40+ Workout Challenge (October)



  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    I hope your trip is great! Sounds like fun, and sounds like you have a plan in hand :smile: Congrats on the good eating days! I know what a great feeling that is! Glad to be of service, and hope I never sound preachy (my kids tell me I lecture at the drop of a hat :blushing: )

    Today I did Cardio Party 2 and 10 minutes of ab jam, so I find myself 10 min short for the day, and tomorrow I won't have time in the morning (early, EARLY meeting :huh: ) Hopefully I will be able to get something in the evening.

    Looking forward to more check ins!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I ended up doing Kettlebell for 20 min. and 5 min. for stretching. Not bad!
  • guessgigi
    guessgigi Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone! Well I feel like I did better today consistent eating every 2-3 hours really helps me stay in control. It's the blood sugar thing right? still having a challenge waking up early enough to workout before work but was able to work out for 30 min after work doing the biggest loser Cardio Max with Bob for level 1. Wow! What a workout and sweat! Now relaxing a bit watching TV logging and commenting om MFP.

    Fitnfun have a great trip in Austin!

    Mispix good job on workouts!

    Sherrill how are you?
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    ARG!!! No time for a morning workout yesterday (OMG early/all day meeting!) too many people in my space last night, so decided to make yesterday my 'day off'. (though I did count the walking we did on a tour of a local lumber mill/forestry tour) So, this morning, I wake up completely congested :angry: and completely lacking the energy to even try to work out.

    I am feeling better right now, so am aiming for an evening workout of some kind.

    Fitn: Have a wonderful trip!

    Gigi: good job on the eating and the workout! Keep it up!

    Everyone: hope all is well!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    YAY! Managed to get 40 minutes of turbo in! Still behind for the week, but I may be able to make it up tomorrow.
  • guessgigi
    guessgigi Posts: 28 Member
    Ugh! Not sure if I'm exhausted from PMS or fighting a cold coming on. Either way I didn't get my workout in today but my appetite was not a problem. Lol I really think I'll get to exercise this weekend so hoping for a good turn here. I bought some iron pills to take only during this time to see if this helps my energy level. Hope everyone else is ok.

    Mispix hope u get to feeling better too!

    Sherrill hope u had a good day!

    Fitnfun good job!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Thursday I was in the car all day long, so that was my day off. Friday I was in the car most of the day, but I managed 20 min. of Kettlebell. Today I did 30 min. of Cardio Party Remix - TJ. If you love TJ, this is one of my faves! The combos are super fun!

    I will be eating out most of the time here, so I will need to be extra careful. I did bring some bars to eat in between, but it is difficult to eat right when not at home. I will do my best.

    Gigi - yes, it is the blood sugar thing. I have been battling with this for years. Smaller meals do help quite a bit. We do have to be careful not to forget to eat before a big workout, or you could actually get dizzy after.

    mspix - I hope you are feeling better. I too have been feeling a little strange like something is trying to get me. I'm still working through it as much as I can. Little bursts are better than nothing.

    Sherrill - stop by and let us know how you are. It's been a while.

    I think our new people haven't checked in either.

    I will be seeing the doctor next week. I have been working out and eating fairly well for a long time now, but I'm still battling weight gain issues. I hope I'm okay. Diabetes runs in my family, or it is the pesky peri-menopause and I am just lucky to have a bad time with it. :cry: Enough is enough though.

    I hope all of you are doing well. Have a fantastic weekend if I don't hear from you! :smile:
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Wk 2
    Sat - walking 120mins@zoo
    Sun - hiking-30mins; heavy cleaning - ST: 90mins (LOTS of heavy lifting) +5 mins Kettlebell
    Mon - ST-20mins; AMT-45mins
    Tues - hulahoop-15mins; Kettlebell - 5mins
    Wed - ST: Kettlebell-10mins
    Thurs - Rheum appt - 2nd Synvisc shots in both knees - Wii Biggest Loser - 30mins; Kettlebell-10mins; walking-30mins
    Fri - Elliptical-40mins; walking- 45mins

    Really wanted to get that 3rd "real" ST in but it just didn't happen. Crazy work week and the darn weekend just flew by!

    Wk 2:
    * 6 small meals throughout the day with lunch being the biggest meal. CHECK
    * 60 minutes of working out for 6 days of the week. 5/7 this week, improved from last week!
    * 20 minutes of strength training (ST) at least 3 times a week - So close, but no cigar!
    * Check in after each workout to stay accountable. - still stinking at this, but i'm trying and you all are great sports!!

    Bought new running shoes today! I LOVE new shoes! Took the dog for a run tonight...I'm sure the shoes made it better! :laugh:
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Nobody have a heart attack...i'm posting only TWO days...because that's all I'm behind now!!! :blushing:

    wk 3
    Sat - 180mins - housecleaning - moving boxes(bodymedia counted 35mins of "vigorous" activity)
    Sun - 15mins JOGGING (yes, really JOGGING); 15min brisk walking; ST: 20 mins Kettlebell!!!! ; 2 hours of mall walking

    Finally got a full 20mins of Kettlebell without falling over in exhaustion.

    Here's to a great week everyone!!:drinker:
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Sherrill; great job!

    I did get a workout on Saturday, but then the dang cold kicked my *kitten* again. Feeling better today, but no workout. Maybe this afternoon. Definitely will be back at it tomorrow.

    Wk 2:
    * 6 small meals throughout the day with lunch being the biggest meal. CHECK
    * 60 minutes of working out for 6 days of the week. 4/7 this week, got to get back in the groove!
    * 20 minutes of strength training (ST) at least 3 times a week -I missed by 10 minutes!
    * Check in after each workout to stay accountable. -eh, so so, lol.
  • guessgigi
    guessgigi Posts: 28 Member
    Hello everyone! Well today is the first day I feel like I have energy again. This weekend I rested a lot and yesterday I ad too much fun at a salad bar!! ok so back on track today. Did ok with meals and did 30 min light house cleaning and 30 min of kick but circuit training w biggest loser video again. What a good sweat!

    Mspix hope u r feeling better. Im scheduled for a flu shot tomorrow afternoon so I hope it doesn't make me more tired.

    Sherrill good job on checking in and your meals and workouts.

    Fitnfun I hope u don't get discouraged and keep up the good work!!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Happy Wednesday!

    How is everyone doing?

    Gigi: Glad you have some energy back!

    Midweek check in:

    Monday: 40 minute TJ (cardio party 2)
    Tuesday: 20 minute TJ + 40 minute Turbo Sculpt
    Wednesday: 40 minute TJ (cardio party 2) + 20 minute Ab Jam

    Looks like I am running about 20 minutes short of goal, maybe I will break out the hula hoop tonight :bigsmile:
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I got back in from Austin late Monday night. On Sunday I took a 45 min. walk and did some stretching. Monday I was in the car all day. Tuesday morning, I went to the doctors. I have gained more weight despite efforts. I wrote a blog about all this so won't repeat it here. I was very discouraged and took another day off. I'm really at my wits end.

    So, after some research and thinking, I'm back on the band wagon, and I need to mix it up a great deal now. I figure it is my new "sit on my butt" working all day lifestyle that is causing the workouts to not work. I need to get mixing it throughout the day now so I'm moving throughout the day.

    This morning I did 20 min. Turbo Jam. After lunch I think I will go for a walk if it is warm enough. If not, I will do a circuit of bouncing and stair work. Tonight I am doing kettlebell.

    Sherril - thanks for checking in. You are doing well!! How do you like kettlebell? Are you using a specific DVD/program? I am always on the lookout for different ones. I saw that Kathy Smith has one I might buy.

    mspix - You are jamming with the Turbo Jam. I think next month, I may dedicate to TJ and Hip Hop Abs (with added ST). The more dancey workouts are really what I love to do, and I need to love what I'm doing right now. If you aren't burned out, maybe we can set a program to follow next month.

    Glad you are feeling better too!

    Gigi - great to have you check in. Energy is so crucial and if you are going to pig out, might as well be at the salad bar! Which biggest loser DVD do you have again? I need to start rotating in my Jillian workouts. I think I like her style a little more than Bob's. Do you get to "train" with both or just one of them?

    Okay, back to work, but hopefully I have a new type of schedule to report tomorrow. Time to get moving again.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Okay, this has not been the best week. I only did the 20 min. TJ yesterday. Today I did 60 minutes of rowing to get back on the band wagon.

    Tomorrow I seriously need to burn some calories, so I am thinking of a kettlebell workout in the morning and then maybe Hip Hop Abs in the eve.

    My blood tests are showing that I am suspect to higher cortisol. I was in the "normal" range just barely. My blood sugar fasting level was a little high too. My vitamin was on the low side. I will work on getting these levels a little better. So the tests didn't show much.

    I have been reading more, and it seems that lower stress and tons of exercise may be the only solution. I'm tempted to also try Maca Root, which supposedly helps too.

    In the end, I may have to accept what is happening and just focus on staying as healthy as I can .
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Fitn, how frustrating that must be. I know that when I started in March, I encountered major resistance from my body. It seemed that no matter what I did, I could NOT budge even a half pound. It took me four months to lose 10 pounds :grumble:

    A lot of that resistance, I think, comes from my 45 year old body. The metabolism is different, the way it processes food is different, and like you, my work changed from being fairly active and on my feet, to being mostly sedentary at a desk. It frustrates me, at times, that I have to be so hyper-vigilant, and watch every dang calorie, both incoming and outgoing. But that is what it seems to take at this stage in my life *sigh*. It is working. Slowly, sometimes at an agonizing pace, but working. The biggest positive is the physical changes happening due to the consistent work outs.

    I am in week 2 of yet another plateau, showing no loss on the scale, but last years clothes no longer fit (too big, YAY!) so I am trying to not put too much emphasis on that blasted piece of contrary equipment, lol.

    Keep at it, you will find the right combo that works for you. You are making all the right choices, it is just a matter of making your body believe that you mean it :smile:

    End of week update:
    Monday: 40 minute TJ (cardio party 2)
    Tuesday: 20 minute TJ + 40 minute Turbo Sculpt
    Wednesday: 40 minute TJ (cardio party 2) + 20 minute Ab Jam
    Thursday: 30 minute cardio mish mash of 10 minute workouts on Netflix
    Friday: 40 minute TJ (CP2) + 20 Minute Turbo Sculpt

    I made my 60 minutes of ST! WOOT!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm am accountable for my bad week and vow to be better next week. It is our last full week of this challenge.

    Here was my week:

    Sunday: 45 minute walk then lifted my fork for dinner. Bah!
    Monday: Nada - in car traveling all day
    Tuesday: Nada - Saw the doctor
    Wednesday: 20 min TJ
    Thursday: Rowing for 60 minutes
    Friday: Nada boo hiss on me
    Saturday: Hip Hop Abs 40 min. - will do something else later

    I ate okay, even while on vacation. Could have been better with smaller throughout the day.

    Tomorrow is the beginning of "THE WEEK!" I want a final push to the end. I will not let one bad week get me down.

    Thanks mspix for your encouragement and your story. It's been longer than 4 months for me, but I will keep at it. I need to keep making the small changes to get me moving more again.

    Have a great weekend everyone, and hope you check in sometime soon!
  • guessgigi
    guessgigi Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everybody! Had a rough week. We had out of town visitors and didn't think I would get so thrown off but yes I did. I tried to keep journaling at least and did ok until Friday!! Yikes! Working out also suffered. Anyways they are leaving town Sunday so hoping to get back on track by Monday! I also received my turbo jam via the postal service!! Soooooo looking fwd to getting back on track!!

    Hope you all are doing well! Keep up the good work!
  • guessgigi
    guessgigi Posts: 28 Member
    Fitnfun just wanted to encourage you not to give up. Wondering if u ever looked at The South Beach Diet with lean protein and good carb diet plan. It's really supposed to help with blood sugar and reverse prediabetic syndrome. I'm not a doctor but when I follow that plan I do seem to lose more. :) keep up the good job!!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Today I learned what cracking meant in the bike world. After mile 14, my body did not want to move. It was like riding up hill in molasses into the wind feeling. I had to walk a mile and then I rode the final mile home. After ibuprofen and a hot bath, I feel better. At first I was down about not riding the entire time, but now I realize that this was a medium ride for me ( not beginner level) and I did 15 miles of it. Half glass full is better, right?

    So I am starting off this week nicely with an hour and 15 min ride and a 10 min walk. 16 miles!

    Gigi- out of town guests is a tough one. I try to suggest walks or other activities that might require movement. Even walking at the mall is Bette than nothing. ;O)
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Fitnfun just wanted to encourage you not to give up. Wondering if u ever looked at The South Beach Diet with lean protein and good carb diet plan. It's really supposed to help with blood sugar and reverse prediabetic syndrome. I'm not a doctor but when I follow that plan I do seem to lose more. :) keep up the good job!!

    Thank you for the encouragement. I think upping my lean protein is a good idea and si this is what I bought this week, lean meats and fish and fruits and veggies!