bye bye red meats

im cutting out red meats from my diet (and will eventually cut all meats out). YIKES!
haha! my BF loves steak, ribs, hamburgers, etc. etc. But because of my family's health history, im cutting it out of the menu. at least for me and my kids.

This is going to change everything. We eat red meat all the time!

I plan to go grocery shoppin at some point this weekend. and I need some suggestions for new meal ideas!
I do NOT have a whole foods, or organic food market, etc. anywhere near me. I have a WalMart and a Crest foods (carries basically the same things walmart does)

HELP! I love fish...but have never had it prepared in a way that wasnt fried. but i hear fish is really good for you. I dont have any clue how to prepare it!
any and all suggestions are welcome...

Also I hear about hummus ALL THE TIME! Can i get that at walmart? Where is it at?


  • gcineas
    gcineas Posts: 121
    what's your rationale for cutting out red meat?
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    oh, man- baked/broiled fish is my favorite. I hate fried fish. Frying it totally obliterates the flavor.

    It's super easy to do as well. Depending on the flavor you are looking for rinse your fish, sprinkle it with olive oil, spices (I like throwing some freshly grated Parmesan on there too, and broil on high until the flesh is flaky.
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Quorn is meant to be good and a good replacement for mince and oven baking fish in tin foil is a nice healthy way, go and search the recipies section and see what they can provide. :)
  • voluptuous_veggie
    voluptuous_veggie Posts: 476 Member
    Wal-Mart has groceries? Sorry, a bit off topic, but I've never heard of Wal-Mart having food! *amilivingunderarock?*
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Why? (just curious)

    Edited: never mind - I just re-read it and you already said why :smile:
  • AshleyLauren589
    AshleyLauren589 Posts: 139 Member
    Congrats on your decision =) I stopped eating read meat about 7 years ago and have been working on finding ways to cook for myself while still getting variety of protein in. One of my favorite things to use in recipes right now is chicken sausage. I cut it up and put in in stir fry vegetables, I use it in omelettes, everything! I'm not a big 'cook from raw' kinda person, so using pre-cooked, flavorful meat was a great alternative for me.

    As for hummus, I make my own:
    It's a LOT cheaper and you can modify it to the way you like it. I tend to use less tahini and if I'm out of lemon or garlic I use more of one or the other.

    Good luck, and feel free to add me =)
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Wal-Mart has groceries? Sorry, a bit off topic, but I've never heard of Wal-Mart having food! *amilivingunderarock?*
  • DancezChick
    I've thought about doing that too, ... but if you cut it off completely and then decide to go back to it, you can get really sick :sick: . Your body creates enzimes in your intestines for this,,,, be I think you should really think about it before really cutting it out of your life. Your boyfriend loves meat... its going to be hard :huh: Plus theres a lot of protein in meat, good for a lot of things.... but good luck to ya!!! :flowerforyou:
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    i love to grill salmon... just brush with a little olive oil and my favorite seasoning is lemon pepper. Grill each side for 3-4 minutes. One of my favorite dishes is putting a tortilla on the grill till it gets all fluffed up, spreading garden vegetable cream cheese on it (just a little bit) and laying the salmon filet on top before folding up the tortilla............... YUM! and salmon has lots of good monounsaturated fat!
  • AshleyLauren589
    AshleyLauren589 Posts: 139 Member
    I've thought about doing that too, ... but if you cut it off completely and then decide to go back to it, you can get really sick :sick: .

    It definitely can! This happened to me when I first started out when I was living at home and my mom would cook something for dinner and lie to me about there being meat in the recipe :grumble: But this doesn't happen within a month or two, more like a year or so.
  • Nswilk
    I have cut out red meats at home too, but I still eat an occasional fast food hamburger and those are mostly soy nowadays. Anyways I know Walmart does carry ground turkey selections, which is cheaper than ground beef. I could never tell the difference, but you maybe able too. I would avoid the tube ground turkey its even cheaper, but I think it doesn't taste as good. I have also found portabella mushrooms make great hamburgers. Pork is not considered red meat, so ribs are still ok. If however you decide to continue with pork I recommend a local butcher, but don't know if that is option.
  • littleenginethatcan
    I generally food shop at Walmart, but the store I shop at doesn't carry Tahini (for hummus). I found it at Publix.

    This is the hummus recipe I used:

    It is really tasty.

    For recipes for fish try:

    Tonight I am making Tilapia-broiled with lemon and garlic. I made an avocado/tomato/onion salad to go with it.

    Here are a few I found that sounded tasty to me:

    Good luck with your journey!
  • Nswilk
    For all those who are convinced you need red meat I recommend that you watch Forks over knives. You can get all the nutrition that meat gives you from other foods. You do not need it.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Life's too short to cut out the simple pleasures we all enjoy to include a nice steak, ribs, roast , etc , etc. That's not to say eat red meat every day. It's to say it's all good in moderation. I probably eat red meat twice a week if that.
  • Wal-Mart has groceries? Sorry, a bit off topic, but I've never heard of Wal-Mart having food! *amilivingunderarock?*
    Yup. some do, others dont. ours is a super center- so it has just about everything! :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Fish - I like it best with no breading, whatever seasoning you like and goes with the fish, drizzle with olive oil and grill or saute. Baked white fish or salmon is great too, but personally I don't care for the "steak" fish (tuna, swordfish) baked. Fish is also good in stews, tacos or wraps.

    Hummus, yes you can get this at Walmart.

    My suggestion would be to go to a bookstore and shop for a seafood and vegetarian cookbook that has recipes that appeal to you. If money is short, you can Google recipes or go to your local library and check some out. Fish, beans and tofu are all very versatile.
  • krik84
    i love to grill salmon... just brush with a little olive oil and my favorite seasoning is lemon pepper. Grill each side for 3-4 minutes. One of my favorite dishes is putting a tortilla on the grill till it gets all fluffed up, spreading garden vegetable cream cheese on it (just a little bit) and laying the salmon filet on top before folding up the tortilla............... YUM! and salmon has lots of good monounsaturated fat!

    Now that sounds tasty!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Life's too short to cut out the simple pleasures we all enjoy to include a nice steak, ribs, roast , etc , etc. That's not to say eat red meat every day. It's to say it's all good in moderation. I probably eat red meat twice a week if that.

    Red meat is not good for everyone. Certain medical conditions can be improved or avoided by eliminating it and the OP did say she eliminating because of family history of illness or disease. Life can be perfectly enjoyable without red meat too.
  • I've thought about doing that too, ... but if you cut it off completely and then decide to go back to it, you can get really sick :sick: . Your body creates enzimes in your intestines for this,,,, be I think you should really think about it before really cutting it out of your life. Your boyfriend loves meat... its going to be hard :huh: Plus theres a lot of protein in meat, good for a lot of things.... but good luck to ya!!! :flowerforyou:
    I've put a lot of thought into it! my BF eats horribly. sodium filled, precooked/processed everything! I try to help him eat better but i cant force him to do something he isnt willing to do. if i didnt change my eating habits just because it'll be hard because of his choices...ill be obese and in horrible health forever! and i cant let his choices control my future! (:
  • Life's too short to cut out the simple pleasures we all enjoy to include a nice steak, ribs, roast , etc , etc. That's not to say eat red meat every day. It's to say it's all good in moderation. I probably eat red meat twice a week if that.
    life will be even shorter if i dont take my families health history into consideration. my family has everything some COPD, diabetes, strokes, cancer...etc etc etc. and if avoiding certain foods can help prevent me from continuing the cycle, i'm going to try it!
    but that's just my opinion on it. Obviously im not trying to tell anyone else that they have to do what i'm doing.
    This is just what I feel is best for my family right now.