

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Sissy, congratulations on your 20 pound loss and being able to take your Asian style dress on the cruise.........there's no point in planning something wonderful and fun if you're not going to be excited and full of plans and enthusiasm about it......enjoy all the anticipation and the cruise and the beautiful scenery while you workout :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: debi, I'm glad to hear from you again and look forward to hearing about things are going for you......you have always been such an upbeat contributor to this thread :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: there was cake at line dance again today..........I sat across the room from it with the "say to cake" group........it was interesting that several people (who were eating cake) commented on our self control as though it were a bad thing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    dinner tonight
    baked cod, yam, cauliflower yum yu :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: m
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    the dogs took me for an extra long walk this morning and then again this afternoon:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: and I spent almost an hour cleaning up the flower beds in the front yard.......the weather is getting chillier but still staying dry :bigsmile:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    A quick hello again...FINALLY cleaned out the messy drawers in my bathroom as well as a few in my closet. It feels SO wonderful! I do wish that I could be one of those people who love to do this on a regular basis. I always feel so relaxed after.:happy:

    On the other side of things, DH and I had a wonderful day home and about together... and here I sit with a glass of wonderful red wine..not my first. Need to just go to bed before it leads me into temptation.

    Viv: Have a WONDERFUL time with family before and with DH during your cruise. Please have a photo taken of you in your lovely dress. I know you will look smashing. (And the workout space sounds like enough motivation to get you there every day.) Safe travels:drinker:

    Good night, ALL!:heart: Kackie
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I let my son, Patrick, talk me into going out for sushi for dinner. He really doesn't have too plead much. Dinner out and sushi at that....I am so there. And they served jasmine tea...delicious. And sushi doesn't kill my food log all that much.

    Amanda... I have an "adopted son". He calls me "Mom 2" He's Patrick's best friend, Al. Just graduated from Naval Boot Camp in Great Lakes today. He's been out of touch for 2 months...we really missed him. He's shipping out to Charleston in the am.:frown: so we still won't get to see him. We live in South New Jersey..but we're planning a trip to see over Thanksgiving w/e. I love to drive so I'm always in the mood for a trip. I checked out the website for Monkey World. What a wonderful organization and place to have a wedding! :smile:

    BirdieM..I like your thoughts on exercise=food. If I view it that way...maybe it will make me move more. An exercise routine is the hardest thing for me. I put everything else that I have to do ahead of exercising....not good. And I'm sure that's why my scale isn't moving.

    Sissy....That's awesome! You have every right to be thrilled, excited, proud! Enjoy your cruise!

    Barbie....Good willpower! A teacher I had in grade school (a long, long time ago) had the saying that "a guilty conscience always speaks first". I think that can also apply to those cake eaters who knew they should be sitting w/your healthy group.

    Patrick just floated downstairs and asked me to help him with a project. He's 6ft, about 170 lbs....you'd think I would hear him coming. He's always sneaking up on me. The kid makes absolutely no noise.

    Everyone have a great weekend! Mine will be filled w/finishing all my unfinished projects. Not much fun, but I do like that feeling of accomplishment once in a while. It doesn't happen often enough. :laugh:

  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Have a great weekend to you all.Gradually doing some exercise to strength the back since the injury.
    Doing pool 2xsa week.Walking in deep end.Also doing the pelvic tilt -3 xs a day 10 repets.I`ts a start the pain is bearable now.
    Things are moving in the right direction.Lost 30 lbs since may according to my dr yesterday.Yahoo!10 more lbs til goal wt.
    Good luck to you all with your goals.We can do this!
    Way to stick with it Jane .You truly are a inspiration to us all
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,372 Member
    Lisa - that coca cola cake was very good. Only thing was that there wasn't too much of a cola flavor. Lots of chocolate flavor, tho Something different, that's for sure. I'll probably try making it again and then make it for Thanksgiving at Jessica's where lucky me will get to do the cooking since she's working in a kitchen unknown to me and I don't know the utensils, etc. that they have. Funsville...can you tell how I'm looking forward to it???

    Did an hour of the deep water aerobics today. They're putting in a new heater, so it'll be about 3 or 4 more weeks until the heater is installed. It's already been 2 or 3 weeks. The temp was 80 today. The good thing is that it makes you work hard to stay warm :) Tomorrow...farmer's market and then yoga.

    Mary - have a great weekend!

    Made these meatballs (turkey) with spaghetti sauce. It was quite good. Next time, tho, I should probably add more water.

    Don't ask me to explain this, but last night I couldn't get to sleep at all. I was up all night long. Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • julielevyrn
    Brand new 50+ woman who is battling the mid-life bulge and blues. I truly like myself better now than at any time in my life and I love sharing stories and finding inspiration from others.

    My October goals are:

    *Be positive everyday
    *Cheer myself and others on
    *Eat ONLY when I feel hungry, and ONLY until I feel satisfied
    *Get up and move once an hour
    *Meet Aimee every week for walk and talk
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Julie, welcome :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: You've got some really great goals that are achievable :bigsmile: I may use some of them in the future........this thread is a great place to find the inspiration that you are seeking.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Michele, when I can't sleep, I move to the guest room and read my book so if don't get any sleep, at least I get to enjoy my book :bigsmile:
  • scol14
    scol14 Posts: 19
    Please count me in. It is great to have friends who are fighting the same battle. I am definitely finding it harder to lose weight now that I am " a little older", but that means I just have to work harder and be more determined!

    My goals for October...

    Stay on track! Don't get discouraged...get right back up on the horse if I fall off!
    Exercise 4 times a week.
    Fill in my Food Dairy every day!
    Lose 5 pounds ( making my total weight loss 10 lbs)
  • 1grammie
    1grammie Posts: 163
    I hope it's not too late to join in on this thread. I was looking for something with "mature" ladies that I could relate to. It appears I may be more "mature" than most here as I am 65. I retired at 62 to take care of my mother (she is 98). The first two years after retirement I lost 20 lbs. with very little effort. I think it was because I went from a sitting job to being more active doing my regular activities. At first I was also determined to continue to get out of bed at 5:30am as had been my routine for many years. I would get up, do my DVD excerise, shower and be ready for the day. Now I am usually up by 7:30 and that is only because my mom is up and needs my help.
    The past year I have put back on 10 of the lbs I lost and I'm afraid the rest will be back if I don't get motivated to do something. I joined MFP in June and have yo-yoed since then. I have joined a couple of challenges for Oct. and that seems to be helping me stay motivated but I still am having trouble with excerise. I am active all day with daily activities but not much cardio or strength training.
    Are there any retired ladies out there with tips to help me. My current weight is 144 and sometimes I wonder if I have unrealistic expectations for my age. I would like to weigh between 130 and 135.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Need your help. Some time ago (months???) someone (Jacike? Viv?) posted about buying several different colored sleeves for her new ?Nikon? eyeglasses.

    Luckily I have some $$ left in the Flexible Spending account... BUT if I don't use it by the end of the year, I loose it... so want to try these.

    Could whoever you were let me know what the model name is and what colors are availabe? Want to make sure my optometrist can stock in time... ;)

    Many thanks.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome 1grammie - you are certainly not the oldest, I can give you 4 years, and your current weight is lower than my goal! I had Chinese food last night, so need to drink lots of water today to flush the salt etc through my system and my look at the scale this morning was not pretty.

    I'm off to a Fabric Flea Market and I know that it is always very busy and I'll have to park a long way from the event, so I'll get in a bit of exercise which is often lacking on the weekend.

    My aquafit class yesterday didn't happen because the centre was closed for Sukkot (Jewish holiday) so I have missed it for 3 weeks (well I didn't miss it for 2 of the 3 weeks due to the Jewish High Holy Days). But, I've still been doing my other aquafit classes and my knee strengthening class.

    Sun has come out - contrary to the forecast, but they powers that be are forecasting a day of rain for tomorrow.

    Oh well, off the the flea market before all the good stuff gets sold.
  • 1grammie
    1grammie Posts: 163
    Thanks, genealace for the comment. Drinking lots of water is also a challenge for me. Try to take some with me when ever I go out. I didn't mention that part of my motivation for keeping active and my weight down was a family history of diabeties. I have watched much of my family struggle with this disease and about 10 years ago was told I was prediabetic. Excerise and weight contrrol are recommended for Type 2 diabetics.

    Good luck with your Fabric Flea Market finds. I love flea markets and it is a good way to get in some extra walking.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I haven't showed up here for a couple days, so I thought I would take a moment between cooking tasks. Welcome Grammie1. I am a only a few years behind you - 61. And I think our fearless leader Barbie also has a 6 at the front of her age. Well done on getting a grip on your weight and health before the family problems occur! I too would love to BE your starting weight and I will be eventually!

    My short term goal is to be on target food-wise tomorrow! :ohwell: It's my granddaughters 21st birthday :heart: and I am making her requested dinner for the extended family - red velvet cake with ice cream, home made dinner rolls, smoked pulled pork. I am adding fresh green beans from my garden, a bok choy dish and corn for the "ew I don't eat green things" people. We'll also have a green salad and home made mac and cheese and a cheese ball that her other grandma is bringing. So if I stick with some meat, salad and green veggies and just a small taste of cake, I should be good. I will make sure that all the mac and cheese (she is known for this dish) cake and rolls leave the house except for a second helping for DH. It's usually the leftovers that whisper my name that get me in trouble, not the actual dinner. I am too busy cooking and having fum to overeat during an event - usually anyway. :laugh:

    I have upped my strength training and working at lifting heavier weights. I have always been fairly strong but I can really see a difference since I have been using more weight. I am s l o w l y getting rid of the gramma arms. I have some good muscle but ugh, the skin issues. Oh, to have 20, heck I'd settle for 30 or 40, year old skin again! :ohwell: I never was shooting for beauty queen here, good thing too - healthy and fit has always been the goal.

    I better get back to work!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome-Julie,Scol14,and 1grammie.I think it`s all about being the healthiest we can be no matter what are age.Encouraging each other and giving tips that maybe helpful,is why I love this group.Age is only a number.I Know it sure is different loosing wt as we get other,but we can do anything we set our minds to.It may take longer and we may have our ups and downs,but we are working on a goal.
    Hope everyone had a great Sat and a good Sun too.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: so glad to see new faces :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: there are many of us on this thread in the 60 something age range:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: as I walked my dogs this morning I was reflecting on the journey that got me to these long daily walks with the frisky poodles. When my hubby and I started our weight loss journey over two years ago, he bought an exercise bike that I thought was no different than throwing several hundred dollars in the fire----I thought I'd never use it ---instead I was open minded and tried it and liked it and before long I was riding it for 20-30 minutes at a time 3-6 times a day........in May the exercise broke and could not be fixed and my heart was broken, it was like losing my best friend. that's when I started walking the dogs early in the morning and gradually added time to the walk. Walking in the spring and summer was great........it got light early in the morning and I had time to walk the dogs and still get to line dance by 9:00. Gradually the walks increased to an hour and then more than an hour and gradually the days got shorter so it was a challenge to fit the walk into the daylight and still get to class on time so I figured out that we could walk by the light of the front yards lights in our neighborhood until the sky got light. Now I don't miss the exercise bike and the dogs sit and watch me eat my breakfast waiting for me to put on my coat and take them out.

    :bigsmile: my line dance story is similar. At first I went to the one hour beginner class one day a week, then someone said that I should stay for the second hour and try the harder dances, then a year later someone suggested that I come to the intermediate two hour class another day, then another year later I added a third class.:bigsmile: the five day workshop happened much later :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: most good things happen by baby steps and gradual changes :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: we had an all day meeting so it was vital that I walk the dogs this morning and again when I got home to make up for all the sitting and the catered lunch and restaurant dinner. tomorrow we go back to our normal food :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • britborn52
    Hello, I've been reading through the posts and hope I am able to join in. I am just starting with this website and was searching for people in my age group for support. My name is Sandy and I'm 58 - I live in Wichita, Ks. I really need motivation and support.

    My goals
    Just start moving - I work at a call center and sit all day
    Take each day at a time - this will be a lifestyle change

    Looking for friends on here so feel free to add me as a friend, Have a great Sunday!
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Welcome to the new folk :happy: Pretty long day today, got in lots of assignments. Went to a doctorate student colloquium Friday night and I'm guessing I'm one of the oldest graduate students and am probably older than a lot of the faculty, lol. Which makes it hard for me to take them seriously sometimes. I'll probably treat them more like equals than they are used.to.

    Made a wonderful dish from an old vegetarian cookbook I have (early 90s). It's so beautiful with great pictures of ingredients (explains spices, veggies, fruits, herbs, etc), a real treasure. I kind of forgot about it and decided to break it open. Made a puff pastry type dish with a mushroom filling and even hubby liked it. Had it with a side of ratatouille. I'm starting to use cooking as a way to wind down from studies and homework.

    Tomorrow I get to golf for my exercise :glasses: Supposed to be 92 here so very glad our tee time is at 9:45 am. Should earn a good amount of calories :drinker:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :grumble: Just lost my post - typical it was a long one! I tried to open mfp in another window to check something and lost everything, :sad: :sad:

    quick version

    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone welcome new comers

    DS and family visited - gave them the rest of DDs birthday cake :bigsmile:

    Jane well done on loss keep up the good work especiall having to overcome all the obstacles in your way.:flowerforyou:

    britborn52 I too sit down all day, started using my ped again to have a mini challenge with myself trying to beat yesterdays steps maybe we can help each other :flowerforyou:

    Barbie you always give good advice - start with baby steps - that is something I can do! :flowerforyou:

    Went to my cousins wife's 50th birthday party on Friday and had a lovely time catching up with family I haven't seen for a long time. :happy:

    Sorry this is so short and like a list - but need to get up and move, I've been sat here for nearly and hour!! - so frustrating to have lost my original post.

    Happy Sunday everyone :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    It's a cold and rather misty one here in London. DH has gone off to help his best man to move house so my intention is to do some serious housework this morning .... not really motivated to do it though. This afternoon I am going to a new jewellery line launch. It should be quite exciting. As I used to be in the 'business' (I mainly made diamond tiaras) it is always interesting to see what's new. It's DD#1's birthday in a couple of weeks, so may get some ideas for that too.

    I received my appointment for my colonoscopy - it will be at the end of November. One of those things that we hate doing, but are important to do.

    Really and truly, I don't know what's going on in my head right now. I'm slimmer and weigh less than I have in at least a couple of decades, but I am feeling fat and unattractive. No matter how hard I work at it, I cannot get rid of some of my loose skin. The fact that it is purely an aesthetic issue, (I'm not going to die of excess skin but would probably have died of the excess weight) seems to make no difference to my thoughts. Most of the time I can hide the wobbly bits with clothing, but I still don't feel good about myself. I suppose that is the price I have to pay for decades of serious yo-yo dieting, my poor old body has never been able to bounce back after losing and gaining so much weight in a relatively short time ... over and over again.

    I wish I could just be happy in the knowledge that I am so much healthier these days - even to the point where I have bounced back fairly quickly from my heart surgery back in March.

    Bleurgh - ignore me, I'm having a moment of self-pity. Life is not bad and at least I'm still living it!

    Time to move my baggy little bum now.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x