5'9 or taller women



  • xStarryxEyedx
    I'm 5'9 and 139 pounds... My goal is 115 c:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I'm 5'9" and currently 153...not looking to loose so much as looking to trim up the waist and be less flubbery...
  • Storey621
    Storey621 Posts: 82 Member
    I am 5'9 and I have a medium sized frame. I am currently at 157 right now and my goal weight is 145-150. If you want your goal weight to be 150 then go for it! When you get to 160 and you love the way you look, than that would be the place to stop. My in-laws always tell me that 145 would be too skinny but I am not completely satisfied with myself right now and would regret if I didn't continue with the habits and patterns I am used to right now just because someone told me I should do otherwise. I think you are capable of looking at yourself in the mirror and knowing where a good place to stop is at a healthy weight.
  • Steph4454
    Steph4454 Posts: 164 Member
    I am 5'11'' and my goal for now is 180. I haven't seen OnE-derland in about 10 years. I'd be happy to just get there. Senior year of high school I was about 185 and people said I looked great. I'm sorry your family is not being supportive, that is really hard. Feel free to add me!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    5'11 aiming for 180ish. Maybe closer to 170? Not sure. Either way I am aiming for 19% body fat.
  • mandiibayybee
    I am 5'11 I am currently 250 and am looking to be around 150.. but if I feel happy and healthy a little graver than that. That's ok too!
  • jonniestark
    jonniestark Posts: 5 Member

    I'm 6'0" and my best weight, before I had children, was 180. I looked really good at that size and felt fantastic. So that's my goal, 180. It's going to be hard because I feel I have so much to lose and that it will be impossible, but I'm going to try and stay positive.

    Good luck to all,
  • zclark13
    zclark13 Posts: 135 Member
    At 52, I may be older than most that have posted, but I'm still 5'9". Haven't started shrinking yet! I started at 225 and am working to 169...to get out of the overweight category! When I got married I weighed 130. But that was 30 years and 3 kids ago! Pretty sure that won't happen!
  • panzerhaus
    panzerhaus Posts: 16
    I am so sorry your family is not supporting your desire for a healthier you :(
    I am 5'10 205 lbs and my next goal weight is 185 then I want to re-evaluate my goal. I am larger framed, curvy, and muscle easily (seriously i have some broad shoulders lol!) so my ideal weight my seem higher then someone else's. I think you should set a mini goal(s) and re-evaluate at that time (how you think you feel, look, maintainability, etc.....)
    Best of Luck to You!!!!
  • OhLibra
    OhLibra Posts: 221 Member
    I'm 5'9" and right now my goal weight is 170, but that is subject to change once I get close to reaching that goal.
  • rainwalkerSK
    Like pretty much everyone else, my goal weight isn't set in stone. I'm between 5'10 and 5'11, and I set my goal weight at 150, but that's pretty arbitrary. My first goal is to get to 174 so that I'm in the "healthy" weight range (yeah, I know, BMI is totally garbage, but I don't care) and then just keep doing what I'm doing-- working out, eating decently healthy food, see what happens.
  • thaislcrd
    thaislcrd Posts: 76 Member
    The ideal weight for your height depends on your body frame. Mine is large. I am 5'9" and can look skinny at 180 lbs, but my goal weight is 170 lbs.

    Body frame calculator:
  • ItsPorsha
    ItsPorsha Posts: 6
    I'm between 5'11" and 6'0" (its a CONSTANT debate) and my UGW is 155. Before my son I stayed around 180-185 but the lowest I got to was 165 and I LOVED it! I still had quite a bit of toning to do and some jiggle around my waist so I think 155 would be perfect. Perfect for me of course. Everyone will always have an opinion regardless if they think you're too thin or thick. When YOU'RE comfortable that's where you should be! I wish you (and everyone) much success in your weight loss journey!!!

    Anyone feel free to add me and drop a line/comment. That's what this is about right? Support!!
  • shmiracles
    shmiracles Posts: 105 Member
    hello tall ladies!

    i'm 5'9.5"
    i started at 222 and now i'm at 159
    i would like to have a permanent forever weight in the 147 to 150 range
    i have a small upper body frame and very healthy and naturally strong/thick looking legs. (i can't ever wear knee high boots! they can never fit over my calf!) so i think the more weight i lose, just the more "athletic" i end up looking.

    and i'm not complaining!
    i'm grateful everyday that i can buy clothes at a regular store again. and it's true that losing this weight has given me large parts of my life back that i was missing.

    also, without changing anything else, a 10 lb further weight loss would cut approx 9 min off my marathon time. or so i hear.

    i'm sorry your family isn't recognizing you as an inspiration and example of positive possibilities. but man, aren't families wonderfully complex!? all these built in automatic relationships that have all kinds of possibilities for baggage and complications. sometimes they take more than the give, sometimes they don't give or take anything. i hope with time they are less threatened by your achievements and some of them can be proud of your successes.

    but if not, keep good records!!! :) haha and take time to be grateful and proud of yourself as often as you can.
  • bbaker172
    bbaker172 Posts: 93
    I want to be 140lbs-150lbs, I'm at 182 and this is too big for me. I was 125lbs and I looked anorexic....135lbs was perfect, but I'm not 20 anymore, and I need to protect the bones now, so I would just be happy getting rid of the flab, tone everything up and be fit, and if that means that I'm 150lbs, then I'm 150lbs. So I will continue to eat healthy and work out 6 days a week and see where I end up at the end of the journey.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Started at 180
    Currently 150
    Ultimate Goal is 140
  • Danam48
    Danam48 Posts: 129 Member
    I am 5'10" and started at 286. Want to lose 100 pounds as my first goal. 14 years ago I got down to 180 and felt amazing. I am definitely open to getting to 170-160 range though. One step at at time for this girl! :)
  • ash1rose
    ash1rose Posts: 3
    My doctor told me she would be happy if I got down to 200lbs. I would rather be at 180 if at all possible (call me vain, but I want to see that initial '1'), but I have significant weight to lose, so I'd be happy to see a '2' at this point. I have a friend who is my exact height who is under 150, so I think it depends on your body type.
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    I am 6'0" and started at 194 (193 on here), and am currently down to 166. Slowing down some now but am working towards a goal around 155-160, wherever I feel comfortable in that zone.
  • LifeChangingExp
    im 5'9.. no goal weight set. I figured once i feel comfortable then ill put myself on maint.