

  • sarahi2009
    sarahi2009 Posts: 285 Member

    1. Get my running in at lunch time (3x this week)
    2. Do my strength training this week (3x)

    Let's do it!1
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Yay for a new week (and month)! Here are my challenges/goals for the week starting today:

    1) Exercise 6 days
    2) Walk 10 miles
    3) Keep sodium below maximum
    4) Eat at least 3 servings fruit/veg a day (not much I know but for me this will be a challenge)

    Checking in for yesterday:

    1) 1/7
    2) 3 miles down
    3) Below max today Yay!
    4) 3 servings (salad, corn on cob and apple)

    So far I'm on track for today. Will get a workout in later tonight. Have a great week everyone!!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    So proud of everyone for coming back week to week and for being so supportive, as always. You guys rock! Newbies, I hope you realize how awesome this group is and come back anytime you need the support and challenge of meeting your goals week to week.

    Oh, and Mak, YOU CAN DO IT. I KNOW IT!

    Now, I am super tired tonight, so I won't comment on everyone's awesome goals; but I'll be back on tomorrow to see how well you've done with them.

    My progress:
    1. Keep up with Chalean's schedule per my modifications with the cardio. -yes, push 1, week 3 today.
    2. Take some time each day for myself. -aside from exercise, I also spent some time at lunch playing suduko. Yay.
    3. Spend some quality time with the hubby and child. We don't get much time these days all together, so when I can, I'm going to take advantage of it.-heading off now to watch Cars with the family. Gotta love a good Disney flick!
  • littlemount
    Good evening my mini goal friends, totally stuck to my goals. I think I set my goals where my comfort zone is I need to go beyond.
    How has everyone's day been?
    I had about 80oz of water, calories 1200 with difficulty need to stay away from the fridge at night.
    Exercises- did Gary's strength training exercises in am and brisk cardio in pm.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello all my Mini Goalers :happy: Hope you all had a wonderful Monday! Mine wasn’t particularly great... work BLAH. But enough about me…. Let’s talk about all of you FABLOUS people!

    La_nanita – Good idea with the water. Master 8 before you try for more. Great job with your P90X’ing! Keep it up.

    Bhurley1424 – Great goals again, and way to get them all in Sunday! 3 miles down is GREAT. Keep it up.

    LA_proud – Welcome pick some goals to work on and check in when you can. We are always here for support!

    Ittee – Thanks!! The BLTS are kickin my bootie!!! But I’m still working at it, and that’s the key right! You did so AMAZING last week I know you can do just as amazing this week!

    Philosohoe – Great job last week. And I saw your weigh in this week … YOU ROCKED IT! So so so proud of you and all the hard work you put it.

    Hearts♥Desire – Great job checking in everyday! Keep it up. Way to stick with your goals for another week. HUGGS and thanks for your Monday morning shout out. I saw it this morning when I got to work and it put a HUGE smile on my face.

    KrisPage – Welcome back Kris, thanks for the friend request :happy: I’m been a little stall too, but we are going to stick to our guns and keep working it… right!!!

    Sarahi2009 – Great goals this week. Good luck getting your run in during lunch!

    Ladygloria – What would I do without you?!? HUGGS!! LOVE LOVE LOVE suduko. Way to get some you time & family done. I’d say you nailed your goals. Keep it up.

    Littlemount – nice job today!! You totally rocked your goals today. I had a CRUMMY day at work… But I’m feeling much better now that I’m home (and I had a pretty good dinner :laugh:) that always helps! Plus checking in with all of you puts a smile on my face.

    Monday check in:
    1. 30DS – Day 12 CHECK. Another day of L2.
    2. Get in 3 non 30DS workouts in – 1/3 so far this week
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – Two big check marks!
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – OK I really think my co-worker is trying to test me! Peanut M&M’s, my favorite… SIGH. BUT I only had a couple, so I feel better that when I do snack I’m not overloading like I would have in the past. So that’s a plus to me.
    5. Get my weekends under control - been eating out WAY too much on the weekends lately. – Keep you all posted on this one.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Monday check-in:
    1.Logged my food - yes!
    2. exercised - yes!
    3. bed by 10 - 15 minutes to go, but I'll be there :)

    I hope everyone had a great Monday. I love checking in with you guys :heart: It definitely keeps me on track and knowing how hard you're all trying to succeed makes me want to work just as hard. Thanks for all the great support. Talk to you all tomorrow :flowerforyou:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Sunday Check-in:

    1. Great water intake today! Not so good on food/logging as I'd hoped today.
    2. Rest Day but did a TON of cleaning at my Sisters house..whew!
    3. Still working on Refocusing.......:laugh:
    4. Here I am checking in despite the food not logged completely and less than stellar choices. BUT I have kept this goal all week long!:drinker: :tongue:

    Looking forward to a brand new week with newcomers and regulars alike!:smooched:
    ....I plan on keeping the same goals for another week..:heart:

    **My Goals for this week (10/2-10/8)**

    1 - Track food daily, make healthier choices
    2 - Workout 4-5 days this week
    3 - Stay FOCUSED on the Game!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had

    ** Monday Check-in**

    1. Tracked my food, wasn't grandly happy with my choices today but it is what it was.. logged in the a.m. Creating healthier choices......I feel SO much better when I do, much more energy! Great on the water though!
    2. Great workout and run after
    3. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4. Checking in, so glad I'm following through with this one faithfully, even if I'm struggling a bit with the food choices at some meals, knowing #4 is getting done daily feels awesome!!

    Hope everyone had a good start to the week, love being here with you all it keeps me more accountable!:smooched: :flowerforyou:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My goals:
    Follow chalean schedule adding in 3 abs, and 5 swims: did nothing today, which I technically get a rest day, but today wasn't supposed to be it. I'm stressed and shuttung down
    3 fruits/veggies: Two servings
    Calories, with fat less/at 25%: went over calories and went over fat
    Don't emotionally eat this week: already failed at this, went to Red Robin tonight and ate like a pig

    Yeah, so day one is an EPIC FAIL for me :mad: And it started out so well, went down to my goal weight (now I'm thinking lower), fit into my little pants I haven't been able to wear for 4 years. *sigh* :sad:
    That's why there's tomorrow, right?
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Quick check in for Monday.

    1) Exercise - 2/7
    2) 3.5 miles today - 6.5/10
    3) 3 fruits/veggies - hmm don't think I quite made this. I had veggies at lunch but only a few pieces - probably not a serving.:ohwell:
    4) Sodium is under. :bigsmile:

    Ittee - That's right - tomorrow is a new day!!! Don't let today get you down, you'll do better tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

    heartsdesire - good job on the logging and the water!! great run also!

    Mak01 - Ugh peanut M&M's are my absolute faveorite! I can't remember the last time I had them. Oh man - now I want some. :smile: great job on only eating a few though, don't know if I could have!

    great job everyone! Keep up the good work.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Monday started out pretty well, but then took an ugly turn for several of us. I believe it was the dark clouds and the cold, cold wind that started blowing through our Indian Summer Valley around 5:00 this evening. I knew it was going to be a tough night when my car thermometer said it was only 72 degrees as I was driving into almost pitch black clouds hanging over my friend's house where we were supposed to swim. As if Poe himself had written out the course of the evening, sure enough the wind had taken on a chilling bite, too cold to swim. I drive home, so hungry from yesterday's extra workouts that I'm practically chewing out the insides of my cheeks. I open the front door, and what greets me there? A huge bucket of KFC and all the fixin's. Red, white, and black salty doom calling my name. And I succumbed to it's siren song. The end.:sick:

    However, it was grilled; I took off the skins, avoided the mac & cheese, didn't add any gravy or butter to anything. Could have been worse:laugh:

    Monday night check in:
    1) Exercise 5 days including 1 workout video (probably ChaleanX)--check 1/5 elliptical saved the day
    2) Keep macronutrient ratio at 50:25:25 for Carbs/Protein/Fat--pretty close for the first day 51.5/22.9/25.5
    3) Sodium under 2000--almost; 2089 (actually probably higher because I think one of my diary numbers was off)
    4) Get at least a 3500 calorie deficit total for the week--453 so far

    Mondays can be rough for lots of reasons. It makes me feel better to check in with everyone and know that I'm not the only one in the "ouch" phase. Here's hugs to a better Tuesday. Hang in there everyone!
  • editorsc
    Hi all!!! I'm friends with Philosohoe and she looks awesome. Her pants are about to fall off. She is a great motivator and is my inspiration to join this group.

    My goals:
    1. Buy a new battery for my scale.
    2. Log in every day.
    3. Cut down on soda. Two a day ONLY.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Hi everybody! better late than never!

    Thanks for your nice words and best wishes. The wedding ceremony was short and sweet. Hopefully, we'll be able to have a religious ceremony in the future and both of our families will be there.

    [whine mode on] seeing the pictures was incredibly disappointing. I have worked so hard for the 13lbs I've lost that I wish it would show at least a bit...but nope...I'm trying to remind myself that I know I'm on the right path and I just have to keep my eyes on the goal, but I'm still disappointed [whine mode off]

    Let's forget about monday...Tuesday check-in:

    1- Keep up Chalean X schedule - done! it was a rest day :laugh:
    2- 5 fruits/veggies a day - done!
    3- Have a glass of water before every meal - fail!

    PS: lttee: thanks for the advice! It does sound like good advice to me too! :laugh:
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Tuesday Check-in:
    1. Logging everything today, still have a few calories left.
    2. Walked with my work buddies this morning.
    3. Bed by 10 - shouldn't be a problem :)

    I'm sorry some of you are having a rough week so far. It happens to all of us at some time or other. Just remember that the fact that you're here, reporting in and being accountable will keep you moving in the right direction. I'm sending Huggs to all of you and I'm hoping that the rest of your week will go better :heart:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Hi all!!! I'm friends with Philosohoe and she looks awesome. Her pants are about to fall off. She is a great motivator and is my inspiration to join this group.

    My goals:
    1. Buy a new battery for my scale.
    2. Log in every day.
    3. Cut down on soda. Two a day ONLY.
    Welcome Welcome!! We LOVE getting new group members jumping in... happy you've decided to join us on our cool Lil weekly mini-goals.:flowerforyou:

    Plus, any friend of Philosohoe's is definitely a friend of mine!!:wink::smooched:

    Ohhh and Philosohoe?? Pull your pants up!!! Or we'll all have to start singing... :laugh:

    YAY for pants on the ground because of hard work and weigh loss Gang!! Now THAT'S a reason to have your pants on the ground.:glasses: :tongue:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Sunday Check-in:

    1. Great water intake today! Not so good on food/logging as I'd hoped today.
    2. Rest Day but did a TON of cleaning at my Sisters house..whew!
    3. Still working on Refocusing.......:laugh:
    4. Here I am checking in despite the food not logged completely and less than stellar choices. BUT I have kept this goal all week long!:drinker: :tongue:

    Looking forward to a brand new week with newcomers and regulars alike!:smooched:
    ....I plan on keeping the same goals for another week..:heart:

    **My Goals for this week (10/2-10/8)**

    1 - Track food daily, make healthier choices
    2 - Workout 4-5 days this week
    3 - Stay FOCUSED on the Game!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had

    ** Monday Check-in**

    1. Tracked my food, wasn't grandly happy with my choices today but it is what it was.. logged in the a.m. Creating healthier choices......I feel SO much better when I do, much more energy! Great on the water though!
    2. Great workout and run after
    3. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4. Checking in, so glad I'm following through with this one faithfully, even if I'm struggling a bit with the food choices at some meals, knowing #4 is getting done daily feels awesome!!

    Hope everyone had a good start to the week, love being here with you all it keeps me more accountable!:smooched: :flowerforyou:

    **Tues. Check-in**

    1. Conscious eating, some good choices, some less than healthy food but still feeling in control. I love the fact that I'm learning I CAN be and that it is possible to stay in control with less than healthy food. Though it's a fine line I'm finding and sometimes not worth the balancing act in case I tip to the other side.:tongue::laugh: Still working on the water and will continue drinking into the night. :laugh: Since I'm not much of a drinker, it's water that I'll be drinking into the night...just saying.:wink:

    2. Pilates today for my workout, my knees started bothering me after due to some extra :blushing: sodium eating yesterday (amazing how I now can tell more than 1500 mg for me begins to effect my joints and my body simply doesn't need for more than 1500mg of it. I used to keep it at 2500 or below but once my body got used to the lower amount it showed me how appreciative it was and that it really does much prefer 1500 or less (which I'm finding without processed food is not all that hard to stay under, I typically am under 1000 easily). I found the same thing going on with sugars, they really effect my joints if eaten in excess. Painful? Heck Yea! But guess that's how my body reacts and sends it's signals so I listen!:blushing: :laugh: I love the lessons it's been teaching me on my journey to a healthier life. I imagine it's been yelling at me for some time now, so glad I've decided to finally listen!!:wink:

    3. Every day my goal is to REFOCUS and begin anew, good day or less than good I want to make it a daily thing, to be aware & very conscience of my choices.

    4. It's that time again, me keeping my Goal of checking in daily:drinker: This goal has really gotten me to push through many a night I've wanted to head to bed, put off logging etc., so...yay for this group and our goal setting!!!

    You all are the best, the best group I've ever been apart of on here because it's been kept simple, friendly, kind and encouraging. I've never heard a negative word toward another yet & doubt I ever will on our Mini Goal Challenge group!

    Love you guys:smooched: , really you make me smile when I come to check-in and when I read and when I go about my day thinking more consciously because of this group.

  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Littlemount, sometimes we have to push ourselves out of our comfort zone; however, there is something to be said about repeating comfortable goals to keep the habit as well. Maybe next week you can add one goal that is pushing it while keeping up the familiar ones? Great work on your goals so far!

    Mak, you are so sweet. HUGS right back to ya! Suduko is a nightly addiction. I have it on my phone and so I try to play for a few minutes each night. It was a luxury to have so much time to do it at lunch yesterday. I’m so impressed that you only had a few peanut m&ms. I have trouble avoiding the peanut butter ones myself. Good job on your goals and you will totally rock it this weekend!

    Danlyn, it is great to have accountability partners, isn’t it? With this many people regularly coming and joining the party, I feel guilty if I don’t check in or don’t do what I said I would. It keeps me going even when I’m tired and don’t want to. Good job on your goals!

    Hearts Desire, great job on your goals. Even if you don’t always get it 100%, you are still doing so wonderfully and have come so far! BTW, thanks for getting that song in my head. LOL! Your progress on your goals is awesome and I’m always glad to have your positive energy around here. It is nice to have such a great supportive group around here. Glad you’re a part of it as well.

    Lttee, sometimes you have to listen to your body. Anytime you start something new, it can require more rest than you’re used to and you have been pushing yourself super hard! Don’t shut down. Just take baby steps and try to make as many healthy choices as you can. Remember, we all have set backs. This is a lifestyle change and we have to allow ourselves to live. :)

    Bhurley1424, great job on the goals! The fruit/veggie goal is so difficult. I need to add that back myself, but it’s hard as the seasons change and less options are available of things I actually enjoy eating. Good thing I’m always a fruit fan.

    Philosohoe, it sounds like you made the best of a potentially super charged sodium meal. Way to restrain yourself from the extra items that would you thrown you over for the day. I think you had a wonderful Monday and no doubt you’ll report in soon with a fabulous Tuesday. Keep up the good work!

    Editorsc, welcome and we’re glad to have you. She has been doing amazing. Glad to hear it’s paying off. Great goals for the week. You can definitely meet them.

    Papillion, congrats and welcome back! Keep yourself focused on how much you are changing yourself and the rest will come. Then you can be a smoking hot bride when you have the religious ceremony. Great job getting back in the game with your goals.

    My goals:
    1. Keep up with Chalean's schedule per my modifications with the cardio.-did Burn Intervals today. My arms are going to fall off and I was sweating bullets.
    2. Take some time each day for myself.-today it was exercise and some goofing off on facebook games.
    3. Spend some quality time with the hubby and child. We don't get much time these days all together, so when I can, I'm going to take advantage of it.-played and read a book with the child when I got home and now watching West World with the hubby while watching the little one color.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Monday was a fail so I am not even going to go there....

    Lets talk Tuesday:
    1) P90X: 2/7 - Did not get up in the morning before work but I just got done with them and I am OK with that.
    2) 64oz Water: 2/7
    3) Bed: 3/7
    4) Breakfast: 3/7

    Ladygloria/Danlyn - I too feel guilty if I dont do what I say I am going to do! Also, I am slowly adding all of you as friends and that too helps me stay accountable. The reason I like to add a few friends at a time is so that I can stay connected with everyone and not overwhelmed.

    Everyone - Thanks for being there for me!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    So No walk Monday or Tuesday but good painting workout at home still trying to finish construction project from 2 weekends ago. Monday was a 879 calorie deficit day. And tonight is alread over 1000 deficit before bed so even with out the workout I an doing ok for my goals.
    NSV for the day went to buy some new work pants because a coworker said the ones I was wearing were going to fall off soon and I bought 4 new pair of size 16!!!! Haven't seen that size in a few years so super proud and excited. Considering the pants I bought for this job in Nov 2010 were all size 20 or 22 I wanted to do flips!!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    double post again sorry
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    HeartsDesire: what a positive posting and then a great check in!

    Sorry not commenting much this week, stressful day again, but rest of week should be back on track.
    My goals:
    Follow chalean schedule adding in 3 abs, and 5 swims: did nothing today but to be fair knew I wouldn't (this was planned)
    3 fruits/veggies: Three servings cuz I'm counting my chocolate covered raisins darn it!
    Calories, with fat less/at 25%: not even close
    Don't emotionally eat this week: failed twice in a row. Tomorrow is a planned nonstress day. We'll see if the day agrees with my plans