

  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Thursday Check In:

    1) P90X: 3.25/90 - Did not do the abs part, but I am OK with that
    2) Water: 4/7
    3) Bed: 4/7
    4) Breakfast: 5/7

    Today was better although my dinner choice was not that healthy. I was set on eating as soon as I got home from work so that I would have 1.5-2 hours before I worked out. With a stay at home husband you would think there would be dinner ready for me?!?! But NOOO, I had to come home and make something for myself!! GRRR he does not help with the stress level...
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Sunday Check-in:

    1. Great water intake today! Not so good on food/logging as I'd hoped today.
    2. Rest Day but did a TON of cleaning at my Sisters house..whew!
    3. Still working on Refocusing.......:laugh:
    4. Here I am checking in despite the food not logged completely and less than stellar choices. BUT I have kept this goal all week long!:drinker: :tongue:

    Looking forward to a brand new week with newcomers and regulars alike!:smooched:
    ....I plan on keeping the same goals for another week..:heart:

    **My Goals for this week (10/2-10/8)**

    1 - Track food daily, make healthier choices
    2 - Workout 4-5 days this week
    3 - Stay FOCUSED on the Game!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had

    ** Monday Check-in**

    1. Tracked my food, wasn't grandly happy with my choices today but it is what it was.. logged in the a.m. Creating healthier choices......I feel SO much better when I do, much more energy! Great on the water though!
    2. Great workout and run after
    3. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4. Checking in, so glad I'm following through with this one faithfully, even if I'm struggling a bit with the food choices at some meals, knowing #4 is getting done daily feels awesome!!

    Hope everyone had a good start to the week, love being here with you all it keeps me more accountable!:smooched: :flowerforyou:

    **Tues. Check-in**

    1. Conscious eating, some good choices, some less than healthy food but still feeling in control. I love the fact that I'm learning I CAN be and that it is possible to stay in control with less than healthy food. Though it's a fine line I'm finding and sometimes not worth the balancing act in case I tip to the other side.:tongue::laugh: Still working on the water and will continue drinking into the night. :laugh: Since I'm not much of a drinker, it's water that I'll be drinking into the night...just saying.:wink:

    2. Pilates today for my workout, my knees started bothering me after due to some extra :blushing: sodium eating yesterday (amazing how I now can tell more than 1500 mg for me begins to effect my joints and my body simply doesn't need for more than 1500mg of it. I used to keep it at 2500 or below but once my body got used to the lower amount it showed me how appreciative it was and that it really does much prefer 1500 or less (which I'm finding without processed food is not all that hard to stay under, I typically am under 1000 easily). I found the same thing going on with sugars, they really effect my joints if eaten in excess. Painful? Heck Yea! But guess that's how my body reacts and sends it's signals so I listen!:blushing: :laugh: I love the lessons it's been teaching me on my journey to a healthier life. I imagine it's been yelling at me for some time now, so glad I've decided to finally listen!!:wink:

    3. Every day my goal is to REFOCUS and begin anew, good day or less than good I want to make it a daily thing, to be aware & very conscience of my choices.

    4. It's that time again, me keeping my Goal of checking in daily:drinker: This goal has really gotten me to push through many a night I've wanted to head to bed, put off logging etc., so...yay for this group and our goal setting!!!

    You all are the best, the best group I've ever been apart of on here because it's been kept simple, friendly, kind and encouraging. I've never heard a negative word toward another yet & doubt I ever will on our Mini Goal Challenge group!

    Love you guys:smooched: , really you make me smile when I come to check-in and when I read and when I go about my day thinking more consciously because of this group.


    **Weds. Check-in**

    1. Did some logging, want to get more water than today but did OK. Still battling a bit with food choices. Not sure if I'm expecting to much from myself (perfection?) or I'm simply having a few 'days' being off kilter. :ohwell:
    2. no workout (wow, did I ever miss it!)
    3. I think it's time I sit down and reevaluate my goals, might help me focus a bit instead of simply typing the word. LOL
    4. Checking in here and heading to bed.

    Love you guys, big hugs!!!:smooched:

    **Thurs. Check-in

    1. Logged all the food, still working on my water. Sodium was way higher than typical for me. EEEK! I try to keep it under 1500 and it was 2300 and I didn't eat all that much. Looks like the TJ's stuff is going back, usually I'm very good at checking sodium on foods but this time, I guess not so much. I can't see eating a plain ole flour tortilla for nearly 500 mg of sodium.. all tasted weirdly salty too..little did I know! Glad they take things back if you don't like them.

    Since cutting back my sodium some time back I can sooo taste the salt in foods, so if there's a lot in it, it's nasty to me now. Strange way back when I was eating junk I never noticed things were so salty but I sure do now. Anyone else notice that? Same with sweet...

    2. no workout :( so sad.... Friday I'll be working out though! YAY
    3. hm... got nothing (to type here.. lol)
    4. Checking in for the night, Good night all!:smooched:

    Woo's almost Friday!:love:
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Mak Just Deserts Wed night on Bravo simply amazing and yummy looking I just watch and drool!!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Papillon22 – Great job with your goals on Wednesday! Congrats on getting in your water before your meals!

    Ittee – Thanks so much for the support! Evil tempting M&M’s, why do you call to me?

    La_nanita – Yeah P90X at night is tough! The ab ripper is really difficult, I had to work my way up to it. I know some people that did it first before the other part of the video. You are doing great with all your other goals, keep it up! Husbands do have a way of adding stress to the day don’t they.

    Danlyn – Great job with the walking and getting your bed time. I know you can rock your logging. Enjoy your last camping trip of the year. I hope you have a great weekend too! Good luck with your goals on your trip.

    Hearts♥Desire – 500mg of sodium in a tortilla! What kind are these? I notice the really salty sometimes and I’m really sensitive to artificial sweetners, and I’ve noticed that more recently as well. YAY for Friday :happy:

    KrisPage – I’ll be checking it out for sure!!

    Thursday check in:
    1. 30DS – Day 14 CHECK.
    2. Get in 3 non 30DS workouts in – still at 3/3. Got in a nice walk/jog in with the dog. So fun.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – Brought the snacks, not the lunch. But I bought a salad from the cafeteria at work, and that’s what I would have brought, so it’s kind of ¾ success :laugh:
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – Avoided the M&M’s like the plague! But I did have a celebratory cookie at my meeting. A co-worker became a grandmother, so I thought a celebratory cookie was in order.
    5. Get my weekends under control - been eating out WAY too much on the weekends lately. – plan in progress!

    Have a great night everyone!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi everyone! Late check in - on my way to bed. Foodwise, not such a good day. :blushing: too much sweets - but it was my hubby's birthday so we indulged a bit. :happy:

    1) Exercise 6 days - on day 5 of exercise
    2) Walk 10 miles - none today but up to 9.5 already.
    3) 3 servings fruits/veggies - Ahhh - nope! Well, unless the salad I had at lunch counts as more than 1? Hmmm ---
    4) Sodium - Yay - at least this was under!! Was over on just about everything else I track!

    Thank god it's Friday!!! So looking forward to the weekend. Hubby and I get a night out on Saturday while Grandma babysits. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Mind you, we're going out to eat so maybe another not so good day. I'll have to try to be good during the day.

    Krispage - I've seen that Just deserts - I just love those shows! I'm addicted to Cupcake Wars myself!

    Mak - I think that salad counts! You would have had that anyway so what's the difference? :happy: Yay for avoiding the M&M's again! I also, indulged in a cookie at work which I should not have done but oh well! It was good!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    bhurley: so happy you're going out on Saturday. Have fun!

    MAK: so glad you've a plan in progress and that you enjoyed some pet activity time

    Krispage: I couldn't watch those shows. Sweets are my weakness and if I saw them I would want them.

    HeartsDesire: I haven't noticed any salty foods yet, can't wait for that day though.

    la_nanita: glad you're rocking the P90X, sorry you don't have dinner waiting for you. I had a stay at home husband once who frustrated me...

    My goals:
    Follow chalean schedule adding in 3 abs, and 5 swims: day 2 of following a schedule- did a chalean burn it off (couldn't breathe for 27 minutes but got through and gave it my all) and the recharge (so nice afterwards)
    3 fruits/veggies: yes, and over, and on veggies too!
    Calories, with fat less/at 25%: outside of sodium, did really good today. Would still like fat to be a little lower.
    Don't emotionally eat this week: yep, feels good to get back on track

    Philosohoe gave me a NSV today (but she's awesome to me anyhow). She thought that my stomach was a goal (yet to be achieved), when really it is a motivation to improve upon. So I've already achieved something she thought I was aspiring for.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Ittee's quote: "Philosohoe gave me a NSV today (but she's awesome to me anyhow). She thought that my stomach was a goal (yet to be achieved), when really it is a motivation to improve upon. So I've already achieved something she thought I was aspiring for."

    Just to be perfectly clear about this ladies, the stomach to which I was referring is the incredibly cute and skinny tummy in Ittee's ticker. I thought THAT was her "I wanna get there" pic. No. That's her "This is where I am and I need to make it a six pack" pic. Just thought you should know.

    Way too late Thursday night check in:
    1) Exercise 5 days including 1 workout video (probably ChaleanX)--check 4/5
    2) Keep macronutrient ratio at 50:25:25 for Carbs/Protein/Fat--42.2/25.8/32.1 too much fat, better on protein
    3) Sodium under 2000--nope still 2/7 but I started cramping really badly during the last few minutes of elliptical, so I ate something to boost up my sodium to hopefully help me sleep through the night.
    4) Get at least a 3500 calorie deficit total for the week-2422 so far.

    Thank goodness it's finally Friday! I've been begging people at work to tell me it's Friday since Tuesday. Hope it's a great one for all! Good night Awesomest Group Ever!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    lttee: isn't burn it off deadly?! and recharge is heavenly, so it's a good combo. Well done! and I'm curious about your tummy! it sounds like it should be your profile pic!

    Thursday (super late) check-in:

    1- Keep up Chalean X schedule - rest day.
    2- 5 fruits/veggies a day - done!
    3- Have a glass of water before every meal - done two days in a row! oh my!

    well done, everyone! have a nice weekend!
  • littlemount
    Super super late check in for thursday

    cal- did not log calories accurately too much of snacks all day
    water- above 64 oz
    Exercise- none

    Hope to catch up with Zumba today and logging with mindful eating.
    Catch up with everyone in the evening.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    lttee: isn't burn it off deadly?! and recharge is heavenly, so it's a good combo. Well done! and I'm curious about your tummy! it sounds like it should be your profile pic!

    Thursday (super late) check-in:

    1- Keep up Chalean X schedule - rest day.
    2- 5 fruits/veggies a day - done!
    3- Have a glass of water before every meal - done two days in a row! oh my!

    well done, everyone! have a nice weekend!

    Papillon: you're so wonderful for being able to keep up the schedule. burn it off is deadly and recharge is heavenly, completely agree!! Great job on your goals!

    littlemount: hope you get in some zumba today, and rested plenty after your late post
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    tried to make it my profile pic, but it doesn't look right with how the site crops. It is on my profile pics now though. Anyhow, it's my ticker.
  • littlemount
    lttee-Your ticker is very good I think you hardly have any weight to lose right ?
    check in friday 10/7-
    Calories- under 1200
    Zumba class- done.

    What are everyone's plan for the weekend ?
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Sunday Check-in:

    1. Great water intake today! Not so good on food/logging as I'd hoped today.
    2. Rest Day but did a TON of cleaning at my Sisters house..whew!
    3. Still working on Refocusing.......:laugh:
    4. Here I am checking in despite the food not logged completely and less than stellar choices. BUT I have kept this goal all week long!:drinker: :tongue:

    Looking forward to a brand new week with newcomers and regulars alike!:smooched:
    ....I plan on keeping the same goals for another week..:heart:

    **My Goals for this week (10/2-10/8)**

    1 - Track food daily, make healthier choices
    2 - Workout 4-5 days this week
    3 - Stay FOCUSED on the Game!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had

    ** Monday Check-in**

    1. Tracked my food, wasn't grandly happy with my choices today but it is what it was.. logged in the a.m. Creating healthier choices......I feel SO much better when I do, much more energy! Great on the water though!
    2. Great workout and run after
    3. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4. Checking in, so glad I'm following through with this one faithfully, even if I'm struggling a bit with the food choices at some meals, knowing #4 is getting done daily feels awesome!!

    Hope everyone had a good start to the week, love being here with you all it keeps me more accountable!:smooched: :flowerforyou:

    **Tues. Check-in**

    1. Conscious eating, some good choices, some less than healthy food but still feeling in control. I love the fact that I'm learning I CAN be and that it is possible to stay in control with less than healthy food. Though it's a fine line I'm finding and sometimes not worth the balancing act in case I tip to the other side.:tongue::laugh: Still working on the water and will continue drinking into the night. :laugh: Since I'm not much of a drinker, it's water that I'll be drinking into the night...just saying.:wink:

    2. Pilates today for my workout, my knees started bothering me after due to some extra :blushing: sodium eating yesterday (amazing how I now can tell more than 1500 mg for me begins to effect my joints and my body simply doesn't need for more than 1500mg of it. I used to keep it at 2500 or below but once my body got used to the lower amount it showed me how appreciative it was and that it really does much prefer 1500 or less (which I'm finding without processed food is not all that hard to stay under, I typically am under 1000 easily). I found the same thing going on with sugars, they really effect my joints if eaten in excess. Painful? Heck Yea! But guess that's how my body reacts and sends it's signals so I listen!:blushing: :laugh: I love the lessons it's been teaching me on my journey to a healthier life. I imagine it's been yelling at me for some time now, so glad I've decided to finally listen!!:wink:

    3. Every day my goal is to REFOCUS and begin anew, good day or less than good I want to make it a daily thing, to be aware & very conscience of my choices.

    4. It's that time again, me keeping my Goal of checking in daily:drinker: This goal has really gotten me to push through many a night I've wanted to head to bed, put off logging etc., so...yay for this group and our goal setting!!!

    You all are the best, the best group I've ever been apart of on here because it's been kept simple, friendly, kind and encouraging. I've never heard a negative word toward another yet & doubt I ever will on our Mini Goal Challenge group!

    Love you guys:smooched: , really you make me smile when I come to check-in and when I read and when I go about my day thinking more consciously because of this group.


    **Weds. Check-in**

    1. Did some logging, want to get more water than today but did OK. Still battling a bit with food choices. Not sure if I'm expecting to much from myself (perfection?) or I'm simply having a few 'days' being off kilter. :ohwell:
    2. no workout (wow, did I ever miss it!)
    3. I think it's time I sit down and reevaluate my goals, might help me focus a bit instead of simply typing the word. LOL
    4. Checking in here and heading to bed.

    Love you guys, big hugs!!!:smooched:

    **Thurs. Check-in

    1. Logged all the food, still working on my water. Sodium was way higher than typical for me. EEEK! I try to keep it under 1500 and it was 2300 and I didn't eat all that much. Looks like the TJ's stuff is going back, usually I'm very good at checking sodium on foods but this time, I guess not so much. I can't see eating a plain ole flour tortilla for nearly 500 mg of sodium.. all tasted weirdly salty too..little did I know! Glad they take things back if you don't like them.

    Since cutting back my sodium some time back I can sooo taste the salt in foods, so if there's a lot in it, it's nasty to me now. Strange way back when I was eating junk I never noticed things were so salty but I sure do now. Anyone else notice that? Same with sweet...

    2. no workout :( so sad.... Friday I'll be working out though! YAY
    3. hm... got nothing (to type here.. lol)
    4. Checking in for the night, Good night all!:smooched:

    Woo's almost Friday!:love:

    **Friday Check-in**
    Popping in for a quick review of Friday

    1. Good foods all day and good water intake, I'll finish logging tomorrow as I'm not feeling well so I'm going to bed.
    2.Great workout and then ran in the water for awhile after, exhausted me but sure felt great!
    3. FOCUS'd again!!! & boy oh boy does it feel good!:love:
    4. Really proud of myself checking in with you all every single day ..gonna keep this goal for next week as well... it helps A LOT!

    You all are the best cheerleaders, I'm very grateful for each of you on this list. Together we are strong and continue to encourage one another!! :drinker:

    I'll catch up on comments to me and check in to see how everyone else is doing tomorrow if I'm feeling a bit better!:smooched:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Bhurley1424 – Happy birthday to your husband. Have fun on Saturday with your husband, enjoy your date night :happy: I’m a BIG fan of Cupcake wars too, and Chopped.

    Ittee – I’m aspiring for my stomach to look like yours!!!! FABLOUS! I’m glad you are feeling like your back on track. Sounds like you really gave it all during your workout! Keep up all the great work on your goals. Isn’t it interesting… if I was at home, the house would be cleaned, laundry done, dinner made. When my guy was out of work and at home during the day… not only was none of the above done, but he thought it would be a GREAT idea to tear apart our finished basement to re-finish it. Then decided it made more sense to tear apart our half bath and family room. We finally got the half bath and family room back in order (except I still don’t have blinds) but the basement is now unfinished and a MESS! GRRRRRRRR!!!

    Philosohoe – I agree thank goodness its Friday! Great job with your goals. You are doing such great work with your macros. I’m going to have to go looking through your diary and see how you are doing it. Hope your leg cramps didn’t interrupt your sleep.

    Papillon22 – WHHOOO HOOO!!! Way to get your water goal two days in a row. Great job, you are really rocking it this week.

    Littlemount – Great job getting a with Zumba today. Nice job Thursday and Friday, even though Thursday sounded a little tough! This weekend we are going to a fall fest bringing the dog. They have the usually fall frivolities for people, but they also have activities for the 4 legged visitors, there’s a doggie fashion show, doxie races, and a costume contest. It should be fun. Then Sunday I’m sure some football will be watched, but we have to get our house in order and cleaned top to bottom… MIL visit.

    Hearts♥Desire – I’m sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. Get some sleep and take care of you. Great job with your goals! So glad to hear you are refocused and feeling good. I’m so glad you are a part of the mini goals group you really are an awesome source of encouragement and positive energy. HUGGSS!!

    Friday check in:
    1. 30DS – Day 15 CHECK.
    2. Get in 3 non 30DS workouts in – 4/3. I was able to get in another nice walk/jog in with the dog. :happy:
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – I can literally keep the same answer from Thursday :laugh: brought the snacks, not the lunch, got a salad from the cafeteria for lunch.
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – 2 days in a row of M&M’s avoidance. Did not do so great at dinner… I had a bite(s) of everyone’s dinners.
    5. Get my weekends under control - been eating out WAY too much on the weekends lately. – So my plan, Part 1 I’m going to try and eat out 3 times (including Friday night dinner). Now that might seem like a lot but some weekends I eat out 7 meals. Part 2 pre-plan meals as best I can and try to make healthy choices. Part 3 stop eating off everyone’s plates (more BLTS) :laugh: Part 4 work out! So Friday night dinner we went to Olive Garden, I looked at the menu on line and decided on the Herb Grilled Salmon and the salad with lite dressing. Which I did in fact order, it was really good! I didn’t do so well with the eating off everyone’s plates. And I did work out. So with the exception of the BLTS I did OK. On a side note I only ate half of the piece of salmon.

    On other news I got my “friend” this afternoon, 10 days earlier than normal, and 3 days earlier then last month. <sigh>

    Hope you all had a great day and a great evening. Time to go watch some hockey!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    MAK: seeing that 60 on your ticker is such an inspiring feat!! Sucks about the basement. I'm so glad you have a plan for the weekend, and that you looked online prior to, that really helps me out as well.

    HeartsDesire: great job on your goals even if you aren't feeling well!! That takes hard work.

    littlemount: Yeah, I'm at my goal weight, debating on a little lower if I tone and feel that it's not satisfactory. Don't forget to eat, you go under and unless you're mini stature, nutrition is a good thing. So glad to see you on and interacting with us all. My weekends plans are pretty packed with family errands, workout with friends, pumpkin patch on Saturday, Disneyland on Sunday, and then who knows what on Monday (yay a day to do great fun stuff like grocery shop, laundry, etc :grumble: ).

    Some days I wish I were a kid again. When my son complains about one page of homework and no real other responsibilities, I'm envious. Or my dog, that would be a great life. Loved, pampered, brushed, fed and anything that I feel like. Sounds great!

    Okay, back to being focused....

    My goals:
    Follow chalean schedule adding in 3 abs, and 5 swims: day 3 of following a schedule- did a chalean burn 2 and ab burner. Been too cold to swim but weather is changing and swimming is back on this weekend

    3 fruits/veggies: nope, not even close. Staff breakfast combined with forgetting my lunch and eating breakfast leftovers wasn't good

    Calories, with fat less/at 25%: Not so hot on this one, but technically made it. So yay

    Don't emotionally eat this week: yep, still feel the need to make up for the two days in a row that I miserably failed this. Oh well, need to appreciate that I stopped after two days and am doing great. :drinker:
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    lttee: look at that tummy! it looks like my ideal one, well done! :flowerforyou:

    Friday (late and unwilling) check-in:

    1- Keep up Chalean X schedule - didn't feel like it, and chose not to do it. On top of that, I went over the calorie limit by about 600 calories :noway: Oh, well, today's a new day.

    2- 5 fruits/veggies a day - done!

    3- Have a glass of water before every meal - done only at dinner time.
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Taking a goal from MAK today-getting my weekend eating under control. Off to buy more fruit and ingredients to make lasagna rolls (vegetarian) for dinner tonight.

    Work has been crazy, busy but fun! Having a new principal at school that I admire and respect has recharged my soul this year : )

    My mom's health is slowly declining and this is hard especially since I don't love near.

    Have a great weekend!:heart:
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Friday was not that good, but not completely horrible. I did not get my P90X last night but I did it this morning, I plan on doing another one tonight and the final one tomorrow morning. If I achieve this I willl have actually done all of this week's workouts. So I have hope! I have decided to make my week Monday to Sunday since I re-started my P90x last Monday.

    I hope all of you have a great weekend!
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    hoping there is another challenge for the upcoming week. would love to participate
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    hoping there is another challenge for the upcoming week. would love to participate

    Every week we're here, glad you have you ladylu!

    la_nanita: great job already doing some exercise first thing this morning, and your weekend goal sounds spectacular.

    mrogers: isn't it amazing how wonderful a good principal can be? I love mine. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, how rough.

    papillon: thank you so much for your kind words. This group has helped me in so many ways. Don't worry about missing a day, you're strong and more than capable of making it up.