McDonald's...give me some compelling reasons to resist!



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Or even bite into a tendon or something.

    To be fair, I can buy a whole chicken and butcher it myself, and still end up biting into a tendon if I miss it during the butchering process. Just like sometimes I swallow a lemon seed because it falls in my food when I squeeze fresh lemon into it.

    As for fast food not getting moldy, like someone else already stated, cooked food doesn't generally mold if it's handled properly. Mold needs a moist environment to grow, and fried and grilled foods shouldn't have any water in them if they are cooked properly (a juicy burger is juicy because of melted fat, not water.) I can buy a potato, cut it into matchsticks, fry it in my home kitchen, and leave it out and it will go stale and get crunchy, but will not grow mold, just like potato chips don't grow moldy.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I haven't read all the responses...but the 'yuck bucket' At least the one I worked at had one, it's all the grease from the troughs that you use a squeegee to get off the griddle, no joke. it had bits of food in it from anything that stuck to the grill and we had to empty the troughs often and let it congeal in a bucket...hence the name yuck bucket. I haven't eaten there since the first day I worked there....
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I haven't read all the responses...but the 'yuck bucket' At least the one I worked at had one, it's all the grease from the troughs that you use a squeegee to get off the griddle, no joke. it had bits of food in it from anything that stuck to the grill and we had to empty the troughs often and let it congeal in a bucket...hence the name yuck bucket. I haven't eaten there since the first day I worked there....
    That's in every kitchen, of every restaurant, ever. What would you prefer them to do? Not clean the grills? Wave their magic wands so grease magically disappears? Are you saying that when you cook a burger in a frying pan at home, no grease comes out of that patty and into the pan?

    I've spent the majority of my working life in restaurant kitchens, and there is no difference between cooking in a restaurant and cooking at home, it's just done on a much bigger scale in a restaurant.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I haven't read all the responses...but the 'yuck bucket' At least the one I worked at had one, it's all the grease from the troughs that you use a squeegee to get off the griddle, no joke. it had bits of food in it from anything that stuck to the grill and we had to empty the troughs often and let it congeal in a bucket...hence the name yuck bucket. I haven't eaten there since the first day I worked there....
    That's in every kitchen, of every restaurant, ever. What would you prefer them to do? Not clean the grills? Wave their magic wands so grease magically disappears? Are you saying that when you cook a burger in a frying pan at home, no grease comes out of that patty and into the pan?

    I've spent the majority of my working life in restaurant kitchens, and there is no difference between cooking in a restaurant and cooking at home, it's just done on a much bigger scale in a restaurant.

    no, I only use lean ground turkey :) I think it was the squeegee that turned me off and the amount of times I had to empty it. yeah, I'm sure it happens in all restaurants, but I haven't personally seen it, so somehow it makes it ok ;-P I don't eat fast food anyway, it's too expensive!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,707 Member
    They use wood pulp as a filler in their food!!
    OMG, and so does the whole food industry. Wood pulp is nothing more than cellulose which is found in all plants. There is also NO ISSUES with cellulose as a filler in food.
    Scare tactics are so unethical.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,707 Member
    All these "health gurus" spitting out statistics with no real evidence to prove what they say. I'll say it again: eating healthy doesn't ensure health. Eating junk food won't necessarily make you unhealthy. People get unhealthy for these usual reasons: overweight or obese, lack of physical activities, bad lifestyle (high stress, emotional eating, lack of sleep, smoking), genetic predisposition.
    There are many healthy people that eat junk food and don't have the issues that overweight people have. Olympic athletes eat McDonalds (for free of course) and I doubt anyone here, including myself, could claim we have the fitness or health levels they have.
    If you have a hate relationship with Mcdonald's that fine, but don't spout off unfounded rumors and speculations you read and hear from edited documentaries.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    So i made myself a half pound burger (just realized I forgot to log the bacon) and sweet potato fries.....ended up going OVER for my calories now that I remembered the bacon, but it WAS delicious!
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Supersize me was a joke of a movie. If I fried everything I ate at home I would be in a world of hurt just like I would be if I ate McDonalds three times a day. Too much of any food can cause problems.

    The guy in that movie was a complete moron. I can't believe how many people let their commonsense go out the window when they watched this junk. But then again, Micheal Moor can make millions of the very system he despises and people still go to his movies.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Supersize me was a joke of a movie. If I fried everything I ate at home I would be in a world of hurt just like I would be if I ate McDonalds three times a day. Too much of any food can cause problems.

    The guy in that movie was a complete moron. I can't believe how many people let their commonsense go out the window when they watched this junk. But then again, Micheal Moor can make millions of the very system he despises and people still go to his movies.

  • King_Bee
    King_Bee Posts: 275 Member
    One of the guys at work brought McDonalds for lunch. I have room in my calories for the day to eat at McDonald's for dinner and be fine but i'm interested to see why YOU think I should resist. I know "oh there's so much sodium." blah blah blah blah but give me some serious compelling reasons (or just fun interesting ones.)

    I'm not saying that eating fast food from time to time is evil, i'm just interested to see what you all have to say.

    Knowing what I have eaten for the last week, i would tell myself, "Emily you hardly eat fast food so if you ocassionaly have it no biggy BUT while you were in CA you ate more than enough junk for the month so wait it out!" Not super interesting but definitely compelling.

    Watch Food,Inc.

    That helped make up my mind on a few places.
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    My kids were eating hot fudge sundays and one of them crunched in something and pulled a grub worm the sizw of my pinky toe out of her mouth. There were about 12 more different sized worms in the sunday.
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    Mcdonalds tried to say they were a lubrication of some sort and actually hid one of fhe larger worms when I showed them, but they should have stuck with worms, at least they are protien and lube is a chemical.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member

    I don't like mcdonald's either. But I don't make up things just to attack them.

    it was just a small part of one of many articles about it and i never said that other breaded chicken didnt use corn products just that fast food uses more % corn products then other places.

    also i said i eat mcdonalds still and its yummy . lol so learn to read
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    It's fudging to expensive. >:0
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    when i think about fast food i look at my HUGE self in my BEFORE pic and i am quickly over it!!
  • RuthAne
    RuthAne Posts: 130
    Your stomach is not a trash can.