Best Date you've ever been on?



  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    This is a little over the top, but this is the best date for me. I live in Florida and my wife wanted to see the play, The Color Purple , but we missed it when it was here because of her getting I booked a flight to NY, took her to see the play, ate dinner at Shanghai Joes in Chinatown(best chinese food in the western hemisphere), and we spent most of the night around Time Square until our Red Eye the next morning. No hotel..and the best thing was that she did not know about it until we got to the Airport.
  • ScotsLenny
    ScotsLenny Posts: 139 Member
    first one when still in school, didn't think I had a chance,, it was a walk in the country and a walk to an old castle, sat on the grass and didn't do anything much,,,, still in touch from time to time as well
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Ugh....I wish I had something wonderful to share in this conversation. Sadly, I do not. So I will just live vicariously through all of you.
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    The best date I have ever been on was one that I planned. The plan was to go out to eat and then go to this outdoor arts festival. We ended up talking at the restaurant for 4 1/2 hrs. Even though we didn't really do anything, it was really great. We are going on our 3rd date this saturday. :)
  • lemonychick
    lemonychick Posts: 81 Member
    Just realised that I've never had a date! *sob* Oh my goodness, someone help me!
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    I've been on lots of dates.. I could write you a book.. but my FAVORITE date was my 2nd date with my now-husband, because well, it just didn't end - he kept my interest. I dropped everything to just get lost with him in our own little world. We had gone out the night before with a group of mutual friends, drank, all of that then since his house was closer, all slept there, next morning we hungout at his house. We had all ended up taking my car, so eventually I dropped off my friend back at her house and brought him to his car. When we got there he asked me if I was hungry and wanted to get some pizza. I normally don't like eatting with people (the noises they make with their mouths irk me) but I really liked him, so I said yes. He took me to this small pizza shop with the best pizza. I let him eat most of it. I even poured my grease on his bc he liked it. We laughed, we talked. We stayed there for hours. It got dark and they started to close up, so we were talking to the owner. He grabbed my hand and I stood there holding his hand while we talked. We got outside and he pushed me up against the side of the pizza shop and kissed me. I thought it was the coolest thing. I stayed with him. The next morning we woke up and spent the entire day just sitting in his room TALKING. I still remember waking up and it was bright and sunny and then before I knew what happened the sun went down. I never got bored once. I just really liked talking to him. I knew right there if I could spend an entire day in a room with no entertainment, no tv, no computer, no activity and REALLY have a good time, that this was someone I wanted to be with. I knew it right then. I stayed with him for about 5 days before a cop knocked on the door because my mom filed a missing persons report. I didn't even notice it had almost been a week. There hasn't been a single day that I haven't talked to him since that date.

    I always said my perfect date would be to just sit in an empty room with someone and have a good time, then it happened and you know what, it was perfect. You can spend a fortune on someone, its not going to matter. You could do the most fun things in the world, its not going to build a connection -- it'll just give you something interesting to talk about.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Mine was simple too. We ordered some food and curled up on the couch and watched some movies. It was our second date and it was great!

    Everyone knows what "Lets watch a movie at my place" means.

    Dirty girl. ;)

    You said what I was thinking!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I've been on lots of dates.. I could write you a book.. but my FAVORITE date was my 2nd date with my now-husband, because well, it just didn't end - he kept my interest. I dropped everything to just get lost with him in our own little world. We had gone out the night before with a group of mutual friends, drank, all of that then since his house was closer, all slept there, next morning we hungout at his house. We had all ended up taking my car, so eventually I dropped off my friend back at her house and brought him to his car. When we got there he asked me if I was hungry and wanted to get some pizza. I normally don't like eatting with people (the noises they make with their mouths irk me) but I really liked him, so I said yes. He took me to this small pizza shop with the best pizza. I let him eat most of it. I even poured my grease on his bc he liked it. We laughed, we talked. We stayed there for hours. It got dark and they started to close up, so we were talking to the owner. He grabbed my hand and I stood there holding his hand while we talked. We got outside and he pushed me up against the side of the pizza shop and kissed me. I thought it was the coolest thing. I stayed with him. The next morning we woke up and spent the entire day just sitting in his room TALKING. I still remember waking up and it was bright and sunny and then before I knew what happened the sun went down. I never got bored once. I just really liked talking to him. I knew right there if I could spend an entire day in a room with no entertainment, no tv, no computer, no activity and REALLY have a good time, that this was someone I wanted to be with. I knew it right then. I stayed with him for about 5 days before a cop knocked on the door because my mom filed a missing persons report. I didn't even notice it had almost been a week. There hasn't been a single day that I haven't talked to him since that date.

    I always said my perfect date would be to just sit in an empty room with someone and have a good time, then it happened and you know what, it was perfect. You can spend a fortune on someone, its not going to matter. You could do the most fun things in the world, its not going to build a connection -- it'll just give you something interesting to talk about.

    The best part is about the cop... but it sounds like you really had an amazing time.
    Thanks ;)
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    He picked me up and we went to a dinner and a comedy show. I love dates that include a good laugh. We then went to the arcade to play some games. Had a walk along the falls and a horse and buggy ride. It's a lot for one date but I would be happy again with just one of these.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I've been on lots of dates.. I could write you a book.. but my FAVORITE date was my 2nd date with my now-husband, because well, it just didn't end - he kept my interest. I dropped everything to just get lost with him in our own little world. We had gone out the night before with a group of mutual friends, drank, all of that then since his house was closer, all slept there, next morning we hungout at his house. We had all ended up taking my car, so eventually I dropped off my friend back at her house and brought him to his car. When we got there he asked me if I was hungry and wanted to get some pizza. I normally don't like eatting with people (the noises they make with their mouths irk me) but I really liked him, so I said yes. He took me to this small pizza shop with the best pizza. I let him eat most of it. I even poured my grease on his bc he liked it. We laughed, we talked. We stayed there for hours. It got dark and they started to close up, so we were talking to the owner. He grabbed my hand and I stood there holding his hand while we talked. We got outside and he pushed me up against the side of the pizza shop and kissed me. I thought it was the coolest thing. I stayed with him. The next morning we woke up and spent the entire day just sitting in his room TALKING. I still remember waking up and it was bright and sunny and then before I knew what happened the sun went down. I never got bored once. I just really liked talking to him. I knew right there if I could spend an entire day in a room with no entertainment, no tv, no computer, no activity and REALLY have a good time, that this was someone I wanted to be with. I knew it right then. I stayed with him for about 5 days before a cop knocked on the door because my mom filed a missing persons report. I didn't even notice it had almost been a week. There hasn't been a single day that I haven't talked to him since that date.

    I always said my perfect date would be to just sit in an empty room with someone and have a good time, then it happened and you know what, it was perfect. You can spend a fortune on someone, its not going to matter. You could do the most fun things in the world, its not going to build a connection -- it'll just give you something interesting to talk about.

    :smile: :heart: Love this
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Best birthday date. - maybe not be helpful if you're looking for non couple dates

    My bf (who happens to now be my husband) worked with his friend on this one. He took me out to dinner and while we were gone, the friend went into our apartment and set up candles and a bottle of wine in the bedroom, with rose petals leading from the door to the bed. And of course, the lights were low with yanni playing in the background.

    It was the most romantic date.
  • mrdalton
    Met a guy off the internet at a local outdoor shopping/eating area. We sat outdoors and drank wine. We never even got to ordereing dinner. The waitress kept coming over and we were so inthralled in our conversation we never looked at the menu. She was annoyed but four hours later we were still chatting up a storm. Best comment of the night was when the waitress brought out the bread basket. He reached for it and said "Ya know, bread is just a way to get more butter in my mouth." LOL

    He walked me to my car - which was parked infront of a gym. I said "Have you ever been in there?" and he replyed, "Do I look like I have been in there?" Which I shot back "NO."
    Oppppps - did I just say that out loud?

    We laughed about it, got in the car and headed to a drive in theater for a thriple feature. I got home sometime around 3am ish. Best date ever. And now, as I bet you suspect - we are engaged (and going to the gym).
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    This is a little over the top, but this is the best date for me. I live in Florida and my wife wanted to see the play, The Color Purple , but we missed it when it was here because of her getting I booked a flight to NY, took her to see the play, ate dinner at Shanghai Joes in Chinatown(best chinese food in the western hemisphere), and we spent most of the night around Time Square until our Red Eye the next morning. No hotel..and the best thing was that she did not know about it until we got to the Airport.

    ^^^ This would be AWESOME!!

    However... we are on a limited budget.

    I cannot remember a date that has ever knocked my socks off. Sad.

    So - in my mind - the ideal date on a limited budget would involve the guy making all the arrangements, taking me to a restaurant I love, making a yummy dinner for me, or setting it up so that we would cook dinner together, followed by a surprise that was well thought out. Something that I really liked - it would indicate that he had taken the time to find out my likes/dislikes.

    Reading that back - sounds really selfish. I would hope that the guy would still set it up so that he would have fun as well!! Glad I am not still out in that dating world!

    Av - if you find a really great idea - I am gonna need you to call my hubs and coach him! :laugh:
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    My very first date with my now SO. We went to see Liam Neeson in Taken. Spent most of the movie making fun of it, went to a pub afterwards for drinks and munchies. The pub closed at 2am and we were there until it closed. He then drove me home and we sat in his car for atleast another hour or so talking.

    The best part was the non stop chatter. It was exactly the way a first date should be. Atleast in my mind. A little awkward and shy. But you cannot stop talking about anything and everything. :love:
  • Reneda
    Reneda Posts: 140
    my favorite was when my husband took me to his favorite pizza shop (seriously the best pizza ever!!). we had actually been out of town visiting his parents and were on our way back home. we hadn't had much time to spend together during the visit so on the way home he planned a little detour. we got the pizza to go and went to a local park in the area and sat at a picnic shelter that was kinda away from everything and ate our pizza. About halfway through the pizza, it started pouring the rain so we just sat under the shelter and talked for about an hour. what made it my favorite was that he took the time to show me part of his history that i had never experienced. the trip to and from his parents is 5 hours long each way so we are usually trying to make good time and don't usually take time for detours.. this made the "date" that much more special.. :-)
  • Katemarie34
    Katemarie34 Posts: 144 Member
    Hmmm.... I have 2..... one was a birthday date. I had been seeing this guy for a couple months and he planned a very romantic night. I had gotten off work, he bought me something nice to wear, had me walk into a hotel room where there was candles, rose pedals from the door to the table and all over the bed. He had dinner ready and we talked and had an amazing night, was the cutest thing ever! The other one was at an amusement park- had such a blast acting like kids all day. Can't go wrong with a date where you just laugh the whole time, and are completely comfortable with the other person your with.
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    One was when my boyfriend took me out for my birthday. It was more feelings than flashiness. We went to the Cheesecake Factory, and the whole time he just lovingly stared into my eyes, and kept telling me how beautiful and perfect I am. We held hands across the table and made the waiter a little embarrassed at how mushy we were. lol We've been together a year and we're still like that, just a little less intense, but more comfortable with each other.
  • acaudill042106
    acaudill042106 Posts: 108 Member
    My first date with my now husband....He was supposed to be a "just-for-fun-summer-fling"...He was my date to my cousin's wedding......stars were out...white chairs...dancing.....He told me that night he was going to marry me...2 1/2 months later he made good on that. BTW..NO, i'm not the type to get all caught up on a guy....marrying him after a measly 3 months shocked my family and best friends....6 years later and it's still the best decision I ever made :)
  • voluptuous_veggie
    voluptuous_veggie Posts: 476 Member
    My current boyfriend took me moon-chasing! There was a blood-red full moon two months ago. Where we live, in Madison, WI, we are completely surrounded by can literally walk from one lake to the next. There are "bike libraries" all over town, where you can rent a bicycle and then drop it off at any of the "libraries" when you're done. So, he didn't tell me what we were doing, but we rented two bicycles. We rode them to one lake, where we sat and watched the sunset. Once the sun went down, I asked what we were going to do, and he told me we needed to wait there for a little bit, because something was going to happen that he knew I'd like. When the moon started to rise, there was the most AMAZING reflection on the water from the blood red moon. It went on and on, and was amazing! Once the entire moon had risen past the horizon, we got on our bikes and I followed him to another lake, where we got to watch it all over again! I'm still fairly new to Madison, but he's lived here for a while, and seemed to know the timing of when it would occur at each one of the lakes....we got to live the romantic moment over and over and over that night, and it was incredible! We'd been dating less than a month, so I was quite impressed that he already knew what I would enjoy so much. After that, we stopped into my favorite vegan bakery right before they closed, got some vegan cupcakes, and went back to my place where we enjoyed vegan cupcakes and was perfect :-)
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    My husband and I have two memorable ones.

    The first was ice skating - I think we went out to eat afterward, I don't remember, but the skating and chatting while we did something we both enjoyed was fun.

    The other was a friend's birthday party. There were probably more than twenty people there, and we all had a blast - volleyball, basketball, hanging around. He and I went for a walk up on the hill and for some reason, though it was spring, the leaves had never fallen off those particular trees and it looked like fall. THEN, it got interesting - we had ridden with my brother and his best friend and they decided to take a "back road" home. My poor city slicker husband. At one point we were driving through a corn field, and I don't think he slowed down to account for the fact that it wasn't a road. The whole thing was just FUN.