Stop eating breakfast. Here's why.



  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I disagree. Once I started eating more often, I have lost weight. Besides, MFP says I need to eat 1200 calories. There is no way I am eating 1200 in one sitting. To eat 1200 in one sitting, it would have to be foods that are loaded in calories. Even my trainer says to eat 5 little meals a day!

    Once again, I'm not really sure where people are getting the idea that we're talking about eating all yoour food in one sitting. First and foremost, the article just suggests moving breakfast back a couple hours. That's it. Secondly, even when I'm doing IF I eat throughout the day, starting around 3 in the afternoon. I hardly ever eat more than 500 calories in one sitting.

    I eat when I'm hungry and don't when I'm not. Sometimes I don't eat at all. There is nothing unhealthy about it. IF'ing is very, very healthy.
    I usually have two meals a day. Sometimes a snack. As long as I'm not eating grains and sugars I have no issues with uncontrollable hunger. I did a 35 hour fast the other week and felt amazing (dropped 1.5lbs of fat, too - and I didn't have to burn 5,250 calories to do it). I have a Body Media Fit Armband and an Omron Body Fat Analyzer. I can see how the number of calories I put in my body have nothing to do with my body fat percentage and the number on the scale.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I disagree, if I dont eat breakfast then I tend to eat way more during the day, and they usually are not good options Im eating.
    I think that's when skipping breakfast is a bad idea, for sure!

    I agree with the posters who say this varies by person; it really does. Some people will overeat, be cranky, and have a very unhealthful day if they start off on the 'wrong' foot without breakfast. Others will be able to power through their day and make great health choices. You know, decide on breakfast depending on which of those you are! LOL