Lets bring common sense back!!



  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    The thread is DEAD cheerioh!

    It WAS dead. You brought it back. Thanks!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Going against the already 3-page strong thread. Why the heck is this a thread subject in the first ****ing place?

    to answer your question
    1. Because I want it to be (most important)
    2. It's in Chit-Chat so we can post what we like (within forum rules)
    3. being that it's three pages obviously people like it, so why not (what's it to you)

    I quoted someone's thoughts on this thread for you, here is what she said.
    Now THAT isht is funny!!! Yes, you have made my headache filled day with this thread!!! (thats reason enough for me to post)

    Now to ask you a question....or two......ok three.
    What's your problem? Why did you post if you had nothing of worth to contribute? Was it just to be rude?

    I can see that you are fairly new here so maybe you don't know about the chit/chat part, so if you were just ignorant to the fact that this is posted in the correct place then you can ignore what I have said, if you were trying to be rude and it sure sounded that way then please read on and let it soak in.

    Sorry about that guys just can't let my thread die with the last person posting being a d!ck.

    See what I mean AF

    Again you contributed nothing of worth, you don't have to be snarky just because you don't understand what the chit/chat forum is for, just tuck your tail and hope this thread goes away so not everyone on here will see what kind of person you are on others threads, You are way older than I thought, shouldn't you be more mature than you are? I guess it takes all kinds in the world. No I don't think anyone knows what you mean, why don't you sit and explain yourself since you brought my thread back oh and go ahead and answer the questions while you are at it. It's very amusing
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Handicapped parking spaces are for people with real disabilities. Not because your disabled mother died and you inherited the tag.
    Not all "disabled" people need a wheelchair or even a cane. Some people simply just need to walk less, so it can be hard to tell sometimes.

    Though I guess it gets obvious if the only person that walks out of the car is some energetic teenager skipping his way to the store!

    Interesting news story I saw a while back, the news crew actually went to a metro parking lot and watched people park in the handicapped areas, now most of the people really were handicapped, but man they caught a lot of people that weren't but had the tag for it. Then they would go up and ask them what their handicap was (only if they were pretty sure they weren't) One woman was walking in like 5 inch heels, and she got so mad. She was like I'm not telling you anything and tried to run off. They also caught a military guy (he admitted he knew he was wrong) they caught a bunch of other too but that lady was the worst.