How I Got My 6 Pack



  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Thank you so much!! I love all your posts on here!! You give me hope!! :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Amazing! you look fantastic!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.
  • Bringerofrain
    Bringerofrain Posts: 163 Member
    Wow, Awesome abs for sure! Great job!
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    Wow, Awesome abs for sure! Great job!

    Thanks :) I eat a ton... I try to eat something every two hours to keep the metabolism going hard.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?

    i had a look at your pics on facebook, and i think you look fantastic.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?

    i had a look at your pics on facebook, and i think you look fantastic.

    Thankyou :) Every body is different. I am actually trying to gain some muscle!!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?

    Nobody, just someone in the everyone else on this site :)
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?

    you look fantastic and great reply to this BTW I hate when people get snotty to others great work BIM is just a guide not the be all end all. Great work :)
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?

    you look fantastic and great reply to this BTW I hate when people get snotty to others great work BIM is just a guide not the be all end all. Great work :)

    Thankyou! I really appreciate the support... I just thought that this was supposed to be an encouraging place and I guess it hurts my feelings when people are snotty and try to make you feel less or that the hard work meant nothing! We are supposed to be lifting each other up, helping each other, not saying hurtful rude comments. Thankyou again :)
  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    I need some inspiration right now - and seeing your fantastic progress is really helping me!! You look fantastic - who knows why some people have to cut down another's progress... I for one NEED to read someone's success.

    And also - thanks for your hard work as a nurse. My daughter is close to finishing her 15 month schooling (she got me on MFP, btw) and I'm so proud of her. You guys really, really work your butts off, in so many ways - again, thanks for what you do everyday. The rest of us NEED you!!
  • suzieduh
    suzieduh Posts: 196 Member
    You look bloody fantastic, and that kind of body comes from hard work and discipline. My fingers are crossed that in 9 months I look at gorgeous as you do :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?

    i had a look at your pics on facebook, and i think you look fantastic.

    Thankyou :) Every body is different. I am actually trying to gain some muscle!!

    i would love to have the muscle definition that you have! unfortunately i know i couldnt put in as much work as you do with eating clean!
  • reese1206
    reese1206 Posts: 229
    You look.Amazingggggg
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?

    you look fantastic and great reply to this BTW I hate when people get snotty to others great work BIM is just a guide not the be all end all. Great work :)

    Thankyou! I really appreciate the support... I just thought that this was supposed to be an encouraging place and I guess it hurts my feelings when people are snotty and try to make you feel less or that the hard work meant nothing! We are supposed to be lifting each other up, helping each other, not saying hurtful rude comments. Thankyou again :)

    I didnt think the comment was rude at all,this my be a site for encoragement but we are allowed to have our own opinions as well. When you post on a public forum you are opening yourself up to everyones opinion.
  • BIG_Lew
    BIG_Lew Posts: 513 Member
    Awesome info.....ur abs look great :smile:
  • morningstarluv
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    wow, amazing job!
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    Thanks you guys are awesome! Like a family almost lol!