C25K Beginners Challenge - Join Now!!!



  • ecoyle
    ecoyle Posts: 58
    yes i am in

    i have already started

    I have one more run/walk of week 2 to do

    I am totally new to running and cant imagine running for more than 90 seconds right now haha
  • I'm going to post here so I can come back. I started a walk/run program last week but have considered dropping it for now until I get more used to all the other exercise I've been doing. But I may decide to keep going and I have the C25K on my iPod which I found the other day...so, I might be back!! :) It kind of depends because I've been having some hip pain and I'm going to the doctor this week to get all checked out.
  • Any suggestions for training with kiddos? I'm a single mom and really don't want to do each day on the treadmill since my race is outside.

    Just completed Week 2 Day 1 on the treadmill with a sick little one at home.
  • youuluvashh
    youuluvashh Posts: 247 Member
    Im IN!!!! I've been wanting to go jogging for a long time... this app is GREAT!!!

    any good shoe recommendations?????
  • evewtsn
    evewtsn Posts: 23 Member
    I have been doing this as it was recommended by someone at work (haven't been out for over a week though as have been ill), can't recommend it enough! Challenging but do able- weeks that i have struggled i have repeated until i have felt better- plan to pick back up as soon as i have shaken the lurgy!
  • evewtsn
    evewtsn Posts: 23 Member
    I did day one last night. I made it the whole way. Honestly I didn't think I was going to. It hurt to jog, I'm super slow so it's not like I was going to fast. I just can't seem to get the hang of proper breathing. I am in full blown pant/cant catch breath, so not fun. BUT I did it. My husband did it with me and really helped me finish. Day two will be sunday. Not sure when day three will be because I do zumba tuesday and thursday.

    On week 2 she describes the breathing a bit more, try in for 4 running steps out for 4 running steps....it will get easier i promise
  • evewtsn
    evewtsn Posts: 23 Member
    Any suggestions for training with kiddos? I'm a single mom and really don't want to do each day on the treadmill since my race is outside.

    Just completed Week 2 Day 1 on the treadmill with a sick little one at home.

    How little is little? are they small enough to put in the pushchair and jog and push? or old enough to run or cycle next to you? my 10yr old has come out a few times, she is a lot faster than me though!
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    Please count me in too!! I've really been wanting to start this program, I envy people who can run!!
  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 272 Member
    yes i am in

    i have already started

    I have one more run/walk of week 2 to do

    I am totally new to running and cant imagine running for more than 90 seconds right now haha

    Same here! I'm entering week 3 and I'm scare to death to run 3 min at a time!
  • I have been really really meaning to do this. SO any encouragement I can get I am in! How do I log my progress for the group? Any songs everyone LOVES to work out to?
  • kymberlin
    kymberlin Posts: 113 Member
    was not able to do wk1 day 2 today. I have zumba tomorrow night so will have to wait for wednesday. I will finish this program. I have to say I found it hard. But so proud of myself for making it thru day one. Can't wait for day two.
  • cyndimcd
    cyndimcd Posts: 106 Member
    This looks like a great program. I have downloaded an app and I will start tomorrow morning. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • Any suggestions for training with kiddos? I'm a single mom and really don't want to do each day on the treadmill since my race is outside.

    Just completed Week 2 Day 1 on the treadmill with a sick little one at home.

    How little is little? are they small enough to put in the pushchair and jog and push? or old enough to run or cycle next to you? my 10yr old has come out a few times, she is a lot faster than me though!

    I should have included! They are almost 5 & 8, both boys. The older one wants to try to exercise with me.
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    C25K Week 1 Day 2 is complete!! :-) I think it was much easier than day 1.
  • I'm in!! I tried this program once before and I lost the motivation to complete it. This challenge is exactly what I need!
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    W1D2 complete!!!! It amazes me that I can feel so sore yet so incredible at the same time. Day 3 should be friday. Oh and who ever warned that this could become addictive WAS RIGHT :smile:
  • SheriKatieLynn
    SheriKatieLynn Posts: 8 Member
    I am in, did day 1 last night. I have never run (does marching band 20+ years ago count?) and will be 42 before this is over - ugh! I have been "stuck" forever and am hoping this will get me through this long plateau and get rid of those last 11 lbs (and maybe a little more)!
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    I'd love to start this challenge - mix up my workout routine a bit too! I'm going to start this on Sunday! Thanks for the motivation and support!
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    Hi Erin!

    Some of my favorite workout artists would be Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Def Leppard, and Madonna. Yes, I am most definitely a child of the 80's! :)
  • I'm in!!! I downloaded the app on my phone and will try it tonight.. Good luck everyone!!!