The Bella Club! (Closed)



  • MamaCat9
    Happy Friday!!!!

    Karen sorry for your bad day yesterday, TGIF! :love: Shake the idiot person off and move on. Hope your weekend is fab to balance it out!

    Dodie TGIF to you also! Sounds like you need the weekend to recover! :tongue:

    Kim the scale loves you!!! Yay to you! :heart:

    Peggi have fun camping! Sounds fun even though it will be cooler, if not cold. We used to camp a lot when the kids where younger with 3 other families. Great times that we all miss. Why do kids have to grow up and move away????? :sad:

    Lori have fun at the grand opening and concert and night away. All sounds fun! Ok, going to grab my water bottle and put by keys... Thanks for the reminder!

    Denise continue enjoying your time away! Hope you are not getting sick, try to rest more at night if you can. :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone else is well and safe! :glasses:

    I've been taking it easy on exercise due to back/neck issues and my chiro/guru guy is away watching leaves change color in Boston area until week after next. :cry: Unfortunately sleeping is an issue but I'm surviving, just trying not to stress it more during the day. It's always something! :frown: Hate to say but is this an age thing? :huh:
    I'll be running around a bit this weekend, helping with family, etc. Hoping to take Sunday as my day and catch up around here for the week again. Husband will be gone most of the weekend.

    Oh yea, wanted to share... I finally tried cooking scrambled egg in a cup in the microwave this am. Was so quick and simple! Added zucchini, onion, cheese, turkey sausage... delicious!

    :heart: :heart: TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart: :heart:
  • lori0287
    zippity do da, zippiy aye, my oh my what a wonderful day
    Plenty of sunshine coming my way, zippity do da, zippity aye!

    Love the happy scale dance! Congrats!
  • lori0287

    Oh yea, wanted to share... I finally tried cooking scrambled egg in a cup in the microwave this am. Was so quick and simple! Added zucchini, onion, cheese, turkey sausage... delicious!

    Sounds yummy! Might have to give that a try next week. Thanks for the idea.
  • ihavenowaist
    Hey LaDIES! a QUICK check-in, as I have limited access to a computer...and dont have enough patience to do anything much via my phone! Will catch up on everything when I return home late sunday evening.

    Be strong! Marianne, I did update my weight with my phone but now i forget what it was :-( Pretty sure it was 186.2. Yep, that's it. Kisses all!! Elizabeth
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    Congratulations to all for the hard work and commitment the last 7 weeks! We've all done a very good job!

    Please share with us your successes and list the top 3 things you believe contributed to your weightloss.

    Are you ready??????

  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    Hi Bellas,
    If you were not outside about 5am to hear me shouting from the rooftop, 230.3 this morning, just had to yell one more time! Sorry it's just about me right now, will check in with you later. Hugs to all my Bella friends

    zippity do da, zippiy aye, my oh my what a wonderful day
    Plenty of sunshine coming my way, zippity do da, zippity aye!
    I KNEW that was you! I could hear you all the way to MN!

    You rocked it girl!
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    Ok. We have a plan for tomorrow (Wednesday). I drove around tonight looking for a subway so I could have a half way healthy supper tomorrow. Instead, I found Jason's Deli! ....I am not feeling too good about today. Who knows, maybe this high caloric day will make my metobolism work over time.
    Truth be told...all the planning went by the wayside. We did a team dinner on Wednesday and while I made good food choices, I CHOSE to have 4 beers. On the flip side, I poundedd the water all day. Hopefully that will help weigh in next week.

    Here is what I think my body does: I don't think I see the results of eating right until 1 or 2 weeks down the road. It seems as though it takes awhile for my body to adjust. This theory comes from many years of weighing in.

    While I'm not pleased with only losing 1.2 lbs in 7 weeks, the postive side's a loss. In August, to compensate for a low weight loss in July, I upped the cals but I believe the lack of weight loss in July was connected to the popcorn I ate EVERY night. And it wasn't your "light" good choice popcore; it was the movie theater extra butter kind.

    My plan is to change my MFP settings. I will raise my pounds per week loss from 1.5 to 2.0. I'm not so sure that half pund iwll make that much of a difference but I'll give it a whirl.
  • kdtann
    kdtann Posts: 89
    Hello Bellas,

    Congratulations to everyone on their weight loss. I know how hard it has been for everyone. Losing weight is such a challenge.

    Kim, losing 3.2 lbs in one week is wonderful,, you go ahead and celebrate..
    Elizabeth, kudos to you for reaching the 10 lb loss for the challenge.

    We all need a pat on the back. We are all lighter than we were 7 weeks ago. yay!!!

    Marianne, I think you are right about your healthy week of eating doesn't catch up to the scale until a week or so later. I have noticed the same thing in my weight loss over all these weeks of weighing in.

    3 things that helped in my weightloss --

    No 1, would of course be MFP and all my friends "the bellas"... couldn't have done it without all of you.
    No. 2, getting a routine of exercise. Going to curves 4-5 times a week has helped greatly. Since going to curves I have more energy and it seems to make me be more active at home.
    No 3. STAY AWAY from the diet soda!! I know some of you have said you really want your diet soda. I have about 1 diet coke/pepsi a week. I am positive changing out diet soda for water has made a big difference. I do still have my iced tea for breakfast and lunch (I use equal, I know its not good for me) I have been going to switch to Stevia, but it costs more..

    Hope everyone has a great weekend..

  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    My top 3 things that contributed to my weight loss are:

    1) My mindset. I no longer want to be uncomfortable when I bend over.
    2) Accountability. Food Journaling everyday no matter what.
    3) Water. When I do drink my water AND I've made good food choices, the weight falls off.

    And the sista bellas!
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    Quick note from the Chattanooga internet access at the in-laws. :cry:

    Terrible is killing me and I am keeping myself awake thinking about it. Last night was a Chinese buffet. Good news, I hate Chinese food so it was a lot of veggies. Bad news, I did have 2 chinese donuts...but they were small. I even skipped the ice cream. And I got no exercise in yesterday.

    Tonight is the anniversary dinner at Olive Garden. I will not be eating any breadsticks and I will try to order the salad without dressing. Other than that, I cannot be held responsible for what I eat. We are headed to the mall next so I can get some walking in. I need exercise. I feel fat and bloated.

    Ok, guys, I am outta here. Not sure when the next check in will be. Hopefully I will find wi-fi tomorrow somewhere.

    Oh and congrats to all on the great losses this week. I only wish I was one of them.
    Take care and have great weekends.
  • MamaCat9
    Good Morning Bella’s!

    I'm on MFP once again searching for the answers and motivation. Conclusions I've come to and need to commit to:
    * Keep logging all food, water & exercise to be accountable for my choices.
    * Plan ahead to eat more healthy food. Just staying within or close to my calorie goal for day is not good enough.... needs to be with healthy, real, whole foods.... the majority of the time at least.
    * Get more sleep since that affects my energy level, food choices and exercise motivation.
    * Remind myself more frequently that I am on a mission; I need to stick to it, get results consistently, enjoy and celebrate (w/o food) all losses to stay motivated.
    * Today I will make and post reminders/goals around the house... and car!
    * Today I will make a food/meal plan for the week. I am going to try eating simply each day, perhaps the same things most days, of healthy food that I enjoy so it's easier, quicker. I want to see if that produces results on the scale next Friday.
    * Slap my husband upside the head and tell him no eating out, no pizza, no unhealthy crap near me! :bigsmile:

    Have an excellent day!:flowerforyou: I'm walking 3+ miles to get my car from repair! :noway: Wearing HRM to see results!
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    Denise - Sounds like you are staying on top of all the challenges...Good job!
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    Good Morning Bella’s!

    I'm on MFP once again searching for the answers and motivation. Conclusions I've come to and need to commit to:
    * Keep logging all food, water & exercise to be accountable for my choices.
    * Plan ahead to eat more healthy food. Just staying within or close to my calorie goal for day is not good enough.... needs to be with healthy, real, whole foods.... the majority of the time at least.
    * Get more sleep since that affects my energy level, food choices and exercise motivation.
    * Remind myself more frequently that I am on a mission; I need to stick to it, get results consistently, enjoy and celebrate (w/o food) all losses to stay motivated.
    * Today I will make and post reminders/goals around the house... and car!
    * Today I will make a food/meal plan for the week. I am going to try eating simply each day, perhaps the same things most days, of healthy food that I enjoy so it's easier, quicker. I want to see if that produces results on the scale next Friday.
    * Slap my husband upside the head and tell him no eating out, no pizza, no unhealthy crap near me! :bigsmile:

    Have an excellent day!:flowerforyou: I'm walking 3+ miles to get my car from repair! :noway: Wearing HRM to see results!

    Great awareness Ev! Great plan...and you know the to plan is planning to fail. Well, I think that's the saying.
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    Options is killing me and I am keeping myself awake thinking about it.
    Don't worry about it...I know...easier said than done. As long as we don't forget that we need to make good choices, then I think we're doing ok. You HAVE CHANGED. the proof is in the puddin'. So try to get some sleep because poor rest will impact the way you eat.
    Last night was a Chinese buffet. Good news, I hate Chinese food so it was a lot of veggies. Bad news, I did have 2 chinese donuts...but they were small. I even skipped the ice cream. And I got no exercise in yesterday.
    See look at your great choices! You skipped the ice cream!!!!!!! NSV FOR SURE!
    Tonight is the anniversary dinner at Olive Garden. I will not be eating any breadsticks and I will try to order the salad without dressing. Other than that, I cannot be held responsible for what I eat.
    I hope you enjoyed Olive Garden dinner! You have a good plan in place...salad without dressing.

    Miss you!
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    I'm on MFP once again searching for the answers and motivation.
    Ev - YOU have the answer! Read them below.
    * Keep logging all food, water & exercise to be accountable for my choices.
    * Plan ahead to eat more healthy food. Just staying within or close to my calorie goal for day is not good enough.... needs to be with healthy, real, whole foods.... the majority of the time at least.
    * Get more sleep since that affects my energy level, food choices and exercise motivation.
    * Remind myself more frequently that I am on a mission; I need to stick to it, get results consistently, enjoy and celebrate (w/o food) all losses to stay motivated.
    * Today I will make and post reminders/goals around the house... and car!
    * Today I will make a food/meal plan for the week. I am going to try eating simply each day, perhaps the same things most days, of healthy food that I enjoy so it's easier, quicker. I want to see if that produces results on the scale next Friday.
    * Slap my husband upside the head and tell him no eating out, no pizza, no unhealthy crap near me! :bigsmile:

    Have an excellent day!:flowerforyou: I'm walking 3+ miles to get my car from repair! :noway: Wearing HRM to see results!
    See. Did you read them again? And walking to get your car...I'm inspired. Nice!
  • MamaCat9
    Thanks Marianne... yep, reading it over and over. If I'd just pay more attention to this each day it would help also! - "If every day were like today... You'd weigh 218.5 lbs in 5 weeks"

    Denise I hope you survived Olive Garden, that takes a ton of will power!!!! I gain weight just smelling those breadsticks!

    so quiet on here... so many traveling, having fun....
    I might be home, alone, but I'm enjoying it after a busy day. Recorded a bunch of International House Hunters on HGTV... having myself a marathon, I love seeing how people live in other cultures!

    Nighty night all!
  • ohhhhkkkk
    Good morning Bella ladies,

    I just worked 24 hours in the last 2 days. End of a quarter @ work and they wanted everything possible billed out.

    Denise, great planning with the food at the buffet, and I like the Olive Garden salad idea. If you were able to pass up up the bread sticks, that's an impressive NSV. Hope you were able to enjoy the tome with family.

    Lori, hope you are having a good weekend, sounds like some good plans. Hopefully the weather for the outdoor concert was not too cold, and there was heat in the cabin! Glad to hear your daughter has a room mate that clicks with her. My knee is doing better. My problem is I don't stop once it starts hurting, it fills up with fluid and the torn meniscus catches on something when I bend it. I set a goal for the treadmill and I don't want to quit till I get to that point.

    Marianne, glad to hear the trip went well, beer is good once in awhile, it flushes your kidneys, right? What you said about your body catching up. A couple weeks later, I agree with you. Switching your weight loss to 2# may be The answer. I hope it makes
    the difference.

    Dodie, Hope you are finding some time this weekend to relax.

    Karen, it sure is tough to give up the diet soda, but I think that's what made a difference for me. Glad to hear Curves is working for you. Sorry to hear that you have to deal with mean customers,. I hate when someone wants to unload on me especially because I have nothing to do what created the problem. I love it that you can tell them off, or throw them out! This week should be a better week.

    Red, hopefully you didn't freeze while camping this weekend. It sounds like you are enjoying yourself though. It is tough to get exercise when you are not feeling well. I love the picture of Caden you posted. They have him wrapped up so tight he looks like the Glow Bug nite dime thing for kids!

    Ev, bummer with the neck and back problem. Hope you are feeling better today. Great way to get your exercise in yesterday, hope you had a beautiful day for a walk. You will find the motivation, the thing that will click - will come to you. You have made the conscious decision to loose weight which for some people is the biggest part of the battle. You will have periods of time when it is easy and those times when you struggle. The Bella's give great advice and are here for you.

    Elizabeth, hope you are enjoying your vacation.

    I will be making Turkey Chili today, never had it before, but can't wait to try making it. Also need to get busy (still in my pj's) and finish a couple projects that I started and not finished. Last night and Fri night I went through all my clothes to see what I have that will fit now which was too small. I need work clothes and found 5 tops that I bought which were never worn and a few more that once I got them home and put on I decided they were too small. I don't like anything tight. Moved some stuff that was too big into a separate closet. I don't want to go back to that stuff ever again.

    The three things that I believe helped me through this challenge is
    1. Giving up the diet soda and drinking much more water
    2. Spreading my calories more equally through the 3 meals.
    3. My goal to be in wonderland by 1-1-12.

    Marianne, thank you again for tracking our weights. Great job everyone on your weight loss.
    What is our next challenge going to be?

    So last night I pulled the outfit from the closet I wore when my husband and I were married 8 years ago AND IT FIT! Our anniversary is on the 17th of this month and we will be going out for dinner and I plan on wearing it! I am so excited. He has no idea. Well it is noon, I better get my butt in gear. Hubby was supposed to go to a buddy's and watch football,, but he decided to stay home.
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    Yay Kim! I don't think words can explain how great that feeling is. I am soooo pround of you!
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    Missing the traveling girls today! Lori, Denise & Elizabeth!!!!! Hurry back!
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    Hi everyone, hope it was a good weekend, I froze my as=butt,lol, off at camp. It rained nonstop, and was 48degrees!!!! I slept alot and we watched movies, not so bad I guess!!!! We could have been in a tent!!!!!!!!!! Kim,you are doing a great job, congrats on the outfit fitting!!!! that is a big deal!:flowerforyou: Evelyn, it sounds like you have a plan, good for you. Did you walk for your car???:noway: Denise, making great choices, hope you had fun. Back to you tomorrow, haven't been home long. Have a good evening, Red