Stop eating breakfast. Here's why.



  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    You could probably find an article to support any diet or nutrional philosophy. Stick with sources you know are valid and do what works for you.

    I agree with this! I used to not eat breakfast...hence why I ended up 200 lbs... now that I eat breakfast I do much better with balanching the rest of my meals.... I think to each their own, but I don't think for a lot of reasons what you are doing is healthy but that's just my opinion!

    Trust me, you were'nt overweight because of what you DIDN'T eat. None of us are/were.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I don't agree with anyone skipping breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, the reason why I states this during the night we sleep for 8 or more hrs without eating, so we must feed our body, this is why it's called BREAK-FAST we are breaking our 8 or more hrs fast . Now if you stated you had your larger meal at breakfast and eat lighter for the rest of the day I could agree with you.. No matter how you change your eating habits you should have a meal in the morning to break your fast.
    Good luck with your healthy life style.:smile:

    ARgg...... another person spouting of myths who know nothing about the body or nutrition *facepalm*
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    To all non breakfast eaters/IFers:

    Most people here believe in the typical BS myths of having to eat breakfast, having to eat 6 small meals a day, not eating before bed....etc.

    They aren't interested in science or reading

    Convincing them there is another possible way to be successful is basically impossible.

    IF is an awesome way to eat. Let these people continue to be ignorant.

    Completely true. <3
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    Disagree. I refuse to give up breakfast or deprive myself of food I enjoy.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Lol this is a funny thread. It would be cool if you had to take a reading comprehension quiz proving that you actually read OP's article before commenting on it. I'm sure there are people who would still disagree and could cite valid reasons, but that would take the conversation much further than "nu uh" and "yea huh."

    I've been thinking about trying IF for a few weeks now and am trying to read up on it. Thanks for posting this article. The only reason why I hesistate is because I like my morning routine and I finally found a cereal that is decently healthy and delicious (not the most compelling reason). And if it doesn't work than I guess I'll have no choice but to...start eating breakfast again!

    You can still eat your cereal! I eat lots of breakfast foods. Some days all I have are bacon, eggs, sausage, and cheese. You just won't eat it outside of your eating window with IF.

    To be honest, if I could go back I wouldn't have written anything in my original post. I would have made the same title, and just put the link to the article.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    OK, to meet both sides of the argument half-way, there are two concepts of breakfast I disagree with.

    1. It has to be as soon as you get up
    2. It has to be "breakfast food"

    My thinking is:

    1. I find I have much more of an appetite if I wait until I get to work to eat and I don't need to snack mid-morning as that's when I'm having a proper meal.
    2. Nearly all cereals, even the healthy ones that have no added sugar, have some form of sugar, such as dried fruit or honey, and very little appetite suppressing protein. Why not eat the leftovers from last night's healthy dinner, like a chicken and veg stir-fry, or make yourself a sandwich that you can eat half now, half later.

    Different things work for different people, can't we all get along? :flowerforyou:
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Lol this is a funny thread. It would be cool if you had to take a reading comprehension quiz proving that you actually read OP's article before commenting on it. I'm sure there are people who would still disagree and could cite valid reasons, but that would take the conversation much further than "nu uh" and "yea huh."

    I've been thinking about trying IF for a few weeks now and am trying to read up on it. Thanks for posting this article. The only reason why I hesistate is because I like my morning routine and I finally found a cereal that is decently healthy and delicious (not the most compelling reason). And if it doesn't work than I guess I'll have no choice but to...start eating breakfast again!

    I eat breakfast foods all the time! I just do after my workouts at 4-5 PM :D

    Read everything from here:
    Takes a while but is the most interesting thing I have read on the internet :]
  • JRMcCaghren
    Every good piece of research I've seen has shown we should eat more often each day. 6 small meals or so. All I can say is that over the summer I was taking a bunch of summer courses, and (not by choice) I started doing this. I wouldn't eat until 3 or 4 when I got back home. By that point, I was so hungry I would eat the whole damn house. I gained a ton of weight over about a month of doing this, and realized eating one larger meal a day is a terrible idea.
  • hooma
    hooma Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks, Sunshine_88 and TateFTW. I guess I could eat my cereal as desert since I like to eat something sweet before bed but I often don't have the calories for it! I had started reading parts of leangains but I have a lot left to get through.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You can find information to prove that this works, not just blogs but actually studies. You can also find information to prove that breakfast is essential, that milk with dinner creates results, that eating only twinkles can allow you to lose weight. Just do what you want and feels good for you and everything will work out. The only rule is stop telling people your way is THE way.

    Here here! Do what works for you. As long as it is not detrimental to your health. not some kind of short cut and something you can stick with, do what works!

    I agree with these. 100%. I didn't used to eat breakfast - actually the mere thought of food when i woke up disgusted me. Now, I eat every morning and I feel better all day. I've found (FOR ME!) that eating within 30 mins of waking up and eating every few hours keeps my blood sugar stable. When it is stable - I don't binge eat.

    If you dont' wanna eat breakfast, don't. If you want to eat breakfast, do it. Neither one is wrong and neither one is right. Do what works for YOU and YOUR BODY. But, as the other poster stated: Don't tell other people what they're doing for THEM is wrong.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    To all non breakfast eaters/IFers:

    Most people here believe in the typical BS myths of having to eat breakfast, having to eat 6 small meals a day, not eating before bed....etc.

    They aren't interested in science or reading

    Convincing them there is another possible way to be successful is basically impossible.

    IF is an awesome way to eat. Let these people continue to be ignorant.

    Completely true. <3

    Sorry, but it isn't ignorance if someone does something and realizes it works or doesn't work for them. Regardless of what science may or may not say.

    If eating breakfast and eating every few hours works for me - I AM NOT IGNORANT. Actually, I'm quite intelligent about MY OWN BODY (which really? is all I care about!). I know that not eating regularly makes my blood sugar wonky and makes me more likely to binge eat. When I'm eating regularly, I don't have the desire to down an entire box of donuts. It works for me. Am I ignorant because it may not be what other people do? NO. I'm doing what is best for me and honestly? I couldn't care less what science says I should do. I do what is best for me and my body. End of story. There isn't a right nor a wrong answer to this topic. There really isn't.

    I'm going to continue eating my breakfast, making sure I eat every couple hours and I'm going to even eat before bed. And I'm pretty certain it is working for me just fine.

    It always amazes me when people decide that THEY know what works for everyone else and are more than happy to be obnoxious about informing people about how they are ignorant and don't know what they're doing and it is wrong.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    But, as the other poster stated: Don't tell other people what they're doing for THEM is wrong.

    I think this is the issue most of the dissenters in this thread have really had. It wasn't posted as an option. It was a statement, "Stop eating breakfast", and that just doesn't work for everyone.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I disagree also. I don't believe skipping any meal is a good idea. It's not healthy!

    Don't you think the 3 meal thing is totally arbitrary? It's just a convenient way to break up the day.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    It's not healthy!

    Says who? What makes you say that?
  • imgonnamakeit2
    Naaah! I disagree also. Of course you lose if you starve yourself whether you feel hungry or not. It's still starving. It will stop working and what about the nutrients your body needs? Just does not sound healthy!
  • Nishka09
    I agree - for me. I just started reading about ayurvedic medicine and body types/doshas. The Kapha body type (me) has a strong and solid body but also a slow and sluggish metabolism. It is actually recommended to skip breakfast and have a large lunch, then small dinner. I have never done well eating breakfast and always felt it made me feel more tired and heavy. I have always felt better and more clear headed by skipping breakfast. When I started reading about the doshas everything rang true for me and see that - yes it is true!!! Some people are better off not eating breakfast!!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Entirely disagree... if you decide to live a normal life with people, have children etc then you gotta eat at least 3 times a day. This will be temporary and its bad for your digestive and neural health. You need energy to think straight and sustaining a normal level will prevent any metabolism or blood sugar issues. It's not good for your muscles, brain or heart depriving them of regular essential vitamins, minerals, fats and energy.
  • kaia119
    If I skip breakfast, I have this way of starting to want to eat people's brains right around get's ugly...:(
  • Ebbsies
    I love IF. Oh yeah and that's me after 4.5 months of IF in the profile picture. I've been doing it since February. I started out at 19% bf (5'7, 140 lbs) and in that picture I was dun dun dun.... yep 140 lbs, 14% bf. Didn't lose any endurance (Long distance runner/cyclist) as well didn't lose any muscle, as I am an avid body builder/weight lifter (natural weight lifting female...who put on strength and increased her compound lifts during fasted training). :) I love ESE, LG styles of IF the most. Each to their own. I love a post workout/fast protein shake, a big 800 calorie late lunch, a 800 calorie dinnner and a small 200 calorie snack in the afternoon. I lose fat faster when I'm glycogen depleted. Science supports this, so fasted training reigns supreme for me, BCAAs, a coffee and I'm good to go. <3
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Better stated than the original post.

    When I was in High School I did the no breakfast thing and ate my butt off at dinner. I was able to maintain at a healthy BMI

    Now I do the whole 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. I am still at a healthy BMI just a tad bit better. :smile:
    I agree - for me. I just started reading about ayurvedic medicine and body types/doshas. The Kapha body type (me) has a strong and solid body but also a slow and sluggish metabolism. It is actually recommended to skip breakfast and have a large lunch, then small dinner. I have never done well eating breakfast and always felt it made me feel more tired and heavy. I have always felt better and more clear headed by skipping breakfast. When I started reading about the doshas everything rang true for me and see that - yes it is true!!! Some people are better off not eating breakfast!!