Reboot boogaloo October - Open group



  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Either allergies are so bad that it feels like a cold, or I have a cold. :cry: I really don't want this right now. My fuse is short enough as it is these days. I am wondering if that would explain why Irina has been pointing at my throat the last few days because hers is sore. I am not surprised. She was so protected and isolated at the orphanage that she wasn't exposed to many germs (when an orphan gets a cold they put them in the hospital to keep it from spreading to the other kids). Also she touches everything, picks her nose and sucks on her index finger. It's bound to happen. I am hoping we can get her on the anti virals that Alex was on at least through the winter months. It will protect her from some of that, including the flu. It may not stop it completely but it won't be as bad as it could be. I can't just keep her locked up in the house (can I? :devil: :laugh: ) so I need to find a way to keep her "cleaner".
    My goals today: not to lose my patience, keep the kids busy (going to the park, picnic lunch maybe, school, fingerpaints?, etc) so they stay out of trouble so I won't do the former, clean and laundry. May or may not go to church tonight depending on how I feel.
    The pounds are creeping back up, but I'm trying not to worry about it. I am working out again when I can so that's something/. I've been struggling with desiring sweets since I've been a little depressed and stressed out. I will work on overcoming that today. Although with a sore throat, ice cream always sounds good. :wink:

    :sick: Boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Hang in there, pebbles. Try to imagine the feeling after your exercise - that can sometimes help me do it.

    Kitty is coming home today. I've missed her. It was so sad visiting her yesterday at the hospital. I hope she lets us give her pain meds.

    Today: teach and take yoga + walk. Yesterday during my bike ride I got a headache. Trying to figure out why.

    Kitty back home, boogaloo.
  • ok day, sooo tired slept so late. very awake now.. hehe.

    Vespera choir was outstanding tonight...I am amazed and so in love with them this year....they can read almost anything and sound great the first rehearsal of's kind of mind blowing.

    I didn't even eat all my food points today and still don't feel is good.

    tomorrow is walkie walkie day and maybe the gym to do weights.


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Sorry I haven't had much time to comment on anyone's posts. My time on the computer is rather limited now which is a good thing. It's 7:33 and Alex isn't up yet, so that means the kids are sleeping in. :wink: So I might have a a couple extra minutes to catch up emails.
    During the night my throat started feeling better but I had no voice when I woke up. It comes and goes. It's not a cold, and I don't have sinus pressure so I have to assume I have an upper respiratory infection. It's still in my throat and chest. In a way I feel better though. The sore throat was really getting me down.
    I'm going to take it easy today again, I think. This morning I feel tired and weak. That may change as the day goes on. I didn't feel good enough to take the kids to the park, so I may do that today. I may also do the gorilla app. Or I may just nap. So many options. I do know I probably gained a couple of pounds yesterday. I ate snacks all day. I found comfort, for my throat, in food and chewing gum. If I wasn't eating my throat was hurting. :ohwell: So I have damage control to do today.
    Wishing I'd slept in boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Hope you have enough energy to make it through the day, MM.

    May you have many more good days, SJ.

    :yawn: The sleeping arrangement for the recovering kitty made it a lot louder in the house last night. Coffee will help, it always does.

    I'm noticing my motivations more. Yesterday, anytime I would go visit kitty, I'd get a little stressed. Then, I would go in the kitchen looking for chocolate. I told myself that I only want the chocolate because I'm upset about the kitty. I didn't eat the chocolate, but it took a lot of walking for me to feel better.

    I've noticed something odd. After watching Big Bang Theory, Scrubs, or to a lesser extent Lie to Me, I'm a little sad - however, I can watch Midsomer Murders (British mystery show) or Doctor Who and be fine. (btw, these are all dvd, I discovered awhile ago that commercials make me a little sad). I'm wondering if it has something to do with American tv? I don't have a big enough sample to figure it out - but noticeable nonetheless.

    Today: bike and yoga.

    TV feelings, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Mary, I have a whole pack of things that are making me sad lately, so I could climb onto the therapist's couch next to you and analyze away. I'm noticing lately particularly that anything that points out the passage of time (like the current change of seasons) is difficult for me. It's something I'm working on. That and keeping up with my work/self-care schedule despite being so stressed out that I have the "Run away!" instinct yelling in my head. I am organized and competent and now's the time, or so I keep telling myself.:wink: I am rationing the chocolate to one serving a day, in the manner of a very good grownup. I have assembled a large variety of choices, which makes this a fun grown up activity, at least.

    Today, the plan is: yoga (restorative/special practice today. . .hooray!), walk home (it looks sunshiney and lovely), then work two more sessions (I've already gotten one in). I'm trying to meet up with a friend later (see "self care" above) because I'm already starting to cocoon and hermit up for the winter. Not good, with the accompanying weird sadness setting in. I'm trying to resist that tendency a bit, and stay as social as possible this year. Friends = cheering up = good.:tongue: Must remember this simple formula.

    Keep moving through, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning. All I can say is thank GOD it's Friday!

    Today is the last Bible Study with lunch afterwards. I would like to go but I am still sick and don't have much of a voice. I don't really have the energy to explain how everything is going right now, or dealing with the tantrums that are bound to happen with Irina. I just don't have the fight in me today. I am glad Steve was home last night to put her to bed and he dealt with it. She was so so naughty. It was the worst yet. I need to find things to keep her busy and yet not have to entertain her all the time.
    I need to get caught up on some house work today. I need to do some dusting but not sure that will help my sickness, so I may put that off until next week. I really should take them to the park if it's not raining. We also have school to do. I may try to work out this afternoon during nap time.
    I want to just crawl back into bed and sleep all day, or at least avoid the responsibilities awaiting me. :laugh:

    Hiding under the covers boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    It's a rest day for me. I'm going to yoga group practice, but I looked at the sequence and it's mostly core work and twisting - so nothing that affects the bike ride too much. I'm always amazed how much time I have when I don't exercise.

    I also got a reprieve from subbing classes the next two weeks. Which is nice since my parents are having a few Halloween parties this month. I worked on a graveyard cake yesterday as well as a few decorations. Today, I'm doing the tombstones for the cake and more decorations. We really get into it. I've always liked creepy.

    Oh, we have a good chance of rain this weekend - fingers crossed! Another fire broke out this week, we need days of rain.

    Days of rain, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    May you get your days of rain!

    MM, I'm sure it will get easier. I think that it must be really difficult for Irina to adjust to so many new things, and I'm sure you are adjusting to a lot as well. I continue to send you all the patience energy I can spare.:wink: Try to find some time to be kind to yourself.

    Anyways, today is a visit to the dentist (it really feels like I was just there. I have to go every three months, so I sort of just was) and a rehearsal, and then dinner with some friends. I'm hoping to get a walk in there somewhere, as we have another beauty day outside.

    Other than that, hydrating and eating. I'm really having trouble eating. I have never had this problem before in my life, so I must be carrying a lot of stress in new places. I've had to shift and make the foods I eat more calorie dense. Goal of the weekend is to try the pie recipe.

    stress in new locations, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Feeling very low today...not sure why. trudge trudge trudge...

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Today is the day for biking! Extra challenge: 50% chance of rain and 20 mph wind gusts. (Who knows though, we make check the radar and just do 25 miles, plan is 40 miles) I'm going to bring the bright yellow rain jacket. Then lunch with Charlie :bigsmile: and yoga festival this afternoon. I probably won't do any yoga today - and if it's raining, I won't go at all. I doubt there will be a booth there for me to sit at if it's raining. So, I might end up at the cat show.

    The Art of Biking in the Rain, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, sounds like you have some great options for the day! What do they do at a cat show?

    V, you need to start eating again. I'm getting tired of eating for both of us. :wink:

    SJ, I had a low day yesterday too. Today doesn't look much better so far. At least hubby is here to help with the kids. Let's keep pressing on.

    I am going to the grocery store this morning, as soon as I can get around. I really don't like going to Walmart on Saturdays but it looks like it will either be that or an evening during the week for awhile. The sooner I get there the better. I have no other plans for the day. Wondering if I should take the kids to the other park by our old house. It might rain today, but it might not. We walked to the new park last night, which was nice. Maybe a different park would be good. We can take the old bread and feed the ducks. I wish we had plans today. I don't like weekends without plans. :ohwell: I may also get a nap later. I did not sleep well thanks to the coughing. It's been a week.
    Getting out boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    So, yeah. . .

    Today's plans are:

    Teach a student, go pick up a thing I ordered at the mall, go for a sunshiny walk, and then I'm not sure what for the rest of the day. That might be enough, because it is the weekend. I am loving this weekend experiment. I might switch it to Friday and Saturday, since Sunday is usually a quieter day here (my husband is usually gone all day, which makes for a good no distraction writing day) but I'm not sure yet.

    Went out with some friends for dinner yesterday, and successfully ate three meals, so maybe you're off the hook, MM.:wink: the food was amazing at the place, but it was full of hipsters. Ew. Hipsters. I felt about a million years old. Still, I felt good about keeping up with the "leave the house and see other humans" part of my school year goal.

    Other humans, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I don't like grocery stores on the weekends either. There are two here that are especially horrid.

    I'm not sure I know what a hipster is, but I'm sure Austin is full of them. Are they the people in skinny jeans in their 20s?

    So the bike ride went well - the wind was brutal as expected, but at least it's a fairly flat ride and I didn't have to walk at any point. We didn't get rained on. By the time we got seated and ate lunch, it was 3pm (we should have called to save a table). I was exhausted and wanted to take a nap, but I needed to be at the yoga festival at 4pm. Hung out with some yogis and got some rain. Some of the classes weren't held (we were told they would be held inside, but alas they weren't - maybe it's been so long since they've seen rain, they forgot that it doesn't fall straight down?) Anyway, there were some wet people. I lucked out, I was inside.

    Today we are going to the cat show and over to the festival. It's been raining since 5am:bigsmile: - I think there will be dry times today. If so, we'll skip the festival, even though I didn't get to look around. It's just not well enough covered. I'm ok with it raining all day. If that happens, we'll do yoga here - and maybe I'll have a little walk.

    Glorious rain, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hooray for your rain, Mary. . . and yes, hipsters are the 20-somethings in skinny jeans. Usually pretentious types. I'm sure Austin is crawling with them. There were two of them at the bar trying to out-hip each other with their Bob Dylan knowledge, and I had to chime in and correct them on which album a particular song was on. Hah. Schooled by the old lady. (Well, the old lady getting her PhD in music stuff with a specialization in American popular music, but still.) The bartender gave me a free cookie, which led me to believe that hipsters don't think it's very hip to tip well.:laugh:

    Anyways, today is Zumba (I'm pretty sure it's on for today, but plan B is to do a DVD at home if I go to the studio and it's cancelled due to the holiday weekend). Other than that, I think I might go enjoy our sunshine out with a walk in the city somewhere or an at home do it myself spa day, depending on if I'm tired or energized by the Zumba class. This whole "weekend" thing is awesome, and I have to say I'm enjoying it tremendously. It's really helping me to refresh and take the pressure a bit off. I sort of think about the stuff I have to do while there's room in my brain to think. It helps to have room in my brain.

    So, in short form:
    possible meandering,
    and sunshine.

    Room in my brain, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Just now had a chance to sit down. We went to church and had a lunch fellowship at the pastor's house. Then we got home and Steve said, "Whoa! The house smells like dead animal." Not really but it did stink pretty bad. So I cleaned feverishly for an hour only to find out the cat peed outside the box again. :sad: It's so gross to me. I nearly gagged a couple of times. Then I had to start laundry because the water is going to be turned off at 8:30 in the morning for 4-6 hours so the city can fix a main line. We will be gone for tumbling class about an hour, but I don't know what to do the rest of the time. Only 20% rain chance but everything at the park will probably be soaked from all the rain we've gotten. Thinking about taking them to McDonald's, Chick Fil A, or a bounce house just so they can play. We can stay home but can't use the bathrooms so....
    Anyway, I really feel the need to get back into a work out routine. I just don't know when to do it. By evening I'm tired and just want to chill out doing some of my favorite things like brainless stuff, catching up on emails, cross stitching. I need to figure something out. I've been waking up between 5:30 and 6 with coughing fits so maybe I should just get up and work out then. :wink:
    Irina has done really really well today with all the chaos. I can honestly say she is being a good girl. So far. She's getting rather bored so I should find something for her to do before she gets destructive. Ha ha.
    I really really want to try to get off wheat and dairy. I think I see patterns happening when I have them. But they are some of the most common things to eat. How can I possibly get off them? I think/know I would feel SO much better if I wouldn't have them. Sigh. I also need to get off of sweets. I found Chex muddy buddy's at the store. I like those. I bought those. Not good.
    Saying no boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving, pebbs! Well, metric thanksgiving anyways.:wink: Happy thanksgiving to SJ, and the rest of you find something to be thankful for today, too. I have recently become a big proponent of the idea that gratitude is good for you.

    Today is, a check in with my life coach to review my cover letters, etc/ job search update.(I haven't seen her in a long time, so should be fun) Then a late lunch early dinner date with the husband. We're hoping our new favorite Indian restaurant will be open. Also, I have to get some writing in. So, a busy workday for me. I might also ask to get taken out to hear music, as there's a band in town today that people who's taste in music I trust are recommending on Facebook.

    Also, I want to walk and gorilla train. Yesterday after Zumba, I took a shower and then a two hour nap. Guess the body was tired. Lots to get done this coming week, but feel pretty recharged after the weekend.

    Recharged, boogaloo:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, gratitude is good for us. :smile:

    On that note I will try to think of something I am thankful for....I am thankful I am the only one that is sick. :laugh: Really I am thankful for that. I had to sleep on the couch last night because I was coughing so much and keeping the hubby awake. I feel worse this morning so I am probably going to a minute clinic. I thought about going to my regular doc but they are three cities away (30 minute drive) and school is out so everyone and their kids could be there. Yeah, not feeling it. I don't know how Irina will do if we had to wait an hour in a small waiting area and then a waiting room. The minute clinic isn't that much more expensive and it doesn't take as long. I still get antibiotics. I may end up just getting some Mucinex and see if that will kick it. Haven't made up my mind yet.
    Our water is turned off until after noon some time. Not a great day for that but I'm sure one complaint against the city isn't going to change their minds. :laugh: I'm really not in the mood to do anything except just watch movies with the kids or something. I'm worn out.

    Trying to look on the bright side boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I believe gratitude is one of the major sources of happiness. I'm very grateful for the rain, but probably not as grateful as the trees are.
    So Canadians eat Indian food on Thanksgiving? My kind of place. Seriously, I'd love to live in Canada - but it's cold and the family is here (except BIL of course, he's there).

    The yoga festival was fun. I really enjoyed hanging out with a fellow yogi and getting to know her. Also went to two classes, only one of which was exercise - and that's all I got yesterday. We got a late start, enjoyed the cat show, had lunch, yoga fest, dinner, cat time, read, bed. I'm thinking about doing an extra yoga class today. I have a class pass that I should use soon.

    Today: maybe three yoga classes (teach one, take two) - or two yoga classes and a walk. I also start my allergy shots today.

    Gratitude, boogaloo.
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