How I Got My 6 Pack



  • nat102
    nat102 Posts: 118 Member
    I never post anything or comment on posts ever....but you look amazing and you're doing it right. Haters suck.

    I never post also, but this was beyond ridiculous. She looks fab, and people are just trying to undermine her eyed monsters are in full effect today

    ugh i agree.. honey you look great. no one should ever be told they look "scary"
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    You look awesome and I'm about to send a friend request in hopes that some of your dedication will rub off on me. People will say negative things, brush it off, responding in kind only makes you look bad as well. Ignore! :) Great job.

    She's 0.6 lbs from being underweight... which means she isn't underweight. Even if you do buy BMI hook, line, and sinker. Being a little underweight is no worse for you than being a little overweight (in fact I recall seeing a study that says slightly underweight people live longer), we are just much more used to seeing the latter.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Possibly the best profile pic on this site.
    Thanks for the inspiration.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    Just a pic of me to prove i am in fact not dangerously skinny or anorexic :)

    Im just a small framed happy asian chick!



    I got a little meat on my thighs ;)

    Ive got small breasts but that doesnt mean Im anorexic or scary :)

    Im going out on a limb here, but id say that i look prettttty normal :)
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    I think you look great! That's why I'm proud to have you in my circle of supporters...

    BTW - Showed my wife your pictures, she's in much better shape then me and she thinks your abs are rocking. Her's are just starting to show and she's excited about that.

    Don't let people who are obviously hung up on textbook definitions get you down.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Why do you feel this need to prove yourself over one persons opinion?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    GORGEOUS! :]
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I think you look great! That's why I'm proud to have you in my circle of supporters...

    BTW - Showed my wife your pictures, she's in much better shape then me and she thinks your abs are rocking. Her's are just starting to show and she's excited about that.

    Don't let people who are obviously hung up on textbook definitions get you down.

    Thanks!!!! And thanks to ALL of you who had something nice to say. The friendship bracelet is in the mail.

    And to those who bashed me or criticized me, its too bad, because I make awesome friendship bracelets.

  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    This is the problem with the internets. Why did this have to turn into a huge debate?

    It could have gone like this:

    Yanika: You are borderline underweight. I'm concerned about your health. It is unhealthy for women to have too low of body fat percentages (less than 12%)
    OP: Thank you for your concern but I have a small frame and I assure you my health is excellent, and my body fat percentage is within acceptable levels.
    Yanika: Great.

    The end.
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    Awesome job! Clean eating for a month is brutal, let alone 8 months you said in addition to early AM cardio? You certainly worked hard, have the bod to show for it and deserve some allocates! I would take all the "you're too thin" posts with a grain of salt and would not reply to them. You body frame is certainly different than mine (much more lithe). I have ginormous Eastern European "old-country"child-bearing hips. I think the smallest size I can ever get down to, even being a skeleton with no muscle mass would be a size 4. But I'm not jealous at all of you, I'm proud you worked so hard to get where you are! That took tones of work, dedication and discipline. I have my own quirks and faults, so who am I to judge what's right and what's wrong? In a sense I'm sort of a narcissistic nihilist about morality, there is no right or wrong, because there really is no society in the first place, it's all in the perceptive mind.

    Personal philosophies aside, keep up the great work! Maybe you should consider being a fitness model with those killer abs!
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    Awesome job! Clean eating for a month is brutal, let alone 8 months you said in addition to early AM cardio? You certainly worked hard, have the bod to show for it and deserve some allocates! I would take all the "you're too thin" posts with a grain of salt and would not reply to them. You body frame is certainly different than mine (much more lithe). I have ginormous Eastern European "old-country"child-bearing hips. I think the smallest size I can ever get down to, even being a skeleton with no muscle mass would be a size 4. But I'm not jealous at all of you, I'm proud you worked so hard to get where you are! That took tones of work, dedication and discipline. I have my own quirks and faults, so who am I to judge what's right and what's wrong? In a sense I'm sort of a narcissistic nihilist about morality, there is no right or wrong, because there really is no society in the first place, it's all in the perceptive mind.

    Personal philosophies aside, keep up the great work! Maybe you should consider being a fitness model with those killer abs!

    Thankyou! I would LOVE to be a fitness model but my back side as well as my thighs needs lots of work.. i am about to do the jillian michaels 30day shred for the first time! i hope i like this!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Abs or not, you're a naturally beautiful woman!
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    You have such beautiful, wavy hair. You're so gorgeous! <3
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    congrats, you look great!
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    You have such beautiful, wavy hair. You're so gorgeous! <3

    Haha thankyou but it sure does get nappy!
  • leanne2376
    thanks for this info i will try to adhere to it
  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member
    I'd love to know why all the haters clicked on this post in the first place It is called 'How I got my 6 pack' after all? And 0.6lb away from underweight is not actually underweight.

    Nice work! ;)
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I'd love to know why all the haters clicked on this post in the first place It is called 'How I got my 6 pack' after all? And 0.6lb away from underweight is not actually underweight.

    Nice work! ;)

    Hehe good question. Thanks! i love your ab photo! These chicks have yet to post theirs.. still waiting :/
  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member
    I'd love to know why all the haters clicked on this post in the first place It is called 'How I got my 6 pack' after all? And 0.6lb away from underweight is not actually underweight.

    Nice work! ;)

    Hehe good question. Thanks! i love your ab photo! These chicks have yet to post theirs.. still waiting :/

    Thanks, I'm getting there, I was so excited to see the first lines! I'm so blessed that I don't carry much of my weight around my waist, so it's a real encouragement! Now for the butt and thighs....