Negativity on MFP.



  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    If you can't handle negativity stay off the internet? Or learn to cope with it and learn from your mistakes?

    Or maybe just don't make nut butter posts if you can't handle nut butter jokes?

    Stay off the internet?? Lol

    Absolutely. If talking to people on the internet that aren't always 100% sunshine and rainbows causes you mental anguish, then you should avoid it. You're not going to be able to change people, and its incredibly rude to try.

    I can't speak for her, but I can only assume she's not experiencing "mental anguish." More like, she was basically called an idiot in her thread, and THAT is rude. The internet wasn't created so that people with inferiority complexes could create alter egos and run wild, so no, she shouldn't have to stay off the internet, and I LOL to her sentiment, as well.:tongue:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    ummm what is nut butter?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Sorry to those who are a bit "annoyed" or anything with my "nut butter" posts.. I don't mean to annoy anyone or anything.. there's times where I have asked a question, and got various / different responses or any responses from friends which would get me a bit confused..

    I truly believe that ANYONE on MFP is able to ask WHATEVER they want, however they want, and whenever they want. Just because someone asks practically the "same" question, maybe that person got a bit confused with the answers given to them. Or if the question sounds "dumb" to you, why be rude to them? Not everyone knows what you know. There's no need to be negative on someones post. Lighten up.. we're not here for negativity. From what I remember, we are ALSO here to help others. And yes, I do believe that anyone is able to respond however they want as well, but I just don't see why any negativity towards someone asking a question in a polite matter..

    I'm still learning everyday especially on MFP.. so again, my apologies if it has annoyed anyone. Now I know to easily just search my question up to see if it will answer anything I need to know.

    I love all of the MFP people on here who continue to stay POSITIVE, motivated & determined. All of you who give me support, know that it's mutual! :)

    ** edit post : Hope all of you are having a good week so far.

    Im freakin' brand new, and Im already getting crap.... I do my best to search everywhere (still learning about navigating this site) before I post anything....

    Also when I try to contribute (I thought we were allowed?!), Ive already received crap for that as well... Im better off just avoiding several communicative-sections of this site, and just use it for what my doctor wants me to use it for to begin with...

    I am sorry that someone who is just starting out such as yourself has been recieving crap! I too have a hard time finding the right answers sometimes using the search feature. Ask away! The others will get over it if you don't understand!

    Exactly! And remember--they're actually taking their time to post something negative/counterproductive...and that's just pathetic. :wink: Filling ones time with negativity isn't don't let their attitude problems get in your way of asking something! Plus, what if you want NEW opinions? I've never gone past page 2 in any of the forum categories, because I want a thread that's "alive" vs. an outdated one with older opinions that have been tossed around.

    Thankyou for the tips!! :) Appreciate it.

    Well... after tonight's private messages... I think Ill just move onward to just keeping track... Im done with negativity... thank you to the few who let me post here without retribution... at least youre normal! LOL
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I said this on another post, if you see the post title and you don't have anything constructive to add, don't post. I know people want to think they are witty, but that usually doesn't translate well online, that being said, who cares if the same question gets asked 10 times, how does this really affect you? Just skip the post if you don't have anything positive to contribute. I don't mind answering someone's question even if it has been asked or I'll put a link in for the post. Joking is good and that is fine, unfortunately online it sometimes doesn't translate so well. I don't think people should have to put up with negative comments, thread hijackers, or trolls. You should be able to post without worrying about negative comments.
  • brandenocs
    brandenocs Posts: 146 Member
    It's a shame. Because obviously we're all HERE on a journey to better ourselves... This site is supposed to HELP us along the way. Too bad this site doesn't help better some people's maturity level too... I'm sorry you've had to endure some rude people.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I really don't see a reason to get nasty with someone for asking a question, regardless if it has been asked before and would show up in the search feature. If you think someone isn't putting in enough effort to find information, just ignore the question and move on. Some people live for drama.

    It's not a matter of asking a question that others had already asked, it's a matter of the OP asking the same question several times, making a bunch of new threads. That's a bit overkill, IMO.
  • CindiBryce
    If you can't handle negativity stay off the internet? Or learn to cope with it and learn from your mistakes?

    Or maybe just don't make nut butter posts if you can't handle nut butter jokes?

    Stay off the internet?? Lol
    Feel free to use the internet to your heart's content. But you should be prepared to take comments, criticism, and jokes. Learn how to be thicker-skinned. But nonetheless, MFP is a good place for help and support!
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I said this on another post, if you see the post title and you don't have anything constructive to add, don't post. I know people want to think they are witty, but that usually doesn't translate well online, that being said, who cares if the same question gets asked 10 times, how does this really affect you? Just skip the post if you don't have anything positive to contribute. I don't mind answering someone's question even if it has been asked or I'll put a link in for the post. Joking is good and that is fine, unfortunately online it sometimes doesn't translate so well. I don't think people should have to put up with negative comments, thread hijackers, or trolls. You should be able to post without worrying about negative comments.

    well said
  • Shastabugg1
    I find it amazing that you done a blog apologizing and some people are still being a bit negative and sarcastic'll learn everything eventually hell I didn't even know there was a search button (seriously) lol