offend you with the booh and hun. It's just my "thing" bad. In the end the mom should have taken the help/advise of CPS... it's was worth it and she would avoid the whirl wind that followed. However, I can't say that what she did was child abuse. ANY abuse/neglect in my opinion is intentional. Can anyone say that this mom intentionally over feed her son?? IDK....

    No offense, lol. I was just wondering. Its ok, because I say y'all all the time. :happy: I would say if he was a few pounds overweight or even MAYBE 100 pounds, no, but 400 pounds? It just seems really deranged, scary and sad to me. It also seems to me she had the resources and opportunities for free and chose to ignore them and came up with excuse after excuse. Once she was rehabilitated and could PROVE she could take proper care of him, I am all for her getting custody back of her son.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Was this the child?


    that's too sad to be funny :(
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Was this the child?


    that's too sad to be funny :(

    I agree, these childrens parents should also be arrested or send to some adult school to get educated on nutrition and weight loss for their children at the very least.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    This thread made me sad. That is all.

    As for this:
    As a side note-- The label "learning disability" does not, in any way, make me think that someone would be an incompetent parent-- and I am confused as to why you think it would, actually. Learning disabilities are separate from intelligence-- someone who is extremely intelligent can have a learning disability. Are you confising "learning disabled" with "profoundly mentally disabled," perhaps?

    That statement is very, very true. I have an IQ of 145, and have a learning disability. I am a slow processor and retriever, but am incredibly intelligent, and once I process things, I have trouble forgetting them. It just takes me longer to get stuff in and spit it back out. In games where speed is of the essence, I look like a moron. It doesn't mean I don't know the answer, it just means that I can't answer the question as quickly as other people.