If I need help don't post ignorant comments



  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    So why say it in the first place?

    Because maybe it doesn't mean that to him. Just because that's what you assume doesn't mean that's where he is coming from AT ALL. In my country it's good to give a thumbs-up gesture. In another country, that is just about the rudest thing you can do. It's ignorant to assume everyone means the same thing by the words they use, especially once you throw context into it.

    The thing is, it doesn't matter. That thread, other threads, it doesn't matter. So what if he was rude? Maybe he's a troll trying to start something. (FTR, I don't think that.) Maybe there are people who get their jollies from causing problems on forums. You have two choices: let it get to you, or let it go.

    And you ignored everything I've said in all my comments, except this one piece about the "little girl" phrase. This is either really funny or really sad. Guess what? I'm going to let it go, because it's so unbelievably futile.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    i tried to help someone today and then the OP threatened me and called me names...

    I saw that too!!! He called you an a-hole when you offered him advice. He looked a lot like the OP of this thread too. But I know that can't be right, I believe the other guys name was Kujo.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    Weight loss/Nutrition is a lot like politics.... If you post in the forum, you will get postive and negative critisism. It sucks sometimes, but that's how it works. (just like politics, which is what I am in school for) I try to ignore the rude people or ask them to get off my post. If you don't have anything postive or helpful to say...then don't say anything. That's my motto.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    hmmm seems you left out a part of the "offending" quote, sounds like good advice to me

    "you're eating like a little girl, which is great if that's what you want to look like after your cut is over. if not i suggest upping cals and getting in an adequate amount of protein while incorporating heavy resistance training "
    What is the first thing I saw, I'm eating like a girl, but that's what my Boxing coach says to eat, also it you would of taken that girl type **** I would of been fine, but for you to tell me that I'm eating like a girl, telling my nutrition is all f up and my coaches nutrition knowledge don't mean anything yeah man I am going to be like WTF... That's what got me like WTF! OH HELL NAW THIS DUDE JUST CLOWN MY NUTRITION!..

    He did not say most of the things you're saying he said. That is stuff that was in your head, that you projected onto what he said. There is a lot of assumption going on there. Since my husband is a boxing and MMA coach, I think I can say pretty securely that while they may know a whole lot, they don't know everything about everything. And if someone told him his nutrition/diet advice was off, you know what he'd do?? He'd do some research. He'd either find out he was right all along, or he'd revise what he was telling his fighters. Because for him, doing right by his fighters is more important that being right all the time.

    If you doubt this guy's science, then ask him for any research or studies to back it up. You can have your boxing coach do the same, and then make a truly informed decision.

    Or, like I said, go with a confident "Time will tell" instead of this umbrage if someone doubts you or your coach. If it's working, then it's working. Deep breaths.

    And, as I mentioned before, it's totally obvious that this is mostly a reaction to the "like a girl" part. I know that when you were 13 that was probably an automatic call out, and a guaranteed fight -- but hopefully we can get past those middle school ideas at some point. Because it doesn't have to be like that.
    So why say it in the first place?

    If you're going to quote him, then you also need to quote YOUR response where you started with calling him an *kitten* in your first sentence then proceeded to tell him that if he got in the ring with you, you would kick his *kitten* (that's not the exact quote, everyone is free to find his thread on it...something about ending the day in 300 calories and up). So don't come over here and play innocent. Just because YOU are hypersensitive does NOT give you the right to call him an *kitten*, imply that you want to challenge him in the ring, then hop over here and play victim! Suck it up tough guy!

    ETA: His thread about 300 cal a day was deleted. Likely because of him calling someone an *kitten*.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    And since the overwhelming response in the thread that sparked this one is that you are overreacting, being defensive, being offensive, trusting your coach too much on the diet part, and taking bad advice... this is Feedback from the Universe. You harm yourself by ignoring it.

    Look at it this way: in the ring, you get constant feedback - from your body, from your opponent, from your corner, etc... if you ignore any of that feedback, you are not as effective as a fighter. The more feedback you miss, the more you are going to get your backside handed to you. This is true in ALL OF LIFE. In everything. You are getting feedback, consistent, insistent feedback, and if you let your ego keep doing what it's doing, it's causing you to miss that feedback that can cause you to be the most effective machine you can possibly be. Life is all about choices, and you can actually choose to investigate instead of flying off the handle. Deeply secure men simply don't need to do that. There's feedback from yourself right there.
  • lalinzki
    WELL TO THE PEOPLE THAT I OFFENDED I'M SORRY :embarassed: I did took it over board and yeah I should of let it go but I didn't . But its not just about my little incident its about the many post I have read with some negative comments . SO MOVING FORWARD..gots to get ready for the gym, I can't wait.