Reboot boogaloo October - Open group



  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, I am so with you on the dieting, starving vs. full feeling. I have a really hard time allowing my stomach to feel hungry. I don't like that feeling, so I don't let it happen. It is a struggle and often times I wonder how important is it, since I am only slightly overweight. Is it worth the constant struggle and fight to get skinny when I'm not really that big in the first place. If only I could accept the way I am.
    V, I think letting the fashion mags and etc go would be a good thing. I find those types of things only make me covet and want things more. It also makes me feel like less of a person because I do not have those things or look that way. Maybe that's not a problem for you but it is for me. I hope that you find a greater happiness in who God made you to be, by not having those things around to possibly make you feel other wise. All my pebbs on here are awesome and I don't want any outside source to make any of you feel any other way. :flowerforyou: Love my pebbs.:smooched:

    Sorry, mushy moment there. :wink:

    We went to church, had lunch, and then my cousin and her family came over. She's in a Biggest Loser contest at work and tied for first place. The girl she is tied with is cheating by taking weight loss pills. I hope my cousin wins, not because it's a big deal, but because I think she needs it. She's lost almost 25 pounds since June, all by hard work and using MFP. I'm proud of her.
    It sounds silly but I just discovered that I can scan food items in just by using my phone. I have known this for awhile but I've been too lazy to figure it out. It will help some to be able to scan some ingredients, however it dawned on me that most of the foods I should eat shouldn't be scannable. You know?
    I really really need some new goals or incentives for the rest of this month. Like no fast food, only eat out once, dessert once a week, work out every day get a (fill in the blank). I need some motivation. I tend to use competition as a motivation, but I don't want to do that. I don't really have any one to compete with right now anyway.
    My exercise goals this week are to get up at 6-6:15 and work out for 30 minutes or so. Not sure if it's going to happen but that's what I want to happen. It's girly time so more sleep may be required.
    Yesterday I noticed a owie on Irina's sucking finger. Turns out it's a welt from sucking on it too much. So I put a bandaid on it so it wouldn't get infected or anything. Well, turns out, she won't suck it if a band aid is on it. Guess what? Band aid is staying on. Thankfully she hasn't figured out she can take it off. I will have to put a different one on soon, and that might be a problem. But for now we are going to try to break the habit. She has been upset about it and it has taken longer to get her to sleep but it hasn't been as awful as I thought it was going to be.
    Breaking bad habits in my house boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,:yawn:
    A nap may be in my future. I didn't sleep very well last night. I woke up about 6:15 and debated for about 10 minutes or so on whether to go back to sleep or work out. I worked out. It was only 20 minutes and it was strength training but it was something at least. I will try to get on the treadmill or do the gorilla app later if a nap does win out.
    Goal today: put effort forth and try to say no a few times (to myself, not just to Irina :laugh: ).
    AF is really bad this month like to the point that is has concerned me, so today may be a less active day than I had planned or hoped for. At least my house is clean so I only have to do laundry and dishes. Hope you all have a good Monday!

    Put forth some effort boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Monday, pebbs,

    Today's goals:

    Get back to work, even though I don't really feel like it, gorilla trainer on my breaks, and then an errand walk later if the sunshine stays around. I'm suffering from a bit of mild burnout, but have to push through, at least until around this time next month. Crunch time. After November 20, a lot of the deadline work goes away for a bit, so that's good. (of course, there could be more).:tongue:

    Don't wanna, but will, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I have a new goal - and Charlie said he would do it with me - for my 40th birthday in January I am going to do:
    40 miles on the bike
    4 mile walk
    and 40 sun salutations

    I've done all three of these things, but never on the same day - so that's why I'm training for. We have a 3 mile loop next to our house with no traffic lights - but a 10 mile loop would be nicer. Either way, I have a goal. It did occur to me that if I lived in the land of metric, this would be a lot easier. :tongue:

    Ate well yesterday. This is also a goal everyday.

    Today: take and teach yoga, walk.

    Goal of 40, boogaloo.
  • I'm alive, I am! And so is my laptop, finally.

    I've been stressed the past few weeks and in a real funk. I really need to take a step back and figure out how to pull myself out of it. Things have felt really out of control for some reason. I also had another seizure, and instead of going off my meds like I was considering I've upped the dosage. :ohwell: This was my first tonic clonic seizure while I was home alone, and it was pretty scary. The last two times I had my husband talking to me as I became lucid again explaining why I felt so weird. This time I apparently stumbled around, fell, and broke a night light off the wall with my head. Ouch. :embarassed:

    I've gained a few pounds (up to 164) but I'm surprised it's not more really, especially with TOM promising to make an appearance soon. I'm starting to log my food again and focus on getting nutritious and satisfying food. Haven't been exercising regularly either, but I'm trying to let myself not feel guilty over it. I know I need to move my body, but I have a hard time getting out of the mindset of "work out for weight/calorie loss or what's the point?" instead of just to feel good in my body. Need to fix that!

    I've been working on being kinder to myself and doing things out of love for my body instead of punishing myself for "screwing up" again. New mantra: Balance, Strength, Perspective. Balance in the chaos of my emotions, strength to accept that I'm scared and confused but I can move on anyway, and perspective to understand this is only one moment out of many and I can get through it.

    Woah! Didn't think I'd write a book. Guess I had a lot on my mind. I should be around more often now that my computer has been resuscitated.

    Oh! I also got glasses for my slight near-sightedness/astigmatism! I :heart: them. It's like the world got switched into high-def.

    Balance, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, that sounds like a good goal!

    V, how'd your Monday go?

    Livi! Good to see you! You are adorable by the way! Love the new glasses!:love:

    A quick post here. I need to get busy. I got my work out done this morning. Didn't want to roll out of bed but I did and it's done. Now I just need to log my food for the rest of the day. Horse therapy and prayer meeting this morning if the kids behave. School this afternoon and some general cleaning and finishing up laundry. Had to contact the landlady yesterday about a few issues we are having. I haven't heard back so hopefully she's not freaking out. She sent me a nice email just before I sent her one, so I guess she's trying to smooth things over. It's all about keeping the yard nice.
    Still trying to come up with new goals and incentives to keep getting up at 6:15.
    Cold front boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Enjoying that cold front, MM? I hope it doesn't knock away the little disturbance in the gulf. More rain is needed.

    I'm trying to decide if I should try biking today. 40 mph wind gust are forecast, which can seriously ruin a bike ride - but I thought it will help me build strength as well. Yoga this afternoon.

    Short post, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs.

    Have I mentioned that I hate little, nitpicky detail work?

    I'm up to my eyeballs in getting my article "letter perfect" and ready for submission. Ugh. On the upside, I think it's one of the best things I've written. So, that's positive.

    For today:
    more editing, possible C25K, more editing and also, some editing. Possible date night.

    Other than that, trying to stay out of the nightly "whiskey and chocolate" (both in moderation, like a lady:wink: ) ritual I've settled into. Although I am enjoying in moderation, I don't think it's good to have a square and a pour every single night. Woe to my liver.:laugh:

    Moderation, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I don't want to face this day. Can I go back and hide under the covers? :wink: I just don't "have it" today. I know I'm tired, so maybe that's all it is. I was awakened at 5:45 by a child having to go to the bathroom. New rule. Only have a cup of fluids at dinner, and no drinks after 6:30 (for Irina anyway until she learns to go by herself). I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. So I will have to work out at nap time.
    Plans for the day: brave going to a dollar store with the kids to get some picture books for Irina, try to teach her that the letter A is not apple (:laugh: ), school, laundry, work out, and be careful with my eating. I haven't been doing that great with it and I haven't made time to log. I start out logging but forget to finish.
    The landlady and her husband came over to do the repairs. They were nice but it was awkward. :ohwell: They don't do the greatest job on repairs. We had to call them back over because the toilet was leaking after they replaced the flush kit. We've had to call them back after they've done repairs before. Oh well. At least it's done and we're still on speaking terms. :laugh:
    Hoping today is a better day than yesterday. Irina was a real nuisance after her nap. We will be going outside this afternoon to burn off some energy. She is bringing me magnetic letters off the fridge and asking what they are, so she's in a learning mood. That's good. A still means apple though. :laugh:

    ABC's boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    At least they are doing repairs on this house, eh, MM?

    I spent yesterday afternoon thinking it was Wednesday afternoon. It wasn't until I started wondering why no one else had their garbage out, I figured it out. At least I didn't go to the wrong job - then I would know I needed more sleep.

    I tried doing my little sun salutation sequence for Halloween with pandora playing Halloween music. I'm going to have to go through the music well. It doesn't all work. Problem is the standing poses in-between - there's both movement and stillness - hard to get the right music for that. I think I will go with mostly movie score type stuff - though the theme from "The Shining" didn't work at all.

    Today: teach 2 yoga classes, take one, short walk. The bike ride yesterday was tough, but my only regret was leaving my sunglasses at home. I don't like wearing sun glasses, but there was so much dust and dirt, I had to ride with squinting eyes.

    Not good with music, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Wow, I totally forgot to check in today.

    I'm busy/overwhelmed, but doing my best to stay focused and remember to take care.

    Went to yoga this morning, and felt very sturdy and strong during class, which made me feel good. Then I walked around quite a bit in the rain, and feel like I didn't get very much work done. Tomorrow is sort of a duplicate of today, Yoga, meetings and hopefully work in the evening.

    Wednesday already? boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,

    Quick post. Lots to do today.
    Alex has been asking us to go camping since May I think. Of course it's been too hot. And I don't think there's very many exciting places to go camping around DFW. Well, tomorrow bright and early we are heading to Longview which is southeast (and getting into pinewood country) to take Alex and Irina to the neurologist. He's the one that has adopted 6 kids from Russia and helped Alex get out of his "funk" a couple of years ago. I imagine he will want to put Irina on the same medications Alex was on. It's for the nervous system. For Alex it caused him to act just awful for about 6-9 weeks, but after that he settled down and was great. So I am bracing myself for the same reaction although it may not be. We'll see what he says tomorrow. Anyway, since we will be out in prettier country we are going camping. We have reservations for two nights at the campground but this obviously depends on how Irina is doing. We are probably crazy for going but I am hoping she will end up having a great time. Bed time is a nightmare right now so I'm not sure how that's going to go.
    So that leads to my goals for today. I am bravely (or stupidly) taking the kids to the store this morning. I need to get a full week's groceries but if nothing else I will get what we need for the trip and get the rest when we get back. I will take a snack for them to eat in the store to keep them happy, at least while they are eating it. :laugh: I also have to clean house, do laundry (didn't do it yesterday), pack and plan, and try to get school done. All of that will be enough exercise I think. Tomorrow is my last day of antibiotics and I am so glad. I'm still having allergy/sinus problems so hopefully it won't come back.

    Sleeping under the stars boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Looks like perfect weather for camping, MM.

    I felt like I didn't get anything done yesterday either, V.

    Found out that food processors have a hole in the middle. Wasn't thinking and filled it to near the top with asparagus soup. Something like you see on a sitcom occurred when I tried to pour it back into the bowl.

    Also spent sometime watching the solar work. Got the rebate check from the city as well - got that to the bank before they could change their mind.

    Today yoga and bike. It's pretty chilly this morning, so I might bike this afternoon. Going to a haunted house tonight. I don't like haunted houses, but a friend loves them, so I'm going. I actually don't like any type of thrill/rush like that - whether it's a movie or a roller coaster.

    Oh my, my book club is a week from today, better get busy! Still going to goof off this weekend - priorities.

    Getting busy, boogaloo.
  • checking in. things better since monday afternoon. seeing some progress. rocking the veggies for energy. walking in the rain and overcast. love it.

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Glad to see you checking in, SJ.

    Was up way too late for a school night last night. We got to the haunt a little late (totally unnecessary, as we were ready in plenty of time) - then we had a 30 minute wait + 30-45 minutes through the haunt. Got covered in blood/goo and had to take a shower before bed. It was fun though. I think I would like something like that better if it wasn't Halloween related. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, but, like I said, I don't like being scared, screaming, and the like. There was one part where you had to crawl through a dark box, about 12 feet long and it was closed on both ends, then they swung it back and forth. Couldn't help but think about how many people have been sick in that box. I do like the running though a maze - I think I would like an obstacle course with a story better.

    Ok, just spent 15 minutes looking up obstacle courses. Time to focus.

    Today: walk this morning, yoga this afternoon.

    Obstacle course, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    So, so busy. . .didn't even have time to check in yesterday. . .can't remember the last time that happened. Anyways, yesterday was Yoga, going to campus to do errands, some successfuly, some not so much and go to meetings (I inadvertently got myself involved in student government. What?) I also found out that my paycheque, which was so small that I thought it was wrong, was correct, at least through January. Ugh. Tightening the belts, again. Tricky after summer was already pretty tight.

    Today is: going to pick up my fixed autoharp so that I can play it (hooray!), more editing, more job packets, and some gorilla trainer if my energy holds. My special lady time has arrived with a vengeance, so I might just do a yoga practice (specially tailored to this) that my teacher gave me yesterday. I think I might officially need to go to the doc about the changes going on here, but I'm holding off another month to see if it's stress-related. (or I'm in denial.:tongue: )

    In other news, I'm eating real food, hydrating and remembering to be extra kind to myself through all the work and stress. Mary, if it makes you feel any better, I have turned my vitamix on full blast without the lid on. I still think there is tomato soup on the ceiling somewhere, a year after that mishap. It looked like a crime scene in my kitchen. MM, have fun camping! SJ, keep rocking the walking. I've been doing a lot of that, too. Helps with the head-clearing and the stress-levels, for sure.

    Stressy stress stress, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I guess MM is camping.

    Didn't get yoga in yesterday. Spent all afternoon playing with the new food processor - made potatoes au gratin, carrot salad, and two fruit desserts. Broke the apple one & its plate this morning while reaching for the milk. I will have to make that one again - basically chopped apples, lemon juice, spices with a nut/coconut/raisin topping.

    Today, I will get yoga in and a bike ride.

    New recipes, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    That apple dessert has inspired me, Mary. I do a flour free apple crisp, and it's probably time (autumn and all that) to make it again.

    On the plan for today:

    autoharp practice (the "fixed" autoharp is not really fixed. apparently I have better ears than the luthier I took it to. I have ordered felts and I'm debating between trying to fix it myself/have my husband fix it/taking it to another repair person/breaking down and buying a factory-new one), errands walking (bank, post office) and cleaning, also have a friend coming over for work venting.

    Autumn apples, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Don't know why I volunteer to teach on Sundays, I always dread having to get up. At least this time I got a guest pass for Charlie. I am struck by the tightwadness of the gym - I don't even get a membership :huh: Only gym I know that has this rule.

    Anyway, after teaching, I'll probably ride up to the store. I need to plan out the schedule for bookclub on Thursday (have this chore done on this day type of stuff). Going to a pumpkin carving party tonight - so I need to get some carving tools as well. I don't want to bring a good knife and then forget it at the party.

    Let the festivities begin, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Sunday, pebbs,

    I'm debating on long meandering walks somewhere in the city or Zumba today. The sun is actually out, so meandering might win. It hasn't been out for what seems like weeks. I'm rationalizing that I could also get up and go to dance class tomorrow. Maybe I just want to meander. . .with special lady time, the body seems to want to move a little more slowly. I bought a yoga bolster yesterday (huge present to myself) so that I could better do my favourite poses at home. :heart:

    Other goals: eat, drink water and be kind to myself/allow myself to re-charge because it is the weekend. Yesterday, I caught myself doing work and had to stop myself. Hard to not let it creep in. That may be another reason why getting out of the apartment is a good idea.

    Meandering, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
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