p90x 90 day challenge October 1



  • Kelhulsey72
    Hi everyone, I just want you all to know I'm still here doing the P90X/ Insanity Hybrid. I started Week 8 this week, in all I think I may have missed 4 workouts in all. Now I love that I'm stronger and have definition on my arms and back but why have I gained so much weight? I have put on 4 pounds since I started this. I do not believe it can be muscle as I continue to eat at a deficit 6 days a week. I have always been told you will not build muscle while eating at a deficit. Now truthfully speaking, I like what I'm seeing in the mirror but I can't help but to feel down because of the increase in weight. I'm not going to give up, but I'm not sure why I workout so hard and gain weight? Is anyone else having this problem or am I just a freak of nature?

    How are your clothes fitting? I'm pretty sure you can gain muscle while having a deficiency in your diet. As long you are not starving yourself. Then you could lose muscle. I too had a 6 lb weight gain while doing p90x the first time around, but I lost inches and my clothes started getting looser. Did you ever measure yourself?
    Keep moving forward with the program and try not to get to discouraged! You're doing great! :smile:
  • ddoohaluk
    ddoohaluk Posts: 40 Member
    Checking in as I start the Phase II recovery week. I am feeling good as I finish phase II. I purchased a pullup bar and the lifeline pullup assist bands someone mentioned on here and I can't believe how much harder the pullup are than when I was using just a band (and I was using a 90lb band). I am barely getting 12-15 in with each try by I just keep giving it my all. It is funny to see which ones you are stronger with (chinup and reverse chinup) and which ones are super hard (wide front and corn cob). I can make it all the way through ARX with almost no issues - the scissor things are hard but that is more related to my nonexistent hamstring flexibility than ab strength. I may also be able to see some abs when I look in the mirror. Its likely not solely related to p90X but I did PR in a 10K this weekend (and beat my goal time but about 30 sec). Running feels so much more stronger since doing p90x (including an obscene amount of X stretch)

    My p90X workouts for the week are2X Xstretch, shoulders/back/triceps (missed it this past week due to a migraine), and 2 X core synergistics. Other workouts will be at least 1 swim, 2 rides, and a couple of runs including a 8K cross country mud extravaganza on Sunday.

    How is everyone else? I think I am a week behind do most of you are well into Phase 3!!