Stop eating breakfast. Here's why.



  • TainaLeirmoe10
    TainaLeirmoe10 Posts: 41 Member
    What a horribe topic, you have no idea how much you are hurting your body....
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    What a horribe topic, you have no idea how much you are hurting your body....

    how does skipping breakfast hurt your body?
  • horizonflight
    What a horribe topic, you have no idea how much you are hurting your body....

    how does skipping breakfast hurt your body?

    Dude, just start your own thread instead of fighting TateFTW's battle. I think you just want to push people's buttons since this darn thread is so friggin long anyways.
  • horizonflight
    Ok, have I got your attention now? For a long time we've been fed the idea that breakfast is important. In fact, people call it the most important meal of the day (mostly cereal companies. . .jk). I started to learn about a year ago that this wasn't true. The more I researched and read, the more I realised that we were getting bad info. I started skipping breakfast and even lunch, not eating until I got off work around 3, and I started losing weight on demand and felt great once I got used to it. There are programs that make use of this idea, such as intermittent fasting, which I've used with success.

    I posted another article from this author the other day, but I just found this one and again feel the need to let everyone else read this. I believe strongly in the things this author believes in and they have all worked for me. Yes, he does have programs he's designed, but I'm not trying to sell anything. I just want everyone to have this information.

    Dear TateFTW,

    I disagree. This is what you do when you purge your body of the nutrients it needs to continue to function. You must have read the following:

    Next thing we know people will say that anorexia and bulimia aren't medical conditions but, instead, are actually healthy for us. Really?

    How is it purging your body of nutrients if you're getting your daily caloric requirements? Simple question here..

    Because if you went back to the ORIGINAL POST you would see that the author mentioned NOTHING about getting his caloric requirements in one day, he ONLY mentioned skipping meals. SIMPLE ANSWER HERE. =)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    What a horribe topic, you have no idea how much you are hurting your body....

    how does skipping breakfast hurt your body?

    Dude, just start your own thread instead of fighting TateFTW's battle. I think you just want to push people's buttons since this darn thread is so friggin long anyways.

    not really fighting his battle since i don't eat breakfast either, i usually skip lunch as well. And instead of posting ignorant posts i've actually done my research on the subject

    "Because if you went back to the ORIGINAL POST you would see that the author mentioned NOTHING about getting his caloric requirements in one day, he ONLY mentioned skipping meals. SIMPLE ANSWER HERE. =)"

    and if you finished the paragraph he mentions IF is a similar protocol, so if you knew what IF was, you'd know he was eating his cals in other meals, not starving himself
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
  • horizonflight
    What a horribe topic, you have no idea how much you are hurting your body....

    how does skipping breakfast hurt your body?

    Dude, just start your own thread instead of fighting TateFTW's battle. I think you just want to push people's buttons since this darn thread is so friggin long anyways.

    not really fighting his battle since i don't eat breakfast either, i usually skip lunch as well. And instead of posting ignorant posts i've actually done my research on the subject

    "Because if you went back to the ORIGINAL POST you would see that the author mentioned NOTHING about getting his caloric requirements in one day, he ONLY mentioned skipping meals. SIMPLE ANSWER HERE. =)"

    and if you finished the paragraph he mentions IF is a similar protocol, so if you knew what IF was, you'd know he was eating his cals in other meals, not starving himself

    I see no "IF" anywhere in his original post. And still I am strongly opined that skipping meals isn't the answer. Regardless if you're making them up on the last meal or not. Glad it works for you guys! Again, plenty of people it doesn't work for. I maintain my opinion. And I do believe I clarified your argument about medical conditions, yes?
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    funny I eat breakfast skip most of the day and eat before bed and I lose. Depends on what you eat I guess
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    I see no "IF" anywhere in his original post. And still I am strongly opined that skipping meals isn't the answer. Regardless if you're making them up on the last meal or not. Glad it works for you guys! Again, plenty of people it doesn't work for. I maintain my opinion. And I do believe I clarified your argument about medical conditions, yes?

    "The more I researched and read, the more I realised that we were getting bad info. I started skipping breakfast and even lunch, not eating until I got off work around 3, and I started losing weight on demand and felt great once I got used to it. There are programs that make use of this idea, such as intermittent fasting, which I've used with success. "

    IF = intermittent fasting

    and yes i understand why you brought up the subject of eating disorders

    the thing is all diets work exactly the dame, a caloric deficit, it makes no difference if you eat 1 meal a day or 6 meals a day,
  • spasticlulu
  • rachaeltaff

    I don't know why that cracked me up so much, but it did :)
  • Allasauna
    People are very different and what works for some might not work for others. You just got to find what works best for you. Just because something isnt 'your' way doesnt make anothers way wrong. You shouldnt be calling someone you dont even know ignorant or stupid for having a different opinion and way of eating.

    I personally am not a morning person, Im a night owl. Always have been. I am notorious for skipping breakfast. I dont like eating right after waking up. I often just have a cup of tea or a glass of milk. I dont usually feel hungry until after noon and I have a late lunch between 1 or 2pm. I then will have a snack at 5ish and I eat dinner at about 7pm. another snack at 9pm and then I dont go to sleep until 11pm or later.

    Its all about finding what suits you best and keeping a balance between calories in and out.
  • horizonflight

    I see no "IF" anywhere in his original post. And still I am strongly opined that skipping meals isn't the answer. Regardless if you're making them up on the last meal or not. Glad it works for you guys! Again, plenty of people it doesn't work for. I maintain my opinion. And I do believe I clarified your argument about medical conditions, yes?

    "The more I researched and read, the more I realised that we were getting bad info. I started skipping breakfast and even lunch, not eating until I got off work around 3, and I started losing weight on demand and felt great once I got used to it. There are programs that make use of this idea, such as intermittent fasting, which I've used with success. "

    IF = intermittent fasting

    and yes i understand why you brought up the subject of eating disorders

    the thing is all diets work exactly the dame, a caloric deficit, it makes no difference if you eat 1 meal a day or 6 meals a day,

    Thanks for clarification on "IF".

    I fail to see whether there is a "certain amount of calories" he takes in on a daily basis. No specification on that. I do understand the method behind all the madness, but where is the regular caloric intake? Is there one or do you just eat, say, a pizza slice worth 280 calories one night but then a full blown meal the next night where you rack up 500 calories???
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    While I agree with you, skipping breakfast is not bad at all, I don't do it as I like the energy in the morning and the structure in my day. Intermittent fasting is proven and successful when done correctly, anyone denying this is blind. However, it matters very little WHEN you eat your food as long as you eat it. Information like "eating 6 small meals a day fires up your metabolism" is false and are one of the many lies fed to women in magazines.

    Edit: A lot of people are claiming this is unhealthy, disordered eating, or part of anorexia! YOU OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T READ THE SOURCE or do ANY research on intermittent fasting... it is about eating a healthy amount of food in a small window (6-8 hours in most cases, or less). Do not knock if you have NO idea what you're talking about... jesus.
  • agent300
    To all non breakfast eaters/IFers:

    Most people here believe in the typical BS myths of having to eat breakfast, having to eat 6 small meals a day, not eating before bed....etc.

    They aren't interested in science or reading

    Convincing them there is another possible way to be successful is basically impossible.

    IF is an awesome way to eat. Let these people continue to be ignorant.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    I see no "IF" anywhere in his original post. And still I am strongly opined that skipping meals isn't the answer. Regardless if you're making them up on the last meal or not. Glad it works for you guys! Again, plenty of people it doesn't work for. I maintain my opinion. And I do believe I clarified your argument about medical conditions, yes?

    "The more I researched and read, the more I realised that we were getting bad info. I started skipping breakfast and even lunch, not eating until I got off work around 3, and I started losing weight on demand and felt great once I got used to it. There are programs that make use of this idea, such as intermittent fasting, which I've used with success. "

    IF = intermittent fasting

    and yes i understand why you brought up the subject of eating disorders

    the thing is all diets work exactly the dame, a caloric deficit, it makes no difference if you eat 1 meal a day or 6 meals a day,

    Thanks for clarification on "IF".

    I fail to see whether there is a "certain amount of calories" he takes in on a daily basis. No specification on that. I do understand the method behind all the madness, but where is the regular caloric intake? Is there one or do you just eat, say, a pizza slice worth 280 calories one night but then a full blown meal the next night where you rack up 500 calories???

    not sure but i believe he posted he stays a bit below maintenance and low carb most days of the week and then has a refeed day which is high carb and over maintenance. i've done similar things when i was dieting, stay in a moderate deficit with med to lo carbs and then once a week or every other week throw in a refeed day which was 500ish cals over maintenance and 400ish g of cho
  • agent300
    While I agree with you, skipping breakfast is not bad at all, I don't do it as I like the energy in the morning and the structure in my day. Intermittent fasting is proven and successful when done correctly, anyone denying this is blind. However, it matters very little WHEN you eat your food as long as you eat it. Information like "eating 6 small meals a day fires up your metabolism" is false and are one of the many lies fed to women in magazines.

    Edit: A lot of people are claiming this is unhealthy, disordered eating, or part of anorexia! YOU OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T READ THE SOURCE or do ANY research on intermittent fasting... it is about eating a healthy amount of food in a small window (6-8 hours in most cases, or less). Do not knock if you have NO idea what you're talking about... jesus.

    im glad someone else gets it
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    U mad I eat banana yogurt and cheese slices for breakfast?

    Do a study on that.
  • horizonflight
    U mad I eat banana yogurt and cheese slices for breakfast?

    Do a study on that.

  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Breakfast, lunch, and dinner - as someone here has said - are cultural concepts. We enjoy eating so we do it all day. In the wild, or before we had the luxury, you ate when you killed something or when food was otherwise available.

    Also, to the many people saying "breakfast is key to weight loss", please link some scientific studies. Not Yahoo articles about how breakfast makes you less likely to snack or something baseless. In almost every study I've observed, distinct relations have been made between breakfast eaters losing weight because they felt satiated and ate less at lunch. Nothing biological at all. If willpower is not a variable (or you enjoy IF anyways) then skipping breakfast has zero effect on weight loss. Your body does not magically create a larger deficit if you eat food 3 hours early.

    also read, you will find it enlightening even if IF is not for you. It is written by a very intelligent, well-informed dude who works hard to source and explain his methods (as opposed to, this works because it sounds like it should).