Reboot boogaloo October - Open group



  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

    We actually just got back from a couple of days in Niagara-on-the-Lake (Ontario) yesterday, visiting/vacationing with some of my husband's family. The weather was gorgeous... Let's just say - now we both need a vacation from our vacation. :ohwell: I'm grateful for the absolutely lovely weather - sunshine-y, warm but not hot, and fall colors starting to appear. It's amazing how much stress can be packed into 4 days, though! I think we are both worn out and frankly, a little wounded. This week is going to be tough for me, too - there's a huge pile of work coming up on the weekend that everyone seems to think I can pile more and more things on top of. My main goal (again) is to try and get some sleep. (This has not been going so well.) :yawn:

    Had another check-up today (while MIL was getting dropped at the airport). Still healing slowly, but they want me to start PT to start getting strength and ROM back. Next x-ray in a month, and I get to stop wearing the splint completely in a couple more weeks. Progress, but slower than I'd like.

    How is it October?

    MM, hope you feel better soon! Mary, yay for rain! V, keep kicking butt. :smile:

    Recovering from vacation, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mornin' all.

    I'm not ready for this day. I had to sleep on the couch again last night. Mucinex is not phasing it. So to the minute clinic I go this morning, either before or after horse therapy. Not sure what will work out. Just praying for good kids and an easy day. Irina is already up this morning. Ugh. I need to smile at her and be happy but I just don't feel like it. Don't feel like talking either. :sick:
    Goals today: stay calm, keep kids busy, get better, and try to get some rest. With some infections I don't feel as tired, which is weird because I'm not sleeping well and I'm sure my body is tired.

    Going to the doctor boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Sorry that you don't feel good, MM. :frown:

    Today is: a work session, going to buy an Autoharp (I've been hunting for one on craigslist forever, and finally found one the ghost of June Carter cash had better look out!) then lunch and back home for more work. In between/around that I'd like to get in a gorilla trainer session and if I feel energetic later in the afternoon, a walk. I'm trying to milk these unseasonably warm fall days for all their worth, as I will miss them come February.

    Other than that, it's hydrating, eating-- good news on that front-- my appetite seems to be returning. I'm not starving, but I've been actually hungry, so that means I feel a bit of balance returning, I think. At the coach yesterday, we started to talk job interview stuff, and that freaked me out a bit. It sounds like psy-ops, as they ask questions that aren't really about the questions, apparently. Yikes. I'm remaining as calm as possible, and reminding myself that this is my year to put myself out there. Nothing happens if you don't put yourself out there.

    Out there, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    No matter how much fun it is, you always need a few days after your vacation to feel rested. I'm convinced we do not take enough days off - well, I do, but most people don't :tongue:

    Hope you feel better, MM.

    V - I had a 3 hour interview once - for a cashier position at a grocery store - after that, I'm no longer surprised by any weird hoops employers put out there.

    I have a new goal - my most difficult one yet - only get on the computer once a day. I need more time and these things suck time away. I need to make my next yoga video (time spent on this doesn't count), get stuff ready for book club later this month, practice yoga more, etc. Afternoon computer time does not add to my quality of life, it can go away.

    Today: bike this morning, yoga this afternoon.

    New goal, boogaloo
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs.

    Ended up getting a lot less accomplished yesterday than I had hoped for. I managed to get some of my things done, so I'm trying to focus on that. Also, feeling a mild case of the overwhelmeds coming on, so trying to stay very calm and breathe through it. I have a sensible timeline mapped out, so I simply need to stick to it. the timeline even includes time for workouts and fun.

    Today is: yoga (hooray!) very much looking forward to the focus and grounding this brings
    A walk
    Therapy (see focus and grounding above)
    Then home for working. I need to make my editing changes, and send my article out to some people who have agreed to give me feedback.
    Also, in between all of that, it's water and food that is as real as possible.

    Breathe through, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning.
    Your new goal sounds like a good one Mary. I have definitely had less time for the computer lately.

    V, I need to have some sort of plan that includes fun too. My best friend left so she's not here to hang out with. I don't know when I will get to see her again. Another friend was in a car accident and hurt her back so she can't really get out much either. :frown: So I need to find some more ways to have fun.

    I am still pretty sick. I did manage to get some deep, yet broken up sleep, due to storms, but it was at least more decent sleep than I had been getting. This morning came too early. Irina was up by seven. DH didn't tell her to go back to bed, and I was sleeping on the couch. So one of my goals is to train her that it's not time to get up until 7:30. Maybe that's mean but that half hour is usually my quiet time/Bible time. I trained Alex. I can train her. It's for my sanity.
    My goals for today: eat better and less, log my food (this will take some discipline!), rearrange furniture in the living room so I can use the treadmill again, and get a walk in. It's going to be pretty wet outside with all the rain we got over night and will get this morning, so I'm not sure if we will be getting out. I don't really feel like it anyway, but I haven't gotten good at this "keeping two children busy on a rainy day yet."
    Irina seems to be adjusting a bit. Taking her out is awful and I dread it. However, she's doing better at home. She gets destructive when she's bored or thinks she isn't getting enough attention from me. I sat down to play Candy Land with them yesterday and the cards were missing. I went through all the games looking for them and then went to her hoarding drawers in her room and found them and other games pieces. Oi. Needless to say after dragging out all the games they were no longer interested in Candy Land. I am moving all the games that have small pieces to a closet. :laugh:
    Whenever I am making a meal or getting a snack, she stands in the kitchen like a stray dog begging for scraps. She "pets" my arms and back saying "Mama" over and over, buttering me up for food. What did they do to her in the orphanage that she would feel the need to beg for food? She constantly asks who the food is for, even after I tell her. She HAS to know some of it is for her. Honestly it drives me nuts but I feel bad that she feels that way about food. Right now, food is how I can get her attention, whether for good or for bad. I hate that. I don't want food to be a source of comfort for her. But right now it's what she desires.
    Speaking of food I'd better get their breakfast and figure out what I want. I have a horse pill to take too. It's about the thicknes of my pinky finger. :ohwell:
    Starting to get settled (all of us) boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    My aunt had a theory about kids that needed attention -give them 7 minutes of undivided attention, then leave them to play on their own. Most of the time this worked. It's hard to do though. Don't know if it would work with Irina.

    I didn't do too well on the not checking email yesterday. Will do better today.

    I'm teaching yoga on Halloween, so I've come up with a special Halloween themed class. Anyone (V!) have some favorite Halloween songs? I need to come up with about 90 minutes of music. I'm trying to think of some calmer stuff as well. Monster Mash, Thriller, Dead Man's Party, Werewolves of London, Purple People Eater, This is Halloween (Nightmare before Christmas), Enter Sandman (I'm not sure how well Metallica will go over in a yoga class), and Psycho Killer are what we have so far.

    I tweaked my knee a bit yesterday, going to take it easy today: teach and take yoga.

    Planning Halloween, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Thanks Mary, I may have to try that with Irina. Now that I think about it, I think I did that with Alex when he was younger. I'd play with him for a bit and then he was content to play on his own for awhile.

    I must be feeling better. I was able to sleep in bed and I didn't cough all night! I thought I would be because I was coughing a lot before I laid down. So I got some fairly decent sleep last night! Doesn't mean I wanted to get out of bed this morning. I know I have a sleep deficit. I kept telling myself I needed to get up and work out but I just couldn't get up right away. Instead I had my quiet time and hopefully over nap time I will get my work out done. I'm sure as I start feeling better I will be able to get up at 6:15 and work out.
    I did not log my food yesterday. Just didn't have time. I think I'm really going to have to focus on what I am putting in my mouth more than what I am logging on the computer. I didn't eat as much yesterday, though I'm sure I ate too much still. I will be more aware of what I put it my mouth today.
    Goals: I need new goals. I don't stick with the old ones. New goal: think about the food I am putting in my mouth. I was going to make peach muffins for breakfast. Are they good for me? They have fruit in them, but they also contain flour and sugar. Hmmm. I need to start thinking about those things. I also need to work on a grocery list today. It's hard to budget a fourth person into it. She does eat a lot. I really think it comes down to not knowing how to shop and save money. So lots of things to think about and adjust.

    New goals boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Glad you're feeling better, MM. We didn't get any of that rain! Oh, well, maybe next time.

    I continue to struggle with not getting on the computer. I saw a program on Internet usage (might have been Nova or Frontline) - it said we get a dopamine response from getting email - which could be why we check it all the time. Some habits are easier to quit out right. I think it's easier with the will power to completely cut something out sometimes - I have a hard time with portions.

    With that in mind, I will take only a small portion of cake this afternoon. My mom is having her first of three Halloween parties today. The cake was a royal pain to make, and I want to find out if it was worth it.

    I'm thinking about a bike ride today. We'll see how my knee is. We got another cold front and it will only be 84 today.

    Portions, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Not such a banner start to my day. I got up early and finished my draft and then went to yoga and got to the building (5 minutes late, which I hate, but the bus was way late) and then realized I had not brought my yoga clothes. It would have taken me 20 minutes to go home and get them, so I just went home by the way of shopping for a bit of food. I hate that. This is the second time this week that I have done something like this. Monday, I was halfway to my appointment about my job search when I realized I'd left my job search binder and all the pertinent materials at home. New goal for the week: the last thing I do every workday is get a bag packed for whatever I'm doing the next day. My brain is on serious overload.

    In other news, I did walk home from yoga, and I can do enough of the poses to get a restorative practice in on my own. I also scheduled a mani/pedi to get some self-care time in, and I'm hanging out with a friend this evening. Other goals for the day are to get more (electronic) job packets sent out, and to send out requests for the rest of my recommendation letters. This will "clear the decks" to start work on re-drafting the article and remembering that I'm also presenting at a super-duper major conference in just over a month.

    Yeesh. I am also brainstorming Halloween songs, Mary. There are a few pretty creepy old blues numbers (Robert Johnson's "Hellhound on My Trail" springs to mind, as does Screamin' Jay Hawkins' version of "I Put a Spell on You" (there's an arabic singer named Natacha Atlas who covers it, might be a bit more restful, but less creepy) also, you could dig into some Black Sabbath or Judas Priest (although those don't seem quite so yoga, either) for creepy, gothic sort of lyrics. There's a great interview with Ozzy Osborne, where he pretty much says that they got into creepy horror movie lyrics because "it was different, because everyone else was just singing about cars and girls". All that I can remember. Stretchy pants and a t-shirt, not so much. Lecture over.

    Memory no worky, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Guess what I'm not doing? :yawn: Some of the weekend trauma has worn off, but only because I have so much else to do that I haven't been able to dwell on it as much. Anyway, just checking in.

    Here's an article I saw today about vitamins:

    Why can't I sleep? boogaloo
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    CP, sorry you aren't getting sleep. :frown: That's so frustrating and takes away so much of our day. I hope you are able to find rest sleep soon!

    I am doing a little better. I did get some sleep last night. It's been so nice not coughing all night. Still have a ways to go but definitely feeling better. After feeling really gross all day from the antibiotic, I decided to cut it in half. It's still nearly the dose I took last time, so I don't feel too bad about it.
    I did about 20 minutes of plyometrics yesterday. I'm a little sore today. I have big goals for exercise today but I don't know if I will get them done. I need to go out and pull weeds in the flower beds and then I want to do the next P90x disc. Doesn't sound like big goals but it will be the most exercise I've gotten in...I don't know. A couple of months? I was talking to Steve about mowing the lawn and weed eating. He said he guesses he will have to do it because that could be what made me sick. It isn't great for him either. He said he'd wear a dust mask. :ohwell: We're gonna have to hire someone next year. And we will do school today. Second week almost down! :happy:
    I also have yet to let Becky know the front door won't always unlock. With our history I'm not exactly excited to email her.

    I have a question for you ladies. I know you don't have little kids running around you all the time but I need to hear if I am being unreasonable. Steve was irritated with me this morning because I didn't want the kids in the kitchen while I was getting breakfast. I don't want them in there for safety reasons but also because I don't like kids under my feet. I've been working with Alex for five years not to be in the kitchen while I'm working. Steve's just now getting irritated because I'm telling Irina to leave the kitchen. I guess he thinks it's cute that she's pawing me and constantly asking who's food is who's. I'm sorry but it's annoying to me. I even tell Steve to get out of the kitchen. :laugh: I just don't want other people in there. I want to get the cooking and cleaning done as fast as I can because I don't like doing it. So am I mean to want them out while I am trying to cook and clean? I mean, I don't even want to be in the kitchen. I was thinking about making cookies tomorrow because we have company coming Sunday and I was going to let the kids help. That's big for me. Last time I did that I forgot to put the flour in. :embarassed:

    Give me some space boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    MM - I think everyone needs some time alone - and it is much easier to cook when there is no one bugging you. Steve spends all day away from the kids, so he finds it endearing. You spend all day with the kids, you find it annoying.

    CP - I got your sleep last night. The cat finally let me sleep in.

    Thanks for the songs, V. I've never heard "Hellbound on my trail" before.

    Today: I'm going for a walk in the park with a friend. It's finally cool enough. I've collected end slices of bread all summer for the ducks. I'm sure bread is not part of a nutritious diet for fowl, but I give it to them anyway. Also, group practice today. Nice relaxing day.

    Relaxing day, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    MM, kitchen prep is an alone time for me, so I completely relate. Also, I can completely understand the safety aspect. Knives, heat, boiling liquids + kids = not a good idea. I think it's a good idea to break Irina's food fixation habit. Just my 2 cents. I think you deserve peace, especially since you're responsible for those kids a great portion of the time.

    CP, I've been having weird sleep issues, too. I'm blaming stress and the season change.

    Mary, a lot of Robert Johnson would be creepy. He's probably all over YouTube. There's also "Crossroads", and "If I had possession over judgment day". Also, I forgot all about Alice Cooper, whose stuff is surprisingly tame musically by today's standards. Also, I like Florence + the Machine, and some of that is pretty creepy.


    I have a sick kitty at the vet, so that's taking a lot of brain power. I suspect that she ate something she shouldn't have. She was puking a lot last night, and then was super lethargic this morning and wouldn't eat. So, off she went. They're taking x-rays, so I'm waiting for a call. I'm worried. I'm a worrier.

    I have tons to do today, and I cleared my calendar to do it. I am resolved to send out all the job packets that don't need accompanying letters, have sent out all my letter requests, need to start the second round of revisions on my article (this includes a bit of reading to solidify my theoretical framework), and start to crunch some data for my conference presentation. If I am able to accomplish all of this, I get to have a weekend, so that is super-motivating. I also intend to squeeze in the gorilla trainer. I got a glimpse of my upper back in the bathroom mirror and noticed muscles. I also was able to do unsupported down dog in Yoga on Wednesday, and I am super-duper proud of that.:bigsmile:

    Get to work, and get well kitty, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • been out of sorts for a while. upheaval in my career centre, mostly internal...very indecisive about life. binged on chocolate and twizzlers today. oh well.

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Morning pebbs!

    Today will be a difficult day with the computer, as I'll be home all day.

    Doing morning yoga and afternoon walk. I'm trying to come up with a list of "do these poses everyday". These are usually things that one does not have an aptitude for; for me, this includes anything involving the chocolate pouch - so abdominal strength and twists.

    Next week is going to be beautiful with highs in the 70s, but alas, no rain.

    Doing what's good for me, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    SJ, every binge is a learning opportunity, as our mutual hero Sheryl would say "what feeling were you looking for" in those twizzlers and that chocolate? No judgment, just saying.:heart: I've had a few borderline binge terrible food choices due to anxiety/hormone swings/weather change this week, so I feel ya.

    Today, kitty gets to come home from the vet. I'm pretty sure she ate a makeup remover soaked cotton pad out of the garbage, so the other project for the day is to buy a secure bathroom garbage can. The other other project is to not die of shock at how much it costs to pay the vet. (requesting prayers and positive thoughts that the bill is not enormous, please). I will walk to the store to purchase said garbage can for exercise, and then also aim to do my yoga homework after gorilla trainer also some light housework. Busy day off from academic brainwork.

    Kitty come home, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, hope your kitty is okay now and the bill you get isn't as bad as you think it could be!

    Mary, isn't the weather great?! Too bad there's no rain for you but at least the cooler temps help a little.

    SJ, I binged a lot over the past week. It was all for comfort. I like what V said though. What feeling were you looking for? I need to ask myself that. I wanted chocolate last night, made some homemade concoction that I used to like, I ate most of it and realized, "You know, this just isn't what I am craving." I threw the rest out. I wish I had stopped earlier but at least I stopped. We all give in some times. We all have to start over. It's a process of changing our thinking, not beating ourselves up every time we mess up for a day...or a week...or a month. Wake up the next morning with a new start. Or better yet, start new right after your mess up. :flowerforyou:

    I have been busy all morning. I made everyone breakfast, and felt like a heel because Alex asked for cinnamon toast and I forgot and made him oatmeal. He was mad but he ate it anyway. Went to the store. I really hate shopping on Saturdays but it was kind of nice to get out by myself. Came home and found out Irina had tried to color in Alex's school books, write in my Bible devotionals, and just generally make a mess. Oi. Made lunch, did dishes, swept, mopped. I still have a good couple of hours of work to do on the house before we have company tomorrow. I didn't do a whole lot when I was sick. It's really hard to catch up now. The kids keep me a lot busier.
    I'm still really sore from plyometrics the day before yesterday, and from pulling weeds for about three hours yesterday. Oh and I cleaned/scrubbed the front porch too.(It was bugging me that it has been dirty since we moved in.) Most of it's a burn in my thighs. But it's a good pain because I worked out finally. I was going to do P90X again today but all the cleaning I have to do should be enough. Right now, I am resting and doing something fun and relaxing. :smile:
    Finding time to chill boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Glad the kitty is ok, V.

    I'm sure all that extra work Irina is making for you is good exercise, MM.

    Not sure what today holds as far as exercise goes. Charlie and I are spending the day together. I'm pretty sure we'll get a yoga practice in.

    Yesterday, I ate two apples (ok, I fried them in butter and sugar), then got on the scale. Le sigh. Need to cut back on my food intake. I'm still convinced that small cuts are better for me. Finding balance between "dieting, hungry all the time" and "full all the time" is a lifelong struggle.

    Struggle, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Sunday, my pebbs

    Well, the kitty bill was very high, but after lots of sleeping yesterday, I seem to have a normal kitty, so money well spent. And, we had the money to spend. It would have been more fun to spend it on other things or paying down some credit cards, but we had it.

    Today is Zumba, some tidying, some shopping and then friends are coming over. Should be a good day.

    I've come up with a challenge for myself in the month of November. For that entire month, I'm going to try to opt out of the "beauty industry" that means no cosmetic purchases, no gossip or fashion mag purchases (a guilty pleasure of mine) etc. I am allowing myself upkeep on my nails, especially since my gels are black right now, and I'll need to go a lot more professional looking for the conference. I've been thinking a lot lately about how much this industry poisons our self-esteem, so I'm curious to see what opting out does. Also, I think I nickel and dime myself to death with purchases (a lipstick here, a nail polish there) and I'm curious to see the impact on the bank balance.

    OK Kitty, boogaloo:flowerforyou:
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