

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning ladies :heart:

    Just popping in to say hello and hope you all have a good Tuesday.

    :drinker: Day 2 of exercise routine completed - another 10 mins - I nearly didn't bother today because we slept in this morning and I thought I wouldn't have time ( any excuse !! :noway: :noway: ) but I told myself to have less time on the computer instead :wink:

    :flowerforyou: Time to go

    Have a good day.

    Viv xx
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193

    Today was another nice day, so I think I am about finished stringing the popcorn for the tree. Our deck looks like something else, tho....lol

    Michele, this may be a very stupid question.... but what is stringing popcorn.... and what tree.... and how do you string popcorn?? I've never heard of it before.... sorry to be so ignorant, but I'm very curious.:huh:

    Viv - well done ..... I too am very good at making excuses... in fact I'm an expert ..... but you should be very proud of yourself every time you make the decision to get up and move rather than not, no matter even if for a short time.... eventually you will find that it becomes a habit and that you enjoy it..... well that's what they tell me :bigsmile:

    Barbie - I wish I could have some of your applesauce.... handpicked apples and freshly home cooked sauce..... fantastic!

    My son's girlfriend is cooking tonight.... pasta carbonara.... not my choice but at least I don't have to make it.... so I'm off to do my next walk/run for the C25K thing.... I'm not actually due to do it until tomorrow... but I actually WANT to do it ..... I don't know what this MFP thing is doing to my brain but this is so not me!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • Biglovelovesme
    Biglovelovesme Posts: 133 Member
    It is so hard for me to post recipes because I really just sort of wing it but here is a rough recipe all measurements are pretty rough. I really eyeball it.

    8 oz cream cheese
    4 cups fresh corn kernals
    1cup low sodium chicken broth
    1 cup fat free milk
    1/2 cup fat free half and half
    1 cup white wine
    1/2 mexican cheese shreds
    two table spoons saracha (any hot sauce would do.)
    garlic onions celery.
    1 russet diced and par boiled.

    I carmelized the onions and garlic in a little olive oil until soft.
    I took one cup of corn and the jalepeno and beat it up in a food processor
    threw everything into a crock pot with a 6oz container of cheap crab claw meat. that I put some Old bay seasoning on and cooked it on high for two hours and then on low for another hour. in the last half hour I added a two table spoon roux. and seasoned with salt and pepper.

    very hearty soup so even though it isn't the healthiest it doesn't take much to fill you up.
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning everyone,:flowerforyou: sorry I haven't been here the last few days but have really been busy packing and doing everything we need to get done to leave for our cruise this Thursday. We'll be away for 40 days so it was really challenging to pack for South Seas temperatures,:glasses: 4 formal nights and then also have the correct clothes to wear over Thanksgiving while we are in California at our daughter's house. I am still in the process and will probably not finish everything until the last morning but I am well on my way to filling 2 large suitcases, 1 carryon and a small duffle and that is just for ME. :noway:

    Today I have an appointment for my cut and color and lots of errands while I'm out. I love going where my hair salon is located because there is a pizza place closeby that makes gluten free pizza, such a treat for me. :drinker: Before I learned about this place I hadn't had pizza for almost 5 years because I have Celiac disease. DH will get his own pizza and we plan to bring half of each of them home for our dinner tomorrow. We have been trying to empty the fridge and freezer the last few weeks and there is almost nothing left to eat so the pizza along with what is left in the veggie bin for a salad will be great for dinner Wednesday night. Tomorrow I have to go to the bank, the store and an appointment for a mani pedi, I left this until the last day hoping that I will be able to relax a little, I do love having a pedi. :love:

    So ladies, I am going to tell you all goodbye now:cry: because I think I have more to do than time to do it in before we leave here on Thursday morning...Keep on track, drink lots of water and exercise, smile and enjoy the life you have. I will be doing zumba on the ship trying to maintain this 20 pound loss.

    xo Sissy:heart::flowerforyou: :heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member

    Mary - I check Taste of Home last night and didn't find any for the crockpot. I'll check again

    Michele - That link that I gave you should have gone directly to one for the crockpot. I will check it again.

    Just checked - it does link you to a crockpot recipe with the nutritional info. Here it is again:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    My son's girlfriend is cooking tonight.... pasta carbonara.... not my choice but at least I don't have to make it.... so I'm off to do my next walk/run for the C25K thing.... I'm not actually due to do it until tomorrow... but I actually WANT to do it ..... I don't know what this MFP thing is doing to my brain but this is so not me!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    Lisa - I think maybe it is you. The you that you always wished way down underneath that you were. Taking control of your life and habits can be very liberating and comforting. Welcome to our world!

    Sissy - If you peek back on here and see this, I am wishing you a wonderful cruise and can't wait to hear the report!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: Thanks for all the well wishes! They mean so much to me. I am staying home - and low - another day, because I am still very tired. The chicken soup is gone; perhaps time to make a new pot of soup?

    DD is coming over soon. She is dropping off a playpen which I bought second hand. That way grand baby always has a place at our house to sleep and play safely.

    It is a gorgeous fall day here. And I notice I am writing in fragments. So will sign out now.

    :heart: Rebel
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Viv, good job on getting back to the exercise.

    Rita, sorry about the wrists. Is surgery not an option? I can’t imagine having both wrists in pain and certainly hope losing weight helps.

    Annette, congrats on the loss! :flowerforyou:

    (((Jackie))), ah, nothing is every perfect. I’m interested to see how my face looks when the fat no longer fills it out.

    Natalie, so you are headed to my neck of the woods. Good timing, too. The highs should only be in the upper 80s and it’s been gorgeous lately. :glasses:

    Sissy – have a BLAST!!! Happy Thanksgiving now :drinker: .

    Okay Rebel, get well NOW!! Did it work?

    Meant to check in but new phone came so a little preoccupied. It’s a bigun, over a 4” screen and great for old eyes. It’s like I’ve never seen my apps before, and I can really see things on the MFP app, nice.

    Have a busy weekend ahead and have to plan now. Third Friday is this week (a perennial open house at our place, which means I need to clean tomorrow), brewing a porter on Saturday, and golf on Sunday. Plus fitting in exercise and homework in there somewhere.

    The largest prawn I ever had was in Macao at a Portuguese restaurant. It took up the whole plate and was smothered in some kind of butter sauce. Don’t even want to know the calories. :noway:

    Lost 2.5 lbs this week for a total of 15 and am feeling really good. Also took my measurements (did so when I first started) and have lost about an inch on most body parts. Might be able to closet shop in another week or so.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Taking a break from yard work - rain. :ohwell:

    MIchele - I just noticed someone posted a recipe from a site called skinnycrockpot.com. You might find the crock pot recipes you are looking for here. I haven't checked it out yet.

    This is just a hit and run post before I forgot the web site name.

  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    I have discovered spaghetti squash!!
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Just did the papers for my son again this morning..... I am exhausted.... think I need a rest day now.... I can feel my cold freshening back up - either caught it back from my H or because of the unseasonally fresh weather here and I got a bit of a chill last night (spent half the night on the lounge... H snoring .... couldn't sleep (probably should post about that on the menopause topic).... so I'll take it easy today and stop being so gung-ho! That's my usual pattern... throw myself in with gusto and then burn out and give up .... I am determined NOT to do that here though.

    Lisa :sick:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!ALL.Lots of yummy recipes I saw on the forum.Wish I had the applesauce too.I remember as a kid,mom making applesauce from our apples on our tree.
    Got to walk 10 min today outside.Dr`s trying different things besides the pool for getting the muscles in the back stronger and not to flare it up.It felt good even thou it was brisk.Haven`t been outside walking in months.Had my ipod and off I went.No pain !Yeah!
    Still waiting for the biopsy report.We`re getting rain tonite and tomorrow.
    Stay healthy if you can and anyone under the weather feel better.
    Have a good night!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Okay Rebel, get well NOW!! Did it work?

    Okay, okay already. It worked!!!! I can feel my strength coming back to me. Yay

    :heart: Rebel
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Evening All!

    Hubby surprised me with an experiment for dinner....pumpkin ravioli. We had wonton wrappers in the fridge. He used those for the pasta part n mixed pumpkin filling w/a tiny bit of ricotta. Served them with vodka sauce....surprisingly yummy! We agree though that wontons don't make the best pasta! I bought him some semolina flour tonite...hoping for home made ravs.

    Went over on calories today. Patrick (my son) was a bit under the weather last nite so I took him out to lunch today. We both needed it. It's amazing how much he starts to chat n open up when he's stuck w/mom at the cafe. The squash, zucchini, tomato quiche kicked my calories, but was really good.

    Lisa...I do the same thing. All in...then I fall apart. We'll keep each other in check!

    Cynthia....I've thought about surgery. A couple of ladies I know had the surgery but with minimal results for all their surgery pain and recovery time. I'm going to talk to my dr when I see him next. Maybe there's some new procedure or treatment. I'm on the computer all day at work. AND, since you did such a good job helping Renny to feel better, how about if you telling me to be slim NOW???? Please, please :flowerforyou:

    Renny...Glad you're feeling better. Isn't chicken soup wonderful??

    Chat w/everyone later....Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Welcome, Annette! Look forward to getting to know you:flowerforyou:

    Viv: Good going on getting out the door. That's the hardest part to exercise...starting. Keep it up!

    Jane: Glad to hear you got some outside walking in also. I hope you continue to do well!

    Rita: Lunch with your son sounds nice. I only have boys and can relate to the chatting...they don't open up when YOU want them to...it's when they feel like it...and not often, in my boys' cases. Hope your wrists get better...do you stand up when on the computer or do you put your wrists on something to elevate them? I remember that my sister suffered from that and she had to do something different when using the computer all day. Good Luck!

    Lisa: I am not a great sleeper many nights either:grumble: It is a sign of the "times", I know. Exercise outside and eating good fresh food helps, but it doesn't keep my DH from snoring:noway: Oh, well! Hang in there. We can do this...one day at a time!

    I had a very good day with food and exercise today and hope to keep this little roll going. We have dinner out tomorrow night with 2 other couples and it is a set menu, so I'll have to get in some heavy duty exercise before I go!!!

    Take care, all!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I have been eating an Apple every morning and it seems like it takes a lot of my sugar intake and then by the end of the day I go over my intake, not much but I don't want to be worried about having to much sugar.

    Should I be concerned?????
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I had a rough weigh in at my weight loss challenge last night and I am up--which I will change my ticker after I post. This is so frustrating. I definitely feel like a period is coming (hopefully it won't....I haven't had one since May and I really want to be done with them). My body just feels awful. I know that this will pass and I need to keep my good habits going.

    Rebel..hope you feel better.

    Sissy...have a great time on the cruise.

    Enjoy the day!

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I had a rough weigh in at my weight loss challenge last night and I am up--which I will change my ticker after I post. This is so frustrating. I definitely feel like a period is coming (hopefully it won't....I haven't had one since May and I really want to be done with them). My body just feels awful. I know that this will pass and I need to keep my good habits going.


    Haven't had my period since June. I hope it is over but the ups and downs of the change is tough. Keep going. I sure am trying.
  • debiann58
    debiann58 Posts: 14 Member
    :flowerforyou: good morning, debi [momof10] back to say hi and i have so miss you all ,hi to all new comers, comp crash awhile ago i have been trying the phone app and it wasn,t that easy i have a crazy phone, i have been up and down 20 lbs and some time more, i'm taking one day one minute at a time i have all the right tools great people to talk with my wii which has so much dust on it i can't find it:laugh: :laugh: ok everyone have a nice morning i will check in later
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    Happy Wednesday to everyone!

    I had to take the morning off to bring Mom to the doctors. Ever since the lady we had for the last year moved to Arizona, we have had a hard time getting reliable people in to help take care of my parents. Still, it is nice to be sitting here drinking my morning coffee on a week day. I have to go into work later, but for now, I am enjoying a few minutes of peace and quiet.
